California STEM Learning Network Appoints Christopher Roe as New CEO

Roe will lead effort to increase California's capacity to provide high-quality learning opportunities for all students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. - March 01, 2011 - California STEM Learning Network

Nurse Practitioner Association of Long Island Elects New President

The Nurse Practitioner Association of Long Island announced that Diane J. Bartscherer, DNP, RN, ANP-BC, has been elected president. Dr. Bartscherer has nearly 30 years of experience as a healthcare provider. - March 01, 2011 - Nurse Practitioner Association of Long Island

Beyond Bullies Launches Web Site to Connect Bullied Teens with Online Peer Mentors to Meet Digital Needs of Targets of Bullying and Cyber Bullying

Beyond Bullies has launched in an effort to help bullied teens, who are the targets of bullying and cyber bullying, with real time online peer mentors. Peer mentors offer teens support via instant messaging (IM), discussion boards and email. - February 28, 2011 - Beyond Bullies

Connecticut Real Estate Investors Assn. (CT REIA) Announces Real Estate Rehabbing Seminar With Robyn Thompson

On March 5, the Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association (CT REIA) will be hosting a real estate rehabbing seminar with Robyn Thompson. Robyn is an experienced Connecticut investor who knows how to be successful in today's foreclosure market. - February 28, 2011 - Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association - CTREIA

Finding More Balance & Ease with Dementia Caregiving

Holly Eburne's husband was diagnosed with Frontotemporal dementia 4 years ago at age 57. Holly will share tips on how she worked through the lowest point in her life to find a more peaceful and balanced life than before her husband's illness. - February 28, 2011 - Dementia Hope

2011 Virtual Assistant Survey Helps New and Established Virtual Assistants Discover Important Industry Trends and Improve Their Businesses

Over 10,000 Virtual Assistants from around the globe invited to participate in the sixth annual survey conducted by the Virtual Assistant Chamber of Commerce - February 28, 2011 - Virtual Assistant Chamber of Commerce

Crowds, Competition, and Your New Crystal Ball Presented by TAG E 2.0

Every day you're under intense pressure to make fast and accurate business decisions. Make the wrong choice – especially about your product and service releases – and your competitors will leave you in the dust. Fortunately, there's help available that can enable you make exactly the... - February 27, 2011 - TAG think

The NC Center for Women in Public Service Hosts Roundtable to Encourage Women to Serve the Public

March 5 Roundtable in Rocky Mount to Explore Status of Women in Public Office - February 27, 2011 - NCCWPS

Los Angeles Post Production Group to Feature GenArts and Job Searching in Hollywood

A product demonstration showcasing the latest version of Sapphire plus a presentation on how to find work in Hollywood will be featured at March’s Los Angeles Post Production Group. - February 26, 2011 - Los Angeles Post Production Group

CSIA Announces 8 More “Celebrities”

Now more than 60 Executive “Celebrities” are participating in the 5th annual CSIA C-Level @ A Mile High on March 10, 2011 at Invesco Field. - February 26, 2011 - CSIA, Colorado's Technology Association

Eden Announces Winning Artists of Naples Invitational Art Fest 2011

Eden Autism Services announces the winners of the 14th annual Naples Invitational Art Fest presented by Eden Autism Services, a juried art show, held Jan. 29 and 30, in Naples. - February 26, 2011 - Eden Autism Services Florida

6-Figure Breakthrough Summit, February 28 – March 4, 2011

Trailblazing Entrepreneurs Who Have Created 6 and 7 Figure Businesses Gather for 5 Days to Teach and Train Other Women Methods and Strategies That Increase Income and Improve Quality of Life. - February 26, 2011 - Revenue Breakthrough

Domestic Violence Survivor Takes Awareness to Global Level, Reaches to Stars

Domestic Violence Survivor Takes Awareness to Global Level, Reaches to Stars

With 22 years of control, beatings and isolation finally behind her, survivor now mentors the abused and leads by example. Suzanne Perry summons the world through events, promoting peace through music and raising awareness for domestic violence. Live global performance of "Imagine" during EXPOSURE Concert, Perry reaches to stars for blessings. - February 25, 2011 - Love Shouldnt Hurt.TV

