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Within Religious Organizations
Feb and March at Shirat Shalom in Elgin
Some of Feb and March activities at Shirat Shalom in Elgin. New families welcome to visit. - February 05, 2009 - Congregation Shirat Shalom
Cross International Alliance Reaches $1 Billion Milestone in Worldwide Aid to the Poor
Cross International Alliance, the affiliation of two South Florida-based international relief agencies, has reached a significant organizational milestone – the distribution of $1 billion worth of food, medicines and other resources to social outreaches in developing countries since its... - January 30, 2009 - Cross International
Shirat Shalom Invites Guests 2/6 Tu Bish'vat seder
Shirat Shalom is hosting a Tu Bish'vat seder on 2/6 and Shabbat services on 2/7. - January 27, 2009 - Congregation Shirat Shalom
Multicultural Gathering in Israel Promotes Inner Peace
Fifth International Kabbalah Congress Hosted at Tel Aviv Exhibition Grounds Presents Alternative to Current Chaotic Lifestyle. - January 27, 2009 - Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education & Research Institute
Statistics Reveal - America Loves Southern Appalachian Fiction – New Book Gaining Popularity
Southern Appalachian books have sold 25 million+ volumes in the last decade alone. A new book, “Mountain Empire” by Tom Cannon is the newest work to join the ranks of Southern Appalachian, small-town fiction. Mountain Empire will make you laugh, cry, and fall in love with the heart-warming characters in Empire. You'll hate to put the book down. - January 19, 2009 - Destiny Ministry Press
Launch of New Church Promises to Change the Face of Religion
The Vibe in Fullerton, Ca announces the February 1st launch of an unorthodox church that chooses inclusion over religion in an attempt to reach those who find the traditional church irrelevant. - January 15, 2009 - The Vibe Church
Two Dutch Heroes Highlighted in New Documentary
A documentary about two Dutch heroes has just been released by a U. K. based charity. - January 13, 2009 - Harvest Fields Commissioning International
Baumco Products Proudly Announces Its Acquisition of the Exclusive Rights to the Exquisite, Hand Sculpted Jewelry Work of Michael De Medina
Baumco Products has been in business since 1976 and has been the creator of many sports and Advertising Specialty products. As an admirer of the sculptors work he is thrilled to have acquired the rights to the line of jewelry. These products were created in the year 2000 but were never offered for... - January 09, 2009 - Baumco Products
Church Expands National Staff
Top level staff to work on growth, expansion and stability The North American Old Catholic Church, in its continued efforts to reach the un-churched and those marginalized by other church bodies, announced today a dramatic expansion of their national office staff. “The strategic staff... - January 09, 2009 - North American Old Catholic Church
Church Launches New Journal - The Gabriel
A quarterly Journal focusing on Independent Sacramental Spirituality. The Gabriel- A Journal of Independent Sacramental Spirituality was released today through the Old Catholic Publishing Group, the publishing house of the North American Old Catholic Church. The Gabriel is a journal that will be... - January 08, 2009 - North American Old Catholic Church
Milton Berle Inducted Into Jewish-American Hall of Fame
Milton Berle is the 39th inductee into the Jewish-American Hall of Fame, a non-profit, educational project, founded in 1969. Previous honorees have included Albert Einstein, George Gershwin, Benny Goodman, Golda Meir and Hank Greenberg. A portrait plaque has been added to the exhibit on display at the headquarters of B’nai B’rith in Washington DC. - January 03, 2009 - Jewish-American Hall of Fame
Church Consulting Organization Announces Re-Imaging Services
New Church Specialties, a church consulting organization, launches a branding and marketing service for churches. - December 31, 2008 - New Church Specialties
Bishop Veynell Warren, D.D. Recaps 2008 for the New Believers Missionary Baptist Church
The secular world talks about New Year's resolutions, whereas at the New Believers Missionary Baptist Church, our resolutions settled along the scriptures. - December 31, 2008 - New Believers Missionary Baptist Church
C.J. Manahey to Preach Two Sundays at Sovereign Grace Church in Apex NC
