Former Microsoft SharePoint Marketer Thiebaud Joins K2

Software company K2 today announced the hiring of its new vice president of marketing, Jerome Thiebaud. Before joining K2 (, Thiebaud developed and implemented successful marketing policies and product development strategies for Microsoft Office and Windows. He spent three and a half... - January 20, 2010 - K2

ALT-Invest Announces the First Integration Between SugarCRM and MailChimp: SugarChimp ListSync

Premier CRM consulting firm in the Southeast launches module designed to sync CRM data with email marketing. - January 20, 2010 - ALT-Invest Announces the Release of Its 2010 Nascar League

The 2010 NASCAR League can offer both excitement and misery race after race. Large swings in the standing occur after each race. You can be on top of the standings one week and drop like a rock after the next race. - January 20, 2010 -

International College Counselors 2010 Scholarship Deadline Approaching

The 2010 International College Counselors Scholarship deadline is February 27, 2010. All students in 9th through 11th grade are encouraged to participate. Apply now. - January 20, 2010 - International College Counselors

The Marsh Presents Nina Wise’s “What Just Happened” February 19 – March 13, 2010

An evening of improvisation based on personal and political events which have transpired over the previous twenty-four hours." Loving kindness abounds in her work. She makes art as fresh as the days headlines."— Village Voice. - January 20, 2010 - The Marsh

goAUPAIR Representative in Gilbert Available to Help Families Find Affordable Childcare from Au Pairs

goAUPAIR is pleased to confirm Julie Varney as the Local Area Representative for the East Valley. As a Local Area Representative, Julie helps educate families about the Au Pair program and provides year-round support to those who select an Au Pair from goAUPAIR. goAUPAIR is an organization... - January 20, 2010 - goAUPAIR, Mid-West

Conveyant Systems, Inc. and Professional Computing Resources, Inc. Announce Joint Distribution Agreement

Conveyant Systems, Inc., the telecommunications industry leading supplier of PC-based Attendant Console applications, and Professional Computing Resources, Inc. (PCR), a provider of leading-edge telecommunications and technology management software and systems, announced they have signed an... - January 20, 2010 - Conveyant Systems, Inc.

Consumer Benefits Through Self-Controlled Debt Settlement

Experience immediate results and save thousands of dollars. - January 20, 2010 - Global Debt Systems

Empire Medical Training Learn Injection Techniques in One Day – Comprehensive Botox/Dermal Filler 1-Day Training

With Empire Medical Training become an Expert in handling, storage and use of Botox® this Revolutionary cosmetic and medical product. Acquire the technical skill to perform all the Botox or Dermal Filler injections with knowledge of when to use each of the different fillers. - January 20, 2010 - Empire Medical Training

Better Access to a New Year at The Guildford Institute

Thanks to a generous donation by comedian and author Ben Elton, the Guildford Institute has improved access to its courses, activities and events. - January 20, 2010 - The Guildford Institute

Echo E-Business Delivers It’s Predictions for Online Business in 2010

Echo E-Business Delivers It’s Predictions for Online Business in 2010

E-Business Strategist Deborah Collier has revealed her predictions for EBusiness in 2010. Deborah's predictions last year, which featured in her white paper ' E-Business Evolution 2009', with comments from John Lewis, Cancer Research UK, PriceWaterhouseCoopers and Linden Labs are becoming reality. This year Deborah discusses how social media, popular culture, new technologies and the economy will enable us in the forthcoming and following years. - January 19, 2010 - Echo E-Business

North Shore Fitness Company Establishes Health and Wellness Fund for Local Charity

B&S Fitness (, the largest provider of fitness programs on Boston’s North Shore, is proud to announce the establishment of its B&S Fitness Health and Wellness Fund to benefit Plummer Home for Boys located in Salem. The money raised from various B&S... - January 19, 2010 - B&S Fitness

Muslims Help Victims of Earthquake in Haiti

Ahmadiyya Muslim Community partners with Humanity First to deploy Disaster Response Team to affected areas. - January 19, 2010 - Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam, Inc Streamlines Its Price Structure to Increase Value for Its Customers

Enjoying YogaVibes’ online yoga videos is now easier than ever. Students can choose from one of three packages. Each costs less than the same number of classes at a physical yoga studio. - January 19, 2010 -

