Books News

Read up on the latest news about fiction and non-fiction books, festivals, literary prizes, competitions, authors, tours, book marketing, e-readers and apps. Find out about book publishers and retailers as well as products and services designed for book lovers.

Elderly Comic Deals with Loneliness and Murder in Quirky Mystery

An aging comic and widower finds a new reason to face an empty life in Irv Sternberg’s latest mystery, No Laughing Matter (StarMount Press). You are old only when your regrets replace your dreams. Denver native Izzy Brand ponders this old Yiddish proverb when his best friend’s... - March 01, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Print-on-Demand Publishers Answer Al Gore's Plea for Conservation

In the wake of the Academy Awards, print-on-demand publishers follow Al Gore’s lead to protect and conserve Earth’s natural resources by featuring no-waste, no-inventory printing with post-consumer, recycled paper options. - March 01, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Teen Author Celebrates National Read an eBook Week by Publishing eBook with Cautionary Tale about Internet Predator Dangers

Teen Author Celebrates National Read an eBook Week by Publishing eBook with Cautionary Tale about Internet Predator Dangers - February 28, 2007 - Shalayne Alexandria

Ka-Zam Supports New High Tech Independent Bookseller

A new independent bookseller has launched with the help of Ka-Zam and is breaking the rules for small bookselling using technology including integrated POS and on-line sales channels. - February 28, 2007 - Ka-Zam

Smoking Pun Chosen as Foreword Finalist

Literary Journal Risks Wrath of Linguistic Conservatives with Kudos for “Crimes” - February 27, 2007 - Cerebral Market

Liberty League International’s First Rate Speakers Increase Growth in Personal Development Industry

Liberty League International, one of the world’s leading personal development companies begins the year with accelerated growth and success in 2007. The company has transformed the industry – leading the way with innovative products, success, and future growth. - February 27, 2007 - Liberty League International

Making ET (Extraterrestrial) Contact Through Hypnotherapy

Spell-Binding Transcripts of Actual Hypnotherapy Sessions in New Book from Dandelion. - February 25, 2007 - Dandelion Books, LLC

Ocean Cooperative Literary Agency Announces Novel of Promise Winner

The Ocean Cooperative Literary Agency, one of the online world’s oldest editorial services, has announced that Dan Whipple of Colorado is the winner of the agency’s Novel of Promise award for February. The winning submission was a chapter from Whipple’s novel, My Greatest Hits. - February 25, 2007 - The Ocean Cooperative

Many People Know a Little About New Orleans as It is Today, But Few Know How This Exciting City Got Its Real Character

"A World Of His Own" (In the Land of the Créoles) is an epic saga of love, marriage and betrayal. The story takes place in New Orleans in the early eighteen hundreds and covers an eight year period. Several historical people are included, Jean Lafitte, Andrew Jackson and others. - February 25, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Don Brown’s “Defiance” Set to be Released Against Drama-Filled Political Backdrop

Don Browns' new book is about the murder of an international attorney, the posturing of a power-hungry female U.S. Senator running for president, the schemes of a psychotic stalker, and the high-stakes drama of a daring rescue mission: Navy JAG Officer Lieutenant Commander Zack Brewer is in the spotlight and the danger zone. - February 25, 2007 - Don Brown

Successful Soul Transplant Operation Featured in New Sci-Fi Book

Soul transplant operation is the last recourse for human survival in new trilogy, Last call from Earth - People affected with CRDS loose their DNA controls and become repugnant: The body becomes an uncontrollable mess. There is no cure for CRDS. The only solution is to transplant the souls to healthy bodies. - February 22, 2007 - Last Call from Earth

Reggie Has a Global Appeal - Dinosaur with a Real Aptitude - The Adventure Begins

In the world of dreams there are heroes and villians. From Zarzieville comes the hero Reggie Rapasaurus, heir to the throne and fighting prince. Beside him from earth are the twins, Zack and Zoey, with Mango Willie and fellow prince from Luth'rung Lizaric, a master swordsman. The great quest is about to unfold and move your imagination as Xlibris releases the compelling new picture book Reggie He Came From Zarzieville written by co-authors Stacey Roberts & Cameron Crooks. - February 22, 2007 - Stacey Roberts & Company

Playdate Kids New Musical Series to Be Featured on Cover of Publisher’s Weekly

Playdate Kids Publishing is releasing a new musical series of children’s books in late spring of 2007. The first title "The I Like Me Dance" was chosen for the front cover of the February 26th issue of Publishers Weekly. - February 21, 2007 - Playdate Kids Publishing