C.J. Mahaney, president of Sovereign Grace Ministries, will be visiting Sovereign Grace Church in Apex NC to preach two messages on January 25th 2009 and February 8th 2009. - December 19, 2008 - Sovereign Grace Church
'Soul Currency' is Main Street's Hope to Create Wall Street Value and Abundance, says Author Ernest D. (Ernie) Chu
Ernest D. (Ernie) Chu, a former Wall Street investment banker and capital markets expert, offers a message of hope and practical inspiration for Main Street in his new book, "Soul Currency: Investing Your Inner Wealth for Fulfillment and Abundance." - December 17, 2008 - Soul Currency Institute
Tennessee Author Releases Book - Promising Hope for Those in Crisis
According to international and local experts, the looming global economic crisis which began with the collapse of the financial sector could spread to all segments of society by the middle of next year. As the worldwide crisis expands, people are desperately looking for hope, wherever they can... - December 11, 2008 - Destiny Ministry Press
Christmas Season Takes Its Toll on Pastors; Pastor Burnout Rises During the Holiday Season
PastorCare offers hurting clergy help during stressful times. - December 10, 2008 - PastorCare
Cactus Kallah 2009 Early Registration to Close Soon
This year, the theme is Ushavtemayim Besason, Drawing water of Joy - Celebrating the joys of water, especially in the high desert of Tucson. TSC chose this theme to acknowledge that the intention of this gathering is indeed a sacred one: l'shem shamayim, for the sake of heaven and that all are composed mostly of water and the time in the desert helps one to see the importance of water and joy in life. - December 09, 2008 - Congregation Ner Tamid
HIV/AIDS in the Church, Pastor Tackles Tough Topic
Sacramento Mega-church Lead Pastor Rick Cole of Capital Christian Center has a tough task in front of him. He must communicate hope on what was once considered a taboo subject from the pulpit. The HIV/AIDS pandemic will be the topic his Sunday sermon concluding with an offer of free and confidential HIV/AIDS testing from Sacramento Center For AIDS Research, Education and Services (CARES). - November 30, 2008 - Capital Christian Center
24-Hour Kabbalah Channel Launches on Israel Television
Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education & Research Institute, the international group of Kabbalists based in Israel, is proud to announce the launching of its 24-hour Kabbalah Channel on channel 66 in Israel. The non-stop programming schedule features current affair, lifestyle, family, education and... - November 25, 2008 - Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education & Research Institute
Vocal Concert Hammel & Artis at First Presbyterian Church in Orange
Join Carmen Artis, soprano and John Hammel, tenor in a diverse programs of songs that incorporate the sun, moon and stars as symbols of earthly love in all of it’s various forms. Carmen and John will be singing songs from the musical realms of opera, operetta, Broadway and pop in their journey along the byways of love. They will be joined by accompanist Nancy DeRitter, pianist. - November 23, 2008 - First Presbyterian Church of Orange
Great Reviews for The Forgotten Roots: A Beginners Guide to The Judaic Roots of Christianity
The Director of MDDL Discernment and Study Ministry has produced a best selling book that is receiving many positive reviews. With so many Christian books promoting man and what man wants it is refreshing to have a book that points man back to G-d. - November 22, 2008 - MDDL Discernment and Study Ministry
Thousands Find Answers in Free Online Course
Free interactive Kabbalah course sheds light on the current crisis. - November 09, 2008 - Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education & Research Institute
Eckankar Free Workshop: Have You Had a Spiritual Experience Provides Open Forum for Sharing Dreams, and Spiritual Experiences
Have You Had a Spiritual Experience is a free workshop that will allow those attending to explore dreams, visions, and divine love. Attendees will be able to try a spiritual exercise, share their stories, and experiences. A free book and CD is available. The workshop is sponsored by the Delaware Satsang Society a Chartered Affiliate of Eckankar, Religion of the Light and Sound of God. - November 06, 2008 - Delaware Satsang Society
