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Within Religious Organizations
Lisa Kemp-Williams Tours Home Town with Word of God
Prophetic psalmist to minister in Word and song at New 79th Street Baptist Church, Miami, Fla. and Christ’s Kingdom Life Center International in Hollywood, Fla. - May 12, 2007 - LKW Ministries International
Spiritual Entrepreneurs Use Spiritual Assets to Achieve 'Flow' and Success
In an article in the Journal of Human Values, the Rev. Ernest Chu, former investment banker and widely recognized expert on financing emerging growth companies, defines spiritual entrepreneurship and examines the processes and results typical of spiritual entrepreneurs' endeavors. - May 11, 2007 - Soul Currency Institute
Fall in Love All Over Again at the Heart to Heart Marriage Confernece Hosted by Pastor Lyle Dukes and Co-Pastor Deborah Dukes in Woodbridge, VA
Dr. Michael A. Freeman and Dr. Dee Dee Freeman of Spirit of Faith Christian Center in Temple Hills, MD and Bishop Carver E. Poindexter and Co-Pastor Lorene Poindexter of Love of Christ Church in Alexandria, VA will join Pastor Lyle Dukes and Co-Pastor Deborah Dukes in Woodbridge, VA for the Heart to Heart Marriage Conference June 13- 15, 2007. - May 03, 2007 - Harvest Life Changers Church, International
Many Women with Children Need Help: Introducing a New Ministry for Women
New Broken Vessels Ministry has bible study and group discussion every Friday at 9:00 a.m. at It's God's Choice Christian Bookstore at 1454 Addison Road South, Capitol Heights, MD 20743. - April 28, 2007 - New Broken Vessels Ministry
Frisch School Seniors Lobby Congress - Students Travel to Washington to Meet with Congressmen and Senators
Over 100 students from The Frisch School senior class traveled to Washington, D.C. this past Wednesday to lobby 40 members of the United States Congress. Groups of eight students each met with a member of the House or Senate and had a chance to discuss issues regarding the Middle East. Some of... - April 28, 2007 - The Frisch School
Mount Carmel Youth Ranch, Leading Wilderness Program Provider, Offers Parents 5 Tips to Dealing with a Troubled Teen
Mount Carmel Youth Ranch Helps Parents Communicate with and Structure Daily Life for Troubled Teens - April 27, 2007 - Mount Carmel Youth Ranch
Motivational Speaker, Purpose Coach & Author to Publish 10 Books in Indonesia
Paul Davis is a worldwide motivational speaker who has traveled to over 50 countries and 6 continents. His organization Dream-Maker Inc. is building dreams, breaking limitations, and reconciling nations. Paul transcends problems and creates solutions. - April 25, 2007 - Dream-Maker Inc
Jewish Interfaith Wedding Ceremony Rabbi Stuart E. Davis Creates Expectations Program to Guide Couples Toward Greater Marriage Fulfillment
Jewish interfaith wedding ceremony Rabbi Stuart E. Davis uses his Expectations Program to guide engaged couples toward greater marriage fulfillment. - April 08, 2007 - Uniting Two Faiths
Local Church Moves Into Popular Movie Theater
A church and a movie theater seem like an unusual match, but for The Crossing@High Point it is a logical choice. - April 04, 2007 - The Crossing@High Point
Star of the Sea Catholic Church in Virginia Beach Starting Legion of Mary Group
Star of the Sea Catholic Church in Virginia Beach, Virginia is starting up a new Legion of Mary group. It meets every Thursday at 7:00 PM. For more information see the bulletin. Fr. Steve at Star of the Sea is starting the praesidium (local group) in order to help increase the holiness of... - April 02, 2007 - Legion of Mary - Tidewater, VA Curia
The “Elgin Marbles” Featured in New Documentary on Athens - “Source of Ancient Pathways”
The heavily debated “Elgin Marbles” are featured in a one hour documentary “Source of Ancient Pathways” newly released by Harvest Fields Commissioning International and OLI Productions. This film examines the historical, artistic and religious setting of the ancient city of Athens and its place in the 21st century. - March 31, 2007 - Harvest Fields Commissioning International
