Books News
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True Story Comic Book About Elderly Serial Killers Written by Murderer's Nephew
King Tractor Press solicits Family Bones, a bizarre comic book about elderly serial killers written by their nephew, in the September catalog of Diamond Distributors' Previews. - September 06, 2006 - King Tractor Films / Press
Devil Appears in Water, Old West Horror Detailed in New Comic Book
The tale of Henry Hill is told in a new horror/western comic book put out by King Tractor Press available in September. - September 06, 2006 - King Tractor Films / Press
Mobal Releases New eBook, "The 6 Most Popular Ways to Call Home When Traveling"
Free ebook "The 6 Most Popular Ways To Call Home When Traveling", now makes it easy for Travelers confused by all the different options for calling home when abroad. The reason why many US travelers need to find a solution to make calls while overseas is because the majority of US cell... - September 05, 2006 - Mobal Communications 1st Year Anniversary - Launch of a Brand New Author System
For it's 1st year anniversary, Article99 has introduced a brand new author system, including over 400+ article categories to chose from. This new author admin system is full of tools, tutorials, and multiple ways for authors to promote their business online. Read on for specific details... - September 04, 2006 - Adcidia™
Book Launching Offers Contest to those Who Purchase; Winner Receives Workshop, Room, Board in Sardinia, Italy Valued at Over $950
Enter to win! Buy: Starting a business in Italy: how to set up and run a successful business in the Bel Paese, on, by Emma Bird and Mario Berri. Send receiept to Emma, 24 hours within the book launching on September 29th, and you will be entered into the contest. - September 01, 2006 - HowtoItaly
Carb Cycling for Weight Loss and Increased Energy
Dr. Roman Malkov has written a revolutionary book, The Carb Cycling Diet, that teaches you how to drop fat, build muscle, increase energy and sex drive, and even improve your skin – by eating carbs the right way. - August 30, 2006 - Roman Malkov
Introducing Synthetic Marmalade
No, not the latest taste sensation from some chemical company, "Synthetic Marmalade" is the new book from Vermont Author Mike Luoma. Poems, Song Lyrics and Spells, as well as Luoma's black and white illustrations, fill the pages of "Synthetic Marmalade". Available from, B& and all fine online retailers. - August 29, 2006 - Michael Luoma is Accepting Preschool Books for Review, a website geared towards parents and teachers of preschoolers, is accepting preschool books from publishers, authors and agents for review. - August 28, 2006 - SchoolRock, Inc.
Kid’s Adventure Books Include 9/11
September 11 will mark the 5th anniversary of terrorist attacks and a day that is now referred to as 9/11. Songs have been written, and motion pictures have been produced. Now there are children’s books that also include the subject. Max Elliot Anderson began writing action-adventures and... - August 28, 2006 - Max Books
A Definitive Book on Understanding Terrorism and the Cost of America’s Response
Terrorism 101: A Library Reference and Selected Annotated Bibliography is a valuable reference book for our dangerous times. Within its pages, readers are given an eye-opening picture of what terrorism is, from its beginnings so many centuries ago to its proliferation today. It is written by Dr. - August 28, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Packers and Poodles: a Humorous But Hopeful Look at Lesbian Relationships
“Christy’s wit and unique insight shine through brilliantly in her work. Here ability to take the “every day” and give it a gay twist is a true gift. You’ll be doubled over with laughter as you personally relate to her stories. Buy this book now!” - Brent Meredith, Editor & Creative Director, Out & About Newspaper. - August 28, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Author Elizabeth Bowles Spins a Riveting Tale of Love, Betrayal, and Voodoo in Her New Novel, Mamie and the Root Woman, Based on the Real-life Saga of a Young Girl
In 1879, the Klan kidnapped and tortured 15-year-old Mamie Managault. In that night of terror, young Mamie’s legs were severed from her body, and she was left a cripple. But that wasn’t the end of her story. Rescued by the mysterious Root Woman and taken deep into the Congaree Swamp so that she could heal both her body and spirit, Mamie sets out on a new path that ultimately would lead her to Charleston, South Carolina and a life she would never have suspected. - August 28, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
