Hearts Beat As One Foundation, Smart Start of Mecklenburg County to Expand the Dolly Parton Imagination Library in Charlotte with Habitat for Humanity Partnership

After a successful launch in the 28205, 28206 and 28208 zip codes in 2015, The Hearts Beat as One Foundation (HB1) and Smart Start of Mecklenburg County are excited to announce The Dolly Parton Imagination Library is expanding to include eligible families (with children ages birth to five years) in... - December 11, 2015 - Hearts Beat As One

Dallas Choral Festival - First Choral Festival in Texas Since 1999, Featuring 100 Professional Singers at Meyerson Symphony Center

Tickets are on sale for the inaugural Dallas Choral Festival on January 10, 2016, bringing together 100 professional singers for a rare performance of a large scale Sacred Masterwork with a professional orchestra, highlighting Ludwig Van Beethoven’s Missa Solemnis and conducted by artistic director Greg Hobbs. - December 11, 2015 - Dallas Choral Festival

NSC Team Win West Midlands Regional Championship

The New Saints (TNS) Sports scholars at North Shropshire College (NSC) have recently won the 7-a-side Regional Championship at the Dimension Leisure Centre in Stoke-on-Trent. NSC was one of 18 teams from across the West Midlands taking part and competed against teams from Gloucestershire, the Black... - December 11, 2015 - North Shropshire College

A Busy Start of Year for NSC Travel and Tourism

Travel and Tourism students from North Shropshire College’s Oswestry Campus have had a busy start to the new academic year. They have visited many popular tourist sites in England and Wales, looking at the facilities and attractions for tourists. The students have also been assessing the... - December 11, 2015 - North Shropshire College

NSC Holds Apprenticeships Event

North Shropshire College (NSC) has recently held an open event at its campuses at Walford and Oswestry. The event was for people interested in doing an apprenticeship and employers who may have been interested in employing an apprentice or up-skilling their employees with an apprenticeship. Lucy... - December 11, 2015 - North Shropshire College

Research Square Announces Video Summaries Solution to Help Researchers Communicate Their Work More Effectively

Research Square is partnering with MyScienceWork to offer engaging Video Summaries of research through the Polaris platform for universities and institutions. - December 11, 2015 - Research Square

Vancouver Airport Authority Joins Speaker Panel at Border Security 2016

SMi Reports: Vancouver Airport Authority confirmed as a sponsor and a speaker at Border Security 2016, February, Rome. - December 11, 2015 - SAE Media Group

Shorecrest Prep Students Learn to Code with Parents During Hour of Code

Shorecrest Preparatory School’s Lower School learns foundational 21st century skills alongside parents and grandparents, demonstrating commitment to cutting edge technology education. - December 11, 2015 - Shorecrest Preparatory School

Charlotte Teens Gain Personal Finance Skills with Junior Achievement of Central Carolinas and AT&T

Contribution offers at-risk schools the opportunity to implement JA Finance Park® program, giving students opportunities to make real-life financial decisions - December 11, 2015 - Junior Achievement of Central Carolinas

Air Mission Planning: Updates from UK MoD, NATO, U.S. Air Force, RAF UK and Many More

SMi Reports: Leading Air Mission Planning experts will meet in London at SMi’s 7th Annual Air Mission Planning conference taking place on the 20th – 21st April 2016. - December 11, 2015 - SAE Media Group

ATA Tattoo School LLC – Salem Announces Grand Opening

ATA Tattoo School LLC – Salem announces the grand opening of their Oregon Certified training facility. Beginning in January, students can enroll in an intense 13 week program of theory and practical training. - December 11, 2015 - ATA Tattoo School LLC - Salem

MCom Entrance Coaching Classes Launched by Deep School of Economics

Deep School of Economics launches MCom coaching classes in Delhi to those preparing for entrance exams of Master of Commerce from reputed Indian universities. - December 11, 2015 - Deep School of Economics

STEREO LEARNING: A Shortcut to Solid Knowledge. An Interactive Presentation Launches Online.

STEREO LEARNING: A Shortcut to Solid Knowledge. An Interactive Presentation Launches Online.

