Books News

Read up on the latest news about fiction and non-fiction books, festivals, literary prizes, competitions, authors, tours, book marketing, e-readers and apps. Find out about book publishers and retailers as well as products and services designed for book lovers.

The Holidays Needn't be Synonymous with Stress

Timely advice for reducing holiday stress is offered by author and stress coach G. Gaynor McTigue, excerpted from his latest book "400 Ways to Stop Stress Now... and Forever!" - November 19, 2006 - Pick Me Up Books

The Literary Corner Hosts Interview of Child Abuse Survivor

The Virtuous Women interview author Charity Gustovic about the effects of abuse. - November 19, 2006 - The Virtuous Woman

Husband's Christmas Gift Idea Blossoms Into Heirloom Cookbook

Virginia Yankee Press releases premiere publication. - November 18, 2006 - Virginia Yankee Press

Playdate Kids Publishing Offers Self-Help Books for Young Kids

The Playdate Kids children’s book series, developed for children ages 3-6, teaches kids how to deal with difficult life issues. - November 18, 2006 - Playdate Kids Publishing

Writer’s Residency in Puerto Vallarta Application Deadline January 1

Application deadline for the annual one-month Writer’s Spring Residency in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico is set for January 1, 2007. Residency candidates must submit application information found on the Contests page of the sponsor’s website, - November 17, 2006 - BelleCora Press & Workshops

Holiday Control Freaks Freak Out and Control Freak's Guide™ Authors Sign Books at Chapters® Just In Time

Co-authors of The Control Freak's Guide™ to Living Lightly will sign books at Chapters® just in time to help deal with "Holiday control freaks" and to address the need for self control that the Holiday season presents. - November 17, 2006 - Control Freak's Guide

Hidden Pictures Publishing Announces Release of Vacation Fun by Liz Ball

Hidden Pictures Publishing announces the release of Vacation Fun – a new Hidden Picture Puzzle book by Liz Ball. Liz’s characters are packed and ready to travel. With 56 pages of hidden picture puzzles to entertain, Vacation Fun is a perfect destination. Liz Ball is the... - November 17, 2006 - Hidden Pictures Publishing

Influence Skills for Non-Sales People

Innovative e-Learning Program Combines New Book with Streaming Video - November 17, 2006 - Influence For Impact

Titillating Book Trailers Boost Book Sales in a Big Way

Book Trailers Revolutionize Book Sales - November 16, 2006 - Jessie Jamie Coleman

Ross Gill Releases his First Novel, The Patriot Committee, a Political Thriller

Security Breached On Airforce One. The Patriot Committee. A thriller by Ross Gill. Could This Really Happen? How Secure is Airforce One From Terrorist Attack? Could There Be a Conspiracy from Within? - November 16, 2006 - Ross Gill

Nghosi Books Opens the Doors to New Publishing House and the Release of Its First Anthology

Nghosi Books announced today the opening of its new small print press and the upcoming release of its first anthology from the Nghosi Books New Voices Series. Originally created as an online artist forum for artists of all disciplines, Nghosi Books has been redefined and transformed into a... - November 16, 2006 - Nghosi Online

Inventors Can Finally Get the Help They Need to Succeed through Self-Management

World Innovations is happy to introduce the release of “Inventing A-to-Z” on Audio Book CD. Now available in stores everywhere. - November 15, 2006 - World Innovations

To Earn More, Learn More

Gain access to a wealth of information that will better your personal and professional life. Acquire same materials professional speakers travel across the world each teaching. - November 15, 2006 - Smarter Every Day

Gary S. Goldman, Ph.D. Releases New Book Illustrating His Research Findings on the Varicella Vaccine & Its Effects on Public Health

Equal parts medical exposé, medical mystery, and urgent call for action, The Chickenpox Vaccine, a book based on scientific research by insider Gary S. Goldman, Ph.D., reveals Mr Goldman's findings on the vaccine and its effects on public health. - November 14, 2006 - Medical Veritas International Inc.