IEEE GLOBECOM 2011 to Focus on “Energizing Global Communications” from December 5 – 9 in Houston, Texas

“Call for Papers” for Premier International Event Ends March 1, 2011 - February 25, 2011 - IEEE Communications Society

How to Win an Oscar: be a Child Actor BizParentz Announces the A+ List of Former Child Actors

With a constant stream of child actors-gone-bad in the news, one organization wants the world to know that most former child actors are doing just fine. BizParentz Foundation releases the "A+ List" of former child actors, several of whom are nominated for Oscars this Sunday. - February 25, 2011 - BizParentz Foundation

Ebony Awakening Sponsors Journey Through Black Music for Black History Month

Ebony Awakening ( sponsored a “Journey Through Black Music” where Tampa Bay musicians thrilled the audience at the Historic Fort Harrison Hotel in celebration for Black History Month. - February 25, 2011 - Church of Scientology

Legal Marketing Association Tampa Bay March Meeting: "Communicating to Create Credibility"

As professionals, we work throughout our careers to develop expertise, experience and competence. While these elements are paramount to success, how we communicate is often more important in creating credibility with others. Tracy LaLonde has worked with law firms and companies to create a... - February 25, 2011 - Legal Marketing Association

ATP and TAG Announce 8th Annual CIO Roundtable Event

Atlanta Telecom Professionals (ATP) and Technology Association of Georgia (TAG) are pleased to announce their joint CIO Roundtable event will be March 8th. This annual program is in its eighth year and will be held at the Crowne Plaza Ravinia. This event brings together a number of Atlanta’s... - February 25, 2011 - TAG think

Nanowire Research from Stevens Makes Cover of Applied Physics Letters

An article by Stevens Institute of Technology researchers featured as the cover page of Applied Physics Letters Volume 98, Issue 7 focuses on nanowires, structures that are mere nanometers in diameter but have enormous potential in nanotechnology to create tiny circuits that would make possible nanoelectronics, nanophotonics, and nanobiotechnology. Such devices could forever change the way we harness energy, communicate, and treat disease. - February 25, 2011 - Stevens Institute of Technology

Marriage Preparation is Subject of New Bible Study Lesson

A new lesson on “Preparing for Marriage” has been added to the site. - February 25, 2011 - United Church of God

Decision Making is Subject of New Bible Study Lesson

A new lesson on “Decision Making” has been added to the site, bringing the total to 81 lessons. - February 25, 2011 - United Church of God

Two New Bible Study Lessons Explore Communication Pitfalls and Keys

New lessons on “Communication Pitfalls” and “Keys to Good Communication” have been added to the site. - February 25, 2011 - United Church of God

New Study Published by the World Psychiatric Association: Income Inequalities Increased the Occurrence of Depression and Suicide Attempts During the Recent Financial Cris

Due to the recent economic crisis, an increase of health inequalities between socio-economic groups has been noticed in both developed and developing countries. The World Health Organization, the World Bank and the United Nations Development Programme have all reported these inequalities and... - February 25, 2011 - World Psychiatric Association

Lincoln, Nebraska, Priest Father Peter Mitchell Profiled in Book About Pope John Paul II

Father Peter Mitchell, professor at St. Gregory the Great Seminary in Seward, Neb., says pope John Paul II changed his life, and is among the priests and bishops featured in the book Living Miracles: The Spiritual Sons of John Paul the Great. - February 24, 2011 - Sprouts New Look

New eco-friendly website,, revamps its online design and adds new "Weekly Facts" section and unveils "Mia's Daily Green Tips" - February 24, 2011 -

Synagogue to Hold Masquerade Ball Fundraiser

Congregation Beth Israel announced today that it will hold a Purim Masquerade Ball fundraiser on March 12, 2011. The synagogue hopes the masquerade ball will attract a large attendance from among its membership and the broader community since the goal is to raise needed funds for the organization,... - February 24, 2011 - Congregation Beth Israel