Certified Life Coach Has Answer to Creating A Joyful, Abundant Life

It’s no secret that we are living in an age of stress and anxiety. In addition, to stress, most people are becoming overwhelmed with life and losing hope in achieving their desires and reaching their goals. In many cases, people find it just as challenging to stay happy and excited about... - February 19, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

New Children’s Book Tells the Story of a Lost Boy and a Magical Firefly

Outskirts Press announces the publication of Aristotle: The Firefly’s Message, the latest highly-anticipated work from Woodbury, MN author Elizabeth M. Brown. - February 19, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

A Mind Boggling Tale of an Invisible Plotter's Satisfaction

Outskirts Press announces the publication of The Trickster's Delight, the latest highly-anticipated work from St. Marys, PA author Ivana Queen. - February 19, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Author to Write Romance Book with Help from Readers

Diana Laurence, author of the award-winning "Soulful Sex" anthologies, wants to write her next book with her readers as partners in the creative process. Her project, "Soulful Sex: Partners," may be the first time an author has used the tools of the internet to enable readers to take part in the creation of a published book. - February 18, 2007 - Diana Laurence

New Book Reveals Truth, Suffering and Aftermath of Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is a very real topic in our society that many do not want to talk about. Kelly Cyr has braved the horrors of domestic violence only to come out a survivor. She shares her experience in her candidly written book Supreme Love. - February 18, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

New Book Reevaluates the Biblical Jesus

A new book, Restoring the Biblical Christ, says that the Jesus of the Bible is genuine, but simultaneously rejects the notion that the Bible originally declared Jesus to be God. By referring to the oldest biblical manuscripts in existence along with the word meanings of the ancient languages, the... - February 18, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Mystic Claims He Has Solved the UFO Mystery

Nahu, mystic and author of the revolutionary new book "UFOs: Gog From Inner Space" asserts that despite contemporary mechanistic discoveries in science, “God is not dead, but alive and well, and can be seen above us in the form of the heavenly light commonly known as... - February 18, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

A New Sci-Fi Novel Offers real solutions to Today’s Global Problems

If someone came to us from one hundred years in the future, what would they tell us about the consequences of our current direction, and how would we react? When Alyson Higg’s quantum scientist team as well as particle physics labs in eleven countries are contacted by a “photon... - February 18, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Outskirts Press Announces the Publication of Nathan Augustus Monroe Dudley, 1825 - 1910, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Work from Santa Fe, NM Author E. Donald Kaye

Lt. Col. Dudley, 9th U.S. Cavalry, in 1878 did not appear by magic, or parachute into Lincoln County, New Mexico to cause problems and then disappear. He had a life before and after the Lincoln County War. - February 18, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Journey from Survival to Satisfaction in a Honolulu Taxi

A Novel: Aloha Where You Like Go? By Hawaii Author Cloudia W. Charters (“A fresh new voice”). Often a backdrop or gimmick, Hawaii people & culture speak here in their own special way. Folklore, History, Food and Spiritual Wisdom too. Already a Top 15 Amazon/Fiction/Hawaii book. A... - February 18, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Psychic Calls Burke a Spiritual Teacher with a Mission – Even Death Can’t Stop Burke as Namesake Teddy Bear Continues His Dream of Helping Others

“Burke’s Tour” is the inspirational story of Burke P. Derr who had cystic fibrosis (CF) and who, according to psychic Steve Mucci, came to teach a very important spiritual lesson.  Burke died in 1997, but his namesake teddy bear is touring the United States and world... - February 18, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Gnospel Offers a New Version of What Yeshua Taught in as Radical a Departure from Current Forms of Current Christianity as His Original Message was to Ancient Judaism

Current forms of Christianity and Buddhism have never been based on the true teachings of Yeshua or Siddhartha, and have instead devolved from their original message, kidnapped by the collectivistic immature consciousness of followers who over the centuries never matched the heart, mind, and spirit of these two masters. To dissemble what should have always been called Paulianity, not Christianity, DS Barron offers Gnospel as a truer base of what Yeshua was trying to say. - February 18, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Want to Live in Tuscany? New Non-fiction Presents an American Couple’s Story of Relocation

