Chamber Recognized for Energy Saving Efforts

The Androscoggin County Chamber of Commerce has been honored by Efficiency Maine for its part in promoting and encouraging County businesses to adopt energy efficient practices and equipment. - October 11, 2009 - Efficiency Maine

Motorcoach Council Partners Collaborate to Kick-Start Campaign

In the recent months, a growing number of Founding Partners have collaborated with the Council to co-sponsor and market the Motorcoach Counci's public awareness campaign, and develop a consumer website, and related campaign graphics to be displayed on as many of the estimated 35,000 motorcoaches - ‘rolling billboards’ – as will participate. - October 11, 2009 - Motorcoach Council, Inc.

EnerNOC’s Monitoring-Based Commissioning Solution Named Platts Global Energy Awards Finalist for Commercial Technology of the Year

EnerNOC, Inc. (Nasdaq: ENOC), a leading provider of clean and intelligent energy solutions, announced today that EnerNOC’s Monitoring-Based Commissioning (MBCx) energy efficiency solution has been named a finalist in the 11th Annual Platts Global Energy Awards in the Commercial Technology of... - October 10, 2009 - EnerNOC, Inc.

Home Energy Audit Can Uncover Energy-Usage Inefficiencies

Pro Energy Consultant Franchise Owner Dan Paulovich recently opened his home energy auditing business in the Birmingham-area. Audit offers an objective analysis of a home’s energy efficiency and solutions to any home discomforts. Acting as an “energy adviser,” he’ll teach homeowners how to save energy and reduce energy costs. - October 10, 2009 - Pro Energy Consultants

Florence Reed, Founder and President of Sustainable Harvest International, Appointed Delegate to Groundbreaking Poverty Alleviation Summit

Florence Reed and 250 other major agents of social change will convene at the Opportunity Collaboration on October 17th, World Poverty Day, to discuss how to alleviate poverty. - October 10, 2009 - Sustainable Harvest International

Gov. Bev Perdue Among Women Leaders on Steering Committee for Women on Board Launch Event

Women on Board (, a program of the North Carolina Center for Women in Public Service, has announced the steering committee for the upcoming launch event to be held Thursday, Oct. 15 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Meredith College Massey House. The steering committee includes Gov. Bev... - October 10, 2009 - Women On Board

Raleigh Regional Association of REALTORS® Offers Investment and Financial Analysis Course

John Wood, president of the Raleigh Regional Association of REALTORS® (RRAR) (, has announced that RRAR along with the Triangle International Council of REALTORS® (TICOR) will be hosting a Certified International Property Specialist designation course titled “Investment... - October 10, 2009 - RRAR

Green Education Foundation (GEF) and Lowe's Are Calling on 10,000 Schools to Plant Gardens in 2010 During "Green Thumb Challenge"

The Green Education Foundation (GEF) and Lowe’s announced today the launch of a nationwide gardening initiative--the Green Thumb Challenge. GEF’s goal is to enlist 10,000 schools and youth groups from across the country to plant indoor or outdoor gardens in the spring of... - October 10, 2009 - Green Education Foundation (GEF)

The Green Education Foundation (GEF) Launches Largest Educational Online Community

The Green Education Foundation (GEF) has launched its new website, which features the largest school-based online educational community of all time. - October 10, 2009 - Green Education Foundation (GEF)

Enable America Endorses President's Plan to Improve Employment for People with Disabilities

Enable America, a non-profit devoted to improving employment for disabled veterans and others with disabilities, is applauding new initiatives announced by President Barack Obama, that will open new opportunities for employment. - October 10, 2009 - Enable America

Mobile Monday (MoMo) Chicago October Event – Emotions in UX Design

Mobile Monday (MoMo) Chicago, a community of mobile professionals that promotes the mobile industry and fosters cooperation and networking, today announced the details for its October event, which will provide a snapshot of a veteran mobile UI designer's point of view on the emotions in UX design. - October 10, 2009 - Mobile Monday - Chicago

The First Truly Affordable Full Screen Software Magnifier

The First Truly Affordable Full Screen Software Magnifier

Innovation Management Group, Inc. (IMG) announced that it has begun shipping the latest release of its The Magnifier 1.50. A low cost, full screen magnification software application for Windows. Most magnification software products on the market are designed for individuals who have extreme visual impairments or are legally blind and can cost from a few hundred to several thousand dollars. The Magnifier is the first truly affordable full screen magnifier priced within the reach of average users. - October 09, 2009 - Innovation Management Group, Inc

