Mini-Conference to Offer Valuable Resources to Virtual Assistants, Outsourcing Providers and Remote Professionals, Inc., will present a mini-conference on April 17, 2008 for those small business owners, freelancers, outsourcing professionals and virtual assistants who work independently. The mini-conference will be a full day event, will include hands-on workshops and will offer tracks for both seasoned independent service providers and those new to the remote services field. A complete program is available at Space is limited. - March 08, 2008 -

NPSA Mixes Portable Storage with Fine Wine

Members of the portable storage are gathering in Winston-Salem, N.C. this spring to combine work and play as they build new relationships. - March 08, 2008 - National Portable Storage Association

NAMWOLF Congratulates Steve Jemison on His Appointment as Chief Legal Officer at Proctor & Gamble

Jemison to Assume Role of Chief Legal Officer on June 1, 2008. - March 07, 2008 - National Association of Minority and Women-Owned Law Firms

Renowned Artist Makoto Fujimura to Speak at the John Jay Institute and the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center

World-renowned artist Makoto Fujimura will lecture at the John Jay Institute as part of their series “Cities of God: a neo-traditional vision for building good cities and towns.” Mr. Fujimura is a member of the prestigious National Council for the Arts and is founder of the... - March 07, 2008 - The John Jay Institute

Industry Leaders to Provide Solutions at the 2nd Annual Texas Association of Healthcare Interpreters and Translators Symposium in Dallas

With soaring health care costs, understaffed hospitals, and an increasingly diverse immigrant population facing the Texas healthcare industry, the Texas Association of Healthcare Interpreters and Translators has invited leading organizations and individuals from across the nation to explore ways to... - March 07, 2008 - Texas Association of Healthcare Interpreters and Translators

NAMWOLF Issues Challenge to FDIC

FDIC Fails to Establish Minority/Women Business Enterprise Goals in Latest Solicitation for Asset Servicing & Management. - March 06, 2008 - National Association of Minority and Women-Owned Law Firms

Better Business Bureau Warns of Tax Fraud Schemes

Know the “red flags” and how to avoid them. - March 06, 2008 - Better Business Bureau CT

Top Press Secretary Joins Steve Francis Campaign for Mayor of San Diego

One of the most reputable Press Secretaries in California and two-time political employee of Governer Schwarzenegger has joined the Steve Francis’ mayoral campaign in San Diego. - March 05, 2008 - Steve Francis for Mayor

Virtual Meets Reality receives mention in Entrepreneur Magazine - March 04, 2008 - Virtual Assistant Networking Association

Professional Networks, Headquartered in Greenville, SC Hires Three to Their Management Team

Professional Network Connections hires four to their Network Management Team. Jon Grandrath as Sales Manager for Charleston through Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, Ted Hackett as Tennessee State Director, Dawoud Charles as the Georgia State Director, and Myndi Ziemann as Sales Manager for the Jacksonville, Florida area. - March 04, 2008 - Professional Network Connections

Professional Network Connections Launches in Delaware

Professional Network Connections, the newest business networking organization, is launching in Delaware, Florida, and Tennessee during the month of March. Professional Network Connections was founded by Debbie Griffith-Brown in Greenville, South Carolina over three years ago. It was built on four... - March 04, 2008 - Professional Network Connections


National conference to pay tribute to weather pioneer. - March 01, 2008 - Texas Severe Storms Association

Nomadic Museum Taps Portable Storage Construction

The National Portable Storage Association offers the latest example of how containers offer sustainable solutions to many industries. - March 01, 2008 - National Portable Storage Association

The Daphne Foundation Leads Investment in World’s First Non-Profit Election Consulting Firm

Grassroots Initiative, a non-partisan, non-profit organization based in New York, announced today that the Daphne Foundation will become the lead investor in the world's first non-profit election consulting firm. - February 29, 2008 - Grassroots Initiative

Mayoral Candidate for San Diego Urges Mayor Sanders to "Level with San Diegans About Fiscal Recovery"

Steve Francis, candidate for Mayor of San Diego, discusses the facts surrounding San Diego’s failure to enter the public bond market and asks Mayor Sanders to be direct about the chances for future public bonding. - February 29, 2008 - Steve Francis for Mayor

San Diego Mayoral Candidate Steve Francis Announces 21st Century Vision Plan

Steve Francis outlines his vision for a fiscally strong San Diego and City Hall leadership with ethics, integrity and transparency. - February 27, 2008 - Steve Francis for Mayor

BioGoa 2008 - "Entrepreneurship & Technologies in Biotechnology" Seminar to be Organised by GSIA on 1st March, 2008 at Hotel Fidalgo, Panaji, Goa, India

The main aim of the seminar is to create Entrepreneurship Skills in Biotechnology sector among local youth and thereby generate gainful employment which is a win-win situation for industry as well as entrepreneurs. - February 27, 2008 - Goa State Industries Association

San Diego Mayoral Candidate Steve Francis Unveils “Urban Renaissance” Plan

Candidate for Mayor of San Diego, Steve Francis, seeks comprehensive effort to fight urban blight, unemployment and homelessness in the City of San Diego. - February 24, 2008 - Steve Francis for Mayor

