Capitol Broadcasting Company Named Charter Member of Local Business Club

Penn Shore, president of the Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Breakfast Club of the Triangle, has announced that the club has named Capitol Broadcasting Company as a charter member. As a charter member, Capitol Broadcasting will have a select seat on the Charter Member Committee, which... - March 28, 2007 - The Northwestern Mutual Breakfast Club of the Triangle

Wisconsin Home Inspector Organization Offers Indoor Air Quality and Allergen Inspection Training

The Wisconsin Chapter of the National Association of Certified Home Inspectors (WiNACHI) is offering a 1-Day Indoor Air Quality and Allergen Inspection Training course on Saturday April 28th. The course is open to all Home Inspectors, Realtors and the general public. - March 27, 2007 - Wisconsin Chapter of the National Association of Certified Home Inspectors

Brown-Forman Retailers of the Year Honored at ABL Convention

In a ceremony during the Final Night Banquet of the American Beverage Licensees 5th Annual Convention on March 6 in Las Vegas, ABL joined Brown-Forman in recognizing the 2007 Brown-Forman Retailers of the Year. Sponsored by Brown-Forman, the awards are presented annually to recognize and honor... - March 27, 2007 - American Beverage Licensees

5th Annual ABL Convention a Success

The American Beverage Licensees (ABL) 5th Annual ABL Convention, which was held on March 4-6, 2007 in Las Vegas, built upon ABL’s first five years and signaled ABL’s growth from a youthful association into a truly maturing organization with a plan for the future. Focusing on the theme... - March 27, 2007 - American Beverage Licensees

ABL & Charmer-Sunbelt Encourage Social Responsibility

Following their participation in the recent American Beverage Licensees Convention, The Charmer Sunbelt Group has agreed to strengthen its relationship with ABL by sharing resources to jointly encourage social responsibility measures by supporting and promoting public outreach programs. - March 27, 2007 - American Beverage Licensees

US Cachaca Trade Council to Launch US Brand of Frisco Fish Cachaca

Fastest growing category of new distilled spirits gets more support from the US Cachaca Trade Council. Frisco Fish Premium Cachaca, is the fastest growing brand of Cachaca in North America. - March 27, 2007 - US Cachaca Trade Council

Containerized Storage Helps Companies Comply with SOX

As business leaders look to Congress for relief from corporate scandal-driven legislation, portable storage offers a convenient way to comply with laws. - March 24, 2007 - National Portable Storage Association

Professional Decal Application Association Holds Certification Training in Las Vegas

Join vinyl installers for VIP Certification training and networking opportunities on the eve of the International Sign Association’s annual Expo in Las Vegas this spring. - March 24, 2007 - Professional Decal Application Association

2007 DVDA Excellence Awards Call for Enties

DVD Association Announces 2007 DVDA Excellence Awards, All Formats; DVD, Blu-Ray, and HD DVD Accepted - March 23, 2007 - International Digital Media Alliance

Armenian Jewelers Association Raises Funds with Pre-Fashion Week Jewelry Runway Show

Charitable Organization Comprised of Leading Armenian Jewelry Designers Comes Together for a Good Cause - March 21, 2007 - Armenian Jewelers Association

Paragon Commercial Bank Named Charter Member of Local Business Club

Penn Shore, president of the Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Breakfast Club of the Triangle, has announced that the club has named Paragon Commercial Bank as a charter member. As a charter member, Paragon Commercial Bank will have a select seat on the Charter Member Committee, which controls... - March 19, 2007 - The Northwestern Mutual Breakfast Club of the Triangle

NPSA Demonstrates Wide-Ranging Industrial Uses for Portable Storage Containers

Industries from retail to medical and institutions from education to government are finding new and innovative uses for portable storage. - March 17, 2007 - National Portable Storage Association

Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Breakfast Club of the Triangle Announces March Events

Penn Shore, president of the Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Breakfast Club of the Triangle, has announced that charter member Capitol Broadcasting will host events on March 15 and 16 for club members. The March events will include a cocktail reception co-sponsored by Fox 50 and the Durham... - March 14, 2007 - The Northwestern Mutual Breakfast Club of the Triangle