Technology and Science Partner to Promote World Peace

Technology and Science Partner to Promote World Peace

Telecoms Visionary to Address Friends Forever Youth Leaders at the Museum of Science, Boston ; Influential Clean Energy Media Professional to Discuss the Power of Communication - October 09, 2009 - Friends Forever USA

Putting an End to School Violence

Love Our Children USA speaks out on school violence which is a national crisis. - October 09, 2009 - Love Our Children USA

Systems Engineering Conference Registration Open

Systems Engineering, a profession generally associated with putting satellites into space, or creating the newest car models is expanding to address transportation, health care and education systems. These topics will be presented and debated during the upcoming INCOSE International Symposium. - October 09, 2009 - German Chapter of INCOSE

Family Service Steps Up to Live United

Family Service just kicked off their employee campaign to support the United Way of Burlington County. Family Service set this year’s Live United goal at $49,424.02 – $1.00 more than they raised last year. Why? Because every dollar from every employee who participates really does matter! - October 09, 2009 - Family Service

Mobile Monday (MoMo) Chicago Kicks Off New Calendar Year with Strong Momentum

Mobile Monday (MoMo) Chicago, a community of mobile professionals that promotes the mobile industry and fosters cooperation and networking, today announced the completion of a successful first year thanks to strong leadership, a series of successful events and a rapidly growing membership base. - October 09, 2009 - Mobile Monday - Chicago

Autism Prevalence Now Reported as 1 in 91 Children; More Research Needed

Research published in Monday’s issue of the journal Pediatrics indicates that the prevalence of autism is one in every 91 children. This is more than has been previously reported by the Centers for Disease Control and independent research. “Autism is a dramatically growing problem for our country,” stated Ann Gibbons, executive director of the Autism Speaks chapter. “We need answers. With numbers like these, autism must become everyone’s cause." - October 09, 2009 - Autism Speaks National Capital Area

Certified Hypnotherapist to Explain and Demonstrate Guided Imagery in "Make the Mind-Body Connection"

The Wellness Community Valley/Ventura and the Cancer Resource Center at Community Memorial Hospital will host a free presentation for people affected by cancer entitled: Make the Mind-Body Connection with Paula Getty-Shearer, certified hypnotherapist. This free event takes place on Tuesday, October... - October 09, 2009 - The Wellness Community Valley/Ventura

Lutheran High School, San Antonio to Benefit from Thrivent Financial 13th Annual Texas Treasures Benefit Auction

Lutheran High School of San Antonio will hold its Texas Treasures annual benefit auction, supported by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans and its members. The activity will be held from 6:30pm to 10:30pm on October 23, 2009 at the Leon Springs Dance Hall in Boerne, Texas. The evening is a great... - October 09, 2009 - Lutheran High School of San Antonio

UCLA Medical Professor to Speak About “Chemo Brain” at The Wellness Community

The Wellness Community Valley/Ventura will host a free seminar titled: “Chemo Brain,” Thursday, October 22, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. The talk will take place at 530 Hampshire Road in Westlake Village. Seminar leader Lorne Label, M.D. will address the forgetfulness and mental fog sometimes... - October 09, 2009 - The Wellness Community Valley/Ventura

GVI. Volunteer Abroad 365 Days a Year. Even 25th December.

The festive season come December 25th does not always have to be about turkey, tinsel, stuffing and stress. If you have ever thought of giving it a miss but never quite managed, then GVI are ready to make this a reality… - October 09, 2009 - Global Vision International (GVI)

Calvary Pastor to Speak About Cancer from a Christian Perspective

The Wellness Community Valley/Ventura will host a free seminar titled: “Christian Perspectives on Coping with Cancer,” Thursday, October 15, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. The talk will take place at 530 Hampshire Road in Westlake Village. Seminar leader Steven Day will speak on how to cope... - October 09, 2009 - The Wellness Community Valley/Ventura

National Gospel Recording Artists Deitrick and Damita Haddon to Perform at The Word Dome

Faith Chapel Christian Center (FCCC) presents an “After Classic Halloween Alternative Concert” featuring Verity recording artist, Deitrick Haddon, and Tyscot recording artist, Damita Haddon, Saturday, October 31st at 8:00 pm. The concert, to be held at The Word Dome, is free and open to... - October 09, 2009 - Faith Chapel Christian Center