Texas Association of Health Underwriters Launches Advocacy Initiative

TAHU Touts Objectivity and Information in Operation ‘Health Advocacy’ - February 22, 2008 - Texas Association of Health Underwriters

Medical Tourism Association President, Jonathan Edelheit, Featured as a Visionary in US Healthcare

The Medical Tourism Association's President, Jonathan Edelheit, has been featured as a visionary in US Healthcare for Medical Tourism in the February edition of Managed Healthcare Executive Magazine. The Magazine is distributed to 40,000 US healthcare executive leaders. Mr. Edelheit has been a... - February 21, 2008 - Medical Tourism Association™

Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Offers Workshops and Counseling for Small Business

The North San Diego County Small Business Development Center is dedicated to increasing the economic vitality of the community by helping small businesses and entrepreneurs build a foundation for success. The Center staff and consultants are here to assist in answering business questions along... - February 20, 2008 - Small Business Development Center North San Diego County

Franklin Covey’s "7 Habits for Managers" Now in San Diego

Transform your team for breakthrough results. Recent national surveys of thousands of employees disclosed that while many people work hard, there is a worrying lack of effectiveness. The problems are not limited to one industry, one geographic location, or even one age group. Survey results... - February 19, 2008 - Small Business Development Center North San Diego County

People Looking for Love Online Beware

Complaints to BBB Skyrocketing About Online Dating Services - February 17, 2008 - Better Business Bureau CT

BBB Connecticut Pulls Accreditation from Two Companies

Cromwell And Trumbull-Based Firms Cited for BBB Code Infractions - February 17, 2008 - Better Business Bureau CT

At Joint Meeting with TSHRM, Raleigh-Wake Human Resource Management Association (RWHRMA) Presents "Non-Compete Agreements & Departing Employees"

On February 19, 2008, at a joint meeting with TSHRM (Triangle Society for Human Resource Management), RWHRMA is pleased to introduce Louis B Meyer III, JD, partner at Poyner & Spruill, to provide details on non-compete agreements. In his presentation, he will define non-compete agreements,... - February 16, 2008 - Raleigh Wake Human Resource Management Association (RWHRMA)

Arizona Business Travel Association Presents Charity Golf Tournament - Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Arizona Business Travel Association presents the “Drive for Charity” Golf Tournament - Wednesday, April 16, 2008. The tournament will be held at Arizona Grand Resort (Formerly Pointe South Mountain) on 8000 South Arizona Grand Pwky at 12:30pm. - February 16, 2008 - Arizona Business Travel Association

Businesses Fall in Love with Portable Storage

The National Portable Storage Association offers countless reasons to embrace the convenience of containerized storage this Valentine's Day. Portable storage containers have been a boon for consumers who want to take some of the hassle out of moving, but containerized storage can also be a boon... - February 15, 2008 - National Portable Storage Association

Better Business Bureau Offers New Tools for Consumers Searching for Products and Services

One Stop on the Web to Find a Trustworthy Business - February 14, 2008 - Better Business Bureau CT

Billions in Infrastructure Building Bonds Means Money for Your Small Business

Between October 1, 2007 and September 30, 2008 Caltrans anticipates receiving in excess of $6.5 billion Federal and State funding for the reconstruction of California’s roads. If your small business provides services from asphalt to fencing; from backhoes to traffic control; from catering to... - February 14, 2008 - Small Business Development Center North San Diego County

Local Business Person Nominated for Prestigious "Small Business Person of the Year" Award by Small Business Development Center (SBDC)

Every year since 1963, the President of the United States has proclaimed National Small Business Week to recognize the contributions of small businesses to the strength and economic well-being of America. Each year, the U.S. Small Business Administration also recognizes the special impact made by... - February 14, 2008 - Small Business Development Center North San Diego County

Laser Image Corporate Printing Selected as Newest Member of the Business Club of the Triangle

The Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Business Club of the Triangle (BCA Triangle) has selected Laser Image Corporate Printing as their newest Executive Member. As part of the BCA Triangle, Richard Smith and his team at Laser Image will be involved in a series of business development events,... - February 14, 2008 - Business Clubs of the Triangle

Local Business Club Adopts New Name and Mission

Business Club of the Triangle to Strive to Build Business Relationships. - February 13, 2008 - Business Clubs of the Triangle

NMFTA/CCSB/CRC Meeting in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida - Great Success

The National Motor Freight Traffic Association, Inc. (NMFTA) held its February Meeting in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida from Sunday, February 3rd to Wednesday, February 6th. This was the first meeting of the NMFTA since the implementation of the new organizational structure and procedures that went into... - February 13, 2008 - National Motor Freight Traffic Association, Inc.

