Books News
Read up on the latest news about fiction and non-fiction books, festivals, literary prizes, competitions, authors, tours, book marketing, e-readers and apps. Find out about book publishers and retailers as well as products and services designed for book lovers.
Los Angeles Author Stands Up to New York Publishing Giants by Taking Her Plea to Oprah
Undaunted by New York publishers' rejection of her music-infused novel, Los Angeles author, Maria Veloso, turns to Oprah Winfrey to bring multimedia storytelling to America. She has launched a daring, never-before-attempted campaign to have her novel, "Midwinter Turns to Spring" nominated for Oprah's Book Club. - June 23, 2006 - Think-Outside-The-Book Publishing, Inc.
Stepping Into Spiritual Oneness Book Has Arrived
From the author of the globally inspiring book Life Long Learning - Transforming Learning, comes an accessible, practical guide to living a life within Absoulute Love (Soulful Love), Peace, Bliss, and Spiritual Oneness infinitely... Stepping Into Spiritual Oneness - Spiritual Rememberings of the Soul Through Life Experience By Dr. Patti “Diamondlady” Diamond, DD. - June 21, 2006 - Diamondlady
Publisher Celebrates Highest Ever Alexa Rating with Free Book Giveaway is giving away 1,000 print copies of its soon-to-be published “Investing in the Great Uranium Bull Market,” to all new visitors to its internet news website. - June 21, 2006 -
Fresh New Science-Fiction Author's First Book is Published
A.M. Baker-Engel first book, Unique Phenomenon - The First Story of The Chosen, is now on the market and can be purchased from,, Walden Books, Barnes & Noble, B. Dalton or at your local book store. Wholesalers are Ingram, Baker&Taylor, Brodart, etc. ISBN 1-4241-4196-6 - June 21, 2006 - A.M. Baker-Engel Author
New Free Digital Book Helps Students Find and Get Scholarships
Education web site has just released "Braintropolis Scholarships," a new free digital book (also called electronic books or ebooks), a convenient treasury of articles full of real world advice, tips and recommended resources to help college-bound students find and get scholarships. A standard cross-platform Adobe Acrobat PDF file, "Braintropolis Scholarships" is available for free immediate download at - June 20, 2006 -
Anastasia Clark Featured Poet at Music Art Love Gallery. Free Party Bag. Open Mic.
Anastasia Clark announces she will be the featured poet at an Open Mic Poetry Night hosted by the MUSIC ART LOVE Gallery on Saturday, June 24, 2006 at 8:00pm. Patrons will receive a free poetry party gift bag- with a pen, bookmark, calendar, and other goodies. Light refreshments will also be served. - June 20, 2006 - Anastasia Clark
Anastasia Clark Featured Poet. Free Party Bag. Open Mic at The Goddess Store & Studio.
Anastasia Clark announces she will be the featured poet at The Goddess Store & Studio on Sunday, July 16, 8:00pm-11:00pm. The event is part of the store’s monthly open mic poetry series. Light refreshments will be served. Patrons will also receive a free poetry party bag- with a pen,... - June 20, 2006 - Anastasia Clark
S. Daniel Smith’s New Novel on Modern Seaborne Piracy Released June 15th
Feeding the Dragon (, a novel on modern seaborne piracy by S. Daniel Smith, was released by StoneGarden Publishing Thursday, June 15, 2006. - June 17, 2006 - Daniel Smith
Novel "After the Bones" Reimagines Twain's Time in Hawai`i
New novel a fast blend of history, intrigue, mysticism and culture. - June 13, 2006 - Twelfth Night Press
Fiction Thriller Sledgehammer Receives Excellent Reviews – This Is One Book You Don’t Want to Miss
Science-fiction book on terrorism receives numerous 5 star reviews. - June 11, 2006 - Virtual Word Publishing, Inc.
