NPSA Offers Tips for National Brake Safety Week

The National Portable Storage Association is offering tips on how to prepare for National Brake Safety Week, September 13-19. - September 13, 2009 - National Portable Storage Association

Students Can Create Their Own "Green Stimulus Package" Through Social Networking

Website is a new platform where students can help shape their own futures - September 13, 2009 - GoGreenstudents

RRAR Leadership Academy Now Accepting Applications

John Wood, president of the Raleigh Regional Association of REALTORS® (RRAR) (, has announced that RRAR’s 2010 Triangle REALTOR® Leadership Academy has begun accepting applications. The 2010 Triangle REALTOR® Leadership Academy will consist of seven program modules... - September 13, 2009 - RRAR

DwellBox Discusses Portable Storage Units as Construction Material

The National Portable Storage Association has announced DwellBox will offer an educational session on using containers to build houses at its 7th Annual Conference and Trade Show. - September 13, 2009 - National Portable Storage Association

The C12 Group, America's Leading Christian CEO Roundtable, Holds 10th Annual Leaders Conference In San Antonio

The C12 Group, America's Leading Christian CEO Roundtable, Holds 10th Annual Leaders Conference In San Antonio

The C12 Group, America’s leading peer-board network of Christian CEOs and business owners, will hold its annual Leaders Conference Nov. 4-7, 2009, in San Antonio at the Hyatt Regency Hill Country Resort & Spa. Open to both C12 members and non-members, the conference brings together Christian business owners and CEOs from across the US to focus on best-practice business and ministry development within their firms. - September 12, 2009 - The C12 Group

"Paws 4 Hope" Will Benefit The Wellness Community Valley/Ventura’s Cancer Support Programs

Join the 2009 Paws 4 Hope walk to support those affected by cancer, October 4 at 11:00 a.m. at Berniece Bennett Park in Westlake Village. Donations raised by walk participants and their beloved canines will support the local cancer support programs of The Wellness Community Valley/Ventura. Registration is required. Register online at For more information call (805) 379-4777. - September 12, 2009 - The Wellness Community Valley/Ventura

World’s Largest Medical Tourism Conference Announces Pre-Conference African Patient Workshop

World’s Largest Medical Tourism Conference Announces Pre-Conference African Patient Workshop. This workshop will address: Thousands of patients leave certain countries in Africa each year for high quality healthcare. Learn what it takes and how to attract African patients and how to deal... - September 12, 2009 - Medical Tourism Association™

MoU Signals Singapore Keen on Content Protection Collaborations at Home and Abroad

Top music industry players to participate at Digital Future Series -“The Digital Future of Music” - during Asia Television Forum, Dec 2-4 - September 12, 2009 - Centre for Content Promotion

Members of the Press Are Invited to Attend Upcoming Westchester Business Connection Networking Events

Finally, members of the press are beginning to take notice of the Westchester Business Connection’s rapid growth throughout the New York Tri-State area. - September 11, 2009 - The Westchester Business Connection

New Jersey Restaurant Association Joins "The Great American Dine Out" to Help Those in Need

The New Jersey Restaurant Association (NJRA) has teamed up with other state restaurant associations to kick-off the second annual Share Our Strength® Great American Dine Out, a week-long program that raises money to feed kids at risk of hunger in our communities, September 20 – 26, 2009. - September 11, 2009 - New Jersey Restaurant Association

Recession Doesn’t Dampen Corporations’ Desire to Give Back; International Non-Profit Reports Increased Donations Despite Economy

Despite the recession, there is some good news on the economic front - a Maine-based international non profit reports increased donations from its Corporate Sponsors over the last several years. Here's how, and why, some companies choose to give back at a time when most other companies are cutting back. - September 11, 2009 - Sustainable Harvest International

Grammy Award Latin Jazz Artist Poncho Sanchez Headlines Downtown Street Jam

Downtown Street Jam is free concert that takes place Saturday, September 12 in downtown Riverside with headliner Poncho Sanchez. Also, family entertainment and music from 2-5:30 p.m. and free salsa dance lessons courtesy of UC Riverside Salsa Dance Club starting at 5:30 p.m. Grammy Award Latin Jazz artist Poncho Sanchez and his eight piece ensemble performs from 7-8:30p.m. - September 11, 2009 - Riverside Downtown Partnership

