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Kesavah BellyDance is Hosting a Weekend Workshop in Prince George BC Featuring Jasmille
Kesavah BellyDance is hosting a weekend Belly Dance workshop and show featuring Jasmille in Prince George BC on April 10th -11th 2010. - January 31, 2010 - Kesavah BellyDance
The Greater Allen A.M.E. Cathedral of New York Raises $60,000 for Haiti Relief
The Rev. Dr. Floyd H. Flake, Pastor, The Greater Allen A.M.E. Cathedral of New York and the church’s 23,000 member congregation contribute $60,000 towards Haiti Relief. On January 12th a catastrophic 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck Haiti; which affected millions. According to Rev. Flake,... - January 30, 2010 - The Greater Allen A.M.E. Cathedral of New York
LRS and smartShift Announce Cooperative Agreement
Levi, Ray & Shoup, Inc. (LRS) announced that it has signed a global marketing agreement with smartShift, the leading international provider of solutions for tool-based modernization of complex IT systems. This new level of cooperation will provide organizations with a detailed view of their... - January 30, 2010 - Levi Ray & Shoup, Inc
The e-Learning Lingo Show Discusses “Relay Summaries”
SyberWorks, Inc., a leader in custom e-Learning Solutions and the Learning Management System industry, announces a new episode in the e-Learning Lingo Podcast Series, on a tool used in learning theory “Relay Summaries.” - January 30, 2010 - SyberWorks, Inc.
Cass Business School - Fourth Edition of Popular Organizational Behaviour Book Published
David Sims, Professor of Organizational Behaviour and Head of the Faculty of Management at Cass Business School, has co-authored the fourth edition of the popular academic book Organizing and Organizations. - January 30, 2010 - Cass Business School
Inkren’s Launches Japanese Version of Its Character Learning System
Inkren, makers of’s Chinese character learning system launch their automated Japanese character learning service. Japanese characters (Kanji) are a logical extension for as the character sets for both languages came from the same original set of ancient Chinese characters. Says co-founder Nick Winter “Japanese learning technology is way ahead of Chinese, but those 2000 daily-use Kanji are still titans looming on the path to fluency. We want to topple them.” - January 30, 2010 - Inkren (
Paul and Gena Suarez Recipients of the 2009 Dr. Robert Dreyfus Courageous Christian Leadership Award
Paul and Gena Suarez of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC in Gray, TN win a reputable leadership award. - January 30, 2010 - The Old Schoolhouse Magazine
Study Shows Public Funding Contributes to Family Success
A new study released by the Child Care Resource Center (CCRC) examines the vital importance of child care subsidies for families and their communities. The report, funded by the California Department of Education, illustrates that publicly funded programs allow lower income parents to work and... - January 29, 2010 - child care resource center
Miss ESL Canada: Toronto English School Chelsea Sponsors Beauty and Brains Contest Featuring ESL Students, Teachers and Staff
After a year of challenges for the ESL industry worldwide, finally a bit of fun for hardworking staff, students and observers with the inaugural Miss ESL Canada contest, sponsored by Chelsea Language Academy. Pretty girls with accents: can it get any better than this? - January 29, 2010 - Chelsea Language Academy
Final Registration Days for FDA Computer Validation Training Webinar
SyberWorks, Inc., a leader in custom e-Learning Solutions and the Learning Management System (LMS) industry, announces that due to overwhelming response, registration for the Webinar, FDA Computer Validation 101: Basic Fundamentals, ends Thursday February 4th, 2010. - January 29, 2010 - SyberWorks, Inc.