In the first 20 minutes, it explains how preschoolers master big numbers and long operations. Then - how stereo learning supports them through school, prepares them to understand science and engineering, and introduces them to real computer programming. - December 10, 2015 - SIX PROJECTS

U.S. Publishing Expert Offers Free Seminar Stockholm 12 February, 2016

US publishing expert Gerald Sindell, author of “The Genius Machine” and called the “Obi Wan Kenobi of breakthrough thinking” will be offering a seminar to those professionals who are interested in learning how to become successfully published in the United States. Sindell is... - December 10, 2015 - Thought Leaders Intl.

Carolina Secures Reputation as One of the Top U.S. A&P Mechanic Schools with Updated 2016 Course Selection

Simpsonville, SC-based aeronautical training school, Carolina Aeronautical is quickly becoming one of the most popular U.S. A&P mechanic schools as a result of their updated course selection. Included within the updated suite of course options for 2016 are courses such as their Aircraft Sheet Metal Certification course, which will help students to understand the structural performance of the materials used within the latest aircraft. - December 10, 2015 - Carolina Aeronautical

Medicare Supplement Insurance Association Conference Scholarships Ending

The scholarship program available from the American Association for Medicare Supplement Insurance for insurance agents who want to attend the 2016 National Medigap Summit is set to expire next week. - December 10, 2015 - American Association for Medicare Supplement Insurance

World Parkinson’s Program Refugees Initiative

World Parkinson’s Program announces the launch of a series of educational campaigns for raising awareness of Parkinson’s disease and dementia in Syrian refugees arriving to Canada. “In the special Syrian refugee clinics set up by Canadian physicians, World Parkinson’s... - December 10, 2015 - World Parkinson's Program

SMi's Military Space Situational Awareness 2016: Updates from Spanish MoD, Italian Air Force, Brazilian Armed Forces, German MoD

SMi Group Reports: Leading military experts from 14 countries will meet in London in April at Military Space Situational Awareness 2016. - December 10, 2015 - SAE Media Group

New Cooking Recipes Solution for ConceptDraw PRO Released from CS Odessa

With the Cooking Recipes solution for ConceptDraw PRO, users can create food related art for infographics, presentations, menus, and other design needs. - December 10, 2015 - Computer System Odessa

Professor DR. V Padhmanabhan Speaks About How Teachers Can be Learning Facilitators, Rather Than Just "Chalk And Talk" Educators

As an institute, GIM has encouraged innovations in pedagogy. Of GIM’s support, Dr. Padmanabhan says, “GIM is very supportive in giving me freedom and flexibility.” - December 10, 2015 - Goa Institute of Management

AAA Institute Adopts PMI®-AGC’s PMP® in 28 Days Exam Preparation Guide - AAA Institute Launches New PMP® Curriculum

AAA Institute Adopts PMI®-AGC’s PMP® in 28 Days Exam Preparation Guide - AAA Institute Launches New PMP® Curriculum

AAA Institute, a leading BPPE approved training provider headquartered in California, is now using PMI®-AGC’s PMP® in 28 Days Exam Preparation Study Guide in its well acclaimed project management curriculum. “The role of projects is receiving increasing global attention,”... - December 09, 2015 - AAA Institute

Tim N. Kremer Joins the Team at Club Med Academies as the Golf Peak Performance Coach

Tim N. Kremer Joins the Team at Club Med Academies as the Golf Peak Performance Coach

Club Med Academies, a sports and training facility and full-time academy in Port St. Lucie, has hired a new peak performance coach for their golf division, Tim N. Kremer, M.A.. Kremer is a visionary peak performance coach and consultant, and is the founder of Spirit of Golf, LLC, a program... - December 09, 2015 - Club Med Academies

Raptivity to Mark Parent Company’s Silver Jubilee Year with Special Year End Discounts

Raptivity celebrates the 25th year anniversary of Harbinger Group with discounts as high as 70%. - December 09, 2015 - Harbinger Knowledge Products Inc.

