Recent Headlines
World Vision Applauds Madonna's Efforts to Bring Light to Roma Discrimination in Bucharest
· Roma often considered Europe’s ‘untouchables’ · World Vision says discrimination and exclusion of Roma is pervasive - August 29, 2009 - World Vision US
AcquaPro Worldwide Names New Representatives in India Yemen Saudi Arabia
AcquaPro Worldwide, Inc., developer of mobile, modular systems of large-scale water desalination, has named new mandated marketing representatives in India, Yemen, and Saudi Arabia. These countries represent significant areas for expansion of AcquaPro's marketing activities. Growing demand for... - August 29, 2009 - AcquaPro Worldwide, Inc.
Stevens Institute of Technology Graduate Student Alicia Mahon Receives ASBPA Educational Award
Stevens Institute of Technology student Alicia Mahon has received an award from the American Shore and Beach Preservation Association for her research with a beach replenishment program. The feeder beach aims at inspiring tourism in New Jersey shores, improving surfing conditions and preventing rapid erosion of the main beach from the direct assault of waves. - August 29, 2009 - Stevens Institute of Technology
Riverside Humane Society Pet Adoption Center’s 12th Annual Comedy Night Set for Sept. 25
Comedy Night features juggler-comedian Jack Kalvan, standup comic Jan McIinnis, a silent auction, and raffle for a Las Vegas entertainment package. Proceeds benefit the rescued cats and dogs at the Pet Adoption Center who are awaiting forever homes. - August 28, 2009 - Mary S. Roberts Pet Adoption Center
Art Energy Design Contacted by The State Department - August 28, 2009 - Art Energy Design
LEAF Certified Announces Public Review Process for Apparel Industry and Eco-Labeling Program
New Eco-Labeling Program Invites Industry Leaders to Participate in 90 Day Review Process for New Effort. - August 28, 2009 - L.E.A.F.
As School Starts so Does Bullying
Love Our Children USA’s Campaign to STOMP Out Bullying Kicks Off National Bullying Prevention Week with National Blue Shirt Day on Monday, October 5th. - August 26, 2009 - Love Our Children USA
EOS® Selected as Bioremediation Product for Massive Indiana TCE Groundwater Plume
Past use of tricholoroethene (TCE) at a manufacturing facility in Indiana created a contaminated plume of groundwater approximately 1,000 feet wide, 8,000 feet long, and up to 75 feet deep. The plume has impacted a regionally significant unconfined aquifer. EOS® 598B42 was the selected electron donor for the bioaugmentation pilot test that was completed at the site. The pilot test demonstrated that complete reductive dechlorination and full-scale application of the technology was possible. - August 23, 2009 - EOS Remediation, LLC
Truely Unique Supports Central NC Pagan Pride Day Festival 2009
Truely Unique has partnered with the Central NC Pagan Pride Day organization to host the 9th annual Central NC Pagan Pride Day Festival on September 19th and 20th, 2009 at the NC State Fairgrounds, (Gate 5). - August 23, 2009 - Central NC Pagan Pride Day Festival
Humanity First USA Celebrates the UN's Humanitarian Day with a Generous Donation
The United Nations celebrated its first anniversary of Humanitarian Day on Wednesday, August 19, 2009. To celebrate this occasion, Munum Naeem, Executive director of Humanity First USA (HFUSA) met with the Director of UNRWA (a subsidiary organ of the United Nations), Mr. Andrew Whitley, and donated $20,000 on behalf of HFUSA. - August 23, 2009 - Humanity First
Greek Fiesta Returns to Central NC Pagan Pride Day
For the 3rd year in a row, Greek Fiesta will provide concessions at Central NC Pagan Pride Day. - August 21, 2009 - Central NC Pagan Pride Day Festival
Pro Energy Consultants Appoints Jeff Pizzino Director of Corporate Communications
Jeff Pizzino, a 22-year veteran public relations practitioner, is tasked with expanding Pro Energy Consultants' national brand awareness with an ambitious media relations campaign. - August 20, 2009 - Pro Energy Consultants
Mike Marach Named Director of Business Development Training for Pro Energy Consultants
Mike Marach, a former trainer with a Fortune 150 company, will teach the owners of Pro Energy Consultants franchises a system for growing their business. - August 20, 2009 - Pro Energy Consultants
Ghana Surgical Mission - Free Surgeries for Those in Need
