The Word Podcast is Now Giving Away Free Pod-catcher Software

The Word Podcast is making the technology easier to use for its listeners with new pod-catcher that they are allowing people to download for free. - May 19, 2006 - The Word Podcast

Prominent Atlanta Afro-Latino Being Installed as Bishop

Installation of Afro-Latino, Mega-Church Pastor Johnathan Alvarado as Bishop of Church Network Will Make an Immediate Impact Throughout Local and International Communities. - April 27, 2006 - Total Grace Christian Center

One In Worship Arrives In Greensboro

Bishop Andrew Merritt & Pastor Viveca Merritt Unfurls the Third Annual “One In Worship” Praise & Worship Conference- June 2nd-3rd. - April 18, 2006 - Straight Gate International Church

Live From Straight Gate International Church

On April 11, 2006, live from Straight Gate International Church, Bishop Andrew Merritt and Pastor Viveca Merritt announced the Praise and Worship extravaganza, “One in Worship,” to the world. But all were surprised by a surprise appearance and rousing performance by Grammy winning gospel star Donnie McClurkin. McClurkin came to lend his support for the upcoming “One in Worship” historic event. - April 18, 2006 - Straight Gate International Church

Youngsters Team Up to Clean Up

Church of Scientology's 'Say No To Drugs' campaign is doing something effective to reduce the problems of drugs and crime. - April 03, 2006 - Church of Scientology UK

Poetry 4 Jesus Spoken Word Ministry, in Conjunction with Biola Univeristy Students and Teen Challenge will Host a Spoken Word/Christian Hip Hop Nite Friday, March 3

Poetry4Jesus Spoken Word Ministry in conjuction with Biola Univeristy Students invites everyone to join them for Teen Challenge Spoken Word/Hip Hop Nite Friday, March 3rd 6:pm - 8:30pm. - March 03, 2006 - Poetry 4 Jesus

A New Qabbalah is Born

The release of Wahid Azal's Liber Decatriarchia Mystica: Sketchings of the Thirteen Encompassing Spheres of the Tree of Reality and assorted material, spawns the birth of a new qabbalistic model of the universe. - February 07, 2006 - Ecclesia Gnostica Bayani Universalis

Digital Dharma in the Desert

A small, quiet monastery in the desert two hour east of San Diego has virtually 1000 visitors per day. The remarkable thing about these virtually one thousand visitors is that they are just that... virtual, for what they are visiting is the monastery's website. The monastery is Atma Jyoti Ashram, and the website is - February 03, 2006 - Atma Jyoti Ashram

Christian Retreat Fall Schedule

A spiritual retreat is a time to withdraw from the everyday activities, to spend time in prayer, reflection and to experience self-renewal. A retreat implies getting away from home. We consider a successful spiritual retreat one that returns you to your world refreshed and with a stronger sense of... - February 01, 2006 - A Calling from the Wilderness

Oscar Qualifying Human Rights Video “UNITED” Wins the “International Film Festival for Humanitarianism in The Global World” in Sofia

“UNITED,” the international phenomenon music video with a strong human rights message, has been awarded as winner at the “International Film Festival for Humanitarianism in the Global World” at the Europe-Bulgaria Centre in Sofia. - January 29, 2006 - Church of Scientology UK

Church of Scientology Calls for All Sectors of Society to Unite in the Fight Against Drugs

In response to the latest debate ongoing about whether or not to re-upgrade marijuana to the Class B drug category, the UK Church of Scientology has called upon all sectors of society to unite in the fight against drugs. - January 19, 2006 - Church of Scientology UK

Fundraising Dinner Raises Over £1000 for Families in Pakistan

A fundraising dinner hosted by Azad restaurant on Monday 9th January, raised over £1000 for homeless families in Pakistan, victims of the October 2005 earthquake. - January 19, 2006 - Church of Scientology UK

Penn View Visuals - Premier Producer and Distributor of Child Evangelism Materials