Post 9/11 Veterans Revive the Historic Whig Party

Thousands of Iraq/Afghan Veterans have launched a new political party designed to address many of the problems that plague American Politics. They have a New Jersey Assembly candidate in 2009 and a Florida Congressional candidate who is ready for the 2010 election. - September 11, 2009 - Baldassari for Assembly 2009

Digital Watermarking Finding Traction in Multiple Industries and Applications

Digital Watermarking Finding Traction in Multiple Industries and Applications

The Digital Watermarking Alliance (DWA) announced that 2009 has so far been a banner year in the commercialization and adoption of digital watermarking solutions: · aquaMobile announced that readers of the Autofácil magazine (Madrid, Spain) can now view videos, listen to statements... - September 10, 2009 - Digital Watermarking Alliance

Center for Autism and Related Disorders' Study Finds Chewing Gum an Effective Treatment for Rumination in Children with Autism

CARD research team discovers chewing gum to be a practical and effective treatment to prevent rumination in children with autism. The complete study is published in the Summer 2009 Edition of the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. - September 10, 2009 - Center for Autism and Related Disorders

The 2nd Annual World Medical Tourism & Global Health Congress Announces Its Distinguished Speakers

The 2nd Annual World Medical Tourism & Global Health Congress, which is the official annual conference of the Medical Tourism Association (MTA) announces its distinguished speakers, sponsors and record increase in attendance this coming October 26-28th 2009 in Los Angeles, California. - September 10, 2009 - Medical Tourism Association™

Revealing the Invisible Heritage of Panjab

For the first time ever a searchable collection of millions of rare pages on the Sikhs and the region of Panjab has been made available. Panjab Digital Library (PDL) will include texts of manuscripts, books, magazines, newspapers and photographs and will be available to anyone with Internet access... - September 10, 2009 - Sikh Research Institute

NAWBO San Diego's September Meeting Focuses on Marketing

L.A. marketing guru Lisa Cherney will be the featured speaker at NAWBO San Diego's lunch meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 16 at the Doubletree Del Mar Hotel. She will focus on marketing to your ideal client. Visitors are welcome. Learn more and register at - September 10, 2009 - NAWBO San Diego

NAWBO San Diego Announces September Networking Event

Network With NAWBO, wine & cheese networking, will take place on Monday, Sept. 28 from 5-7 at in Mission Valley. Visit to learn more and register. - September 10, 2009 - NAWBO San Diego

Renowned Psychic Medium, The Angel Whisperer is Coming to Town

Learn to use your intuition to align with your highest path or a desired outcome. Heals blocks and restrictions from your life. Learn to heal others from mental, emotional, physical and more - September 10, 2009 - Center for vibrational healing

CED’s September STREAK Seminar to Feature Research Triangle Park-Based Bioptigen

Joan Siefert Rose, president of the Council for Entrepreneurial Development (CED) (, a private, nonprofit organization that promotes entrepreneurial efforts in the Triangle region of North Carolina, has announced the next installment of its popular STREAK program, to be held Thursday,... - September 10, 2009 - CED

Raleigh Regional Association of REALTORS® Releases Podcast on CRS 210 Course

Raymond Larcher, executive vice president of the Raleigh Regional Association of REALTORS® (RRAR), ( announced the release of a podcast detailing the CRS 210 course. In this podcast Mark Givens, RRAR course instructor, explains why this course is import to REALTORS® who want to... - September 10, 2009 - RRAR

World Vision Sounds Alarm as Kenya Faces Drought, Hunger Crisis

Nearly 4 million people lack food; aid organization only able to reach 400,000 with current funding "The situation is only going to get worse this month," relief director warns World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families and their... - September 10, 2009 - World Vision US

165 Aspiring Entrepreneurs from Across the NC-Triad Attend Startup Event Sponsored by Christian CEO and Business Owner Roundtable

The C12 Group of the Piedmont Triad of North Carolina sponsored a free seminar for would-be entrepreneurs. The event, held August 29 in Greensboro, NC, drew more than 165 people, who learned the basics of business startups. - September 09, 2009 - The C12 Group of the Piedmont Triad

Liberty For Maine Urges "No" Vote on Question One; Supports Full Marriage Equality