New Novel Sheds Light On Snitch Culture

Author aims to pave the way for urban fiction that keeps it real, but keeps it righteous - November 14, 2006 - Dogon Village

Two New Page-turning Political Thrillers on Power Gone Awry

Former State Dept. official and news reporter James Bruno releases two new thrillers on the corruption and treachery of Washington politics in a setting of foreign intrigue and espionage. Suspense-filled and fast-paced, the insider-written stories are more raw and genuine than the vast majority of political thrillers - November 14, 2006 - James Bruno

Online Security Authority Announces Its New Ebook, "Don't Take Candy from Strangers"

The company released this Ebook “Don’t Take Candy From Strangers” and it teaches What Parents Need to Know about MySpace, a Laptop $900.00 - DSL hookup $50.00 - MySpace account Free - Information to protect your child from predators. Priceless. Please Don't let your Child Become a Statistic. - November 13, 2006 - Online Security Authority. LLC

Moe the Min-Pin Will Teach You How to Train Your Human

Moe the miniature pinscher teaches dogs how to train their owners using psychology and other tricks in his new book, Moe’s Top-Secret Manual for Dogs. Moe’s Top-Secret Manual for Dogs is a guide for dogs (and humans!) that need help training their owners. The guide includes detailed... - November 13, 2006 - Sarah Maccarelli

New eBook with Source Codes: MySharpSQL version 1.1

Announcing New eBook with Source Codes: MySharpSQL version 1.1 - November 12, 2006 - ICT eBooks by Yeoh HS

The Virtuous Women Present Public Speaking Tips

The Literary Corner podcast co-hosts talk about the importance of mastering communication and public speaking skills as a non-fiction author. - November 12, 2006 - The Virtuous Woman

Playdate Kids Author Visits Library to Kick off Children’s Book Week

Playdate Kids Publishing offers parents tips to encourage reading to kick off Children's Book Week. - November 11, 2006 - Playdate Kids Publishing

The Matrix Book - a New Instructional Manual about Telepathic Influencing

Amir Vritti offers easy steps teaching any person the unique art of telepathic or remote influencing. - November 11, 2006 - Amir Vritti

Why Do Christians Fail? New Book Offers Possible Answer

As a major evangelical leader steps down on charges of drug abuse and an alleged homosexual affair, people both inside and outside the church walls ask: "Why do people of the Christian faith sometimes fail?" Author John Robin Murphy tackles that question head on as he reveals his own struggles with obesity, alcohol, depression and addictive behaviors. - November 10, 2006 - John Robin Murphy

Mystery Writer Rebecca Benston will Hold a Book Signing in Hometown of Springfield, OH

Local author to hold book signing. - November 10, 2006 - Rebecca Benston

New Ebook Offers Help for the Commuter, the Corporation and the Community

“Conquer the Commute: Tools for the Road and Life” goes through a step by step formula showing you how to live a life worth living in spite of the commute. - November 10, 2006 -

'Little Ox' Makes Oxford Colourful for Children

New Publishing Business Raises Money For Abandoned Children. - November 10, 2006 - Ox & Cross Publishing

Appalachian History - This Newly Published 1930s W.Va. Memoir has it in Spades

Kenneth A. Tabler, author of "The Day is Far Spent," rose from a poor, sleepy milltown in West Virginia and propelled himself to a PhD and a high profile career with that newly invented thing called "the computer." This book reads folksy without being sentimental about the very real people it depicts struggling to live through the Depression and its aftermath. - November 10, 2006 - LLC

Has One of the Worlds Most Sought After Paintings Been Found? Find Out in Don Phillips Latest Book The Missing Monet

