Communications & Marketing News

Access cutting-edge information about the communications, advertising, digital marketing, web and graphic design, social media and public relations industries. Highlights include news about agency rosters, personnel, awards and products and services targeted to marketing professionals.

A Unique Publishing Company Called Rigo Publishing Has Entered the Market

We publish poetry work of heaven sent poets. - March 25, 2006 - Rigo Publishing Company

The Next Great Marketing Idea is Born

After seeing the great idea of Alex Tew’s MillionDollarHomepage, the next great marketing idea is born. is not another boring pixel site, like the thousands of MillionDollarHomepage clones that have been going around the internet. It is a web site randomizer. Once a site... - March 25, 2006 - ISC Enterprises Inc

Restaurants Order Up Mystery Shopping

Research Techniques Merge for Franchise Compliance. - March 25, 2006 - National Shopping Service

New Consulting Program Helps Businesses Build an Effective Online Marketing Strategy

What do you do if you have a website, but it isn’t making you any money? One Internet marketing company plans to help dozens of companies answer that question by providing a specialized consulting service. - March 23, 2006 - Vision Business Concepts Inc.

Solihull Firm M21C Launches its Internet Press Release Service

An opportunity for local businesses to get listed at the top of Google - March 23, 2006 - M21C – Marketing in the 21st Century

PostBidWin Now Offers Creative Designers the Most Advanced Portfolio Features Available Online, Coroflot and others beware. PBW's Creative Design Marketplace, backed by a team of software developers, has created online portfolios that cannot be matched by their competitors. - March 23, 2006 -

Frigidaire Takes Canadians from Front Load to Front Row - New Sweepstakes Offers Consumers Front Load Laundry Sets & Front Row Seats

Frigidaire Canada has launched the “Front Load 2 Front Row” sweepstakes – a new promotion aimed at rewarding consumers across the country with tickets to 1 of 3 Front Row Prize Packs. With no purchase necessary, consumers can enter to win prize packs that include the tickets to “Lord of the Rings” in Toronto, “The Grand Prix of Canada” in Montreal, or “Cirque du Soleil – Varekai” in Vancouver. The world leader in front load laundry also will provide three Frigidaire front load laundry sets as other prizing. - March 23, 2006 - scratch

President Of MMI Associates, Inc. Judges NCADA Awards

Patty Briguglio To Judge Automotive Advertising Excellence Awards (AAEA). - March 23, 2006 - MMI

Women Leaders Address Public Policy Issues

Local Women Business Leaders Hold Panel Answering Public Policy Questions. - March 22, 2006 - MMI

Patty Briguglio Named To Enterprising Women National Advisory Board

Enterprising Women Magazine Announces President Of MMI Associates, Inc. As Board Member. - March 21, 2006 - MMI

ClickCulture Launches New North Carolina Forum For Research And Economic Education Web Site

Local Web Development Firm Designs Site For Leading Political Research Organization. - March 21, 2006 - ClickCulture

Crystal Coast Technologies, Inc. Tapped to Create Web Presence for Local Non-Profit

Lenoir / Greene Partnership for Children of Kinston, NC selects Swansboro, NC based Crystal Coast Technologies, Inc. for web design project. - March 21, 2006 - Crystal Coast Technologies, Inc.

Identity Developments Helps Teach Dance Instructors New Steps

Identity Developments creates and launches a new website for new startup company, RELELVE’, a developer of products for dance and physical education instructors. - March 21, 2006 - Identity Developments

digital-telepathy, Inc. Embraces Web 2.0 and Digital Marketing with New Hires

digital-telepathy, Inc., a San Diego interactive marketing agency, announced the hiring of Arnold Yoon as Operations Manager and BJ Cook as Digital Marketing Director. dt is embracing digital marketing with Ajax-SEO integration, social networking and other interactive marketing strategies. - March 20, 2006 - digital-telepathy Inc.

