Friends of Captive Animals to Celebrate Milestone Anniversary with Local and National Animal Issue Speakers

Celebrating 5 years of changing lives of captive animals with speakers on animal issues. - March 21, 2012 - Friends of Captive Animals (FOCA)

Nashville Religion Communicators Council Fired Up to Hear from PR Master

The Nashville Religion Communicators Council is ready to learn from 20 year PR and marketing veteran Peter Woolfolk at their March meeting. - March 21, 2012 - Religion Communicators Council

Nominate a Local Hero for the Golden Grandmothers Award

Building Peaceful Families today issued a call for nominations for the 7th Annual Golden Grandmothers Recognition Award. A Golden Grandmother is a woman who has taken on the role of full-time parent to raise her own grandchildren. Nominations are due on or before Friday, April 6, 2012. The 50 grandmothers selected will be honored at a special awards luncheon on Friday, May 11, 2012. - March 21, 2012 - Building Peaceful Families

New General Counsel to Join Houston Housing Authority

The Houston Housing Authority has appointed Houston native, Karen Miniex as its new General Counsel. Miniex joined the Housing Authority on March 12 after owning her own law firm, which specialized in civil litigation including real estate and construction litigation. She brings a wealth of... - March 21, 2012 - Houston Housing Authority

GEF Institute’s Virtual Tour Highlights Online Sustainability Courses and Certification

Sustainability education available online for professional development or academic credit. - March 21, 2012 - Green Education Foundation (GEF)

St. Louis Area Welcomes Operation Kidsafe Free Child Safety Event

High tech unit like the FBI uses. Families get a lifetime set of digital fingerprints and a form ready to hand to law enforcement in an emergency. - March 20, 2012 - Operation Kidsafe

Peggy Robles-Alvarado to Perform at 2012 Womyn Warrior Banquet

Puerto Rican and Dominican published poet and educator, Peggy Robles-Alvarado is scheduled to perform at Casa Atabex Aché’s 2012 Womyn Warrior Banquet: “Rebirth of a Queen” on April 28, 2012. One of Peggy Robles-Alvarado’s most poignant and powerful works is her... - March 20, 2012 - Casa Atabex Aché Founder Endorses Matt Beebe in Texas HD-121 Founder Endorses Matt Beebe in Texas HD-121

In a surprise announcement today,’s founder, Michael Kinzie, announced his personal endorsement of Matt Beebe for the Texas House of Representatives in District 121 in the San Antonio area. Prior to today’s announcement, Kinzie had never before formally endorsed any candidate since his involvement in the TEA Party dating back to April 15, 2009. - March 19, 2012 -

Utah Physical Therapy Clinic Announces Free Assessments

Fast Track Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine, a Utah physical therapy clinic, is now offering free physical therapy assessments in their Salt Lake City clinic. Most patients do not need a referral from a doctor to see a physical therapist due to the Direct Access laws in Utah, so George Shirley,... - March 19, 2012 - Fast Track Physical Therapy

Setting Sail Toward Healthcare Savings - Cruise Shipping Miami Hosts Medical Tourism Association

Cruise Shipping Miami - the premier conference of the global cruise industry - hosted Medical Tourism Association President and Founder Renee-Marie Stephano Esq. at the Miami Beach Convention Center. Stephano’s presentation, “Health & Medical Tourism: What Fits In The Global Cruise... - March 19, 2012 - Medical Tourism Association™

Black Founders Kicks Off the "Ideas are Worthless" Conference in NYC

Black Founders will host the "Ideas are Worthless" Conference, an event to inspire, educate, and connect the burgeoning startup culture in New York, and address the digital gap in tech and the black community. - March 19, 2012 - Black Founders

877-HELP-4-HEP; a Peer Advocacy Success Story

The first week of February brought both good news and bad news to Mary*. She learned that her husband was an early responder to the powerful triple drug cocktail for hepatitis C. She also found out that their family’s state-sponsored health insurance coverage was going to be... - March 19, 2012 - The Support Partnership