Gordon Brown Could Create Britain’s Great Barrier Reef; Reported by ZSL London Zoo
10,000 people already backing coral campaign. One of the world’s largest coral atolls, which belongs to Britain, could soon become the biggest marine protected area on Earth. - January 29, 2010 - ZSL London Zoo
The Debatewise Global Youth Panel to Dissect Events at COP15 and Debate the Consequences of Failure
Over 1000 young people from 130 countries are debating their country's standpoint on issues that were raised or unresolved at COP15 to gain a worldwide understanding of the consequences of climate change. - January 29, 2010 - Debatewise
Columbus, Ohio Gets a Taste of What Kettlebell Training Can Do -- For Free
Jason Yun of Yun Fitness Boot Camp in Columbus is putting on a introductory kettlebell workshop once a month to get people hooked on burning fat and getting in shape with kettlebells. - January 29, 2010 - Yun Strength & Fitness Systems LLC
Hip Hop Kidz Renowned Cast Crew Open for Award Winning LA Based Groovaloo
Led by founder and director Suzy Stone, the energetic Hip Hop Kidz dance group has been entertaining crowds at charity events, ballgames, music videos and almost every venue imaginable for almost 20 years. In January 2010, the top level Hip Hop Kidz Cast Class opened a Fort Lauderdale show at The Parker Playhouse for the award winning, Los Angeles based Groovaloos dance troupe. - January 29, 2010 - Hip Hop Kidz, Inc.
Trinity Academy of Raleigh Raises 10 Percent of Raleigh Rescue Mission’s Holiday Goal
Dr. Robert Littlejohn, head of school at Trinity Academy of Raleigh (, a pre-K through 12 college preparatory school community located in North Raleigh, has announced that the school partnered with Raleigh Rescue Mission for a coat drive during the holidays. Trinity Academy... - January 29, 2010 - Trinity Academy of Raleigh
Pre-Debt Relief Course to Guide Consumers
Global Debt Systems announces innovative program to clarify debt-relief solutions and inform consumers about their options free of charge. - January 29, 2010 - Global Debt Systems
HeartShare Welcomes New Board Members
HeartShare Human Services of New York elected five new members to its Board of Directors. - January 29, 2010 - HeartShare Human Services of NY
EduKick International Soccer Academies Offers New College Prep Program
Soccer players looking ahead to college can get step-by-step preparation from EduKick international soccer academies. The new month-long program combines education, career planning, SAT and ACT test preparation, and U.S. and Canadian soccer showcase events. "Many student athletes understand... - January 29, 2010 - EduKick, Inc.
Free Seminar on Doing E-Commerce with PHP
Alliance Training and Solutions Lahore Offers Free Seminar on Doing E-Commerce with PHP. - January 29, 2010 - Alliance Training and Solution
LRS Commissions Report on Enterprise Output Management and its Alignment with Managed Print Services
Today, Levi, Ray & Shoup, Inc. (LRS) announced the publication of an independent report by Quocirca, highlighting the opportunities for cost benefits and improved efficiencies from an Enterprise Output Management (EOM) strategy. Commissioned by LRS, the study discusses the growth of Managed Print Services (MPS) and the opportunity to expand the scope of MPS to include an EOM strategy. - January 28, 2010 - Levi Ray & Shoup, Inc
Edvance360 LMS™ to be at the Alabama League for Nursing Conference 2010
Edvance360, formerly Scholar360, plans to exhibit at the Alabama League for Nursing Conference, held March 5, 2010. Edvance360 provides LMS software and support to schools, non-profit organizations, and training programs, worldwide. - January 28, 2010 - Edvance360
Edvance360 LMS™ Expands Services to Healthcare Education Market
Edvance360 LMS (Learning Management System) provides eLearning software to the healthcare education market, including medical-related schools, medical associations, and hospital-based training programs. Edvance360 currently supports some of the top nursing and medical-related schools in the United... - January 28, 2010 - Edvance360
Learning Disabilities Conference Offers Information and Research from Experts in the Field for Parents, Professionals, and Adults with LD
The Learning Disabilities Association Conference in Baltimore, February 17–20 is the largest focusing on all aspects of learning disabilities. Over 200 breakout sessions and topical workshops by top experts in the field will include successful teaching strategies, mental health, adult issues, and classroom techniques; assessment and evaluation of children and adults with learning disabilities; research trends in language, reading, writing and math; and public policy considerations. - January 28, 2010 - Learning Disabilities Association of America
New Internet Radio Program: Holistic Children Radio Can be "Your Family Survival Guide"
Cathi Curen, author and educator will host Holistic Children Radio, providing alternative guidance for family challenges. - January 28, 2010 - Holistic Children Radio
Visions In Education K-12 Charter School Wins "Best of the Best" in Northern California Russian Community
