WomenBuild™ 2009 Kick-Off Raises Wall on Minneapolis Home

WomenBuild™ 2009 Kick-Off Raises Wall on Minneapolis Home

Redefining the phrase "break a nail," several hundred women will descend on a South Minneapolis home this summer with power tools in hand as part of Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity’s (TCHFH) WomenBuild™ project. To celebrate the accomplishments of local women in addressing poverty housing, Governor Tim Pawlenty has declared June 15 WomenBuild™ in Minnesota. - June 10, 2009 - Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity

HFC International Interview with Anne Graham Lotz Discovers - Billy Graham - Growing (Old) in God’s Grace

World renowned evangelist Billy Graham has had to readjust his life because of Parkinson’s Disease. - June 05, 2009 - Harvest Fields Commissioning International

HFC International Investigative Film Discovers - God at work in China

In spite of worldwide economic woes the economy – the Christian church in China is flourishing. - June 04, 2009 - Harvest Fields Commissioning International

Opera Singer Leaves Low Notes Behind - Meets HFC International TV Crew

Opera singer Liliana Oliveri contemplates her past in a Milan, Italy TV interview. - June 04, 2009 - Harvest Fields Commissioning International

Rev. Ike to Give Away One Million Free E-Books

"You can't lose with the stuff I use!" says Rev. Ike. And to prove it, Rev. Ike Ministries announced today that they are giving away a new free eBook, "Thinkonomics," to celebrate the launch of Rev. Ike’s newest website, www.ScienceOfLivingOnline.com. Through his Mind Science lessons, Rev. Ike teaches that "The first place you get anything is in your mind.” And through his Ministries, Rev. Ike is enlightening and uplifting the world one mind at a time, by giving away his powerful e-book. - June 02, 2009 - Reverend Ike Ministries

Christian Living Bible Institute Researchers Prove the Bible Has the Power of God

For the past five years, staff from the Christian Living Bible Institute have studied the affects of applying the Bible to various areas of people's lives with astonishing results. - June 02, 2009 - Christian Living Ministry, Inc.

Mimi Rothschild Makes Homeschooling Curriculum Available to Christian Schools

Program availability creates win-win scenario for students and schools. - June 01, 2009 - Mimi Rothschild

Alpha 7 Ministries Goes "Beyond the Walls" with New Instrumental Gospel/Jazz CD

Alpha 7 Ministries releases "Beyond The Walls" CD. A balanced blend of instrumental music that crosses many genres (Gospel Jazz, Smooth Jazz, Inspirational, Easy Listening). It will reach beyond the walls of your heart and impact your every emotion. - May 31, 2009 - Alpha 7 Ministries

Homeless Shelter Honors Six Graduating Residents

Ground Zero Rescue, a tri-county homeless shelter, kicked off a celebration service on Saturday in honor of six shelter residents who successfully completed the 90-day Center of Hope course program. A cookout, sponsored by the Sunset Café located in Samson, Alabama and hosted by Abundant... - May 28, 2009 - Ground Zero Rescue Missions

Mimi Rothschild Offers Summer Options for Homeschooling Parents

Continuing education in the summertime can further sharpen skills. - May 15, 2009 - Mimi Rothschild

1,000,000 Christians Change the Internet on June 16, 2009 with a Live Online Bible Study

The Christian Living Bible Institute and Two Sons of One, LLC believe that God created the Internet for a reason. On June 16th, 2009, the web site www.MegaMinistry.com will host the largest online Bible study in the world. - May 14, 2009 - Christian Living Ministry, Inc.