International Début for Art & Design Publishers
Début Publications Ltd launch their first publication: ‘Free?Fonts: Freeware & Shareware Font Directory.’ - June 08, 2006 - Debut Publications Ltd
New Book for Children with Cystic Fibrosis Comes on the Heels of Many States Addition of this Genetic Test on their Newborn Screenings
The book, "Little Braves Ones" was recently published as a means to help the 30,000 plus children and young adults who battle CF find a common bond with others with whom they often cannot be physically close to. - June 07, 2006 - C Lux
Deviant Propulsion Introduces Poet CAConrad as a Writer Propelled by Dissidence
A Philadelphia based poet takes the literary world by storm in 2006. Poet CAConrad received rave reviews from Publishers Weekly, Comparing his work to that of Beat poet Allen Ginsberg. - June 07, 2006 - CAConrad
Award Winning Poet, Cheryl A. Martin, M.A. Releases Her New Book, "Woman Reclining", a Compilation of Writing that Explores the Human Condition
Cheryl A. Martin, M.A. announces her newly released book "Woman Reclining" which captures the essence of living. Her words are inscribed in the reader's heart through poems about love, friendship, nature, animal companions and war. Her Haiku poems are as varied as her narrative... - June 05, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Hawaii Tree Trimmer Reveals America’s Hidden Shame from Treetops in Puna’s Rainforest
Ever wondered how different things can look when you’re dangling from the top of rainforest trees? Wyatt Allen’s new book, The Radical offers this unique perspective on how it feels to be poor in the richest Nation on Earth. Written with humor by someone who has lived a life of poverty,... - June 05, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
A Story of Relationships and Romance in the Windy City
Annie M. Johnson’s first novel, Favor, is an inspiring and humorous look at life and love through the eyes of five women who have been together high school days and are now engaged in a quest to find the men of their dreams. The main character is Donatella Unique Blues, a savvy fashion executive who must learn to navigate the treacherous waters of the So Real Corporation. For Donatella, it could be the chance of a lifetime or the loss of her one true love. - June 05, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
The End Times Are Near. How Strong Is Your Faith?
It’s the End Times, and new author Ray LeCara, Jr. weaves religion and horror into a tale about unlikely heroes drawn together to save Mankind in the supernatural thriller, The Forgotten Prophecy. - June 05, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Minister-Seasoned Intervention Practitioner & Relationship Columinst, Steve Braxton Dedicates New Book: The Road That Is Difficult To Travel to Shuttle Columbia
Steve Braxton- the principal of Marketplace Min. Publishing-under the auspices of Authorhouse Publishers-has evolve to become a non-fiction author of The Road That Is Difficult To Travel, which he dedicates to the crew and surviving families of Shuttle Columbia and also his mother-in-law due the display of commitment, loyalty, courage and absolute faith in God and duty to country. - June 03, 2006 - MarketPlace Min. Publishing
Beware of Internet Marketing Scams. International Authoring Team Writes Ebook, A Marketing Feast, to Beat the Scams with Common Sense through - Food
Cooking Up Customers – A Marketing Feast ebook from ClydeSight Productions helps people achieve marketing success by teaching the basics of customer targeted marketing strategy, an alternative to the useless packages, ridiculous schemes, and empty promises of instant wealth and fame. - June 01, 2006 - ClydeSight Productions
Author and UPI Columnist Jean-Claude Koven Guest on Hip Radio Shows The X Zone and Mt. Shasta Magic
Award-winning author and weekly UPI Religion/Spirituality columnist Jean-Claude Koven is Guest on hip radio shows The X Zone and Mt. Shasta Magic to discuss evolving the consciousness of humanity during this time of transition and shift, as well as new discoveries related to the Anunnaki and the C-1/Atlas vertabrae. - June 01, 2006 - Prism House Press
Newly Released Ebook in March 2006 Talks about the Realities of Making Money Online
Can A Person Legitimately Make A Lot Of Money Online? Is it Really & Truly Doable or is it Just a "Pipe Dream" For Most People Who Try? Author & Successful Internet Business Owner Stephanie Woolford-Bales Addresses Many Of These Important Questions In Her Compelling New Ebook. The Ebook is Free. - May 31, 2006 - AWD
Author Reveals Connection of Aliens and Vampires to The Da Vinci Code
Aliens, Vampires, and The Da Vinci Code: The story before The Da Vinci Code might be as important as the story itself. - May 29, 2006 - Paper Wings Publishing, LLC
World War II Sinking of U.S.S. Sims (DD-409) Revealed for First Time
On May 7, 1942, one small destroyer went up against the bulk of the Japanese Naval air fleet in the Coral Sea. When the fight ended, 250 men went into the water. Only 13 survived. This is their story. - May 29, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
New Novel Creates Life After Death on CD/ROM
What would happen if an entire human brain were turned into a computer model, saved on disc, and sold to high end customers? It gets bad when the brain donor wakes up inside computers. It gets worse when it turns out that he is a contract killer. - May 29, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Author of “I’m Just a Survivor” My life Before And After My Tour of Vietnam, Has his First Children’s book Published
Ritchie Wilson a Disabled Vietnam Veteran “was inspired” to write a children’s book by his younger son Kinji, while working on his manuscript about the death on his 25-day-old daughter. - May 29, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Exciting African-American Poetic Voice Emerges in Dark Destiny
Dark Destiny, the starkly truthful, semi-autobiographical poetry collection written by the Rev. Dr. Donald Delano Warner, was recently published by Outskirts Press, Parker, Colorado. Dr. Warner, an ordained minister who is retired from his positions as Red Bank, New Jersey, superintendent of schools and Board of Trustees chairman of Brookdale Community College, Lincroft, New Jersey, shares the stunning details of his life as an African-American. - May 29, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Who Says that a Marriage between Two Private Eyes Can’t Survive a Few Murders?