The Mixed Martial Arts Conditioning Association is Launching on January 21, 2010

The Mixed Martial Arts Conditioning Association is Launching on January 21, 2010

Almost 20 years after the modern incarnation of mixed martial arts, formalized strength and conditioning practices come in to place. The anticipated result is better athletes, fewer injuries and longevity of this very popular sport. - January 18, 2010 - John Spencer Ellis Fitness & Personal Development

The e-Learning Lingo Show Discusses the “GATHER Model”

SyberWorks, Inc., a leader in custom e-Learning Solutions and the Learning Management System industry, today announces the next episode of the e-Learning Lingo Podcast Series, about a tool used in learning theory, “the GATHER Model.” Dave Boggs, CEO of SyberWorks, states, “This... - January 18, 2010 - SyberWorks, Inc.

Online Music Tools Now Available at

Bill Wright's Guitar Studio announces the availability of online music tools on its website. - January 17, 2010 - Bill Wright School Of Music

Helene Emery Joins Bill Wright's Guitar Studio as Piano and Vocal Instructor

Bill Wright's Guitar Studio adds Piano and Vocal Instruction to it teaching curriculum. - January 17, 2010 - Bill Wright School Of Music

New Book by Alen Majer Claims That Selling is Better Than Sex - The Science and Art of Selling

Alen Majer tells in his new book released today how to get thrill out of selling, and why selling is better than sex. The book, targeting sales people and business owners, shows how to transfer the sex energy into sales enthusiasm to improve your career and life, and gives more than 200 reasons why selling is even better than sex. - January 17, 2010 - The Science and Art of Selling

Cindy McVey Joins Bill Wright's Guitar Studio as Violin Instructor

Violin lessons now being held at Bill Wright's Guitar Studio. - January 17, 2010 - Bill Wright School Of Music

Parent-to-Parent Training

Host Jeff Copper interviews Beth Kaplanek, founder and co-author of CHADD's (Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) new national Parent to Parent: Family Training on AD/HD which provides educational information and support for individuals and families dealing with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder to navigate the challenges of AD/HD across the lifespan. - January 17, 2010 - DIG Coaching Practice LLC

Folsom Personal Trainer Val Fujii Announces "Drop a Dress Size in 21 Days" Program in Time for Valentine’s Day

Val Fujii, a Folsom personal trainer and fitness expert, is proud to announce “Drop a Dress Size in 21 Days,’ a fitness program designed for women in time for Valentine’s Day. - January 17, 2010 - Superwomen Boot Camp

Wirehead Technology Joins Forces with Netfunction to Offer IT Management and Mobile Computing Solutions in Chicago

With Mobile IT becoming more and more a part of traditional IT, companies must now look at how this mobility will change how IT will manage, secure and maximize this functionality. Two local companies are combining their IT specialties to bring IT Management and IT Mobility together into one solution. Netfunction specializes in IT Management, while Wirehead Technology specializes in Mobile IT. Both companies have teamed up to offer a spectrum of services to commercial, academic, and government. - January 17, 2010 - Wirehead Technology, Makes Quality Translation Easy and Free

New Website Lets Anyone Get Content Translated to 41 Languages and Proofread at No Cost. - January 16, 2010 - Larnite Ltd

ALISON Opens Its Free Online Learning Resources to Support the Home Access Programme Announced by Gordon Brown

ALISON, the leading free online learning service for basic and essential workplace skills, has welcomed Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s announcement to provide free computers and broadband connectivity to more than 270,00 families across England through the Home Access programme. In support of this initiative, ALISON is making its interactive multimedia learning materials available to benefactors of the programme at no cost. - January 16, 2010 - ALISON

Listen as Dr. T. Jens Feeley Discusses His Career at NASA on New Episode of Ear on Careers Podcast Series

Top-Tier Tutoring proudly presents its latest episode of “Ear on Careers,” during which Mike Rivera interviews Dr. T. Jens Feeley, a Senior Policy Analyst in NASA’s Science Mission Directorate. Listen as Feeley offers advice to those contemplating a career related to space exploration. - January 16, 2010 - Top-Tier Tutoring, LLC

BESI Heads to Tampa, Florida for Its 3rd Conference for Certification of Defective Drywall Inspectors & Remediators