In 1985 God spoke to a man named Barry Mason and told him to open a business. This business would produce children's songs, and stories to be used in all sorts of Child Ministry - Junior Church, Vacation Bible School, Kid's Bible Club, Summer Camps and Sunday School. With a $500 loan and a lot of... - January 16, 2006 - Penn View Visuals

HisShoes Ministry on Heaven 1580 AM and WPGC 95.5 FM in Washington, DC

More than a Ministry it's a Movement. - January 14, 2006 - HisShoes

Community Groups Challenged to Unite in 2006 Fight Against Drugs

The President of the Church of Scientology International, Rev Heber C. Jentzsch, is challenging community groups to unite in a massive campaign to educate people around the world on the real facts about drugs, in the face of statistics from the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crimes World Drug Report, showing an estimated 200 million people, or 5% of the worlds population age 15-64, consume illegal drugs. - January 03, 2006 - Church of Scientology of San Diego

San Diego Youth Celebrate Human Rights Day with Hip-Hop Music Video

December 10th marked the 57th anniversary of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, a document written to declare the rights everyone in the entire world should have. Ximena Mora, a 14-year old from Preuss High School, conducted the human rights presentation to youth, who came together to watch the music video UNITED and learn about basic human rights and why they must know, demand and defend them. - January 01, 2006 - Church of Scientology of San Diego

Saint Hill Hosts Band Nite No. 5

This Christmas saw the fifth Say No To Drugs Band Nite at Saint Hill Manor, home of the Church of Scientology, and the religion’s founder L. Ron Hubbard. - December 30, 2005 - Church of Scientology UK

Professor Crump Stops Clowning About and Gets Serious About Human Rights

On Sunday the 11th December, during East Grinstead’s Christmas shopping event – along with police officers, school pupils and local shoppers – and inbetween bringing smiles to lots of faces, Professor Crump signed a petition asking for the full implementation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) within the UK. This petition is being signed by people around the UK and then will be sent to the Prime Minister, Mr Tony Blair. - December 30, 2005 - Church of Scientology UK

Saint Hill Sparkles for Christmas Fair

Christmas spirit came to local families on the countdown to Christmas, as they came to East Grinstead to enjoy a day of festive activities. - December 30, 2005 - Church of Scientology UK

London Kids Come Together to Launch the First Youth for Human Rights Club in London

On the 21st December 2005 the first Youth For Human Rights International club for London was formed. Gathered together were youths who have an interest in seeing that Human rights are made a fact not an idealistic dream. This is a landmark day in the implementation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This club’s intention is to help educate people who do not know about their Human Rights. - December 22, 2005 - Church of Scientology - London

57th Anniversary of the United Nations Human Rights Day Celebrated In Brussels

Diplomats and Religious Leaders Demand Respect of Human Rights in Europe and the World - December 20, 2005 - Church of Scientology UK

Hundreds of Teens to “Face Off” During HisShoes Talk Show

On January 14, 2005, the spiritually blessed and extremely talented hosts of HisShoes Television will engage an audience in excess of 300 youth and young adults in "FACE OFF," an electrifying exploration of what's behind the masks that our younger generation is wearing. The talk show will... - December 06, 2005 - HisShoes

Greek Orthodox Church Purchases Roman Catholic Church Site

The Saint Athanasius the Great Greek Orthodox Parish Family Purchases the St. James the Apostle Roman Catholic Church in Arlington, MA. - November 18, 2005 - Saint Athanasius Greek Orthodox Church

UK Charity Helps Thai Girls and Children Out of Prostitution

Hand in Hand Ministries is a Christian Outreach Service operating in Thailand. They offer practical help and support to Thai women and children involved in drug addiction, alcoholism and prostitution. - October 23, 2005 - Hand in Hand Ministries

Mother of Pearl Retreat 2005

Gavin Ministries presents the inaugural celebration of women this Mother’s Day weekend at the beautiful Callaway Gardens in Pine Mountain, Georgia. The three-day weekend retreat titled, “Mother of Pearl Retreat 2005” provides a unique opportunity for families to celebrate the blessing of... - April 14, 2005 - Gavin Ministries

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