Visions won in the "best of the best" in the category of education. - January 28, 2010 - Visions In Education K-12 Charter School
Brazilian Company Launches Online English Courses to Prepare Brazilians for World Cup
Today, ezLearn Educacional launched a series of online English courses targeted at tourism professionals looking to prepare for the upcoming tourism events in Brazil; the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympic Games. "The tourism sector is still not well prepared to host foreign visits because... - January 28, 2010 - ezLearn Educacional
Personal Training Web Site, the Resource for Online Fitness Training and Nutrition
A unique online personal fitness training site called Muscle and Fitness Trainer has launched several new features to help its members reach their fitness objectives. The site now offers a Transformation Challenge, an iPhone application and a Motivate Me feature. - January 28, 2010 - Muscle and Fitness Trainer
London School of Business and Finance (LSBF) Has Launched Scholarship for Chinese Students
London School of Business and Finance introduces Bank of Scotland International Scholarship arranged specially for Chinese Students. - January 28, 2010 - London School of Business and Finance Manchester
Christ the King College Preparatory School Presents the 2nd Annual King of Hearts Gala February 19, 2010
Gala Rolls out the Red Carpet and Hope for Teens on Chicago’s West Side Christ the King College Preparatory School Presents the 2nd Annual King of Hearts Gala February 19, 2010. - January 28, 2010 - Christ The King Jesuit College Preparatory School
RedVector’s New Green Building Education Programs Let LEED APs Upgrade Without Retesting
RedVector, the leader in online continuing education for the green design and construction community, has sorted through the numerous GBCI’s category requirements and put together two USGBC-approved LEED AP Prescriptive Credentialing Maintenance Programs (CMPs). The Green Building Certification Institute (GBCI) is offering “Legacy.” - January 28, 2010 - RedVector
Compliance Training and Learning Management Systems Leader, Cobent, Launches New Interactive Website
Cobent launches new interactive website to support expanded product and market offerings for 2010. - January 28, 2010 - Cobent Limited
Edvance360 LMS™ to be at the SONISWeb© User Conference 2010
Edvance360, formerly Scholar360, plans to attend the SONISWeb User Conference 2010. Edvance360 provides LMS software and support to schools, non-profit organizations, and training programs worldwide. - January 28, 2010 - Edvance360
The SyberWorks e-Learning Podcast Examines the Blurry Line Between a Learning Content Management System (LCMS) and Learning Management System (LMS)
SyberWorks, Inc., a leader in custom e-Learning Solutions and the Learning Management System industry, today announces the next episode in their e-Learning Podcast Series: “The Blurry Line between Learning Content Management Systems (LCMSs) and Learning Management Systems (LMSs).” - January 28, 2010 - SyberWorks, Inc.
Ctrl Alt Delete Comedy Show at the Orpheum Theatre Foxboro
Featuring Mike Bent, The Steamy Bohemians, Sean Sullivan, Mehran, and Dave McDonough. - January 28, 2010 - The Foxboro Orpheum Theatre
Baby Fingers Begins Winter Sign Language Courses in New York and on the Web
Winter classes with Lora Heller, founding director of Baby Fingers LLC, and her staff have begun. New locations and schedules are available at Baby Fingers’ new Upper East Side home, children’s enrichment center Elahi Garden. Webinars are also available. In addition to Baby... - January 28, 2010 - Baby Fingers
ACHS Gears Up for Better Living Show at the Expo Center March 26-28, 2010
American College of Healthcare Sciences (ACHS) is gearing up for the 2010 Energy Trust Better Living Show at the Portland Expo Center March 26-28. The College, exhibiting for their second year, will have new this year interactive holistic health presentations and lifestyle displays, as well as... - January 28, 2010 - American College of Healthcare Sciences
Visions In Education K-12 Charter School to Host "Why I Like Visions" YouTube Video Contest
Visions In Education Charter School is announcing its "1st Annual "Why I like Visions" YouTube video contest. - January 28, 2010 - Visions In Education K-12 Charter School
Edvance360 LMS™: Surge in Online Enrollments in Higher Education
Edvance360, formerly Scholar360, promotes unprecedented growth in online enrollments experienced by higher education institutions. According to an annual survey published by the Sloan Consortium, higher education institutions nation-wide saw a 17 percent increase in online enrollment in 2008, with more than one in four students taking at least one online course in the fall semester. - January 27, 2010 - Edvance360
Invent-Tech Posts Apology Letter from Inventor to Official Company Website
Invention Technologies, Inc., a Coral Gables, Florida-based invention assistance firm, has posted an apology letter addressed to the company from an inventor to its official website. The letter was part of the resolution to a matter that involved the inventor allegedly posting questionable... - January 27, 2010 - Invention Technologies, Inc.