A Monet painting has been missing since World War Two..It apparently has shown up in the past, just to go missing again, thus its name: "The Missing Monet." Jim and Sarah are on the trail of the "Missing Monet", but  not without danger. A large, widespread crime family... - November 09, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Outskirts Press Releases New Book, "Secrets to Tax-Deferred Income," by Chris Rodgers. Learn how to Stop Being a Slave to Your Finances and Create a Tax-free Life

When author Chris Rodgers sat down to write a guide to basic financial planning, he says his goal was to free taxpayers from old ways of thinking. “I want to help others achieve maximum tax relief and gain financial independence. I want to help eliminate misguided fears and myths regarding taxpayers “options” regardless of circumstances." - November 09, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Outskirts Press is Pleased to Present Tawanda’s Bed and Breakfast, a Hysterical Journey to Self Rediscovery

Outskirts Press is pleased to present Tawanda’s Bed and Breakfast, a hysterical first effort of a woman’s journey to self rediscovery in a highly unusual and independent fashion. A female Bill Bryson combined with a hint of Jill Connor Browne and a dash of The Milepost  (The... - November 09, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Making the Holidays Extra-Special With an Easy-to-Stitch Christmas Tree Advent Calendar

It was her daughter’s love for Advent calendars and her love for sewing that inspired author Ruthy Sturgill to create her first Christmas tree Advent calendar. When her friends began to ask for their own Christmas tree Advent calendar, Ruthy realized that she didn’t have the time to fill all of their requests. With her husband’s encouragement, she promised to market her pattern in order to make it available to her friends. - November 09, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Learn How to Reach your Goals, Dreams, and Higher Purpose in Watch Me!—The Bold, New Motivational Attitude for Personal Success

Outskirts Press, Inc. and By the Sea Books – are pleased to introduce Riana Milne, a successful psychotherapist, motivational speaker, and advice columnist; and her daughter Alexi D. Panos, a successful model, actor, singer, dancer and businesswoman. Their new book Watch Me! provides a holistic, spiritual, and motivational program that will help students of all ages reach their life’s dreams and goals. - November 09, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Conspiracy? The Catholic Church Seeks to Hide Yet Another Secret Prophecy

“Unlike 'The DaVinci Code,' which leads you in a wild goose chase… Ray LeCara Jr.'s 'The Forgotten Prophecy' …takes you right to the heart of the problem." --Mario Chavez, author of "The Kids on the Block" - November 08, 2006 - Ray LeCara, Jr.

Author Promotes Two Genres in National Tour

Rayna M. Gangi will speak to the Fairhope Book Club in Fairhope, Alabama on her novel, “Mary Jemison, White Woman of the Seneca,” on Tuesday, November 14. Ms. Gangi is presently on tour promoting her non-fiction release, “Forget the Cures, Find the Cause.” “Two... - November 08, 2006 - Earthwalk-USA

Are you "Divinely Framed"?

Author of book writes to bring messages of hope, inspiration and empowerment to women who feel hopeless. - November 07, 2006 - Ora International

Free Bible Resources for your PDA from Olive Tree Bible Software

Olive Tree Bible Software offers over 75 Bibles, Christian eBooks, devotionals and other Bible study tools, yours to download at no charge. - November 07, 2006 - Olive Tree Bible Software

New York Hudson Valley Doctor Published as Leading Expert in Best Selling Wellness Book

Dr. Lynne Kavulich, D.C., anti aging specialist, has co-authored a new book, The World’s Best Kept Health Secret Revealed. It is the third book in a best selling health and wellness series. - November 07, 2006 - American Wellness Care

Joanne Clarey's Book Addresses How to Combat Child Trafficking Trade

NY Times alerts that child trafficking trade is growing at an alarming rate through out the world. Psychologist/author Joanne Clarey offers advice on how to combat the devestation to children. - November 05, 2006 - Joanne Clarey Books

Author Diana Akroyd Reveals Angelic End Times Messages to Mankind in Her New Book Chosen: End Times Truths Revealed