Influential Business Circle Launches in Australia

According to Nick Rao, Founder of Influential Business Circle, “Some of the biggest business deals and multimillion dollar investments in Australia and South East Asia, in the next 10 years, are going to be made by Influential Business Circle’s Elite and Private Club... - February 24, 2011 - Influential Business Circle

Church of Scientology Says: Sports and Drugs Don’t Mix

The Tennessee Titans are a household name around Nashville, so it was no surprise that they headlined 104.5 The Zone’s Sports Fest on February 19, 2011 at the Convention Center. What no one expected was that visitors would also have the chance to learn about the hazards of street drugs. - February 23, 2011 - Church of Scientology Celebrity Centre Nashville

National Kidney Foundation to Offer Free Health Screening

The National Kidney Foundation Serving Kansas and Western Missouri will conduct a free health screening for people at increased risk for kidney disease on World Kidney Day, Thursday, March 10, 2011 at The Islamic Center of Greater Kansas City (8501 E. 99th St. KCMO) from 9am to 1pm. - February 23, 2011 - National Kidney Foundation

Nurse Practitioner Association of Long Island Urges Residents to be "Wise" Healthcare Consumers All Year Long

February is National Wise Health Consumer Month, and the Nurse Practitioner Association of Long Island (NPALI) urges all Long Islanders to be wise health consumers and get the most healthcare for their money. - February 23, 2011 - Nurse Practitioner Association of Long Island

Morton Grove Action Party Announces Election Headquarters Hours of Operation

The Morton Grove Action Party encourages residents in the Village to visit its election headquarters, located at 5836 W. Dempster, Morton Grove. Stop in to say hello and meet the candidates running for the April 5, 2011 municipal election; pick up some detailed information on issues affecting the... - February 23, 2011 - Action Party of Morton Grove

Morton Grove Election Topics -- Village Accomplishments Under Action Party Leadership

Since 2009, the Village Board, under the leadership of the Action Party, has continued to move the Village of Morton Grove forward. - February 23, 2011 - Action Party of Morton Grove

$1.8 Million Raised For Easter Seals in First Week of Shop&Care Campaign at Food Lion, Reid’s, Bloom and Bottom Dollar Food Stores

Shop&Care campaign runs from February 9 - March 8, 2011 and benefits Easter Seals. - February 23, 2011 - Easter Seals UCP

Monthly Member Spotlight Recipient Announced

Billingham Built, LLC of Erwinna, PA has been selected as the first firm honored with a member spotlight on the Central Jersey Chapter of the National Association of the Remodeling Industry website, - February 22, 2011 - CJNARI

Long Island Nurse Practitioner Association Member Leads Nationwide Program to Increase Vaccination Rate

Long Island Nurse Practitioner Association member Dr. Mary Beth Petraco, collaborating with the ANA and Every Child by Two, helped produce an educational webcast on vaccine safety, nurses’ role in immunization promotion, and risk communications. - February 22, 2011 - Nurse Practitioner Association of Long Island

The Chairmen’s RoundTable Welcomes Stalwart Communications as Sustaining Sponsor

Innovative marketing and public relations firm will support CRT’s efforts to empower San Diego businesses to realize their full potential. - February 22, 2011 - Chairmen's RoundTable

Booth Registration Open for Women Helping Women Business Expo in Raleigh

Women’s Power Networking invites local business owners to register for a booth at the annual Women Helping Women Business Expo. This year’s event is being held June 9, 2011 from 5:30pm-9pm at the Cardinal Club in downtown Raleigh. - February 22, 2011 - Women's Power Networking

Michigan Association for Female Entrepreneurs to Host the International Women’s Day Networking Gala

Michigan Association for Female Entrepreneurs, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, will host the first annual International Women’s Day Networking Gala on March 8, 2011 in Southfield, Michigan. - February 21, 2011 - Michigan Association for Female Entrepreneurs