J. John Joins “Principles of Leadership” Line-up
Greek-Cypriot evangelist J. John was recently interviewed for HFC International’s “Principles of Leadership” film series. He joins a list of notable leaders such as best-selling author Joyce Meyer and Jackie Pullinger. - March 24, 2007 - Harvest Fields Commissioning International
SANMA Medical Missionary Team Conducts Free Clinics
SANMA volunteer team of doctors, nurses, and paramedics conducted free medical clinics in the remote villages of Garenapudi and Thanner Vari Palem in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India. - March 20, 2007 - South Asia Native Missionary Alliance
Warm Feet, Warm Hearts
Indianapolis Church Distributes Eighty Cases of Socks - March 16, 2007 - Jesus MCC Homeless Ministry
Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie, Vickie Winans, Minister Judy Jacobs, Bishop Alfred A. Owens, Co-Pastor Susie Owens Ministering in the Washington D.C. Area
Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie, the first elected female bishop of the A.M.E church, Minister Judy Jacobs, of His Song Ministries in Cleveland, Tennessee and the anointed legendary recording artist Vickie Winans, are among several world-renowned speakers and psalmists coming to Woodbridge, Virginia April 24 – 27 for the “Don’t Block My Flow” Women’s Conference 2007 hosted by Pastor Lyle Dukes and Co-Pastor Deborah Dukes. - March 14, 2007 - Harvest Life Changers Church, International
Xclaimed Ministries Presents Free Evangelistic Christian Event, Xclaimed 777, at Rose Bowl in Pasadena, CA on July 7, 2007
Xclaimed Ministries presents a free evangelistic Christian celebration at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California on July 7, 2007. The Xclaimed 777 event is a festival style concert with bands like Skillet, KJ-52, Leeland, The Afters, Warren Barfield, Decyfer Down and the Xclaimed Ministries Band. - March 08, 2007 - Xclaimed Ministries, Inc
Lisa Kemp-Williams Ministers at Little Vine Baptist Church
Prophetic psalmist to minister in Word and song at Little Vine Baptist Church in Tyrone, Georgia for a Springtime refreshing. - March 08, 2007 - LKW Ministries International
Lisa Kemp-Williams Tours Corpus Christi with the Word of God
Prophetic psalmist to minister in song and Word in two Texas churches. - March 02, 2007 - LKW Ministries International
No Bullies in this School...
"A vision has been to bring NYC Full Gospel Theological Seminary with its degrees and certificate programs to the internet." Semester credit hour cost below the national average. - February 19, 2007 - NYC Full Gospel Theological Seminary
Dr. Kathryn Lofton Receives LGBT Religious History Award
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Religious Archives Network (LGBT-RAN) honors Dr. Kathryn Lofton as the 2006-07 recipient of its LGBT Religious History Award. The LGBT Religious Archives Network created this award in order to promote scholarship in LGBT studies in religious history. ... - February 14, 2007 - LGBT Religoius Archives Network
Lisa Kemp-Williams Ministers at Crossroad Community Cathedral
Prophetic psalmist to minister in word and song at Crossroads Community Cathedral Church in East Hartford, Connecticut in February. - February 12, 2007 - LKW Ministries International
Lisa Kemp-Williams to Minister at Women’s Retreat in Central Florida
Prophetic Psalmist to minister in song at the Leesburg Women’s Retreat. - February 02, 2007 - LKW Ministries International
A Trail of Two Cities Film Released by Harvest Fields Commissioning International
A unique documentary film, “A Trail of Two Cities – Ephesus and Patmos,” has just been released by Harvest Fields Commissioning International and OLI Productions. Three years in production and editing in Turkey, Greece and the U.K., the film colourfully compares and contrasts the two cities and cultures which make up these Biblical cities. - February 01, 2007 - Harvest Fields Commissioning International