The Wilson Language Reading Program and Its Partners, Including the Newgrange School, Receive Accreditation by the International Dyslexia Association

The International Dyslexia Association (IDA), the nation's oldest dyslexia treatment organization, recently accredited The Wilson Language Reading Program and its partners, including The Newgrange School. - December 09, 2015 - The Newgrange School

Once Again, Hurix Systems Wins the Brandon Hall "Excellence in Technology" Award

Kitaboo bags Silver award at 2015 Brandon Hall Excellence Awards. - December 09, 2015 - Hurix Systems Private Limited

Aspire Students Design and Create Christmas Tree

Engineering students from North Shropshire College’s (NSC) Aspire Centre in Burford, Tenbury Wells, have created decorations for a Christmas tree which has gone on display at Burford’s Parish Church. The display coincides with the town’s Santa Parade and forms part of Tenbury... - December 09, 2015 - North Shropshire College

Gifts Galore for Guardian Ad Litem: Shorecrest Preparatory School Annual Holiday Gift Drive Benefitting Guardian Ad Litem

The Guardian ad Litem program of Pinellas and Pasco Counties will be collecting gifts donated by Shorecrest Preparatory School students and families on Friday, December 11. The entire gymnasium will be packed with hundreds of presents, including bicycles, toys, and clothing. “The holiday... - December 09, 2015 - Shorecrest Preparatory School

Improvement Warrior Fitness Announces 5th Annual Charity Toy Drive Workout to Benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters

Improvement Warrior Fitness announces its fifth annual Charity Toy Drive Workout, scheduled for Saturday, December 19, 2015. The workout will benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Ohio, an organization that assists children facing adversity in their lives. The event will take place at the... - December 09, 2015 - Yun Strength & Fitness Systems LLC

IBMC College Has Started a Toys for Tots Gift Collection

The Cheyenne campus of IBMC College has started a Toys for Tots gift collection. - December 09, 2015 - IBMC College

IBMC College is Holding a Santa Cops Gift Collection in Fort Collins

The Fort Collins campus of IBMC College has started a Santa Cops Gift Collection. - December 09, 2015 - IBMC College

Geek Housecalls and Boston Teks Are Now Tech Help Boston

Dave Ehlke, owner and co-founder of Geek Housecalls wanted to retire but he couldn't abandon his clients and employees, many of which had been with the company since its inception in 2001. He turned to David Elmasian, owner of a similar business, Boston Teks. - December 09, 2015 - Tech Help Boston

Shoreline Physical Therapy Celebrates 30 Years of Healing

Shoreline PT celebrates three decades of compassionate caring for its community. With strong roots in East Lyme, Joanne Moore has assembled a team of specialists providing one on one service to children and adults. Physical therapy can be beneficial for a variety of chronic conditions, following surgery or injury, during chemotherapy treatments, as well as dealing with the challenges of diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson's disease. - December 09, 2015 - Shoreline Physical Therapy

PECB Achieved Accreditation by IAS as a Management Systems Certification Body

“We are profoundly proud and delighted to be accredited by IAS, as a Management Systems Certification Body. This achievement will give additional recognition, credibility and confidence to our clients who earn PECB certification,” said Faton Aliu, President and COO of PECB. - December 09, 2015 - PECB

Oakland University Students Helping Companies Solve Real-World Problems

OU students Katie Folk and Adam Quinn are working on a project to reduce wait times for surgeons and their teams to use operating rooms. - December 09, 2015 - Oakland University

The Asia Institute Announces 2016 Global Education Scholarships

The Asia Institute announced today the One Yuan One Dream Foundation’s continued support of global education scholarships. With a commitment to Generation Study Abroad to award over $15,000 annually to scholarships supporting global learning programs, the Asia Institute is actively expanding... - December 08, 2015 - The Asia Institute

AK Mishra's Art of Success is Going to Organize Life Transformational Training Session: "Take Charge of Life"

After providing soulful training sessions all over the world and successfully transforming millions of dreamers into incredible achievers and creating compelling vision for their future, AK Mishra’s Art of Success is now going to organize another transformational training session at Zorba,... - December 07, 2015 - AK Mishra's Art of Success

New Program to Motivate Students to Succeed in School

1-2-3 Succeed, an innovative new program created by Clinical Psychologist, Bernie Ivin is now available for online purchase to help motivate and organize your child. All children will benefit from this program and success is just a click away with 1-2-3 Succeed! Beautiful Planner/Organizer, 3 CD set and CD rom. all will make a positive change as easy as 1-2-3. - December 07, 2015 - 1-2-3 Succeed, LLC.

Gilbert Gordon, Ph.D., Inorganic Chemistry Recognized as a Lifetime Professional by The National Alliance of Male Executives-N.A.M.E.