Pink Slip Mid-Michigan Networking Employment Event

Work together with area businesses, schools, community leaders and others against Michigan's unemployment rate. With up to 76,000 available jobs in Michigan, these events help connect the hiring business with the correct employee. Pre-registration is encouraged at www.pinkslipmidmichigan. - March 18, 2012 - Pink Slip Mid-Michigan

Reaching Our Goal Provide Sports Teams and School Groups with Easy, Quick, and Profitable Fundraiser

Reaching Our Goal is a fundraising solution for schools and youth organizations that need money quickly, but don’t want to sell products. - March 18, 2012 - Reaching Our Goal

The NC Center for Women in Public Service Announces 2012 Women in Office Institute

Institute Prepares Women to Seek and Serve in Public Office - March 18, 2012 - NCCWPS

Supportful Foundation Advances Charitable Dentistry in U.S. with Dental-ful Program

Supportful Foundation Advances Charitable Dentistry in U.S. with Dental-ful Program

Innovative New Program Encourages Charitable Dentists by Subsidizing Costs of Restorative Dental Work for Underserved Individuals - March 17, 2012 - Supportful Foundation



SRO Expected for Second Annual DCIA-within-NAB Event - March 17, 2012 - Distributed Computing Industry Association

Free Child Safety Days in Waco with Operation Kidsafe

Latest all digital equipment will be on site. Same type that is used by the FBI. - March 17, 2012 - Operation Kidsafe

6th Annual EPIC Women's Leadership Conference for Women of Color Set for April 20-22

Nationally acclaimed keynote speakers representing various industries, will share executive leadership, finance, marketing, lifestyle, self development, success in careers and relationships, as well as spiritual insights, at the 6th Annual EPIC Women Leadership Conference. This event was created by Sabrina McKenzie Ministries. - March 17, 2012 - Sabrina McKenzie Ministries

Green Education Foundation (GEF) Promotes “Fix a Leak Week” with Viral Video

Fix a Leak Week is March 12 – 18, 2012 - March 17, 2012 - Green Education Foundation (GEF)

Humanity First USA Donates $14,000 to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency at New York "Dine for Humanity" Event

Humanity First USA presented a check of $14,000 to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) at the New York “Dine for Humanity” fundraising dinner on Wednesday, May 7, 2012. Richard Wright, the Director of UNRWA, accepted the check from Humanity First USA Operations Director... - March 17, 2012 - Humanity First

Enable America Announces Community Partnership with Regions Bank in Support of Disabled Veterans and Wounded Warriors

Enable America, the Tampa-based nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing employment opportunities for disabled persons, including disabled veterans and wounded warriors, announced today that Regions Bank has become a community partner in the mission to advance this goal. “Regions Bank... - March 17, 2012 - Enable America

Summit and Speaker Series Woman of Action: Key to Equity, Justice and Peace

A Celebration of Women TM Foundation Inc. holds a summit of Women of Action with a speaker series on the subject of global unity, empowerment of women and humanity, public service and positive personal transformation. - March 17, 2012 - A Celebration of Women

NJ Hindus Awaken to Hinduism’s Science, Denigration and "Digestion" at 10th March Hinduism Summit

13th Hinduism Summit in worldwide series comes to North America branded a success as audience learns about unique spiritual science underlying Hinduism, threats and assaults it faces, and how regular spiritual practice helps us live a better life. - March 17, 2012 - Forum for Hindu Awakening

Raising Children in Today’s Society with Tools from Church of Scientology

The importance of family life is a core belief of the Scientology religion. Read how a mother of four found answers at the Church of Scientology to help her raise her children. - March 17, 2012 - Church of Scientology Celebrity Centre Nashville

Putting More Pets in the Classroom

The Pets in the Classroom grant program awards more than 7,000 grants to eligible teachers. - March 17, 2012 - Pet Care Trust