Sir Alan Steer to be Keynote Speaker at Society of Education Consultants Conference on Educational Consultancy in November

The SEC has released details of its November conference to be held at the Royal Society of the Arts on 20th November, 2009, including a keynote address by government behaviour tsar, Sir Alan Steer. - October 09, 2009 - Society of Education Consultants

Texas Self Storage Association Board of Directors Elect New Officers, Welcome New Directors

Texas Self Storage Association Board of Directors Elect New Officers, Welcome New Directors

The Texas Self Storage Association has elected new officers for the 2009-2010 term. In addition, four newly elected Directors were made welcome at the Board's planning meeting. - October 08, 2009 - Texas Self Storage Association

The International Forum Features Outstanding Authors at the 2010 Annual Meeting

Richard E. Jackim and Terri Sjodin to Discuss Exit Strategies and Presentation Skills during January meeting - October 08, 2009 - The International Forum

Web Courseworks Selected as eLearning Vendor for World Anti-Doping Agency Coach’s Tool Kit

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) tasked Web Courseworks (WCW) with creating an interactive, web-based anti-doping education program to educate elite and recreational coaches worldwide through tutorial, scenario and game-based learning. Following an open bid for tenders, WADA awarded WCW the... - October 08, 2009 - Web Courseworks

The Medical Tourism Association Participates in the Familiarization Tour in Malaysia

The Medical Tourism Association was honored to participate in the Familiarization “FAM” tour in the exquisite country of Malaysia in Asia Pacific. Facilitators and Insures from and United States of America were in attendance. “Malaysia is the hidden secret international patients... - October 08, 2009 - Medical Tourism Association™

Wake County Economic Development Podcast Details Why Wake County is the Best Place to do Business

Wake County Economic Development (WCED) ( has announced the release of a new audio podcast featuring commentary from executive director Ken Atkins. In the podcast, Atkins explains why Wake County is one of the nation’s best places to live and work. The podcast offers... - October 08, 2009 - Wake County Economic Development

Life Group LA Takes the POZ Life Weekend Seminar to San Diego, CA

The Life Group LA announces that it will be bringing its team of volunteers to San Diego on November 14 and 15, 2009. The innovative Seminar is a place where compassion, education, community and love is offered unconditionally. It's a place where those infected or affected by HIV can be themselves, feel comfort and support in their effort to learn how to live a long healthy productive POZitive lifestyle or help someone they know overcome the fears associated with being HIV+. - October 08, 2009 - The Life Group LA

Grey Wolves Hunted Again - from Endangered to Fair Game

With the judicial decision to allow the controlled hunting of Grey Wolves, hunters and townspeople take action. And they have more than pitchforks and torches. - October 07, 2009 - Fred Smilek's Society to Save Endangered Species

"Rescuing Childhood" to Premiere at 5th Annual LA Femme Film Festival, Oct. 15-18, 2009

New documentary shines light on the mystery of surging number of bipolar youngsters - October 07, 2009 - Veronica Bird Charitable Foundation

KABC-TV News Co-Anchor Leslie Sykes Emcees Benefit Concert for Music Enrichment Programs

Leslie Sykes, co-anchor of KABC-TV News, emcees benefit concert, Rhapsody of Love, on November 8, 2009 to help create new music enrichment programs in Orange County, CA. The concert features the Elevation Orchestra created and directed by world renowned cellist and bassist, Ryan Cross. - October 07, 2009 - New Hope Presbyterian Church

New Guide to Private Home Care Services Released

Home Care Alliance of MA Guidebook Assists Families in Finding Quality Local Providers. - October 07, 2009 - Home Care Alliance of Massachusetts

AMA Columbus Wins Recognition in National Competition

The AMA Columbus chapter announced today that it has received a Special Merit Award from the organization’s international headquarters. The AMA’s annual Chapter Excellence Awards program highlights exceptional performance among the organization’s 75 professional chapters across... - October 07, 2009 - Columbus American Marketing Association

North Carolina Veterinary Medical Association to Host Pet Care Exhibit At N.C. State Fair

The North Carolina Veterinary Medical Association (NCVMA) ( has announced that it will host an exhibit at the N.C. State Fair. Located in the Exposition Center, the exhibit will run from Oct. 15-25 from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Members of the NCVMA will be at the exhibit to answer general pet... - October 07, 2009 - NCVMA