Local Lions Club Brings the Gift of Literacy to Blind Youth

The Fairfax Hosts Lions Club donated two thousand dollars to support the BELL initiative that will help students learn new skills to do well in school and to eventually be employed. The BELL program teaches blind and low vision children below the age of fourteen how to use Braille effectively for reading and writing. - February 21, 2011 - Lions Clubs District 24-A

Saginaw Future 19th Annual Awards Luncheon

Saginaw County & the Great Lakes Bay Region - Energizing The New Economy - Saginaw Future 19th Annual Awards Luncheon - February 20, 2011 - Saginaw Future

TAG Education Collaborative Announces 2011 WEBChallenge Scholarship Competition for High School Students

TAG Education Collaborative announces registration for their 9th Annual WEBChallenge Scholarship Program begins February 16, 2011. In this year’s challenge, each team will have until April 1, 2011 to build an application of their choosing (simple game, tutorial, etc…) that will teach... - February 20, 2011 - TAG think

The American Translators Association Says Human Linguists Are Not in Jeopardy

While the television debut of IBM’s Watson has been hyped as a man-versus-machine showdown, it’s more useful to see it as a telling example of computer strengths and limitations in the realm of language, says the American Translators Association. - February 20, 2011 - American Translators Association

Farm Pilot Project Coordination (FPPC) Intensifies Nutrient Reduction Efforts in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed

FPPC is holding its second annual regional summit in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed region next month, with a focus on the role of thermo chemical processes in capturing nutrients and reclaiming energy from the animal waste stream. - February 20, 2011 - Farm Pilot Project Coordination, Inc.

HeartShare Receives Prestigious Pinnacle Award from BOMA/NY

HeartShare Human Services received the Building Owners & Managers Association's Pinnacle Award for Civic Betterment. - February 20, 2011 - HeartShare Human Services of NY

15 Successful Women Business Owners Teach Other Ambitious Women at 6-Figure Breakthrough Summit, February 28 – March 4, 2011

Trailblazing Entrepreneurs Who Have Created 6 and 7 Figure Businesses Gather for 5 Days to Teach and Train Other Women Methods and Strategies That Increase Income And Improve Quality of Life. - February 20, 2011 - Revenue Breakthrough

Community Colleges to Offer a Direct Selling Entrepreneur Certificate to Foster Business Opportunity with Education

Direct Selling Education Foundation and National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship Join to Address Educational Needs of Direct Sellers. - February 19, 2011 - National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship

World’s Leading Food, Wine and Travel Writers to Meet in Melbourne

Melbourne has further cemented its reputation as Australia’s Convention Capital, with the International Food Wine and Travel Writers Association (IFWTWA) announcing they will hold their annual conference in the city in 2013. Sandra Chipchase, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Melbourne... - February 19, 2011 - International Food, Wine and Travel Writers Association

Journey to Roof of World: Tibetan Sacred Dance Performance by Monks from Gaden Shartse Cultural Foundation

Journey to Roof of World: Tibetan Sacred Dance Performance by Monks from Gaden Shartse Cultural Foundation

On Saturday, March 12th, 2011 nine Tibetan monks from the Gaden Shartse Monastery in South India will be in Flagstaff, Arizona. They will be performing the centuries-old sacred dance ceremony at the Coconino Center for the Arts, beginning at 7:00 p.m. - February 18, 2011 - Gaden Shartse Cultural Foundation

The Center for America’s First Horse Presents “Dancing With Horses” in Vermont

New York City-based choreographer JoAnna Mendl Shaw, founder of The Equus Projects joins Vermont-based Natural Horsemanship professional Stephanie Lockhart to lead “Dancing With Horses,” an extraordinary 3-day workshop grounded in the shared principles... - February 18, 2011 - Center for America's First Horse

Latest Bible Study Guide Series Explores "What God Wants for You"

A new series on “What God Wants for You” has just been added to the site, bringing the total number of practical, hope-filled lessons to 77. - February 18, 2011 - United Church of God

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