Gilbert Gordon, Ph.D., Inorganic Chemistry Recognized as a Lifetime Professional by The National Alliance of Male Executives-N.A.M.E.

Gilbert Gordon, Ph.D., Inorganic Chemistry of Oxford, Ohio has been recognized as a Lifetime Professional by the National Alliance of Male Executives-N.A.M.E. for his outstanding contributions and achievements in the fields of education and chemistry. About Gilbert Gordon, Ph.D., Inorganic... - December 05, 2015 - N.A.M.E.

Sports Field Safety Expert Mark Nicholls to Speak at National Athletic Directors/NIAAA Conference

TURFindustry CEO Mark Nicholls shares his field safety expertise with high school athletics administrators. - December 05, 2015 - TURFindustry

The Athens Stock Exchange Named 2015 Outstanding Data Provider by FISD

Annual Award Recognizes Strong Customer Service and Communication - December 05, 2015 - SIIA

Redeeming Word Christian Center International Envision Leadership Conference

Redeeming Word Christian Center International (RWCCI) will host their annual Leadership Conference which is designed to teach strategic, sustainable, and significant leadership skills and competencies to Leaders in Ministry, Community and Business. The event will be hosted at the Central location in Fort Lauderdale, FL and will take place Tuesday through Thursday with nightly sessions beginning at 7:00 p.m. - December 05, 2015 - Redeeming Word Christian Center International

Florida Company Approved as International Training Provider

Bradenton-based company Phil-Com, LLC announced today that it is now a CFRE International Approved Provider of Continuing Education in fundraising. CFRE International certifies experienced fundraising professionals aspiring to the highest standards of ethics, competence, and service to the... - December 05, 2015 - Phil-Com, LLC

IBMC College Students Volunteered at the Loveland Connect Event

Cosmetology students at IBMC College volunteered in Loveland. - December 05, 2015 - IBMC College

Salary Star from Transnew – a New Sharing Economy Model for Career Mentorship

Salary Star from Transnew – a New Sharing Economy Model for Career Mentorship

Spun out of Rewardrefer, Salary Star is a brand new app that connects business professionals and college students, to exchange wisdom and star quality potential. To help users understand the application, here are the exclusives from a chat with the founder, Tim (Tianyou) Kou. Aim for the... - December 04, 2015 - Transnew LLC

CUE Steps Up Support for 2015 Keeping Pace with K12 Digital Learning Report

CUE Steps Up Support for 2015 Keeping Pace with K12 Digital Learning Report

CUE leaders provide input to shape the definitive Blended and Online Learning Report. - December 04, 2015 - CUE

Vice Mayor-Joseph Casello of Boynton Beach Supports GBDC Entrepreneurship Institute with Scholarship for the Kid-Preneur Leadership Academy

Scholarship and Community Partnerships Give Students in Boynton Beach and Surrounding Communities a Chance to Experience the Kid-Preneur Leadership Academy During Winter Break from School. - December 04, 2015 - GBDC Entrepreneurship Institute

ELIC Empowering Teachers in Impoverished Laos Province

This summer, English Language Institute of China (ELIC) sent nine teachers from Canada and the U.S. to train Lao instructors at the English Language Teacher Training Program (ELTTP). The accelerated program brought 130 teachers from the poorest regions in the country together with the hope that... - December 04, 2015 - English Language Institute/China

Harvard Law May be Covering Up Defacement Investigation, Suggests Law Prof John Banzhaf

Two Weeks Have Passed and Harvard Has Several Compelling Motives to Hide the Perpetrators’ Identity, Says John Banzhaf. - December 04, 2015 - Public Interest Law Professor John Banzhaf

PECB Signs a Partnership Agreement with Zertifikat Training & Consultancy

“We are highly impressed with the work of ZTC, and that is why we have expressed our interest for this partnership. We hope that our common work will be a long-term successful journey by providing ISO-based training courses in Singapore. PECB is bound to offering qualitative services and objective evaluation,” said Eric Lachapelle, CEO of PECB. - December 04, 2015 - PECB

In a First, Goa Institute of Management to Give Profile Based Calls

All 50 Scholarships will be decided in Jan 2016, on profile basis i.e. Professional, Academic and Extra-curricular excellence, much before CAT/XAT scores are out. - December 04, 2015 - Goa Institute of Management

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