RFID Asia to Open First RFID Kiosk in Indonesia

The Asia Pacific region comprises a market for RFID products and services predicted to reach at least $2 billion by 2010. RFID Asia to help RFID vendors tapping the market through its new RFID kiosk in Indonesia. - March 12, 2007 - PT. RFID Centre Asia

Virtual Assistant Association Hosts Alicia Forest of Client Abundance for March 15 Teleseminar on Creating Passive Income Streams

Virtual Assistants and other solo professionals to learn how to harness the power of radio to promote business and give great interviews. - March 11, 2007 - Virtual Assistant Chamber of Commerce

Portable Storage Takes the Stress Out of Spring Cleaning

Containerized storage offers a safe, secure stowaway for important items during annual spring cleaning projects. - March 11, 2007 - National Portable Storage Association

The First Mediation Congress in Romania

The Union of the Mediation Centers in Romania organizes The First Mediation Congress in Romania in Craiova between the 16th and the 17th of March 2007. The works of the Congress will take place at the University in Craiova and their purpose is to organize The Union of the Mediation Centers in... - March 08, 2007 - The Union of the Mediation Centers in Romania

Experts Advise Independent Writers of Chicago (IWOC) on Protecting What’s “Write”-fully Theirs

A panel of experts advises writers on how to protect their works, particularly in light of the way the Internet has changed the world of intellectual property rights. Tuesday, March 13th, Chicago Athletic Club’s 7th Floor Lakeshore Room, 12 S. Michigan Ave. Program 6 p.m. Networking 5 p.m. Nonmembers, $15; IWOC members free. For more information, call 847-855-6670 or visit - March 06, 2007 - Independent Writers of Chicago

NPSA Survey Reveals Top 10 Uses for Portable Storage

Disaster recovery, mobile on-site offices and controlled record storage emerge as some of the most popular uses for these economical containers. - March 04, 2007 - National Portable Storage Association

NPSA Resale Expo 2007 Summit Brings Storage Experts Together in California

The annual conference will be held April 29-May 1 at the Monterey Plaza Hotel & Spa in Monterey, Calif. as portable storage leaders unite for informational exchange. - February 25, 2007 - National Portable Storage Association

“Johnson County for Obama” to have Kickoff Meeting

“Johnson County for Obama” to have Kickoff Meeting, Iowa City Mayor, Ross Wilburn Says "Count Me In!" - February 23, 2007 - Johnson County for Obama

ICCC Award Nominations Due March 1, 2007

The Indo Canada Chamber of Commerce (ICCC), as part of its mandate, annually assumes the task of identifying and recognizing members of the Indo Canadian community who have made extraordinary contributions to Canada and to furthering Canada-India engagement. The ICCC Awards are presented in 11... - February 21, 2007 - The Indo Canada Chamber Of Commerce

Wyoming Federal Representatives Encourage Technology Business

The technology sector’s high average wage and above average value added per worker makes it an attractive growth industry for Wyoming. - February 21, 2007 - Wyoming Technology Organization

Jay Bilas to Speak at Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Breakfast Club of the Triangle

Penn Shore, president of the Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Breakfast Club of the Triangle, has announced that Jay Bilas, a former Duke basketball player and current college basketball analyst for ESPN and ABC, will be the keynote speaker at the club’s event on Friday, Feb. 16 from... - February 14, 2007 - The Northwestern Mutual Breakfast Club of the Triangle

AHPA to Doctors: Ask Your Patients About their Use of Herbs

Several recent journal articles have measured patient disclosure of herb use and found that most people do not tell their doctors of such use. This is not ‘another problem with herbs,’ but a problem with doctor-patient communication — one easily fixed by doctors who should ask their patients about their use of supplements. - February 10, 2007 - American Herbal Products Association

Wyrick Robbins Yates & Ponton LLP Named Charter Member of Local Business Club

Penn Shore, president of the Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Breakfast Club of the Triangle, has announced that the club has named Wyrick Robbins Yates & Ponton LLP as a charter member. As a charter member, Wyrick Robbins Yates & Ponton LLP will have a select seat on the Charter... - February 09, 2007 - The Northwestern Mutual Breakfast Club of the Triangle

Virtual Assistant Association Hosts Pat Lynch of WomensRadio for February 15 Teleseminar on Using Radio PR to Promote Business

Virtual Assistants and other independent professionals to learn how to harness the power of radio to promote business and give great interviews. - February 08, 2007 - Virtual Assistant Chamber of Commerce

Independent Writers of Chicago: “Quidnunc: Little Known Reference Materials.”