Kansas City Welcomes Operation Kidsafe Free Kids Safety Event

Same unit that the FBI uses. Parents a lifetime set of digital fingerprints a form ready to hand to law enforcement. - March 16, 2012 - Operation Kidsafe

The 5th Annual National Conference on Blacks in Higher Education in Atlanta to Address Eliminating Health Disparities

The American Association of Blacks in Higher Education's (AABHE) 5th annual conference, "Healthy Communities through Access, Education, Research and Collaboration," is expected to draw a significant crowd to the Loews Atlanta Hotel on March 22-24. - March 16, 2012 - American Association of Blacks in Higher Education

Green Education Foundation (GEF) Launches New Website

Sustainability Education and Professional Development Even Easier to Find and Implement - March 16, 2012 - Green Education Foundation (GEF) is Calling All Trainers of Child Care Professionals is Calling All Trainers of Child Care Professionals is creating a comprehensive Learning Center for all child care professionals. - March 15, 2012 - Minute Menu Systems, LLC

Bishop G.A. Thompson of Jubilee Christian Church to Speak at World Overcomers Christian Church

Father of Senior Pastor Andy Thompson to Address Worshippers with a Message of God’s Eternal Kingdom on Sunday, March 18 - March 15, 2012 - World Overcomers Christian Church

North Carolina Veterinary Medical Association Sponsors North Carolina Zoo’s Wild Veterinary Camps

Young People Invited to Explore Science and Veterinary Medicine as They Apply to Wild Animals - March 15, 2012 - NCVMA

Mobile Health Africa Launched in Johannesburg in May to Discuss How Mobile Health Services Will Change Healthcare

South Africa is leading the way in launching mobile health (mHealth) services with some of the most successful and best known mHealth initiatives having been developed in this country. This is according to Andrea Monteiro, director of Mobile Health Africa, which will gather the leading minds in the... - March 15, 2012 - Mobile Health Africa

Congressman Roe’s “Services for Those Who Have Served” Veteran’s Event

The Tennessee Small Business Development Center (TSBDC) at ETSU and ETSU’s College of Business and Technology will host a free “Services for Those Who Have Served” Veteran’s Event on Friday, March 23 from 8:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. at the Millennium Centre, 2001 Millennium... - March 15, 2012 - Kingsport Office of Small Business Development & Entrepreneurship - KOSBE

Do You Like Running and Drinking? Running for Brews Comes to Macdintons

Starting Tuesday March 20th at 7pm, South Tampa's Macdintons will be hosting Running for Brews social group running club. The runners will be able to enjoy a beautiful route around Historic Hyde Park and then enjoy a multitude of drink specials provided by Macdintons. All levels of runners are welcome. - March 15, 2012 - Running for Brews

Celebrities Coming to Support HeartShare’s Spring Gala

Who: HeartShare Human Services of New York What: 2012 Spring Gala and Auction When: Thursday, March 22, 2012; Reception: 5:30 pm, Presentation of Awards: 7 pm Where: New York Marriott Marquis, 1535 Broadway, at 45th Street, New York, NY Scheduled to Attend: Golden Globe and Emmy Award nominee Tony... - March 15, 2012 - HeartShare Human Services of NY

EAA’s 2012 International Art Contest "One Small Change"

EAA is hosting the 2012 International Art Contest - One Small Change. The registration opens on April 2 - May 2. - March 15, 2012 - Environment Action Association

Seeds Community Center Rivals Big Brothers Big Sisters Heart GA for Recycling Title

National Fundraising-by-Recycling Program Sponsors Eco-friendly Contest - March 15, 2012 - Seeds Community Center

State Representative William Snyder Wraps Up Successful Session with Passage of Human Trafficking Bill and House Speaker’s Endorsement for Martin County Sheriff’s Race