Thrivent Builds Commits Largest Gift Ever to Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity for Ten Homes

Thrivent Builds Commits Largest Gift Ever to Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity for Ten Homes

A kick-off event celebrating the partnership will be held on Monday, May 18, from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. at 1605 Case Avenue in St. Paul, Minn. Speakers include St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman, Congresswoman Betty McCollum, Habitat homebuyer Abraham Shokiyo, and representatives from Thrivent Builds and Habitat for Humanity. - May 12, 2009 - Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity

Lama Pema Wangdak Receives 2009 Ellis Island Medal of Honor

The Venerable Lama Pema Wandak, director of the Palden Sakya Centers and the Vikramasila Foundation, has been chosen by the National Ethnic Coalition of Organizations (NECO) to receive an Ellis Island Medal of Honor in a ceremony on Saturday, May 9, 2009. He is the first Tibetan to receive this award, which ranks among this country’s most prestigious and is officially recognized by both the US Senate and the US House of Representatives. - May 10, 2009 - The Vikramasila Foundation

Mysteries of the Heart (A Roadmap to a Loving Relationship and a Happy Marriage) Brand New Beautiful Book from Two Inspiring Experts

Today marks the release of the highly anticipated Mysteries of the Heart, the most recent book written by Ted Stefan and Liza. Their prior book, Lifting the Veil of Illusions: How to Identify and Heal the Influences of Unseen Forces, had a powerful impact and opened many people to deep spiritual nourishment. Whether single or in a relationship, this powerful book will reveal why your relationships have failed and what to do to make love work in your life. - May 08, 2009 - Golden Heart Spiritual Center

Mimi Rothschild Announces Launch of Podcast Program

Podcast will be an audio resource for current and potential home schooling parents. - May 01, 2009 - Mimi Rothschild

Church Issues Guidelines on Swine Flu

In light of the declared health emergency, the church is modifying several religious practices to prevent transmission of swine flu at its services. - April 30, 2009 - North American Old Catholic Church

Cantcha, Inc. – Releases “Our Daily Bread” a New Christian iPhone and iPod Touch Application on iTunes

Cantcha, Inc. – Releases “Our Daily Bread” a New Christian iPhone and iPod Touch Application on iTunes

Cantcha, Inc . the makers of iMissal has released “Our Daily Bread”, another iPhone and iPod touch application for the Christian community. Enjoy a unique and thought provoking Bible verse for every day of the year displayed on a beautiful background. Choose from three different Bible... - April 28, 2009 - Cantcha, Inc.

A Meaningful Life and a Solution to the “God Wars” Offered in Award-Winning New Book

"Return to Meaning: The American Psyche in Search of its Soul," by Dr. Andrew Cort, D.C., J.D., Redefines Religious Meaning and Its Importance for a Scientific Age. - April 27, 2009 - Andrew Cort

Revival Hill Christian Schools Re-Open with Scholarships for North Philly Kids

After relocating from Mt. Airy to the Tioga/Nicetown section of North Philadelphia, Revival Hill Christian School and TKG Christian Middle School are making available multiple scholarships for North Philly children to attend private school. Revival Hill Christian Schools, encompassing grades 6-12... - April 27, 2009 - Revival Hill Christian Schools

Reaching Out to Micronesians

Church working with Micronesian Government to protect the rights of Micronesian Nationals living in the US. - April 25, 2009 - North American Old Catholic Church

Spotlight Radio Ministries Launches New Online Radio Ministry

Spotlight Radio Ministries interviews Christian Men and Women, and those who have been touched by His Grace and Mercy, using BlogTalkRadio.com to help spread the message of Salvation. - April 23, 2009 - Spotlight Radio Ministries

Cross Receives Coveted 4-Star Rating for Sound Fiscal Management from Non-Profit Watchdog Charity Navigator

Cross International, a South-Florida-based charity providing relief and development aid to the poor overseas, recently received a 4-star rating from industry watchdog Charity Navigator for its ability to effectively manage and grow its finances. - April 22, 2009 - Cross International

Heavens Best Ministries

Angelo O. Jones Ministries. Heavens Best Healing & Deliverance Baptist Church. - April 21, 2009 - Angelo O Jones Ministries

Amy Jo Garner Ministries Sponsors Online Writing Course

In 5 short weeks they can show you how to write professional, effective business documents, including e-mails and forum postings, that reduce miscommunication, improve the response you get from others, and demonstrate your professional competence and expertise. - April 17, 2009 - Amy Jo Garner Ministries

New Community Church Raises Funds for Maryland Baby Recovering from Four Major Surgeries and Approaching Fifth Procedure Before First Birthday