Chief consulting editor of American Dictionaries for Oxford University Press, Erin McKean reveals unusual, unheard-of, invaluable reference books and where to find them. Tuesday, February 13th, Chicago Athletic Club’s 7th Floor Lakeshore Room, 12 S. Michigan Ave. Program 6 p.m. Networking 5 p.m. Nonmembers, $15; IWOC members free. For more information, call 847-855-6670 or visit - February 02, 2007 - Independent Writers of Chicago

IMSA President Testifies Before U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Subcommittee

On January 23rd, 2007, Eric Light, President of the International Medical Spa Association Board of Advisors testified before the Department of Health and Human Services Subcommittee on Privacy and Confidentiality. The subcommittee was charged by Secretary Michael Leavitt with developing... - February 02, 2007 - The Day Spa Association

MMI Associates, Inc. Named Charter Member of Local Business Club

Penn Shore, president of the Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Breakfast Club of the Triangle, has announced that the club has named MMI Associates, Inc. as a charter member. As a charter member, MMI Associates will have a select seat on the Charter Member Committee, which controls the... - February 01, 2007 - The Northwestern Mutual Breakfast Club of the Triangle

Virtual Assistant Directory Helping Business Owners Connect with Qualified Administrative Experts

Prescreening members for minimum qualifications helps business owners find professional Virtual Assistants without wading through thousands of unqualified sites. - February 01, 2007 - Virtual Assistant Chamber of Commerce

Metal Construction Association Names President's Awards for 2006 Projects

Awards given out to metal suppliers, architects, contractors and installers for projects in St. Louis, MO; Boston, MA; St. Petersburg, FL; West St. Paul, MN; and Chattanooga, TN. - January 31, 2007 - Metal Construction Association

Metal Construction Association Members Elect Board Members

At their recently held annual meeting, members of the Metal Construction Association (MCA) elected three members to its current Board of Directors. They are: Bill Croucher, Fabral, Lancaster, PA; Brian Partyka, Drexel Metals Corp, Ivyland, PA; and Joel Voelkert, Rigid Building Systems, Houston, TX. - January 31, 2007 - Metal Construction Association

Inaugural Issue of Gritty Business Buzz Released by the Virtual Assistance Chamber of Commerce

Resource newsletter of savvy insights for the indomitable entrepreneur makes it debut this month. - January 30, 2007 - Virtual Assistant Chamber of Commerce

Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Named Title Sponsor of Local Business Club

Penn Shore, president of the Raleigh chapter of Breakfast Club America, has announced that the club has named Northwestern Mutual Financial Network as its title sponsor. In honor of the sponsorship, the club’s official name is the Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Breakfast Club of the... - January 26, 2007 - The Northwestern Mutual Breakfast Club of the Triangle

National Survey Focuses on Golf Course Nutrient Use

The Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA) has announced that the third phase of its first-of-its kind national survey of golf courses will begin in mid-March. This phase will collect data from golf course superintendents on the amount of nutrients applied to golf courses. - January 26, 2007 - Golf Course Superintendents Association of America

CCOF Introduces Expedited Organic Certification Program

CCOF unveiled today an expedited organic certification program in response to the booming demand for organic certification. Clients seeking organic certification can now go through the same rigorous inspection and review criteria as the regular certification process in a fraction of the time. - January 20, 2007 - CCOF

SEM Agency Association SEMPO Kick-Starts First State of Search Marketing in Europe Survey

European marketing and advertising professionals encouraged to participate in the search marketing survey to document UK and European key trends. - January 18, 2007 - The Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization (SEMPO)