Jim Hargrove and Debra Simms are private investigators, and someone has killed their latest client. Is the murderer the client’s sexy business partner who appears to have cooked her company’s books? Or is the victim’s partner a victim herself, caught in something far more sinister and powerful? As Hargrove and Simms set out to solve the murder, they find themselves caught in a deadly cat-and-mouse game, which unexpectedly leads them into the dangerous world of the Colombian drug cartels. - May 29, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Author Shares True Life Experience, Up Close and Personal with, Suicide
The Author of “Mama and Us” has written, yet another novel based upon a real life experience, in her new novel, Suicide, The Explosion Within. “A bullet through his head, pierced an arrow through my heart” Although hurt by an estranged wife and seemingly uncaring... - May 29, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
New Book Offers Insights into How to Speak Classic “Suthern”
“For those folks that are not frum tha South and have lived here fer only a short time, all y’all really need is a sign to hang on y’alls front porch that reads ‘I ain’t from the South, but I got here as fast as I could.’” There’s a brand new guide to... - May 29, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Earth’s Population to Drop by 80 Percent, Says Top U.K. Scientist
Many view Dr. Lovelock as the father figure of the contemporary environmental movement. StockInterview talked with Lovelock about his latest book, today’s environmental movement, nuclear energy and uranium mining. - May 25, 2006 -
Hurricane Experts Expects Above Average Season-Prepare Now
The hurricane season approaches. Disaster preparedness is critical to protecting your family, home and business. - May 25, 2006 - Virtual Word Publishing, Inc.
Kristin Shoemaker Announces Print Release of Aurora Borealis
Kristin Shoemaker announces the release of her novel, Aurora Borealis, in trade paperback format. Aurora Borealis is a thrilling study in what it takes to send the most unlikely person over the edge. - May 24, 2006 - Kristin Shoemaker
Gulf Stream Press Announces its Official Release of the Book "IT Service Management Foundations: ITIL(TM) Study Guide"
This book is being used as official course material at the University of Dallas in the first ever US graduate program in IT Service Management. The program includes three courses on the IT Infrastructure Library. Franklin Technology Strategies Inc. the parent company of Gulf Stream Press provides EXIN accredited course materials for the IT Service Management Foundations course. Gulf Stream Press provides the course book "IT Service Management Foundations: ITIL Study Guide." - May 23, 2006 - Gulf Stream Press
The Virtual Assistant – Revolutionizing the Way Businesses Work
Virtual assistants are revolutionizing the way businesses work today by offering the global connections to get their work done better. Friday, May 19 is the International Virtual Assistants Day Celebration where we celebrate the advancements VA’s have made in the Industry. - May 19, 2006 - Virtual Word Publishing, Inc.
Ordinary People Encouraged to Contribute “Good Things to Say about the USA” for New Book
Many people have harped on all the things that are wrong with this country. Now ordinary Americans of all political persuasions, left, right and in between have a chance to say what’s right about this country in 350 words or less. The Good USA Foundation is publishing a book called “Good Things To Say About The USA” and seeking commentaries, stories, poems, songs, etc. from anyone with patriotic feelings - May 13, 2006 - Good USA Foundation
Books for Summer Reading
Max Elliot Anderson grew up as a reluctant reader. Now he writes mysteries and adventures for others who may be struggling; especially boys. - May 11, 2006 - Max Books
CBS Broadcaster Ira Joe Fisher Publishes New Poetry Book, "Some Holy Weight in the Village Air"
Ira Joe Fisher’s new collection of poetry, Some Holy Weight in the Village Air, published by Athanata Arts, Ltd. will be officially released on July 20, 2006. Fisher, a nationally recognized broadcaster with over forty years experience, known for his work as weather anchor for CBS on The Saturday Early Show, is an accomplished poet who gives voice and depth to small-town American experience in the tradition of Robert Frost. - May 10, 2006 - Athanata Arts, Ltd.