Classroom Management Software by Eye4you Sweeping School Market in Asia
New classroom management software has become a best-selling software solution for an Australian company supplying the product to schools in Asia Pacific. - January 27, 2010 - eye4you Pty Ltd
Learning About Money Can be Serious Fun
The Financial Fairy Tales series of books represent a new approach to Financial Education. By making learning about money serious fun, the books entertain as well as educate, whilst introducing children to important concepts such as saving, investment, honesty and enterprise. The first book in the... - January 27, 2010 - The Financial Fairy Tales
New Joe Verde Workshop Focuses on Closing More Deals
Automotive sales and management training company, the Joe Verde Group, has a new workshop for dealers and managers in the auto industry. - January 27, 2010 - Joe Verde Sales & Management Training, Inc.
Top 10 Tips to Make the Right Impression - From Deborah Rinner, Certified Protocol School of Washington, D.C. Graduate and Tero International Consultant
In a sluggish employment market, image is everything; it can land or lose you the job. Learn how to stand out in a sea of applicants, or how to maintain -- even gain -- precious ground in your career. - January 27, 2010 - Tero International, Inc.
The Bonded Family Luncheon Brings Tom Ziglar, CEO, to Kansas City. Shares "Zig's Pure & Simple" Message to Business and Family.
The Ziglar legacy continues in Kansas City as Tom Ziglar, Zig’s son and CEO of Ziglar Corporation, comes to town for the Ziglar Luncheon 2010. The lunch hour event, Thursday, January 28th at the Ritz Charles in Overland Park, KS, is sponsored by The Bonded Family. - January 27, 2010 - The Bonded Family
Drury Names a New Director of the Breech School of Business Administration
Drury University selects Michael Shirley from the University of Central Oklahoma to be the new director of the Breech School of Business Administration. - January 27, 2010 - Drury University
London School of Business and Finance Introduces the Women in Business Scholarship
London School of Business and Finance (LSBF) introduces The Women in Business Scholarship intended for providing women with equal opportunities to achieve successful career and becoming global leaders. Scholarships are available from GBP1000 to GBP7000 and for MBA, MIB and Masters Programmes. - January 27, 2010 - London School of Business and Finance Manchester
Specialist SAT Private Tuition Provider, Tutors International London, Expands Range of SAT Tuition Services to Families with New Consultation Service
Tutors International London, a specialist provider of private SAT tuition for students in London who wish to apply to American universities, has expanded its range of SAT tuition services in response to requests for more information and support during the US university application process. The SAT... - January 27, 2010 - Tutors International
Cass Business School Academic Wins Higher Education Book of the Year
'Marketing: Real People, Real Decisions', co-authored by Vince Mitchell, Professor of Consumer Marketing at Cass Business School won the prestigious Pearson Higher Education Book of the Year Award at a ceremony in Monte Carlo last week. The book was chosen from a strong shortlist, including a text... - January 27, 2010 - Cass Business School
Masonry Technology Introduces the Only Weep Screed That Actually Weeps
Masonry Technology's L+R Weep Screed™ is the only metal termination specifically designed to accommodate a rainscreen drainage plane material and allow all the moisture to escape, every time. Join them in evolutionary change. - January 27, 2010 - Masonry Technology, Inc.
ActionCOACH Ranks in the Top Ten in Corridor’s Book of Lists in Iowa
Four ActionCOACH firms in Eastern Iowa ranked 1, 2, 3 and 9 in Corridor Business Journal’s Book of Lists for the Executive Coaching category. - January 27, 2010 - ActionCOACH