Florida Direct Marketing Association Hosts Business-To-Business Public Relations Luncheon on April 20, 2006

The FDMA will host Kathy Mattson, President of Mattson Communications, Inc., where she will showcase “How To Effectively Target and Utilize Media Channels To Maximize Customer Reach.” - March 20, 2006 - Florida Direct Marketing Association

The Launch Party on St. Patrick's Day

Extreme Human Advertising Capitalizing on St. Patrick’s Day Celebration in Boston. Over 50 Humansellouts Spread the New About Launch. - March 18, 2006 - Interviews Marvel Comics Icon Stan Lee Interviews Marvel Comics Icon Stan Lee Senior Editor, Allison Kugel, interviews legendary comic book icon Stan Lee about his life, his career and his new company POW! Entertainment. - March 17, 2006 -

Innovative Website Assists Military Families Affected by Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC 2005) for the Fort Knox, Kentucky Region

The Lincoln Trail Area Development District, working with the Lincoln Trail Workforce Investment Board has launched the Website to help families relocating to the region per recommendations from the Base Realignment and Closure Commission (BRACC). - March 17, 2006 - LEAP Agency

Internet Study Sets Industry Benchmarks for Web Site Development

The Web Marketing Association, sponsor of the annual international WebAward competition, announced the findings of the Internet Standards Assessment Report (ISAR), a decade-long study of Web development trends across more than 80 industries based on data collected from nearly 10,000 Web site evaluations. - March 16, 2006 - Web Marketing Association Offers Everyday Webmasters Access to Advanced Search Engine Marketing Strategies and Solutions

Recently launched, offers a one-stop solution to those looking to improve their websites’ search engine rankings. allows webmasters to enroll in programs that make use of advanced statistical analysis based on patent applications and research... - March 16, 2006 - Authority Domains

Former Belo Corporation Senior Designer Joins Plonka Interactive

Teresa Payne, a senior designer and interim creative manager with Belo Corporation, joined Plonka Interactive as their new Creative Director. - March 16, 2006 - Plonka Interactive Announces Partnership with International Association of Webmasters and Designers (I.A.W.M.D.), a leader in Pay Per Click (PPC) search advertising, has partnered with the I.A.W.M.D., an association with over 350,000 members and affiliates in 145 countries worldwide. The I.A.W.M.D. formed a referral partnership with to make sponsored content and traffic... - March 16, 2006 - International Association of WebMasters and Designers

Holy Cow is Driving The Mortgage Bus

The revolutionary new service, The Mortgage Bus, inks deal with Holy Cow. As agency-of-record, Holy Cow partners with The Mortgage Bus to create a strong brand paired with motivating publicity. - March 16, 2006 - Holy Cow Original Branding, Inc.

Hummingbird Creative Group Named Agency Of Record For RSVP Events

Local Creative Services Firm Inks Deal With Event Planning Firm. - March 15, 2006 - Hummingbird Creative Group

New Generation of Internet Text Ad Marketing Launched

DBFCS has turned the idea of traditional text ads on its head and has launched a new generation of text ads on Pay 2 Display at - March 15, 2006 - DBFCS

Prime Visibility - Leading Search Engine Marketing Firm Gets Dual Top-10 Honors

Prime Visibility - Leading Search Engine Marketing Firm Gets Dual Top-10 Honors

Prime Visibility, Search Engine Marketing Experts, have maintained their leading position in the field of Search Engine Optimization and Internet Marketing. - March 14, 2006 - Prime Visibility

Steele Rose Communications Takes a Bite Out of the Big Apple

Steele Rose Communications opens NYC location and adds new account Pure Inventions to client roster. - March 14, 2006 - Steele Rose Communications

Identity Developments Awarded for Krupp Redesign

Identity Developments receives design awards for redesign of Krupp General Contractors website. - March 14, 2006 - Identity Developments

iCoast Presents "Taming the Mighty Marketing, Public Relations & Trade Show Tiger"

A How-To Seminar Developed by Knowledge Force Seminars For Technology and Growth Company Professionals. - March 14, 2006 - Knowledge Force Seminars

Online Marketers Can Now Keep their Business Name in Front of their Customers announces the release of a new software tool that helps Internet Marketing Entrepreneuers give away free reprint products yet keep thier own business in front of potential customers. - March 13, 2006 -

SEOValley Launched New Set of Free SEO Tools

SEOValley Solutions Private Limited, a leading Interactive Marketing company based in India offering SEO, SEM, Linking, Web Design and SEO Product Development services and solutions today launched a new set of free (search engine optimization) SEO tools that will allow webmasters to analyze and... - March 11, 2006 - SEOValley Solutions Private Limited

LogoBee Treats Ten Nonprofit Organizations to a Logo Design Makeover

Makeover contest receives landslide of applicants, underscoring the need for effective nonprofit marketing. - March 11, 2006 - LogoBee Logo Design