Poet Anastasia Clark to Appear at The Goddess Store & Studio
Poet ANASTASIA CLARK- poetry reading and book signing at The Goddess Store & Studio on May 21, 2006 at 8:00pm. The New Age store is located at 2017 Harrison St, Hollywood, FL 33020. Tel: 954-929-2369. Free pens and bookmarks for all participants. Aspiring poets invited to attend! - April 30, 2006 - Anastasia Clark
Educational Book Released. Cycles Study of America's Terrorist Events History.
"Terrorist Activity Cycles in America's History: 1600 to Present", with trend prediction capabilities, has just been released to the educational and general reading public by researcher Dennis J. Foley, PA... formerly of the Foundation For the Study of Cycles. This 140... - April 24, 2006 - Japanese Prints On Line
Travel Journal Offers "Illustrated" Look into Africa
Dr. J. William Allgood's travel journal records his and his wife's adventurous travels throughout Africa. The book provides 50 colorful photos of some of the most exotic animals and breathtaking sights known to humankind along with in-depth commentary. The book's proceeds are to be donated for a special cause. - April 24, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Actress Eva Longoria Inspires Character in New Latino Mystery Series for Teens
“Desperate Housewives” star Eva Longoria inspires a character in a hot new mystery series for teens published by Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing. - April 23, 2006 - Ronald Cree
Inventive New Blog About an Author’s Quest to Get Published Gives Solid Advice on How to Publish a Book of Your Own
Aspiring author Matthew Ulmer teaches others how to write and how to publish a novel via a blog chronicling his own attempts to become published. - April 22, 2006 - Educational Directories Unlimited
Poetry Book, Unveiled Quantum Of Dominion, by Author and Poetess - Kimberly Tork, Makes an Impressing Debut
Unveiled Quantum Of Dominion, Both by it’s own, Sumptuous, Yet Boldly Challenging Title and Nature, Comes to Redefine and Then Overthrow the Current Standards of Written Poetry Today. - April 20, 2006 - Kimberly Tork
E-book Version of "In the Heart of the Closet" Now Available
HD Hatcher, the Author of the Gay and Lesbian Themed Book "In the Heart of the Closet" Is Pleased to Announce E-book Version Now Available. - April 20, 2006 - HD Hatcher
Mike Ferguson's New Book- HDTV is Here- Makes HDTV Easy to Understand
HDTV is Here!, Michael Ferguson author of the new book called "HDTV IS Here!" 1080i, 1080p, 720p and 480i, what do these numbers mean? What is best? What do you buy when you go to the store? Author, Michael Ferguson has embarked on a book that will answer these question and more. HDTV... - April 19, 2006 - Orion Blue Books
Great Review for Young Poets New Book
The American Authors Association and The Military Writers Society Of America both give a resounding thumbs up to Jeffrey Michael Miller's new book titled From The Inside Out. Bill McDonald who is the President of both groups and a bestselling author himself did a review of Millers book and found it to be a worthy read. Mr. McDonald is also a decorated Vietnam war veteran. - April 17, 2006 - Jeffrey Michael Miller
Is Iran's History on Course to Repeat Itself?
Ata Servati, noted Iranian Author, filmmaker and poet, is releasing his new novel, "In Search of Heaven", which tells the true story of an American Missionary who traveled to Iran in 1907 to be a teacher, but became an inspiration to the people and sparked a revolution against their corrupt government. This book brings into question the possibility of Iran repeating it's own history with it's current political leadership. - April 13, 2006 - Senna Pictures
Viscount Publishing Announces its Launch as a Book Publishing Company
Together, disabled psychologist Sylvia Farley and her carer Ray Stokes have set up Viscount Publishing. Ray’s books, “Emma of Lulworth Cove” and “Thelma’s Cottage” are now on sale worldwide, and under consideration as film screen plays. Sylvia’s Sci-fi book “Hosts of Angels” was written under her pen-name Amelia May Kingston. She has also written “The Triumph of Hope,” an autobiographical book on BDSM and alternative sexuality, the subject of her projected Doctoral thesis. - April 12, 2006 - Viscount Publishing
University Students Rave About Cry Wolf
The graphic novel, Cry Wolf, was extremely well received by the students at the University of New Mexico’s English 220 class this past semester. According to the class instructor, Cassandra Amundson, the students raved about this period novel and its in-depth look at the life of a werewolf during Chicago’s Prohibition era. - April 10, 2006 - Dark Dance Productions, LLC
Corporate Porn, the New Novel by David S. Grant, Now Available
Corporate Porn NYC author pens cynical tale of cubicles, adult films, and dirty revenge. - April 08, 2006 - David S. Grant