Paranormal investigator, ordained minister, demonologist and authority on supernatural phenomenon, Diana Akroyd has discovered a wealth of fascinating End Times information which has been relayed to her by the Cherubic Order of Angel's Messenger. Chosen: End Times Truths Revealed is the... - November 05, 2006 - Diana Akroyd

Children's Book "Do You Love Me?" Published by L.L. Grime

L.L. Grime publishes her first Milo book at - November 05, 2006 - L.L. Grime Publishing

Too Soon Old - Too Late Smart!: A Book of Hope and Renewal

As author Alana L. Lilly discusses the aspects of life that can be cruel and grossly unfair, her message of hope and renewal shines through in this inspirational guide. All females face adversities, hardships, and trials. Life is hard - but turning your back on friends, family, and the ones you... - November 04, 2006 - Alana L Lilly

Find Your Spiritual Heaven in 2007

Life today demands a new approach to spirituality – not some new-age fluffy approach, but a more contemplative, personal, and tangible one. No longer is it enough simply to show up once a week at the same house of worship you’ve been going to for your whole life and call that a potent spiritual life. Spirituality has always been personal, and now it is time for each of us to delve into our own personal relationship to the divine, according to our personal culture and nature. - November 04, 2006 - Sharon Janis

1st Choice eBooks Launches

1st Choice eBooks is proud to announce that it has officially launched. The web site is a one stop shop for all of the most popular eBooks in all categories. eBooks are a great way to relax or get a lot of information quickly and inexpensively. However, there are far too many eBooks available... - November 04, 2006 - 1st choice ebook sales

Online Shopping Strategies for Holiday Gift Buyers

Author Diana Ratliff releases “The Insider's Guide to Shopping Online”, featuring 86 ways to save time, save money, and save hassle while safely shopping online. Little-known strategies include how to comparison shop online, find bargain prices, locate coupon codes, buy from liquidators and win online auctions. - November 03, 2006 - A Plus Marketing & Sales

Pre-Publication Discount of "I Heard it on Oprah…Wisdom & Inspiration," a Humanitarian Relief Product Offered by Publisher

BelleCora Press has announced the pre-publication sale of I Heard it on Oprah…Wisdom & Inspiration for Living. Scheduled for release and shipment on November 30, the spiral bound volume has an attractive durable design and is more than a book of quotes. The cover price is discounted 20% through November 20, 2006. - November 03, 2006 - BelleCora Press & Workshops

Traffic Jams & Social Dysfunction: New Book, “Hot Mud Poems” Released on the World

Alveraz Ricardez opens the door for America’s poetic apathetic with Hot Mud Poems, a refreshing albeit relentless pounding of verse. From making love in church pews to back alley revolutions, there is something brewing between these covers that screams to be heard. With gritty... - November 03, 2006 - Kill Poet Press & Journal

Chicago Authors Spruce Up Christmas for the Women Behind Prison Walls

On Christmas morning many women all over the world scurry about the kitchen preparing dinner while their little children open presents and play with their favorite toys. However, that image of Christmas is a skewed depiction of the world around us. Consider the 1200 women at The Dwight Correctional... - November 02, 2006 - Queen Publications

"The Honolulu Marathon" Story Reissued Today

Definitive History of Race Returns via Print-on-Demand - November 02, 2006 - Twelfth Night Press

Children Share their Smiles with Miles Smiles Competition Winner

School for children who are disabled or have special needs celebrate with one of their pupils who was the winner of Miles Smiles colouring competition. - November 02, 2006 - Jill Divine

Olive Tree Bible Software Releases Andrew Murray’s eBook Humility for Palm, Pocket PC, and Symbian UIQ Devices

Humility, a Christian classic written by Andrew Murray and originally published by CLC Publications, is now available from Olive Tree Bible Software as an eBook to install to your Palm, Pocket PC, and Symbian UIQ devices. In the preface to this eBook, Murray brings to the reader’s... - October 31, 2006 - Olive Tree Bible Software

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