Death of 11-Year Old Alexandria Boy Brings International Attention to Discipline in Egypt Schools
A mathematics teacher in Alexandria is being detained on manslaughter charges in Egypt after allegedly beating an 11 year old student to death for not completing his homework. The teacher claimed that he only intended to discipline the boy, but the incident brings to international attention the... - November 02, 2008 - Coptic Orphans
Jason and deMarco Tour Coming to Raleigh
International Recording Artists to Perform November 8-9. - November 01, 2008 - St. John's MCC
Michigan Approves Rochester College to Certify Music Teachers
The Michigan Department of Education has approved Rochester College to certify students as music teachers. - October 26, 2008 - Rochester College
Best-Selling Author Max Lucado to Speak at Fundraising Luncheon for Rochester College
Christian author and minister Max Lucado will speak at a fundraising luncheon hosted by Rochester College on Saturday, November 1, 2008 at 11:30pm at the Royal Park Hotel in downtown Rochester, Michigan. - October 24, 2008 - Rochester College
Holiday Survival Program at Doylestown United Methodist Church
Doylestown United Methodist Church announces a “Surviving the Holidays” session on Tuesday November 11th 2008 at 7-9 pm for those in the community struggling with the thought of the upcoming holidays. - October 23, 2008 - Doylestown United Methodist Church
The Jubilee Symphony Orchestra is Delighted to Announce the Appointment of Stephen P Brown to the Orchestra’s Recently Created Position of Artistic Director
Known for thrilling performances and a wide variety of musical styles, Mr. Brown will conduct the orchestra for most of its performances in New York City. Reviving, establishing and growing musical disciplines have provided Stephen P Brown with unique qualifications that are beginning to be... - October 12, 2008 - Jubilee Missions
"Fire in Brazil" Set to Spread to Milan
A U. K. Charity’s documentary film about Brazil has been nominated as a finalist at a prestigious Milan film festival. - October 06, 2008 - Harvest Fields Commissioning International
"Transition" Revival at The Holy Christian Church
Transition in Finances, Marriages, Family, Careers, Prophecy, Ministry and Vision. - October 05, 2008 - The Communion of Holy Christian Churches
Philadelphia Gospel Recording Label Seeks Church Choirs for Compilation CD
Koinonia Music Group (KMG) announced its plans today to showcase the talents of local artists, bands, and Church choirs on its upcoming Compilation CD to be released Spring 2009. KMG is currently looking to secure at least three more Church choirs for this project, with the sole requirement for... - October 04, 2008 - Koinonia Music Group
Christian Hollywood Re-Launches Social Networking Site Specifically Created for Media-Related Community
Christian Hollywood gives entertainment professionals a place where they can show their creative and artistic products to the community, befriend others in the industry, and also a place to encourage and pray for their like-minded friends. - October 03, 2008 - Christian Hollywood Media
Forbes Billionaire Naguib Sawiris, Pioneering Philanthropist Ola Ghabbour Honored by Egyptian Diaspora at New York Event
Naguib Sawiris, international entrepreneur from the Middle East who recently was the first private investor to enter North Korea, and Ola Ghabbour, wife of the steel magnate and the catalyst behind the recent building of the first state-of-the-art children’s cancer hospital in the Middle East, are being honored by leaders from the Egyptian diaspora at a NY event on October 18th. - October 02, 2008 - Coptic Orphans
Georgia Church Champions Autism Cure
Stonemill Race for Autism. - September 30, 2008 - Stonemill Church
McCain and Obama Woo Catholic Swing Vote
As the election season enters its critical final phase, John McCain and Barack Obama continue their battle for the crucial Catholic swing vote in the October issue of U.S. Catholic magazine. The two answered a set of identical questions of interest to Catholics in interviews conducted via e-mail. The questions covered a wide range of issues—from abortion, stem cell research, and the death penalty to economic justice, the environment, universal health care, immigration, and the war on terror. - September 12, 2008 - Claretian Publications
Trade Expressions Launches Fair Trade Fundraising