This book is a mosaic of personal experiences and observations that encompass a new living experience and in the end it becomes clear that the real story is about getting to know the customs and people sufficiently in the author’s new home in San Gimignano. This book really captures the Tuscan Way of Life, [the strange dichotomy of aggressive governance vs beautiful life style and wonderfully warm, friendly people]. This book was written for those who enjoy reading about life in Italy. - February 18, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

A Promise of a Miracle

God’s Miracles for Me is an inspirational story that will give you strength and help you to see the role God plays in even the most devastating of situations. In this book the author shares with you a significant piece of her life where most would have given up. She says," Somehow with the help of my closest family, friends, and my faith in God I found a flickering of hope and love in my heart to keep me going. Once you have experienced God’s love as I did, you will never be the same again." - February 18, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Author Prophesied Gulf War, Rodney King Riot, the 90’s and 2001 Recession; Now Predicts Seven Years of Hard Times and Tells Why

As the author sees the prophecies and visions the Lord gave to him concerning the nations unfold before his very eyes, he said, "I must warn the people before the seven years of hard times begin." The author of the “Last Hour 6” is happily married and blessed with three... - February 17, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Award-winning Author Carol A. Miller Announces New Release

Maurice the Mole (ISBN 0977164136), Defiance in Print, the first in a Can You Guess Series written by the author is now available. - February 17, 2007 - Defiance in Print

Donald Gordon Carty and the Personal Development Institute Releases The Science of Getting Rich – The Book that Inspired The Secret

People around the world have been talking about a movie so powerful that it can change the course of your life. It has been the subject of two episodes on the Oprah Winfrey Show and Larry King Live. This movie, The Secret, was inspired by a book written in 1910 by Wallace D. Wattles. The Book "The Science of Getting Rich" has just been re-released. - February 16, 2007 - Personal Development Institute

Writer and Marketer Help Infopreneurs Generate Cash

Heather and Laurie have combined efforts to produce "The Everyday Guide to Writing and Marketing Your e-Book Wisely" a guide to writing, publishing and marketing your own e-Book. The process is not as intimidating as you may think. This e-Book answers all your questions from idea to income. - February 16, 2007 -

Ethan Bortnick Will Be on the CBS Early Show – February 19, 2007

Ethan Bortnick has been chosen (out of thousands of children) by the Producers of the CBS Early show to showcase his talent. This show will air February 19, 2007. Ethan’s portion will air between 8.00am – 9.00am. - February 16, 2007 - Ethan Bortnick

Chicago Authors “Fall in” Behind Novelist’s Boot Camp

"Novelist’s Boot Camp" brings its exclusive battle plan for novel writing success to Naperville, Illinois writers at the downtown Barnes and Noble bookstore February 22nd at 7:00 PM. - February 14, 2007 - TVMProductions

Robert Paisola and Dr. John Gray Present Conversations on Success by Insight Publishing

Dr. John Gray (Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus) and Robert Paisola, CEO of The Western Capital Corporation ( ) announce the joint agreement to publish The Fifth Edition of Conversations on Success from Insight Publishing. Conversations on Success features 280... - February 13, 2007 - Western Capital Financial Services, Inc

Jefferson Airplane Gets You There on Time & 'Take Me To A Circus Tent' Makes the 40th Anniversary Summer of Love Flight ... a Ride for the Ages

"Craig Fenton knows so much about the Jefferson Airplane and family, I was asking him the questions," said Marty Balin, founding member of the Jefferson Airplane, commenting on Craig Fenton's new Jefferson Airplane book, "Take Me To A Circus Tent." As the plane heads full speed toward the 40th anniversary of the Summer of Love, "Take Me To A Circus Tent" has opened a portal for those to revisit the original Summer of Love, preceding and subsequent years. - February 13, 2007 - Craig Fenton

PublishAmerica Presents Beyond Anger by William Samelson

PublishAmerica is proud to present Beyond Anger: Chronicle of a Life Reclaimed by Boerne, Texas author William Samelson. Beyond Anger is a must-read to learn about overcoming adversity and trauma of the worst kind; of torment and humiliation, loss of life, and exposure to mental anguish. It deals... - February 13, 2007 - PublishAmerica

PublishAmerica Presents Every Step of the Way by Yvonne Lancaster, Anne Dionne, Deborah LeBouf Kulkkula and Jane Maki

PublishAmerica is proud to present Every Step of the Way: How Four Mothers Coped With Child Loss by Massachusetts authors Yvonne Lancaster, Anne Dionne, Deborah LeBouf Kulkkula and Jane Maki. This moving book is the work of four mothers who came together as strangers but were bonded together... - February 13, 2007 - PublishAmerica

