New Jersey Music Producer Announces Release of Compilation Album

Willingboro, New Jersey, music producer, Joe Dingle, founder of "The Shedd Spot," where some of the best musicians in the industry meet to meld gospel and urban beats together from dusk til dawn, announces the release of his much anticipated compilation album--"Your Arms." - August 13, 2007 - Joe "Drumprince" Dingle

"The Wishing Flower" Helps Create Positive Self-Esteem in Children

The Wishing Flower by Mosetta Penick Phillips-Cermak, Ph.D. uses fundamental concepts to bolster self-esteem and reassure children of their parents' love in a delightful and original fairy tale for children of all ages. - August 12, 2007 - PM Moon Publishers, Limited

"A New Year's Family" by Montana Author Cookie Grimes

When Cookie’s first grandson, Chivas Reid was born she promised that she would write true stories about her son Michael and the animals that were in their lives so he could share them with his family. And that is how it all began. Now four years later with her second grandson, Walker Evan, born, she has finished this first book and is working on her next “true animal story.” Cookie, too, loves having a family. - August 12, 2007 - Cookie Grimes

Montana Author Cookie Grimes Captures the Hearts of Every Age in Her New Children’s Book

Cookie Grimes releases her first children's book, "A New Year's Family," the first of a planned series of animal stories. - August 12, 2007 - Cookie Grimes

CAConrad Reads at Outspoken in Asheville North Carolina

CAConrad is a Philadelphia poet who published his first full-length collection of poems in 2006 with Soft Skull Press. He will be visiting Asheville North Carolina on August 24 to give a public reading of his work at Outspoken. - August 12, 2007 - CAConrad

Milestone Reached – Turtle’s Paintings Hang in All 50 States

Internationally recognized painter Koopa now has paintings in all 50 states. That’s a big accomplishment for an artist – especially if that artist is a turtle. It took four and a half years for someone in North Dakota to buy one of the box turtle's vivid abstract paintings. Now Koopa... - August 12, 2007 -

Writers in the Sky Podcasts Explore Multiple Themes and Writing Strategies

Write On! Creative Writing Services, a well-known team of seasoned authors, editors, and proofreaders will release a full spectrum of podcasts in August. - August 11, 2007 - Writers in the Sky Creative Writing Services

Andres Fragoso, Jr. Aims to Satisfy Men's Grooming Needs with Men's Grooming 101 a Step-by-Step Instructional, Pictorial Guide for a Groomed Man

Men's Grooming 101 is a step-by-step guide to help other men properly groom themselves. The guide includes detailed instructions, pictures and a comedic approach to men's grooming. - August 11, 2007 - Andres Fragoso, Jr.

Business Owners Invited to “Plug in” Marketing Power Tools at MicroCredit-NH Workshop

Does the thought of writing to promote your business overwhelm you, or push you outside your comfort zone? Have previous marketing efforts failed you, or soured you on doing more for your business? On Tuesday, August 14th, at 6:30pm in Laconia, NH, Allen Voivod - co-founder and one of the two "Content Lovers" of Epiphanies, Inc. - will lead a MicroCredit-NH workshop on getting greater visibility and results, while saving time and money, with your marketing "Power Tools." Plug in. - August 11, 2007 - Epiphanies, Inc.

Michael Jackson Keyboardist Finds Missing Recordings Lost for Over 30 Years -- Mystery Musician’s CD Storming Up Charts After Three Decade Delay

A top music producer found an unmarked audio tape in his attic. The recording, now storming up the music charts, is being compared to the new Tori Amos CD. But the mystery musician’s songs were recorded 30 years ago. - August 10, 2007 - Complete Connect Worldwide

Willie Macc Makes a Surprise Appearance at Harrah's Hotel & Casino New Orleans

Funny man Willie Macc of BET College Hill Virgin Islands makes a surprise appearance on stage at Harrah’s Hotel & Casino New Orleans and gives audience members an unexpected comedy treat. - August 10, 2007 - Willie Macc

Brad Sharp Aims to Share His Works with Print-on-Demand Availability of ~Scribblings~ From a Sidewalk Notebook at

Brad Sharp shares his experiences of growing up as a gay male in a small Texas town while struggling with everyday issues and working them out through poetry and writings that he now shares with others in hopes of helping them come to terms with their own struggles with the publication of... - August 10, 2007 - Brad Sharp

Custom Art Answers the Age Old Question - "What to Give to the Person Who Has Everything?"