Legion of Mary (Tidewater Virginia Curia) to Hold Acies on March 18th at St. Matthew Catholic Church in Virginia Beach, VA
Acies will be held on March 18th at 3:00 p.m. at St. Matthew. St. Matthew Catholic Church in is located at 3314 Sandra Lane, Virginia Beach, VA. The word Acies is Latin, and means “an army ranged in battle array.” At Acies legionaries as a body assemble to renew their fealty to... - January 29, 2007 - Legion of Mary - Tidewater, VA Curia
Interfaith Wedding Rabbi Marries Couples on Saturdays
Rabbi Stuart E. Davis, Overland Park, KS, marries interfaith couples on Saturdays and travels throughout the United States. - January 11, 2007 - Uniting Two Faiths
Divorce Support Program Set to Begin at Doylestown United Methodist Church
Doylestown United Methodist Church announces the starting date of the spring session of its DivorceCare program. - January 10, 2007 - Doylestown United Methodist Church
Meals And Memories: First Local Chabad Cookbook Published -- Can Matzah Balls and Kung Pao Chicken Coexist?
The Chabad of Upper Montgomery County, MD has collected the best recipes from synagogue members, family, and friends and compiled them into an attractive professionally published keepsake 3-ring cookbook. With 350 recipes, Meals and Memories: A Collection of Recipes Old and New is a fantastic collection containing a wide variety of cuisine, from traditional Jewish recipes to Italian, Mexican, Indian, Asian, and American sources. - January 09, 2007 - Chabad of Upper Montgomery County Maryland
Insight on The Word Debuts, Finishes Strong Among Listeners
Podcast outreach with Wisdom The Principal Thing - January 08, 2007 - Insight on The Word
Children Emerging as Unexpected International Ministry Priority
Over 83% of All New Christians Worldwide Are Under 15 Years of Age. - January 05, 2007 - Gospel Light Worldwide
The $5 Scholarship Takes the Gospel Light Worldwide to One Million Children
$5 covers the total cost for an entire year of children’s Bible study or Sunday School, including a culturally relevant translation, teacher training, printing and distribution of the materials, delivering the lessons and evaluation. - November 22, 2006 - Gospel Light Worldwide
Generation M - Outreach, Evangelism, and Group Study through The Bible Experience
Generation M is an outreach movement motivated in bridging the intergenerational and inspirational gap that exists between all age groups. Generation M is the generation of people who will influence the New Millennium and impact the world based on their ability to: (1) market their gifts,... - November 10, 2006 - Generation M
Are you "Divinely Framed"?
Author of book writes to bring messages of hope, inspiration and empowerment to women who feel hopeless. - November 07, 2006 - Ora International
GFP Multimedia Proudly Announces their Produced Televised Show San Francisco Bay Calendar
San Francisco Bay Calendar is the “Bay Area's Favorite Community Calendar,” televised cable medium production for booking agents, businesses, entrepreneurs, promoters, performers, artist, public affairs and public services announcements. - November 03, 2006 - GFP Multimedia
Stars Support UK Charities in Sussex Gala
L. Ron Hubbard Foundation hosts 10th annual Gala Charity Concert at Saint Hill Manor. - October 27, 2006 - Church of Scientology UK
Spectacular Grand Opening of the Church of Scientology in City of London
Darcy House at 146 Queen Victoria Street becomes London's new Church of Scientology. - October 27, 2006 - Church of Scientology UK
Sex, Kids, & the Internet Seminar
This is a free internet safety seminar to educate and equip the parent of today's Net-savvy kids. Thursday, November 9th, at 6:30 pm. Come and learn about the threat to your children and how to combat it with effective parenting and computer tools. - October 17, 2006 - Grace Point Church
Singles Event in Shreveport
All single adults are invited to this fun gathering. - October 08, 2006 - Singles Ministry at FUMC Shreveport