PublishAmerica Presents Of Face Value by Carol Harper

PublishAmerica is proud to present Of Face Value by Rockmart, Georgia’s Carol Harper. Based on the life of the author, Of Face Value is the story of Lisa, a woman who seemingly has it all until a life-changing collision with a drunk driver that leaves her face unrecognizable. After numerous... - February 13, 2007 - PublishAmerica

Celebrate Valentine's Day Mobster-Style with the Hudson Lake Book Launch Party

Historical Novel Celebrates Its Debut at the Jazz Club Co-Owned by the Novel's Villain, Alleged Al Capone Henchman and Planner of St. Valentine's Day Massacre, Machine Gun Jack McGurn - February 12, 2007 - Twilight Times Books

Home Invasion Robberies: Kidnapping and Hostage Taking in America

Home invasion robberies, families being kidnapped and held hostage for ransom, are becoming more common and no one, even a southern California billionaire, is exempt. - February 09, 2007 - Michelle Renee

BottleTree Publishes MySpace Book

"MySpace Maxed Out" by BottleTree Books LLC teaches how to increase popularity, buzz a band and secure privacy for the over 150 million registered users of social networking site MySpace. - February 08, 2007 - BottleTree Books LLC

Starting a Photography Business Just Got a Little Easier

Starting a photography studio can be a difficult endeavor. now makes the job of marketing a little easier by providing year long marketing plans specific to 26 different photography fields. - February 07, 2007 - Vision Business Concepts Inc.

Horizon Textbook Publishing Releases Understanding the Speechmaking Process (12th Edition)

Horizon Textbook Publishing announces the release of Understanding the Speechmaking Process, twelfth edition, by Ray S. Ross, Ph.D. - February 07, 2007 - Horizon Textbook Publishing

iUniverse Author Shares Life-Changing Tips in New Podcast

With 2007 well underway, many are struggling to keep New Year’s resolutions made only a few weeks ago. In a new and informative podcast, iUniverse author Dr. Marion Kramer Jacobs offers key advice to help you keep those resolutions and make permanent, positive life changes. In the podcast,... - February 07, 2007 - iUniverse

What’s the Big Secret? - The Cross of Ramplet - A Knights Templar Novel

New Knights Templar treasure legend mystery suspense novel debuts as an e-book from ClydeSight Productions. - February 07, 2007 - ClydeSight Productions

JK Rowling Inspires Britain’s Undiscovered Authors to Write a Bestseller

More than half of the UK population think they could write a bestselling novel – and JK Rowling is their main inspiration, according to a new survey by The Canopy Channel. Sadly most budding authors feel they are held back their jobs, even though staggering 25 million adults across the UK... - February 07, 2007 - The Canopy Channel

Adaptation Ltd Announces New Support Services to Help Boards Shape the Future

Adaptation Ltd now offers support for boards wishing to challenge traditional assumptions. The new services will help companies create distinct offerings, establish new markets and provide customers with additional choices. - February 06, 2007 - Adaptation Ltd

Realm - Book I~ To Tell of Darkness by K.A. M'Lady Available at Mojocastle Press

In Glen Hills the Darkness has been unleashed and it's up to Bounty Hunter, Rihker Tennai to track down all who stand between her and the peace that comes from the Light. But this Pixie half-breed finds being a child of both the Light and Darkness wreaks havoc on a girl's soul. And in Glen Hills - Sometimes, even the monsters are afraid of the Darkness. Available now at Mojocastle Press - - Realm - Book I - To Tell of Darkness by K.A. M'Lady - February 02, 2007 - K.A. M'Lady

Day Job Killer Launch - The Gurus Will Be Very Upset

On Tuesday, February 6th, 2007, the world will see the launch of the new "Day Job Killer" ebook by Chris McNeeney, best-selling author of "Adwords Miracles" and the infamous "Affiliate Project X". Learn about some of the new methods in his e-book. - February 02, 2007 - Odinns Marketing

Viva Greenville Announces Partnership with Joyner Library

Juan Pablo Giometti, publisher of Viva Greenville, has announced that Viva Greenville will partner with East Carolina University’s Joyner Library in both print and online publications. This partnership will inform the Hispanic community in Eastern North Carolina about Joyner Library services,... - February 02, 2007 - Viva Greenville

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