The Humanity First surgical team to Ghana continues its mission to help local doctors and improve the quality of surgical care in Africa. The team started its mission this year on August 5th, 2009 at the Korle Bu hospital, the main teaching hospital in Ghana's capital, Accra. So far, the team has performed 21 Free operations and plans to do about 20 more in the remaining days of their surgical mission. - August 20, 2009 - Humanity First
Putting the Kids Back in the Spotlight
Kids In The Spotlight Inc presents A Night of Entertainment with all proceeds going to Kids In The Spotlight- a not for profit organization which provides film training for foster and under-privileged youth. - August 20, 2009 - Kids In The Spotlight
National Gardening Association Partners with Enabling Local Food Pantries to Get Freshly Picked Produce from Local Backyard Gardener’s Excess Harvest
Gardeners encouraged to share excess garden bounty instead of leaving it to rot in their garden.. - August 15, 2009 -
HeartShare Night at KeySpan Park
Purchase tickets to the Brooklyn Cyclones game on Aug. 24 and support HeartShare Human Services and HeartShare Wellness. - August 14, 2009 - HeartShare Human Services of NY
Social Change News Hub Launched
Mental Exchange Organization launches the internets first dedicated social change news hub. - August 13, 2009 -
Maternity Jeans Get a Belly Up
Denim Therapy Expands Service to Include Accommodating Jeans for Pregnancy. - August 13, 2009 - Denim Therapy
AAH HAA! Inc. Shows the Way to a Clean Conscience
AAH HAA! Inc. is pleased to announce the launch of its Clean Conscience line of eco-friendly casual bags made from up-cycled 100% post-consumer recycled plastic water and soda bottles using our trash and domestic labor. - August 11, 2009 - AAH HAA! Inc.
Families Can Curb "Back to School" Expenses at Rapid Refill Ink
Exchange empty cartridges for environmentally-friendly refilled cartridges: save time and money. - August 07, 2009 - Rapid Refill Ink of Tampa
Shark Experts to be Auctioned on eBay
If you are watching Discovery Channel’s Shark Week, you are seeing the world’s top shark experts. Want to meet them in person? Then go to eBay and bid on lunch or dinner with your favorite shark expert. Meet for lunch or dinner, learn why they love sharks, and hear some great stories... - August 05, 2009 - Shark Research Institute
Shark Celebrities to be Auctioned on eBay During Shark Week
You’ve seen them on Discovery Channel’s Shark Week, Animal Planet and the BBC − they are the top shark experts in the world. Now meet them in person for lunch or dinner, learn why they love sharks and why sharks need protection. More than 20 of the world’s top shark experts... - August 01, 2009 - Shark Research Institute
Rising Numbers of Single Women Have New Help
Today's woman--single and otherwise--has to meet challenges unheard-of in previous generations. As the number of single women continues to climb, the need to provide affordable, relevant help grows. 'Secrets you wish your mom told you' is a series of online classes that offer real help you can use right away in your everyday life. - August 01, 2009 - SWWAN(R) and the SWWAN Foundation
Global Goods Partners and Smooch Present "Cocktails for a Cause"
Global Goods Partners (GGP), an NYC-based Fair Trade not-for-profit organization, is celebrating summer and the power of grassroots action at Smooch Wine Bar and Café by hosting "Cocktails for a Cause," a benefit to raise funds for its partners in Asia, Africa, the Americas and the Middle East. - August 01, 2009 - Global Goods Partners
EOS Remediation Expands International Sales and Marketing Network to the United Kingdom and Ireland
EOS Remediation welcomes Mr. Quentin Hulm and Mr. William O’Neill of Cornelsen Ltd. to their Sales and Marketing Team. Cornelsen is a leading provider of systems, products and services to the soil and groundwater remediation market with a reputation for engineering excellence, safety in design and customer service. - July 31, 2009 - EOS Remediation, LLC
World's First Online Whooping CraneCam Launches
Operation Migration’s CraneCam is broadcasting live video around the world, offering watchers never-before-seen views of one of the world’s most endangered birds, the majestic Whooping crane. With fewer than 400 wild Whooping cranes in existence, Operation Migration Inc. and the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership are carrying out a reintroduction of these rare birds in Central Wisconsin, which sees Operation Migration use ultralight-aircraft to teach the cranes how and where to migrate. - July 30, 2009 - Operation Migration USA Inc