Doctors at Johns Hopkins Schedule Laryngoscope for Baby Seniya to Investigate Impaired Breathing and Speech. - April 13, 2009 - New Community COGIC

New Book Release: The Christian, Stand Up and Fight; The Law According to Gods Word

Las Vegas Christian Author Victorya released her powerful new book, The Christian, Stand Up and Fight, with biblical based answers to counter the latest assaults on Christian faith. Paperback available in large print as well as on Amazon Kindle where your purchase is instant and where digial text platform has become the new wave of the future for download reading. - April 11, 2009 - Messages of Faith Ministry

Ministry Launches New Web Site to Explore Christian Peace and Simplicity

The Virtual Hermitary Web site went live on Good Friday offering original essays, sermons and daily devotionals for Christians interested in learning more about a life of Christ-like simplicity and peace. Visitors will find a growing selection of essays, e-books and sermons designed to challenge... - April 11, 2009 - Amy Jo Garner Ministries

Church of the Earth Sponsors Central NC Pagan Pride Day 2009

For the 4th year in a row, the Church of the Earth of Raleigh, NC has become a Sponsor for the annual Central NC Pagan Pride Day festival. - April 10, 2009 - Central NC Pagan Pride Day Festival

Life Coach Stacia Pierce Teams Up with Celebrities to Empower Enterprising Women

Life and style coach Dr. Stacia Pierce announced celebrity guests Tasha Smith and DeShawn Snow will speak at the Women's Success Conference on May 21-23 at the Lansing Center. Pierce invites business owners and women desiring to be at the top to come be personally coached at America's most... - April 09, 2009 - Women's Success Conference Inc

Mel Wacks, Director of Jewish-American Hall of Fame, Contributes Historic Medal Dies to Hebraic Section of the Library of Congress

In 2004, the national committee celebrating 350 Years of Jewish Life in America distributed commemorative medals throughout the country, including one to President Bush. The head of the medal committee, Mel Wacks, has now contributed the original medal dies to the Hebraic Section of the Library of Congress in the hope that they will be exhibited during the 400th anniversary celebration and beyond. - April 04, 2009 - Jewish-American Hall of Fame

First Class Homeschool Ministries Announces New Headquarters/Open House

Christian ministry that helps churches start homeschool co-ops gets a boost in the form of free office space at US Digital's Outreach Center. - April 02, 2009 - First Class Homeschool Ministries

Dr. Degruy to Keynote Austin’s 3rd Annual Louis Gregory Race Unity Symposium

Third Annual Louis Gregory Race Unity Symposium on kicks off in the morning of April 2, 2009 at Huston-Tillotson University in Austin, featuring Dr. Joy DeGruy as the keynote speaker; panel of diverse and insightful residents. The annual symposia offer constructive presentations and discussions on diversity and unity,scholarships to winning college students of the essay competition. - April 01, 2009 - Baha'i Faith, Austin

Journey to Restoration: Healing for the Post-Abortive Woman

Frigidity, psychosomatic pregnancies, uncontrollable crying, the emotional aftermath of abortion is a real phenomena. Often considered a taboo topic, Joneen Horton, Founder of Divine Image, an online women’s ministry (http://www.DivineImage.org), tackles the topic of post-abortion in her new... - March 31, 2009 - Divine Image

The Life and Regrets of an International Ambassador

In a recent interview country western singer George Hamilton IV reveals his life and regrets. - March 27, 2009 - Harvest Fields Commissioning International

Cantcha Launches iMissal on iTunes – The first Catholic Missal / Missalette for iPhone and iPod Touch

Cantcha Launches iMissal on iTunes – The first Catholic Missal / Missalette for iPhone and iPod Touch

Just in time for Easter. iMissal is the first true Catholic Missal / Missalette application for iPhone and iPod Touch. - March 26, 2009 - Cantcha, Inc.