Collage artist Claudine Hellmuth combines a myriad of materials to create custom art for clients and retro creations for gifts, books and greetings. - August 10, 2007 - Claudine Hellmuth

Police Inspector Uncovers Family Secrets in New Murder Mystery

A murder, a mystery and a case of mistaken identity help a grieving police inspector discover the truth behind an attack on his father in Paul Hupton’s new book, "In the Mood" (published by AuthorHouse). - August 10, 2007 - Paul Hupton

Fleas Perform in Our Nation's Capital: the Flea Circus Comes to Washington DC

This summer, our nation's flea circus will not play in the White House or in the Halls of Congress. Instead it will take place at Washington's weirdest venue- The Palace of Wonders- as the Acme Flea Circus performs two shows on Sunday, August 26. - August 10, 2007 - Acme Clown Company

Dr. Blogstein Hailed as "The Oprah of Internet Radio"

Dr. Blogstein Hailed as "The Oprah of Internet Radio"

Dr. Blogstein's Radio Happy Hour ( is quickly developing a reputation as a "can't miss" booking for authors to promote their new books. - August 09, 2007 - Dr. Blogstein

Squirtman is's Crazy/Wierd Site of the Day

Squirtman is's Crazy/Wierd Site of the Day

Squirtman, a silly superhero you will love to laugh at. He's orange and crazy. He's in a movie called Horrorween and The Rage. He does silly youtube videos on his site. - August 07, 2007 - squirtman

The Death of Black America Hits Home

Black America is dying out. Despite economic and legal gains, Black Americans now face zero to negative birthrates, abortion rates that are twice that of every other racial group in America, and the break down of the Black American family. This set of circumstances ironically projects a bleak future for a race that appeared so resilient in overcoming American slavery. "The Death of Black America" examines why this demise is happening and whether or not anything can be done to stop it. - August 06, 2007 - Eran Reya

Stained Glass Artist Returns to Maine

After traveling the country for several years, stained glass artist Micah Smith returns and settles down in Maine. Known for his unique portraits of animals and humans alike, he believes that Southern Maine is the best place for his work to flourish. Micah Smith primarily sells his work through... - August 06, 2007 - Micah Smith Designs

Up Close and Personal Tackles Business and Women Today

TV and Radio Talk Show Host Bonnie D. Graham brings Women and Business issues to radio as she tackled the Glass Ceiling Friday August 3rd on AM1240 WGBB. Her experience and wit makes this subject worth talking about with her guest Diane Dutton. - August 05, 2007 - Diane Dutton

The Perfect Cure for Anybody Suffering from Harry Potter Withdrawal is Now Here

"Generations," a new novel by Scottish author William Meikle, provides action, adventure, brave teenagers, eccentric adults, and a whole array of magical beasts that must be destroyed... or befriended. - August 05, 2007 - William Meikle

Leading Anti-Aging Physician Specialist, Dr. Lynne Kavulich, Attends Premier Research Labs Conference

Dr. Lynne Kavulich analyzes the latest breakthroughs for optimizing cell energy and how the presence or lack of this energy can determine how you feel, concentrate and recover from an illness. - August 04, 2007 - American Wellness Care

Artist Sharon Shapiro Mounts Exhibit in Georgia

Provocative solo exhibition will feature themes with an electric interplay of power and sexuality - August 02, 2007 - Sharon Shapiro

Find the "Perfect Phrases for Building Strong Teams" - New Book in the "Perfect Phrases" Series

Perfect Phrases for Building Strong Teams is the latest in McGraw-Hill's "Perfect Phrases" series. Author, Linda Eve Diamond, has an extensive corporate training background and has authored and co-authored of a number of books in the areas of business, education, and self-help. - August 01, 2007 - Linda Eve Diamond, Ink