VAnetworking Presents Seminar on What Does Your Office Say About Your Business? is pleased to announce a seminar presented by Stephanie McWilliams of Evolving Arts - February 12, 2008 - Virtual Assistant Networking Association

Medical Tourism Association Releases Medical Tourism Video Interviews

The Medical Tourism Association today launched a new part of its website at where it will produce and publish video interviews from leaders from around the world in the area of Medical Tourism People from around the world can start to watch the experts in Medical Tourism... - February 08, 2008 - Medical Tourism Association™

NPSA Thought Leaders Gather for Spring Seminar

Portable storage industry players will meet in Winston-Salem, N.C. this spring to share best practices for the portable storage industry. - February 07, 2008 - National Portable Storage Association

Entrepreneurs Club is a Real Success

At the beginning of the academic year, Chris Underwood, Chairman of Young Enterprise Aylesbury Vale, came up with the idea of enhancing the Young Enterprise experience by organising a monthly Entrepreneurs Club. - February 07, 2008 - Young Enterprise Aylesbury Vale

Women Business Owners Survey and State of Business Forecast 2008

Despite the slump in the economy and the global economic outlook for 2008, most women agree that no matter what yesterday brought the future of business is looking bright. In fact, nearly 83% predict their businesses will do better in the coming year. - February 01, 2008 - Women's eCommerce Association

National Small Press Month: An Initiative to Promote Independent Publishers Jointly Sponsored by PMA, CLMP, and the NYCIP

Small Press Month is a nationwide promotion highlighting the valuable work produced by independent publishers. From March 1-March 31, a string of independent, literary events will be take place from coast-to-coast, showcasing some of the most diverse, unique, and significant voices being published today. Some of this year’s featured authors include Walter Mosley, Mike Farrell, Eileen Myles, Hatti Gossett, Steve Katz and many more. - February 01, 2008 - New York Center for Independent Publishing

NCADA's PAC Announces Judicial Candidate Endorsement

The NC Defense Fund endorses Judge Linda Stephens for election on the NC Court of Appeals in 2008. - February 01, 2008 - NC Association of Defense Attorneys

The Association of Settlement Companies Announces Greenspoon Marder as 2008 Convention Title Sponsor

The Association of Settlement Companies (TASC) is proud to announce that the law firm of Greenspoon Marder, P.A. will be its 2008 Convention Title Sponsor. The Firm most recently sponsored the TASC 2007 Fall Workshop in Los Angeles. With this sponsorship, Greenspoon Marder will continue its long,... - February 01, 2008 - The Association of Settlement Companies

Minnesota Interactive Marketing Association (MIMA) Partners with MCAD to Host “Conversations About the Future of Advertising” Special Speaker Series

New series of events from MIMA and the Minneapolis College of Art and Design brings experienced industry professionals to Minneapolis to discuss advertising and marketing trends. - January 31, 2008 - Minnesota Interactive Marketing Association

Voter Registration Available Through Cell Phones; Citizens Can Now Register to Vote via Cellular Phones

Eighty percent of Americans own a cellular phone and of those 63 percent send text messages regularly. Seeing this trend in cellular phone usage, The National Youth Political Action Coalition (NYPAC) and PROMOBILIZE decided to use technology to positive effect one of America’s oldest... - January 31, 2008 - The National Youth Political Action Coraltion

Greater NY Business Expo to be Held at Madison Square Garden on 1/31/08

The Greater NY Chamber in conjunction with other local chambers & trade organizations throughout the Metro Region will host its 8th Business Expo and Resource Fair at MSG from 1pm until 6pm. Free information & seminars with expert panels to help small businesses and entrepreneurs grow and... - January 28, 2008 - New York Greater Chamber of Commerce

Oregon Bankers Association Awarded $100,000 to Assist Low Income Families Purchase Homes

The Oregon Bankers Association (OBA) today announced that it has been awarded a $100,000 grant from the Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) to fund the OBA’s Home Purchase Assistance Program (HPAP) during the 2008-2009 biennium. This is the seventh biennial grant given to HPAP from... - January 27, 2008 - Oregon Bankers Association

BBB Connecticut Appoints Howard Schwartz as Communications Coordinator

BBB CT to emphasize consumer education - January 25, 2008 - Better Business Bureau CT

Networking Outside the Box

LI Connects continues bi-weekly meetings at the Hauppauge Palace Diner for 2008. - January 25, 2008 - L I Connects Networking Group Inc Hosts Teleseminar on February 21 to Help Small Business Owners Communicate Confidence and Boost Credibility

Civility expert Lew Bayer to share 10 simple behaviors for increased self-assurance, confidence, and productivity. - January 25, 2008 - Virtual Assistant Chamber of Commerce

VAnetworking Announces Seminar on How to Leverage Live Assistance Through Your Business is pleased to announce a seminar by Liza Magcale of eLiaise ( Lisa will be presenting “How to Leverage Live Assistance Through Your Business” on Wednesday, January 23, 200 at 6:00 p.m. (EST). Liza has over 10 years of building business one call at a... - January 24, 2008 - Virtual Assistant Networking Association

NPSA Announces New Chairman of the Board

The National Portable Storage Association has elected a new board of directors for 2008. - January 24, 2008 - National Portable Storage Association

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