New Community Church in Southern Maryland Rallies Around Baby Girl with Sickness so Rare It Could Bear Her Name

Residents, Business Owners, and Church Members go Door-to-Door to Raise Awareness and Funds for Baby to Cover Medical and Living Expenses Surrounding Rare Genetic Condition. - March 26, 2009 - New Community COGIC

Andy Dooley Live Coming to Unity Church for Creative Living in Jacksonville, FL March 27th & 28th 2009

Spiritual comedian Andy Dooley to perform at Unity Church for Creative Living. - March 25, 2009 - Unity Church for Creative Living

Yeah, I Got a Prayer for That: People Are Turning to Prayer for Answers in 2009

DRM Productions unveils “Donny’s Prayers” multimedia concept at Stage 52 on March 26th. Kicks off 40 Days of Prayer leading up to the National Day of Prayer. “A Nation United in Prayer Can Stand Strong” - March 11, 2009 - DRM Productions

Church to Offer Health Care Benefits

Full heath care and dental plan to launch June 1, 2009. The North American Old Catholic Church, in its continued efforts to support its current clergy and attract new clergy and seminarians will offer comprehensive health care benefits to its clergy, seminarians, and lay staff beginning June 1,... - March 08, 2009 - North American Old Catholic Church

Velocity Church Cancels Worship Service to Serve the Community

On Sunday, March 8th Velocity Christian Church will turn the sermon into action, and “be the church” by sending its members out into the community to carry out specific service projects. - March 07, 2009 - Velocity Christian Church

The Xavier Company Presents: No Greater Love

"No Greater Love" a musical Passion Play that celebrates the Passion, death and resurrection of Christ will be performed in sanctuaries of churches throughout the tri-state area from March 8th through April 4, 2009. - March 04, 2009 - The Xavier Company

International Supervisor of Women of New Pentecostal Church Elected Treasurer of Global Organization

Mother Adell Dickinson Elected Treasurer for Global Projects. - March 02, 2009 - Mother Adell Dickinson

Park Street Church Celebrates Its Bicentennial

"Brimstone" corner marks its 200th anniversary on February 27, 2009. This historic church on Boston's Freedom Trail has played an important role in American history. Special events to celebrate the bicentennial will be sponsored by the church throughout 2009 and into 2010. - March 01, 2009 - Park Street Church

A “Who’s Who” of Christianity Enters Its Final Season

A TV series that features top Christian leaders is filming its final programmes. - March 01, 2009 - Harvest Fields Commissioning International

Jews in Dallas Have Choice with New Bar/Bat Mitzvah Option

Rabbi David Gruber of Frisco, Texas, gives Jews in the heartland an alternative option to the standard synagogue based bar/ bat mitzvah. The celebration, personalized to each family, is much more relaxed and is not performance oriented. - February 26, 2009 - Bar & Bat Mitzvahs Rabbi

Gospel Recording Artist, Youth Pastor Willie S. Sanders Selects Picayune, Mississippi for Southern District Youth Conference

Pastor Sanders Stimulus Plan Geared Toward the Youth. With so much of the countries attention centered around the newly appointed President Barrack Obama and his highly anticipated Stimulus Plan. Recording artist and Youth Pastor, Willie S. Sanders focus continues to be on the future, our youth. - February 23, 2009 - Pastor Sanders

New Release: In the Realm of God, a Miraculous Visit from Jesus

New Amazon Kindle Release: In The Realm of God This is a True Story based on a Divine Manifestation that occurred in 1998, where Author Victorya came face to face with Jesus. His Message on Forgiveness. A Three Fold Controversial Story on Spirituality, Inspiration and NV. Mental Health Law. - February 22, 2009 - Messages of Faith Ministry

Facing Clouds of Burnout in This Economic Climate

The present crisis in the economy is bringing more pressure on workers and more opportunity to succumb to classic burnout. - February 21, 2009 - Harvest Fields Commissioning International

Preachit.org Hits Over 3000 Sermons with 225 Ministers Contributing

Preachit.org has been helping pastors come up with sermon outlines since 2002 now hosts over 3000 sermons online with 225 ministers contributing. - February 05, 2009 - preachit ministires

National Chicken Soup Contest 2009

NJOP launches "Better Than Your Bubby's Chicken Soup Challenge." - February 05, 2009 - National Jewish Outreach Program

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