After weeks of working to shed light on a growing crime sweeping Florida, Representative William Snyder of Stuart gets the support he needs to advance one of the toughest human trafficking bills in the country. That effort along with his endeavors to protect citizens and law enforcement officers also earned him the endorsement of Florida House Speaker Dean Cannon, as William Snyder returns to his home to run for Sheriff of Martin County. - March 15, 2012 - Representative William D. Snyder, FL 82

UCAAN's "Once Upon a Dream" Fashion Show Benefit to Aid Local Cancer Survivors in the Tri-County Area

UCAAN, a 501c3 cancer non profit announces Once Upon a Dream Fashion Show Benefit event on May 20th, 2012 to raise funds to help cancer patients in the Tri-County Areas and then beyond. - March 14, 2012 - United Cancer Advocacy Action Network

Top Ten Solutions to Recruit Technical Women

Report from Anita Borg Institute Reveals Solutions from Leading Tech Companies - March 14, 2012 - Anita Borg Institute

New Jersey AIDS Walk Chooses Newark as Newest AIDS Walk Site

According to the New Jersey Department of Health, New Jersey ranks fifth in the nation for new HIV infection cases with 37% of those cases in Essex County. North Jersey Community Research Initiative to be Newark beneficiary and host organization for New Jersey AIDS Walk 2012. - March 14, 2012 - NJCRI

American Student Dental Association 2012-13 Executive Committee and Speaker of the House of Delegates Elected

During its Annual Session in Minneapolis, Minn., the American Student Dental Association House of Delegates – 121 dental students from across the United States – elected its 2012-13 executive committee and speaker of the House. All leaders have been involved in organized dentistry on... - March 14, 2012 - American Student Dental Association

American Student Dental Association Presents Dr. Roger Triftshauser with 2012 Paragon Award

The American Student Dental Association announced the second recipient of the ASDA Paragon Award. Dr. Roger Triftshauser of Batavia, NY, was presented the association’s highest honor at ASDA’s 42nd Annual Session on March 3 in Minneapolis, Minn. The ASDA Paragon Award recognizes... - March 14, 2012 - American Student Dental Association

HealthCamp Florida and FMQAI Announce Innovation Event at Florida Hospital Orlando

HealthCamp Orlando is an event focused on innovations in healthcare and is being held at Florida Hospital Orlando in Orlando, Florida on April 27, 2012. - March 14, 2012 - HealthCamp Florida

Nashville Entrepreneur's Organization Announces New Board of Directors

The Nashville chapter of the Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO) announced today its 2012/2013 board of directors. The Nashville EO chapter has 111 members. To join, an entrepreneur must be a founder, co-founder, owner or controlling shareholder of a company with gross annual sales exceeding $1... - March 14, 2012 - EO Nashville

Flutter Forever to Host the 2nd Annual Bridget McGrath Memorial Walk/Run

United Charitable Programs is the fiscal sponsor of Flutter Forever, a program established to celebrate the life of Bridget McGrath by awarding financial scholarships to nursing school students. - March 14, 2012 - United Charitable Programs

The LGBT Center of Raleigh Receives Trailblazer Award

The LGBT Center of Raleigh, organizer of the second annual OutRaleigh festival themed “All Families Matter,” announces today that the Human Rights Campaign has honored it with the Trailblazer Award. The award recognizes an individual or organization that has contributed to improving the... - March 14, 2012 - LGBT Center of Raleigh

GEF Institute Announces Sustainability Concepts Certification

New Certification in Sustainability Offers Credit Bearing Online Courses - March 14, 2012 - Green Education Foundation (GEF)

CD Sales Nets Donations for the Troops "We Care" Packages

For The Troops announced today an $815 donation which will be used for postage to ship seventy-one (71) “We Care” packages to our Freedom Fighters serving in a war zone. The donation was the result of proceeds from the sales of the CDs “Our Flag” and “The Statue of... - March 13, 2012 - For The Troops Charity Golf Tournament

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