Liberty For Maine, a statewide freedom and liberty advocacy group, announced today its strong opposition to Ballot Question One, and urged all Maine residents who love liberty to oppose the measure. James Oaksun, a Saco businessman and state chair of Liberty For Maine, stated that: “It is... - September 09, 2009 - Liberty For Maine

Successful California Businessman and Humanitarian … James O. Mason Announces His Candidacy for Governor of California in 2010

Elect James Mason For Governor of California in 2010 [Innovative Leadership] - September 09, 2009 - Elect James Mason for Governor of California

Patients Show Great Enthusiasm for Parkinson Cruise

The Parkinson Research Foundation’s January inaugural New Hope for Parkinson’s Cruise, is quickly filling with patients and their caregivers. The 3-night Bahamas cruise is designed for Parkinson’s disease patients, caregivers and families, and will provide a series of seminars and... - September 09, 2009 - Parkinson Research Foundation Opens Charter Membership to Students Around the World

Website is a new climate-change information and social networking site for students in grade school through graduate school. - September 08, 2009 - GoGreenstudents

Swami Mukundananda Visits Florida for Yoga-Meditation Sessions and Multiple Series of Lectures on Yoga, Spirituality and Devotion

Celebrate Your Human birth with Yoga, Meditation and Spirituality with Swami Mukundananda, as he elucidates some of the esoteric Yoga-Meditation Techniques with elucidating Lectures on Yoga- its Philosophy, Spirituality, Devotion & Path to Happiness. Learn yoga techniques such as Subtle Body Relaxation, Creative-Meditation (Rup Dhyan), Di-Vibe Asanas-Pranayam, and listen to Discourses to recharge yourself & Nurture your soul. - September 07, 2009 - Jagadguru Kripalu Yog

World Suicide Prevention Day Events Show Global and Local Activity

A wide range of groups from around the world have been submitting their planned activities for World Suicide Prevention Day on September 10th, to the International Association for Suicide Prevention and they show creativity and purpose. - September 06, 2009 - International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP)

West Java Earthquake Destruction Worse Than Earlier Thought, Aid Group Warns

While the current death toll is relatively small compared to the Jogjakarta quake of 2006 (when 6,000 people died), this quake’s physical damages were almost as bad. The Jogjakarta quake only hit two districts, but the West Java disaster has devastated Tasikmalaya, Garut, Banjar, Bandung,... - September 06, 2009 - World Vision US

National Development Institute Announces Launch of Website to Aid Major Gifts Fundraising for Nonprofits

As nonprofit organizations experience the challenge of fundraising in the current economic climate, the National Development Institute encourages and equips fundraisers through the launch of a new website. - September 06, 2009 - National Development Institute

Raleigh Regional Association of REALTORS® Community Service Committee Partners with Resources for Seniors

John Wood, president of the Raleigh Regional Association of REALTORS® (RRAR) (, has announced that RRAR’s Community Service Committee will partner with Resources for Seniors to build ramps for Wake County senior citizens in need of wheelchair access to their homes. The... - September 06, 2009 - RRAR

Engineering College Ghaziabad, SDGI, Approved by (AICTE) and Affiliated to UPTU, Lucknow

Sunderdeep Engineering College, Ghazibad has been approved by AICTE and affiliated to UP Technical University. It has also achieved 34th Ranking according to the latest UPTU ranking. - September 06, 2009 - Sunder Deep Group Of Institutions

Reduce Your Community's Risk from Wildfires: a New Publication Offered by Quality Parks Improves the Way We Respond to Fire Disasters

Sunrise Fire is a new kind of science & fiction; that which takes place on our planet, and is based on conservation biology and speculative chaos theory. A transformative story, you will be better prepared for all emergency situations. - September 06, 2009 - Quality Parks

Camping Labor Day Weekend? Mosquitoes May Invade More Than Your Tent as Leading Wi-Fi Provider Partners with End Malaria Campaign

As campers flock to the outdoors this Labor Day weekend, they may be surprised when mosquitoes show up on their computer screen as well as outside their tent. Vacationers in 775 campgrounds across 48 states will see a 30-second video prior to accessing the Internet, featuring a buzzing noise,... - September 05, 2009 - World Vision US

Pink-4-Ever Calls Upon All Women to Join the Love/Avon Army of Women

New Program Focuses on Going Beyond a Cure to Supporting Research to Prevent Breast Cancer. - September 05, 2009 - Pink-4-Ever, Inc is a New Student Driven Social Network to Help Green the Campuses of the World combines the power on a social networking site with a green educational theme. They are specially designed for all Students to create a grassroots movement and take action today for a sustainable future. - September 05, 2009 - GoGreenstudents