Innovative Advertisement Revenue Sharing Model by

Using a simple and clean interface, offers an opportunity for users of this site to make money by posting their own affiliate links and ads without requiring hosting a website and providing content. This has been made possible by implementing a unique and innovating democratic advertising model by - March 10, 2006 -

Steven Van Till Presents at Security Growth Conference 2006

Brivo Systems President Discusses Web-Hosted Access Control. - March 10, 2006 - Brivo Systems, LLC

Greens Worldwide Incorporated Executes Definitive Agreement to Acquire Crowley & Company Advertising

Greens Worldwide Incorporated (OTC BB: GRWW) announced today that it has executed a definitive agreement to acquire Crowley & Company Advertising, Inc. of Hernando, FL. - March 08, 2006 - Greens Worldwide Incorporated

MMI Associates, Inc. Writer Receives The Golden Pen Award

Gloria Lesher’s Novel Honored In National Writing Contest. - March 08, 2006 - MMI

Articulate Communications Inc. Adds Five New Clients

Articulate Communications Inc., a PR firm that helps business-to-business and technology companies achieve their corporate goals through results-oriented, message-based communications, today announced five new additions to its client roster. ControlGuard, Linkstorm,, Operative and... - March 08, 2006 - Articulate Communications Inc.

Winn Technology Group Generates 468 Event Registrations in One Week

Winn Technology Group is pleased to announce that it has generated 468 event registrations on behalf of a client in just over one week's time. - March 08, 2006 - Winn Technology Group

ETO Institute Recommends Investigating Three Levels of Technology

Three Levels of Technology Recommended to Investigate says ETO Institute - March 06, 2006 - TR Cutler, Inc.

Fruitcast Announces Free Podcast Advertising Consultations announces free podcast advertising consultations and a free report on how to successfully implement and integrate podcast advertising into marketing plans. - March 06, 2006 -

Elemental Communications Brokers WebtraffIQ and Practical Web Design Magazine Competition

Web analytics agency WebtraffIQ run Web measurement competition with Practical Web Design magazine. Future Publishing magazine Practical Web Design runs competition with Web analytics agency WebtraffIQ for £10,000 prize. - March 06, 2006 - Elemental Communications Limited

Holy Cow Celebrates Awards from Triangle ADDY Competition

North Carolina-based agency wins prestigious awards. - March 04, 2006 - Holy Cow Original Branding, Inc.

SEO Professionals: Get Certified by an Internationally-Recognized Organization

Search Engine Optimization Certified Credentials are Provided by - March 04, 2006 -

New DHTML Grid Control from Scand Brings Power of Ajax into Dynamic Data Tables

Scand LLC releases new cross-browser JavaScript grid control dhtmlxGrid v1.0. This DHTML component allows web developers to organize tabular data into Ajax-based dynamic tables with rich API, client-side sorting, resizable columns and other powerful features. - March 03, 2006 - Scand LLC

New Guide for Evaluating Internet Marketing Services for March 2006 from

New Guide for Evaluating Internet Marketing Services for March 2006 from

Finding good internet marketing vendors can be difficult and has released it's latest listing of Pay Per Click, Search Marketing Training, Link Building, Email Marketing, Content and Copywriting, Press Release Distribution, Web Site Analytics and Hosting Vendors. - March 02, 2006 -

TechSolve’s Manager of Strategic Procurement Programs

TR Cutler Interviews TechSolve’s Manager of Strategic Procurement Programs - March 02, 2006 - TR Cutler, Inc.

Holy Cow Supports Local Charity with Logo Donation

North Carolina-based branding agency donates to help local women's center. - March 02, 2006 - Holy Cow Original Branding, Inc. Breaks Internet Marketing Barriers

Unique marketing firm caters to small businesses. - March 02, 2006 -

EZ Publishing Announces Innovation in Permission-Based Email Marketing Email Deliverability

The StreamSend permission-based email marketing service now offers an innovation in deliverability: All customers will receive a private IP address that can be whitelisted with the major ISP's. While many email marketing services offer private IP addresses to large customers, StreamSend is the first to offer a private IP address to all small business and non-profit customers. - March 01, 2006 - EZ Publishing

Interactive Agency Earns ADDY Advertising Award for Tommy Hilfiger Campaign

LeapFrog Interactive has earned an American Advertising Federation Award ( for clothing giant Tommy Hilfiger. - March 01, 2006 - LEAP Agency

Press Releases 18,351 - 18,400 of 18,635