Meet and Greet Gary Newberry - Candidate for Florida House District 66

The Friends of Newberry for Florida House District 66 is hosting a "Meet and Greet Gary Newberry" Saturday, October 10, 2009, in Winter Haven, Florida. - October 07, 2009 - Friends of Newberry for Florida House - District 66

National Association of Christian Virtual Assistants Names Spotlight Member for October

The online community of the National Association of Christian Virtual Assistants announced Michele Randolph of Gold Force Support as October's Spotlight Member. - October 07, 2009 - National Association of Christian Virtual Assistants

NPSA Roundtable Gathers Experts to Single-Site Portable Storage Issues

The National Portable Storage Association has a roundtable of experts to discuss issues affecting the single-site portable storage operator at its 7th Annual Conference and Exposition. - October 07, 2009 - National Portable Storage Association

Christian Empowerment for Charleston S.C. Christians

Healing Waters Church hosting a special Empowerment Series for Christians in the Charleston area, members of all churches welcome to attend. - October 07, 2009 - True Hope Churches & Ministries

BITS - Pilani Based Start-Up Launches Green Citizens Network -

The Green Citizens Network: has officially been launched on the 2nd October '09. It’s an initiative by First Carbon (, a BITS - Pilani based consultancy start-up providing climate change advisory services to its clients. - October 05, 2009 - First Carbon

Shamantist Penny Weaver Offers "Ethereal Usui Reiki II" Class

Reverend and Shamantist Penny Weaver is now offering a class titled "Ethereal Usui Reiki II". The class will take place on December 1, 2009, at 7:30 p.m. - October 04, 2009 - Penny Weaver Inc.

National Students of AMF Announces Staci Barfield as Executive Director

Non-Profit Organization Hires First Full-Time Executive Director. - October 04, 2009 - National Students of AMF Support Network

Speed Venture Summit™ Scores Gold Sponsorship with Comcast Business Class

Comcast Business Class, a leading provider of communications services for small and medium-sized businesses, has signed on as the Gold Sponsor of the Speed Venture Summit™ (SVS) 2009. SVS is the premier speed-dating-style event for fast-growth businesses and investors in New England, and will be held on Wednesday October 28, 2009, at the Crowne Plaza in Nashua, New Hampshire. - October 04, 2009 - Speed Venture Summit

UCLA Medical Professor to Speak About "Chemo Brain" at The Wellness Community

The Wellness Community Valley/Ventura will host a free seminar titled: “Chemo Brain,” Thursday, October 22, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. The talk will take place at 530 Hampshire Road in Westlake Village. Seminar leader Lorne Label, M.D. will address the forgetfulness and mental fog sometimes... - October 04, 2009 - The Wellness Community Valley/Ventura

TMA Resources and Web Courseworks Announce New Partnership

TMA Resources, the leader in member-centric software, today announced a new Solutions Partnership with Web Courseworks, a provider of Web solutions for associations. This partnership will provide customers with a standard integration between TMA Resources’ association management software,... - October 03, 2009 - Web Courseworks

Georgia Toastmasters Overcome Fears of Public Speaking with ‘Death’

On October 16th and 17th District 14 Toastmasters will present a “Spooky Speaky” event at the Marriott Atlanta Gwinnett Place (1775 Pleasant Hill Rd, Duluth, GA 30096, Gwinnett County). This Spooky Speaky weekend will include various educational sessions, hypnosis session, state-wide Evaluation and Humorous Speech Contests, a Costume Ball, a Banner Parade, a Buffet and a Banquet. Members and guests may register online through - October 03, 2009 - District 14 GA Toastmasters

The Executive Recruiter’s Roundtable to Hold Annual Meeting November 5th at Whitemarsh Valley Country Club in Lafayette Hill, PA

The Executive Recruiter’s Roundtable Announced today some of the details of their upcoming Annual Roundtable meeting to be held at the Whitemarsh Valley Country Club in Lafayette Hill, Pennsylvania. - October 03, 2009 - The Executive Recruiter's Roundtable

ELFAA Cements Pan-European Credentials by Welcoming Aboard Blue Air

The European Low Fares Airline Association (ELFAA) is pleased to share with you its latest press release on the extension of its membership to the Romania-based airline, Blue Air. - October 03, 2009 - European Low Fares Airlines Association

Press Releases 15,501 - 15,550 of 18,802