Speed Venture Summit™ Taps CitySquares to Pitch

The Speed Venture Summit™ vision is to help launch the best companies by providing them ready access to private capital. Boston-based, a hyper-local search-and-advertising website, hopes to catch a ride on that launch as one of the first companies selected to pitch at the... - September 05, 2009 - Speed Venture Summit

Lamorinda Cities Prepare for Disasters

On Sunday, October 18th, the Lamorinda Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT) Committee and the City of Orinda will host a training drill for Lamorinda CERTs, employees of the Lamorinda cities and the neighborhood group leaders. It will be an opportunity for CERTs. cities, Canyon, Fire Departments, the American Red Cross and the Salvation Army to practice their response to a simulated emergency in the tri-city area. - September 05, 2009 - Lamorinda DART

International Association Uses Social Networking to Increase Suicide Prevention Awareness

The International Association for Suicide Prevention is using Facebook and Twitter to increase awareness about World Suicide Prevention Day on September 10th, and suicide prevention generally. - September 04, 2009 - International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP)

Fight Against Brain Cancer Hits the Greens and Raises Paddles for a Cure - Two Events, One Day

Brain cancer is the second leading cancer of people under the age of 20. 500 terminal cases of brain cancer will be diagnosed in the Seattle-Metro area alone this year. Funding is desperately needed for research and patient support services. - September 04, 2009 - Chris Elliott Fund for Glioblastoma Brain Cancer Research

Medical Tourism City, the Largest Social Network in Medical Tourism Announces Over 400 Active Members

Medical Tourism City, the Largest Social Network in Medical Tourism and for Global Healthcare, announces that it has over 400 members from over 40 countries actively participating. The members of medical tourism city are from international insurance companies, health insurance agents, medical... - September 04, 2009 - Medical Tourism Association™

Fred Smilek and the Society to Save Endangered Species Get Haute Tempered at Animal Cruelty

The Society to Save Endangered Species is fierce when it comes to protecting animals. Mr. Smilek found it only natural to bring that ferocity to the runway. - September 04, 2009 - Fred Smilek's Society to Save Endangered Species

Raleigh Regional Association of REALTORS® Host 2009 Safety Seminar

John Wood, president of the Raleigh Regional Association of REALTORS® (RRAR) (, has announced that RRAR will host a 2009 Safety Seminar on Thursday, Sept. 3 at 8:30 a.m. at RRAR, located at 111 Realtors Way in Cary. The seminar will be instructed by Leigh Woody, senior trainer of... - September 04, 2009 - RRAR

DCIA Invites Participation in P2P-for-Games Working Group

DCIA Invites Participation in P2P-for-Games Working Group

New Initiative Aims to Protect Consumers and Intellectual Property of Distribution Channel Participants - September 03, 2009 - Distributed Computing Industry Association

Lupus Research Institute Encouraged by Phase 2 Trial Results of Experimental Drug Epratuzumab

The Lupus Research Institute (LRI) and its National Coalition of state and local organizations congratulate Immunomedics and UCB on the successful results of the Phase 2b clinical trial of epratuzumab for people with systemic lupus. “It is heartening to see success in lupus trials and to see... - September 03, 2009 - Lupus Research Institute

Sikh Education Conference Announced

Sikh Research Institute (SikhRI) announced today that they will be holding a Sikh Education Conference in Bridgewater, New Jersey, USA on 26-27 September 2009. The Sikh Education Conference will bring together Sikh Educators who work with children from Kindergarten to Grade 12 to discuss issues of... - September 03, 2009 - Sikh Research Institute

Customer Service Guru Nancy Friedman to Speak at NPSA Conference

The National Portable Storage Association has announced "The Telephone Doctor," Nancy Friedman, will teach two workshops at its 7th annual conference and trade show in Las Vegas. - September 03, 2009 - National Portable Storage Association

Fulton Elementary PTA Becomes First CarbonFree® Green PTA Partner in America

The Fulton Elementary School Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) announced that it has become the first CarbonFree® Green PTA in America by partnering with “We are very proud to join CarbonFree® Partner companies and organizations like Discovery Communications, Avis,... - September 03, 2009 -

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