RPN & Publish Purchasing Guide for Carbon Offsets
Third-Party Standards, Verification and Auditing Are Hallmarks of Quality. - July 30, 2009 -
Fred Smilek Welcomes Michael Sanchez to the Society to Save Endangered Species
Fred Smilek and the Society to Save Endangered Species welcomes renowned microbiologist Michael Sanchez to their team of experts. - July 30, 2009 - Fred Smilek's Society to Save Endangered Species
Quality Parks Kicks Off Month Long, August 2009, Wild Turkey Sighting Survey
Summer's a great time for enjoying Long Island's natural resources. Why not also support its conservation? - July 29, 2009 - Quality Parks
Art Energy Design Launches the Power Flower
Art Energy Design launched its first project, the Pittsburgh Power Flower, a twelve foot wind driven kinetic sculpture in the form of a giant potted sunflower. Sun and wind energy are generated with a wind turbine driven by spinning flower petals and photo voltaic solar film leaf surfaces. The sculpture provides public access to DC power for laptops, phones and other electrical devices. The flower also powers colored LED lighting for dynamic night illumination. - July 25, 2009 - Art Energy Design
Voices of Courage: An Evening with Pakistani Women's Rights Activist Sameena Nazir
Global Goods Partners (GGP), a NYC-based Fair Trade organization, is pairing up with local organic boutique Sustainable NYC to host Sameena Nazir, founder of Potohar Organization for Development Advocacy (PODA), an NGO that works for the promotion and protection of human rights in rural... - July 25, 2009 - Global Goods Partners
Raleigh Ducks Unlimited Holds 1st Annual Reverse Raffle Banquet to Promote Wetlands and Waterfowl Conservation
The Raleigh Ducks Unlimited Chapter will be sponsoring its first annual reverse raffle banquet to promote wetlands and waterfowl conservation. - July 24, 2009 - Ducks Unlimited Raleigh Chapter
Monica Cruz Steps Up as First Celebrity Supporter of the Romanian League in Defense of Animals’ (ROLDA) Cause
Actress and dancer Monica Cruz adds her voice to help save stray animals in Romania by partnering with the Romanian League in Defense of Animals (ROLDA). - July 24, 2009 - Romanian League in Defense of Animals
Birdwatchers Worldwide Flock to Register at Free Online Birding Resource
The new bird watching community has had more than 500 birdwatchers register for a free membership during its premier launch month. - July 24, 2009 - chatterBirds Limited
Former First Lady Laura Bush and Baseball Great Rick Sutcliffe Join World Vision’s 'End Malaria' Council
Former U.S. first lady Laura Bush and Major League Baseball pitching legend Rick Sutcliffe have joined the advisory council of World Vision’s “End Malaria” campaign. They join Ray Chambers, the first U.N. Special Envoy for Malaria; Malaria No More CEO Scott Case and Congressman... - July 22, 2009 - World Vision US
Benefit Concert to Help Local Cat Refuge Care for Record Numbers
Famous Chapel Hill music venue Cat's Cradle will host a concert featuring Tres Chicas, Luego and Gambling the Muse on August 21 to benefit The Goathouse Refuge, a no-kill cat sanctuary in Pittsboro, North Carolina. - July 22, 2009 - The Goathouse Refuge
Get Green Music Partners with the Action Sports Environmental Coalition
Atlantic Beach, FL. based Get Green Music is excited to announce its recent partnership with the Action Sports Environmental Coalition (ASEC), a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting eco-friendly initiatives within the world of action sports. Get Green Music is a music downloading and... - July 20, 2009 - get green music
Pakistan- Rights of the Displaced Key Concern as Return Gains Momentum
As the return of some 2 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Pakistan’s northwest gains momentum, World Vision is underscoring both the right of the displaced to return voluntarily and the need for sustained security and safety in areas of return. World Vision is particularly... - July 18, 2009 - World Vision US
Global Goods Partners and Etsy Labs Partner for Craft for a Cause
Global Goods Partners (GGP), an NYC-based Fair Trade organization, is teaming up with the handmade-craft community for a fun and innovative workshop to support artisans in the developing world. “The power of handmade is enormous,” said Julia Bereslavskiy of Global Goods... - July 18, 2009 - Global Goods Partners
Confused About Carbon Offsets? Greenopia Ranks Top Ten Personal Offsetters.