A Journaling Book that Will Bring Mothers and Daughters Closer Together
When Teresa Lauer’s mother died, her first thought upon hearing the news was of the many things she and her mom had never talked about and all the questions she had still to ask her. In Bonding: A Journal to Bring You Closer to Your Mom, Lauer is hoping to give others an opportunity to bond with their moms, so that they will not be left aching “for what was not said and what was not shared.” - August 28, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Outskirts Press Presents a Raetron Stevens Science Fiction Tale
Outskirts Press releases science fiction author Raetron Stevens onto the masses with a story about truths and destiny. When the Air Force will convince the Navy to pack their traditions and leave the sea behind. Venture beyond the confines and safety of the Earth and experience the dangers of the cosmos. - August 28, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
New Book of Magic Chronicles Author’s Transcendent Experiences
Enochian Initiation relates five years of magical experiences of its author, Frater W.I.T., who has been a student of the magical arts for more than twenty years. Within his book, readers are placed at the center of evocational rites that reveal W.I.T.’s deeply personal visions of greater realities that transcend space and time. He says that through his book, practitioners can learn to make magic “through the guidance of angels and initiate oneself into a higher state of being.” - August 28, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
“Whole Lotta Led, Our Flight with Led Zeppelin,” Book and Limited Photo Signing
Ralph Hulett, local author/photographer, will sign copies of his book, “Whole Lotta Led, Our Flight with Led Zeppelin,” answer questions and give limited edition 4x6 Led Zeppelin photographs to the first 20 people to purchase books that day at The Rock and Roll Emporium at 205 Main Street in Downtown Huntington Beach Saturday, September 2, 2006 from 2:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. - August 26, 2006 - The Rock and Roll Emporium
Playdate Kids Publishing Expands with In-House Promotion
President of Playdate Kids Publishing, Tena Fanning, promotes Executive Assistant, Michelle Jefferson to VP of Operations. - August 26, 2006 - Playdate Kids Publishing
Leading Provider of Exchanged Traded Fund (ETF) Managed Accounts Offers Free Book for Download at
Good Money – Bad Investments - August 25, 2006 - Efficient Market Advisors, LLC
Book "Kundalini Awakening for Personal Mastery" Reveals Step-by-step Methods that Allow Anyone to Access Pool of Energy
Robert Morgen, teacher of the popular seminar series “Kundalini Awakening with Robert Morgen” has published a book. "Kundalini Awakening for Personal Mastery” (ISBN: 0-9773801-0-6) is now available in bookstores everywhere. The kundalini is a pool of energy that lies at... - August 24, 2006 - Mystic Wolf Press, Inc.
Kevin Stirtz Featured in Business Experts Book
Minnesota author and trainer, Kevin Stirtz, is featured in a newly released book called "Streetwise Small Business Book of Lists." The book, edited and compiled by Gene Marks, is a compilation of over 300 lists of business information by small business experts from across the... - August 24, 2006 - Stirtz Group
Sisters Become Best Friends while Writing their First Novel Together
Morgan and Phyllice, both published writers, teamed up to create a new mystery series featuring twin amateur sleuths, the Silver Sisters, and their wacky show business family. While writing the first book, A Corpse in the Soup, to be released by Wings ePress in September, the sisters realized that... - August 22, 2006 - Silver Sisters Mysteries
Mind Reality Announces Free Ebook Involving Every Area of Life, Destiny and the Universe
A unique book containing universal secrets and knowledge of the most powerful kind has been released. It contains insights that solve the many mysteries of the universe. It also deals with the source knowledge that contributes to success in all areas of life. This book empowers readers with the power to understand all science, philosophy and religion at a much greater level. - August 21, 2006 - Mind Reality
"Garfield's Train" Recreates the Death of Ohio President James Garfield 125 Years Ago
Novel "Garfield's Train", by Feather Schwartz Foster, concerns the assassination and death of Ohio President James A. Garfield in September 1881. - August 21, 2006 - Feather Schwartz Foster
The Story of What God Was Doing Before Genesis
Story Explains Before the Beginning of Creation - August 19, 2006 - Star Dome Publishing, LLC