Catholics Celebrate Birth of St. Mary
Today, September 8th is a Catholic Feast day celebrating the birth of the Mother of God. This is the first feast day in the liturgical year, and is aptly celebrated as such because Catholic believe St. Mary to be the new Eve and the Theotokos (Greek for Mother of God). St. Mary's conception... - September 08, 2006 - Legion of Mary - Tidewater, VA Curia
Legion of Mary Recruiting Drive at St. Gregory's Catholic Church
On September 10, 2006, the Legion of Mary will be holding a recruiting drive to at St. Gregory the Great Catholic Church in Virginia Beach, VA. The Legion of Mary is a lay Catholic organization devoted to Jesus through Mary. Active members of the Legion of Mary attend a weekly meeting, say... - September 08, 2006 - Legion of Mary - Tidewater, VA Curia
Divorce Support Program Set to Begin at Doylestown United Methodist Church
Doylestown United Methodist Church announces the starting date of the fall session of its DivorceCare program. - August 30, 2006 - Doylestown United Methodist Church
Legion of Mary Handbook Online
The Legion of Mary Handbook, which outlines the basic information about the Legion of Mary, is now avalible online. - August 27, 2006 - Legion of Mary - Tidewater, VA Curia
Griefshare at Bel Air United Methodist Church in Maryland
Bel Air United Methodist Church will start their fall Griefshare session. - August 25, 2006 - Bel Air United Methodist Church
Legion of Mary Provides Witness
It is not just Mormons and Jehovah witnesses, who are going door-to-door to share their faith — Catholics are too! A little known part of the Code of Canon Law requires that the pastor of every parish proclaim the word of God to those living in his parish. Notice the requirement —... - August 24, 2006 - Legion of Mary - Tidewater, VA Curia
Divorce Support and Grief Support Programs Set to Begin at James River Assembly
James River Assembly of God announces the starting date of the Fall session of DivorceCare and GriefShare programs. - August 23, 2006 - James River Assembly of God
Gospel Light Worldwide Names New President
Gospel Light Worldwide announced that Marc Stein has been appointed President of the international children’s learning ministry. Gospel Light Worldwide is the not-for-profit sister organization to Gospel Light and Regal Books providing culturally relevant, life changing Bible curriculum,... - July 18, 2006 - Gospel Light Worldwide
'The Day of Jehovah' a Book Released Today
Dr. Derrick Whitt shares from his experience as a Jehovah's Witness and Christ-based advice to help those who want to exit out of the religion. - July 11, 2006 - New Life Ministries
HisShoes - Coming this Month to DCTV Channel 96 in the District of Columbia
Check out the leaders of tommorow as they make a mighty difference today. Minister Maurice Maxwell, Minister Wendell Hankins, and Chanda Brown-Wilson, the blessed and talented hosts of HisShoes Television engage an audience of teenagers and adults in an electrifying exploration of what's... - July 02, 2006 - HisShoes
Muslim Community Center Announces Expansion and Fundraising Dinner
Construction of M E C Masjid has finally begun in full swing and Community has mobilized to raise the funds to finish the project in record time and to earn perpetual reward, said Afzal Sodagar - Chairperson, Media Relations and event coordinator. The fundraising dinner will be Insha... - June 10, 2006 - Muslim Community Center
The Hellenic and Near East Ensemble to Perform in Arlington, Massachusetts
Celebrating Greek and Near Eastern Music in America. - June 01, 2006 - Saint Athanasius Greek Orthodox Church
Greensboro Gears Up for “One in Worship” Praise and Worship Conference
The city of Greensboro, NC, has never experienced anything like it before. Neither has the rest of the United States. On June 2-3 some 50,000 people will see for themselves why "One In Worship" gets bigger and better every year. One In Worship is supplying what the country needs in... - June 01, 2006 - Straight Gate International Church