Today Greenopia released a comprehensive ranking of the top ten Carbon Offset companies for mitigating personal climate impact produced by flying, driving, and from household energy consumption. Topping the list are TerraPass and EnPalo. Carbon Offsets have been under fire in recent years due to... - July 18, 2009 -
New Patent Opens New Avenues for Petroleum Hydrocarbon Remediation
Current research firmly overrides previous scientific belief that petroleum and other aromatic hydrocarbons do not respond to anaerobic decontamination. A recent patent license agreement between EOS Remediation and the full-service global consulting firm Delta Consultants adds a highly effective approach to EOS Remediation’s stable of anaerobic bioremediation products, providing customers an innovative, cost-effective solution for petroleum hydrocarbon remediation. - July 16, 2009 - EOS Remediation, LLC
Birding Comes to the Small Screen
An exciting new birdwatching TV show, Birding Adventures, is available in most major regions in the US. - July 15, 2009 - Birding Adventures, LLC
Udaipur Shakti Works (USW) & Floracopeia Pioneer Transformative New Travel Genre
Eco-aromatic activist tour weds sensuous meditations, herbal training, and futuristic green economic visions in Udaipur, Rajasthan - India's most enchanting heritage site. - July 15, 2009 - Udaipur Shakti Works
China Flooding Update from World Vision
"Seasonal floods often have hidden effects on children. We must not grow accustomed to the fact that floods force children to evacuate their homes, affect school attendance, and erode family income," said World Vision’s regional vice president Watt Santatiwat. "In southern... - July 12, 2009 - World Vision US
Obama’s Food Security Pledge at G8 a Laudable Step; Now Must Meet Goals, Aid Agency Says
As President Obama heads to Ghana for his first official African visit as a head of state, international Christian humanitarian agency World Vision urges the U.S. and other governments to follow through on food security pledges made at this week’s G8 summit in Italy and African assistance... - July 12, 2009 - World Vision US
FPC Announces Major Milestone in Tree Farming Initiative
The Forest Products Commission (FPC) has reached a crucial milestone in a major tree planting project to deliver carbon permits to energy retailer, Synergy. Acting General Manager Paul Tzaikos confirmed that FPC had acquired more than 5,000 hectares of land for its tree planting contract with... - July 12, 2009 - Forest Products Commission
Philippine Internet Users' Society (PIUS) Urges All to Join Sept. 22 One Web Day Global Celebration
The Philippine Internet Users' Society (PIUS) enjoins all Internet users and all computer-based businesses and establishments to support the Sept 22 "One Web Day," the global celebration of the internet. The First in the Philippines. The One Web Day Jam on September 22 to be held at the... - July 11, 2009 - Philippine Internet Users' Society
Seattle’s Green Blocks Project Promises to Improve Energy Efficiency and Create Jobs
EOS Alliance, with support from the Seattle Mayor’s office, introduces a new program that educates residents, measurably reduces energy consumption and creates green-collar jobs. - July 10, 2009 - EOS Alliance
Sustainable Food Skills Course at Lost Valley Educational Center
With today’s food prices on the rise, the need for food preservation skills is becoming increasingly important. Permaculture is more than organic gardening. It is about working with nature and not against it. - July 05, 2009 - Lost Valley Educational Center