The institute, with the help of a workgroup called Defective Drywall in America (DDIA), has developed a cost effective protocol that helps homeowners, insurance companies, investors, financial institutes, and builders. “The institute and its members have an ongoing commitment to helping those who have been devastated by this crisis,” said Jones. - January 16, 2010 - Building Envelope Science Institute

East and West Collaborate to Open Elite SAT Preparation Center in Cincinnati, Ohio

A+ Advanced Learning and Test Prep Center has opened its new location in Mason, OH, forming a team of Michael DiSalvo, MA eq (specializing in Reading Comprehension, Grammar and Writing) and Madhu Sanakari, MBA (specializing in Mathematics). The two have formed an impressive duo that has been able to raise students' scores into the 99th percentile on the SAT and ACT. - January 16, 2010 - A+ Advanced Learning and Test Prep Centers

Drawing Their Own Conclusions: the NewsCurrents Student Editorial Cartoon Contest

K-12 students are invited to enter a national student editorial cartoon contest sponsored by NewsCurrents, the weekly current events discussion program. - January 16, 2010 - Knowledge Unlimited, Inc. / NewsCurrents

PGA Magazine and PGA Golf Exhibitions to Launch the PGA Connectivity Lab at the 2010 PGA Merchandise Show

PGA Magazine and PGA Worldwide Golf Exhibitions announced today that they will unveil the PGA Connectivity Lab at the 2010 PGA Merchandise Show set to convene January 28 -30 in Orlando, Fla. The Lab (booth #2763) will be in the Golf Products & Services area next to the PGA Magazine booth (booth... - January 16, 2010 - The Targeted Group

Midway College Announces a School of Pharmacy in Paintsville, Kentucky

Speaker Greg Stumbo along with other legislators, local officials and Midway College administrators were on hand to make an announcement at Johnson Central High School in Paintsville – the inauguration of Midway College School of Pharmacy in Paintsville, Kentucky. - January 16, 2010 - The Learning House, Inc.

Cass Business School – Cass Knowledge Launched

Cass Business School, London, has launched an exciting new online resource called Cass Knowledge - with easy access to lectures, presentations, interviews and more. - January 16, 2010 - Cass Business School

Wintry Conditions Bring Large Numbers of Secondary School Students Online in UK & Ireland

ALISON the world's leading free online learning service for basic and essential workplace skills is reporting a significant increase in the number of secondary school learners registering on its website. Availing of the opportunity created by the inclement weather, learners are logging on at and acquiring new or additional skills through the free online courses on the site. - January 16, 2010 - ALISON

Local Counseling Practice Offers Low Cost Therapy

If you don’t have insurance, good counseling will cost you $125 an hour, right? Yes, but a local group counseling practice is finding ways to lower costs and provide more affordable therapy options. Lifescapes Counseling Associates has always accepted insurance and offered a sliding scale... - January 15, 2010 - Lifescapes Counseling Associates, PLLC

Parent Coaching Institute Offers $900 Tuition Discount to Family Support Specialists Until February 15, 2010

Parent Coaching Institute Offers $900 Tuition Discount to Family Support Specialists Until February 15, 2010

The Parent Coaching Institute offers a $900 tuition discount off of the distance learning Parent Coach Certification® Training Program tuition for all applications received by February 15, 2010. Parent Coach Certification® is designed for family support specialists who are driven to coach parents facing today’s challenges; see the need for an innovative, research-based support model; and seek the most respected certification program available for parent coaching. - January 15, 2010 - Parent Coaching Institute

iPhone App by Chez Interactive Measures Exercise Technique

Chez Interactive ( announces an iPhone application which assists practising exercise technique to maximize muscle growth and fat loss. 'RepTrainer' is the only application available on the App Store to date which monitors the effectiveness of each movement performed while... - January 15, 2010 - Chez Interactive

Software Factory Releases New Website Showcasing Free CPA Training Videos

New website offers free training videos for the affiliate marketing industry - learn how everything you need to know about cost-per-action (CPA) offers. - January 15, 2010 - Software Factory

Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale Holds Open House & Hands-On Workshops on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Curious about the culinary arts, fixated on fashion, mulling over the media arts, or inching towards interior design? If yes to any of the above then an education from The Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale might be exactly the education to pursue. - January 15, 2010 - The Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale

Pasadena Pinot Fest Rings in New Year & Benefits Children Charity

Noir Sponsors Pinot Noir Events Over 3 Days including Public Grand Tasting on Jan. 30 - January 15, 2010 - Hillsides

Open Enrollment for Court Reporting Certification Programs Offered Through Union County College

The School of Court Reporting will hold open enrollment for NJ court reporter degree programs at Union County College on Wednesday, January 20, 2010 at the brand new Elizabeth Campus. - January 15, 2010 - The School of Court Reporting

Coaching Attention Deficit Disorder and the Need to Understand Human Development

Host Jeff Copper interviews Dr. Alan Graham on the topic of human development to gain his insight on the need to understand the difference between normal and abnormal behavior and its role in coaching those with attention deficit disorder (ADD). - January 15, 2010 - DIG Coaching Practice LLC

Validation & Compliance Institute Selects the SyberWorks Hosted Learning Management System to Provide FDA Compliance Training

SyberWorks Inc., a leader in the Learning Management Systems (LMS) industry, announced today that they signed an agreement with the Validation & Compliance Institute, LLC to provide FDA compliance training through the SyberWorks Hosted Learning Management System. Dr. Norm Howe, Senior Partner... - January 15, 2010 - SyberWorks, Inc.

DevNexus 2010 Conference - Registration is Now Open

The DevNexus conference will be held in Atlanta March 8–9, 2010 and registration is now open. DevNexus covers a wide range of the most exciting topics related to the Java™ platform. - January 15, 2010 - Atlanta Java Users Group

The Spencer Institute for Life Coach Training Provides Help to Move Past Tough Economic Times

The Spencer Institute for Life Coach Training Provides Help to Move Past Tough Economic Times

The life coaching industry is exploding as people want to master their lives to get an edge on their competition in a global market. - January 14, 2010 - John Spencer Ellis Fitness & Personal Development

Paul S. Manning of Renaissance Fitness Studio and Wellness Center Proudly Presents Kristen Correia, Personal Trainer to His Elite Organization

Paul S. Manning of Renaissance Fitness Studio and Wellness Center Proudly Presents Kristen Correia, Personal Trainer to His Elite Organization

Kristen Correia loves what she does. As a personal trainer she enjoys transforming peoples lives through fitness. She offers not only personal one on one training but Group Training such as Yoga, Zumba and Boot Camp. Please contact her to schedule a fitness routine that suits you best. Your life could depend on it. - January 14, 2010 - Renaissance Fitness Newport

Asthma & Allergy Sufferers in Portland Oregon Can Now Reduce Symptoms and Medication Use with Buteyko Learning Approach ™

Buteyko Learning™, an Asthma & Allergy Health Education company based in Portland OR, announces it is now offering classes for Asthmatics and Allergy sufferers that teaches them tools to reduce and eliminate symptoms without the use of medications. Asthmatics can realize up to 95% reduction in symptoms and reliever medication usage and 50% reduction in preventer medication within 10 weeks, based on clinical studies of the Buteyko Breathing Method. - January 14, 2010 - Buteyko Learning Company

With Empire Medical Training Create Strategies to Maximize the Potential of an Aesthetic Practice

Empire Medical Training illustrates the fundamentals involved in creating a successful aesthetics practice providing the relevant business plan & structure to make the transition into this dynamic new area of medicine successful with little or no monetary risk. - January 14, 2010 - Empire Medical Training

DoJiggy LLC Announces 2010 Partnership with Highmark Inc.

Online fundraising software provider, DoJiggy, partners with Highmark Inc, an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, to provide online software tools for the annual Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community events which benefit more than 140 nonprofit organizations across Pennsylvania. - January 14, 2010 - DoJiggy

SyberWorks LMS e-Learning Implementation Podcast Show Examines GN Netcom’s Jabra University

SyberWorks, Inc., a leader in custom e-Learning Solutions and the Learning Management System (LMS) industry, today announces the next episode in their LMS e-Learning Implementation Podcast Series: “GN Netcom’s Jabra University –A Case Study in Employee, Business Partner &... - January 14, 2010 - SyberWorks, Inc.

Heat Baseball to Have Spring Baseball Camp

Youth Baseball Camp announced for ages 5-12 to be held March 15th – March 19th , 2010. - January 14, 2010 - HEAT Baseball Camp LLC

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