Voices from Legendary Times
This extraordinary book reveals the connection between lost civilizations, ancient cosmic catastrophes, and extraterrestrial visitations in prehistory. Voices from Legendary Times by Ellen Lloyd, draws together compelling evidence from archaeology, astronomy, geology, myths, and ancient texts to... - August 17, 2006 - Ellen Lloyd
The Poet Sintax Ushers in a New Soul and Style to Poetry
The Poet Sintax opens his soul through his own poetry style, dubbed "vision-tale" in the love/macabre vision "Country Divorce", the spiritual vision "Phone call", and the endearing vision "Wait up". When asked what makes Soulspeak unique, Sintax says,... - August 15, 2006 - John Jarrette
Cult UK Zombie Author Releases a New Nightmare
Infected Books announces the release of ‘Hater,’ the new novel by David Moody, author of the popular ‘Autumn’ living dead series. - August 15, 2006 - Infected Books
First Inter-galactic Blog Goes Live - A Fun Informational Site Hosted by Zmod, the Star of the Book "My Alien Penfriend," by Faiz Kermani
Blogs have become all the rage on Earth but now comes the universe’s first inter-galactic blog. - August 14, 2006 - Faiz Kermani
Baxa Corporation’s Claude Hooton Featured in Leadership Strategy Book, Inside the Minds: The Health Care Management Team
Claude Hooton, Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Baxa Corporation was recognized for his leadership through his contribution to the recently released book, Inside the Minds: The Health Care Management Team. Hooton’s contribution joins those of CEOs, CTOs and other leaders to provide insight into the best leadership practice in the health care industry. - August 11, 2006 - Baxa Corporation
Dark Dance Productions – “Myth Makers” of Graphic Novels
This week, Author Doug Crill of the highly successful and controversial graphic novel series Cry Wolf was the featured guest on Global Talk Radio’s -- “A Story to Tell” -- where he made the announcement that his company, Dark Dance Productions, would establish itself at the... - August 10, 2006 - Dark Dance Productions, LLC
Cuban-American Authors Pens Breakout Novel
From her ground-breaking and award-winning multicultural romances to her successful vampire series for Harlequin, Caridad Piñeiro has been carefully carving out a place for Latina heroines in mainstream publishing. - August 08, 2006 - Caridad Pineiro
Lana Calloway Featured in New Book Showcasing Successful Women
The Woman’s Advantage: 20 Women Entrepreneurs Show You What It Takes To Grow Your Business Features Exhibit Resources President. - August 07, 2006 - Exhibit Resources
New Book, 12 Steps to Eliminate Debt Forever!, Gives a Precise Plan of Action to Get Out of Debt
Author Shares Secrets of How She Paid Off All Her Debt Including Her Mortgage in Five Years “The truth of the matter is the world wants to separate you from your money,” Lawson writes in 12 Steps to Eliminate Debt Forever! “The message that is programmed into us on a daily... - August 07, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Is Your Garage an Accident Waiting to Happen?
The 3rd Annual Garage Safety Week from August 7-13 is to promote public awareness of safety issues in the garage and make America’s garages safer. “The good news is that most of these accidents could be avoided with some basic organization and by following some simple garage safety guidelines,” says Barry Izsak, author of Organize Your Garage in No Time (Que). - August 06, 2006 - Arranging It All
Outskirts Press Releases New Book, "A Walk Through The Pauline Epistles: Christianity 101 For The 21st Century Believer," by Wesley Clark
Christians and non-Christians alike often quote Biblical Scripture to suit a particular agenda, but very few are actually familiar with the contents of the Bible. A Walk Through the Pauline Epistles provides a key to understanding the most foundational knowledge revealed in Scripture so that the... - August 05, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Outskirts Press Releses Racy New Science Fiction Novel, "LOLA wants - LOLA gets," by Jens T. Carstensen
LOLA Wants—LOLA Gets is about a secret society that has as its primary goal the curbing of global warming through the worldwide reduction of pollution. Not such a bad vision unless you consider the way that LOLA is trying to reach its objective. The organization poses as a religion that... - August 05, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Outskirts Press Releases, "A Promise for Destiny," by Leonard Moody. Explore the Question of Fate, the Mystical Power of Nature, and Man’s Search for His Identity.