Web-based fundraising program delivers money and meaning to local non-profit organizations. - September 10, 2008 - Trade Expressions
Leaders Explain How “Social Meets Gospel”
Some of Christianity’s top leaders share their ideas about the balance between social action and evangelism in a new documentary film. - September 08, 2008 - Harvest Fields Commissioning International
Carmelite Science-Fiction Thriller
Author Lynden Rodriguez has written a science-fiction thriller entitled Drumwall. This is Ms. Rodriguez’s first novel about a mining colony on the planet Cumaro, beginning with the arrival of a new parish priest. Father Andrew Zamora discovers that his predecessor may have met a terrible... - September 06, 2008 - Lynden Rodriguez, OCDS
Rabbi’s Approach to Interfaith Weddings Hits Home with Couples, as Demand for Services Increases
When Rabbi David S. Gruber of Frisco, Texas, a northern suburb of Dallas, started officiating at interfaith weddings he had no idea how great the need was. Having launched his website in December of 2007, Gruber has worked with or is working with about twenty five... - September 04, 2008 - Bar & Bat Mitzvahs Rabbi
September Series "Walking with Faith in a Fear Filled World" at Sacred Center New York by Nationally Recognized Speaker and Best Selling Author August Gold
New exciting and life changing talks by August Gold during the month of September at Sacred Center New York, the fastest growing spiritual center in the US. - September 01, 2008 - Sacred Center New York
IMC-USA Expresses Alarm at Anti-Christian Violence in Orissa; Demands the State and Central Governments to Act Immediately
Indian Muslim Council-USA (IMC-USA), an advocacy group working toward safeguarding India’s pluralist and tolerant ethos, denounces in the strongest terms, the ongoing massacre of Christians and the killing of the Hindutva leader in the Indian state of Orissa. According to news reports,... - August 30, 2008 - Indian Muslim Council-USA
New "Christian" Look for Old Company
Entrepreneur Michele Johnson has decided to transform her company into a truly "Christian" organization. "This is the best thing for the company. I feel that in order for God's hand to be on your work, you have to be doing his work." The owner is now also an author and motivational speaker, and is very excited about this new transition. - August 28, 2008 - TRINITE3
Pastor Cedric Richardson Joins Dr. Bishop Veynell Warren for a 9th Pastoral Anniversary Celebration
Dr. Bishop Veynell Warren, one of today’s most philosophical and prophetic ministers, is preparing to celebrate nine years as a pastor. The celebration dates for the pastoral anniversary are September 15 -17 (7:30pm nightly) with close out on September 21 at 3:30pm. Warren, Pastor of the New... - August 27, 2008 - New Believers Missionary Baptist Church
Divorce Support Programs Set to Begin at Doylestown United Methodist Church
Doylestown United Methodist Church announces the starting date of the fall session of its DivorceCare programs. - August 27, 2008 - Doylestown United Methodist Church
Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education and Research Institute Announces the Addition of a New Life, Love & Family Section on
Kabbalah explains the best way for women to go about getting what they need. - August 23, 2008 - Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education & Research Institute
Dr. Paul Benware to Speak at Grace Bible Church
Grace Bible Church is excited to announce Southwestern College Professor Dr. Paul Benware will bring the morning message Sunday, August 31. Prior to going to Southwestern College in Phoenix, Arizona, Dr. Benware was on the faculty of the Master's College, Moody Bible Institute, and Philadelphia... - August 21, 2008 - Grace Bible Church
Champions Empowered to Prosper and Annual UK Conference 2008
The International Gathering of Champions is an annual Conference hosted by Kingsway International Christian Centre. Lead by Senior Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo, the week long conference is held at the end of August and draws more then 180,000 delegates from here in the UK and abroad. The conference attracts invited speakers from around the world, including the USA, Europe and Southern and West Africa. - August 16, 2008 - Kingsway International Christian Centre
Jay Bakker Popularity Growing
Impending Visit to N.C. May Draw National Attention - August 12, 2008 - St. John's MCC