Carolina Hurricanes Named Charter Member of Local Business Club

Penn Shore, president of the Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Breakfast Club of the Triangle, has announced that charter member, the Carolina Hurricanes hockey club, will host a series of events in January for club members. The January events will include a cocktail reception co-sponsored by... - January 17, 2007 - The Northwestern Mutual Breakfast Club of the Triangle

JobCentral to Sponsor Leading Industry Blogger

Job Site agrees to 2-year, six-figure sponsorship of - January 17, 2007 - DirectEmployers

Supercharge Your New Year's Resolution with NAPO

Struggling to keep your New Year’s resolution? Get Organized Month, sponsored by the National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO), is in full swing. NAPO’s dozens of chapters and thousands of members are holding public events throughout the country. Look for Get Organized... - January 17, 2007 - National Association of Professioanl Organizers Hosts Mark Merenda of SmartMarketing for Jan 18 Tele-Seminar on Marketing and Branding

Virtual Assistants and other professional service providers to learn about the power of marketing and branding. - January 15, 2007 - Virtual Assistant Chamber of Commerce Names Best General Job Site of 2006 Recognized as Best of the Best for 2006. - January 11, 2007 - DirectEmployers

Prepare Now for the New Adverse Event Reporting Law — AHPA's Educational Tele-seminar Offers Practical Implementation Info

The American Herbal Products Association offers a tele-seminar on February 22 to teach the dietary supplements industry how to take any reports of serious adverse events associated with their products. A new law requires that serious AERs be sent to the FDA so that any public safety concerns can be identified and dealt with quickly. AHPA presenters will take the mystery out of the required FDA forms and will help companies establish standard operating procedures to comply with the new law. - January 11, 2007 - American Herbal Products Association

Global Online Retailers from Google, eBay, Discovery Channel, LinkedIn Gather to Discuss Importance of Virtual Marketing

Annual Electronic Retailing Association Leadership Conference Reveals Latest Strategies to Reach Over 195 Million American Mobile Consumers, 57 Million Bloggers - January 10, 2007 - Electronic Retailing Association

Independent Writers of Chicago: “On the Political Beat”

Political journalist, editor and author James L. Merriner, gives the low-down on low down Illinois politics, sharing successful “how-to” secrets of his own on political reporting. Tuesday, January 9th, Chicago Athletic Club’s 7th Floor Lakeshore Room, 12 S. Michigan Ave. Program 6 p.m. Networking 5 p.m. Nonmembers, $15; IWOC members free. For more information, call 847-855-6670 or visit . - January 09, 2007 - Independent Writers of Chicago

CalTrans Reserves Over $20 Billion Dollars in Infrastructure Building Bonds Exclusively to Small Businesses; the SBDC is Here to Assist Small Business in the RFP Process

Strategically placed California Construction Contracting Programs, all located within existing Small Business Development Centers, offers the free training and counseling you need to enhance your ability to bid for and win state highway construction contracts. - January 07, 2007 - Small Business Development Center North San Diego County

New Board for Raleigh-Wake Human Resource Management Association Takes Oath

At a regular monthly meeting in December, the Raleigh-Wake Human Resource Management Association (RWHRMA) installed the following people as Board members to lead the association in its service to human resource professionals in the Raleigh area in 2007. President Amy Jelovsek, PHR Human... - January 05, 2007 - Raleigh-Wake Human Resource Management Association

Franklin Covey Presents Effective Planning Tools and Tips at the Raleigh-Wake Human Resource Management Association Meeting

Raleigh-Wake Human Resource Management Association provides membership with effective planning tips at monthly meeting. - January 05, 2007 - Raleigh-Wake Human Resource Management Association

ATSPI Positioning --Action Program

Knowing the pressures exerted on the prospects/seller relationship in today's economic, geopolitical (i.e. Do-Not-Call laws), and industry environment, ATSPI's focus is to identify, improve and maintain the level of industry trust between prospects and timeshare sales professionals (developers). - January 04, 2007 - Association of Timeshare Sales Professionals - International

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