Northern New York native Leonard Moody shares his intimate knowledge of the Adirondacks in his tale of Lucas Ambler, a lonely and confused man who has turned his back on society to live alone in the mountains. The beauty of nature and its often mystical qualities are revealed in this lyrical exploration into the heart of a man seeking solace in the wild. But Fate, in the form of a sixteen-year-old psychic, has other plans for Lucas. - August 05, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Discover the Hidden Symbols of Cry Wolf
Dan Brown’s smash hit novel The Da Vinci Code is not the only book filled with secret codes and symbols. The graphic novel series Cry Wolf is a unique, fun-filled excursion into the world of myths and legends, a hidden array of pictorial symbols and religious artifacts neatly crafted into the... - August 04, 2006 - Dark Dance Productions, LLC
Dreams Publishing Company Announces the Release of a New Book, "Jade's Dilemma: Lead Us Not Into Temptation" by Reign
This is the second book in the dilemma's series and it's being released September 28, 2006. - August 04, 2006 - Dreams Publishing Company
Outskirts Press Releaes New Book, "Stay Alert, Stay Alive: Criminals Reveal Their Secrets," by Michael P.S. Williams
Stay Alert, Stay Alive begins with a quick Street Smarts IQ Test, and then focuses on how we can train ourselves to be both street and driving smart. It shows how we can protect ourselves at the ATM machine, what to do if someone tries to rob us, how to protect ourselves when waiting for or riding... - August 04, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Original Children’s Book Series Playdate Kids Launches in September 2006
New Malibu children’s publishing company launches its first series. - August 04, 2006 - Playdate Kids Publishing
Outskirts Press Releases New Book "Mirror, Mirror: Addiction, Recovery, and the Battle Within," by S.M. Keegan
S M Keegan was born into a dysfunctional family, where home was a place filled with alcoholic rage and emotional, mental, physical, and sexual abuse. It was a destructive and painful environment where a broken self-image first showed itself in what would become a twenty-five year struggle with... - August 04, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Outskirts Press Releases New Book, "Secrets to Basic Retirement Planning," by Chris Rodgers. Learn How to Stop Being a Slave to Your Finances and Create a Tax-free Life.
Secrets to Basic Retirement Planning is a straightforward guidebook that offers valuable information for those seeking to understand how to set up, implement and choose a retirement plan. With a three-step approach, author and licensed consultant Chris Rodgers has compiled fast, easy, and simple... - August 04, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
NutriFitness Joins War on Obesity
New book arms trainers and consumers with weapon to quickly burn fat and build muscle with proven effectiveness. - August 03, 2006 - NutriFitness
Outskirts Press Releases a New Poetry Collection, "Psalms of Passion," by Ernest McMillan
The dictionary defines “psalm” as a sacred song or hymn, but unlike the quiet contemplations of old, these bold, stirring essays were written for a more contemporary audience—one that will readily identify with the twisted yet beautiful view of humanity held by author Ernest... - August 03, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Outskirts Press Releases "The Book of Revelation: As Translated by The Second Spiritual House"
Revelation means something that is revealed or disclosed. If this is true, then why do the churches, scholars and other "ordained" individuals say that the Book of Revelation is a mystery (something not fully understood or understandable)? This book removes the "mystery" of the Book of Revelation and translates it so that everyone has the opportunity to read and understand the words of John. - August 03, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Outskirts Press Releases the New Thriller, "Tell Me That You Like It, " by Terry J. Sadler
Two out of every three American women has been or will be sexually molested in their lifetime. That’s a fact. But what such dry statistics don’t show is the very real horror of the experience and the difficult road to recovery faced by these women and girls. Author Terre J. Sadler weaves a suspenseful thriller of the experiences of one young victim, Maggie Harris, who disappears without a trace for five long years. - August 03, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Outskirts Press Releases the New Book, "For Everything There is a Reason," by D.A. Winter
Paul Alan Mitner and his wife, Sara, are on the highway riding their Harleys when they collide with an out-of-control eighteen-wheeler. Sara and her bike are pulled underneath, causing the truck to burst into flames. Though Alan manages to drop his bike, his head slams into the trailer, and he in... - August 03, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Outskirts Press Releases Ben James' Debut Work, "Insider Dreams, A 911 Novel"
When Ben James’ character, fifty-year-old computer engineer, Wade Foster arranged the wedding in Seattle, he envisioned a grandiose road trip across the northern most United States in a new Jaguar. But what he received instead were a number of near disastrous confrontations with his... - August 03, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Outskirts Press Releases a New Teen Novel, "What's it Going to Be" Where Love and Fate Play Out on a Distant Planet
“What’s It Going to Be?” is a first novel from sixteen-year-old Olena Protsiv. It is a science fiction love story that takes place in the past and the present, but has everything to do with the future. When the character of eighteen-year-old Melissa finds herself transported to a... - August 02, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.