Author Teams Up with Alzheimer's Association

Neuroscientist and author Lisa Genova joins the Alzheimer's Association's Voice Open Move campaign with her new novel, Still Alice. Genova hopes her book will increase public awareness of the realities of living with early-onset Alzheimer's Disease and by donating a minimum of $1.00 per book to care and research, she plans to be part of the efforts that will lead to a cure and a better life for millions. - August 01, 2007 - Lisa Genova

Willie Macc Lands Role in Major Movie, a Spoof of "The 300"

Funny man Willie Macc ( has signed on to appear in "Hunting and Fishing," a big-screen spoof of "The 300." A surprise megahit, "The 300" told the story of the ancient Battle of Thermopylae between soldiers from Sparta and the troops led by... - July 31, 2007 - Willie Macc

Willie Macc Makes His Official Professional Debut as a Stand-Up Comedian

Reality star turned comedian, Willie Macc ( will appear at 9pm on Tuesday, July 31st, 2007 at BB Kings, Universal City Walk, California. - July 31, 2007 - Willie Macc

Independent St. Louis Author Releases Second Book in Trilogy

St. Louis novelist Edward Philip White continues his epic historical fiction trilogy with the release of book two, The Quest for Prester John. The Song of Sherwood trilogy imagines the adventures of three generations descended from Sherwood Forest’s original heroes, Robin Hood and the Merry... - July 31, 2007 - Edward Philip White

Southern Author, Jeffrey W. Waller Has Recently Released His Novel, The Twisted Mile Through

Jeff Waller asks the question, “What if?” What if the secret of perpetual motion were actually discovered? How would the world react? Would there be resistance to such a wonderful discovery, and where would it come from? The work is available through most major book outlets and through Lulu ( - July 30, 2007 - Jeffrey W. Waller

Corpoarate Glory

When Andrea Xandrillia decided to work for the biggest organization in the known Universe, Galaxy Systems Corporation, she didn't know she was going to get caught up in a solar flare of greed, lust, sex and power mongering. Enlisting the aid of a contracted hitman, she learns the ways to manuever... - July 29, 2007 - Eric J. Obmann

Mike James of the Houston Rockets Hosts Free Day in the Park for Amityville Residents

Mike James of the Houston Rockets will host the 3rd Annual Mike James Day (MJD) on Saturday, July 28 from 10:00 am until 6:00 pm at Bolden Mack Park in Amityville, New York. The Mike James Day is a grassroots effort that seeks to bring together Suffolk County residents, community leaders, city... - July 29, 2007 - Mike James

Amber Shadows and the Missing Wands

Amber Shadows and the Missing Wands

The Next Best Seller Worldwide. Enter a Magically Hidden World of Mystical Magic, Ancient Secrets, and Deadly Peril. - July 28, 2007 - Wendy J. Willett, Author

Spoken Word Artist Continues Poetic Love Journey

Upcoming CD Release for Philadelphia Spoken Word Artist Naja - July 28, 2007 - Naja

After Thirteen Years, 'First Gay Latin Star' Returns to Fire Island

Colonel (and Comedy Central funny man) Jade Esteban Estrada brings history show ‘ICONS’ to Cherry Grove - July 28, 2007 - Jade Esteban Estrada

China and a US War? New Fiction Novel Titled Assassin's Mace by Evan Pedone

New novel predicts future war between United States and China. - July 27, 2007 - Evan Pedone

Common Traits of Million Dollar a Year Income Sales Professionals Studied

Leading sales prospecting and personal marketing trainer and consultant, Paul McCord, has released a new e-book that examines the common traits he discovered amongst 47 salespeople throughout the US and Canada who each earn at least one million dollars a year in their sales business. The study appears to be the first to study the common traits of this income group exclusively. - July 26, 2007 - McCord Training

Duquesne Alumni, Mike James of the Rockets Hosts Basketball Camp for Pittsburgh Youth

Duquesne Alumni, Mike James of the Houston Rockets Returns to Host Basketball Camp for Pittsburgh Youth July 23rd – 26th - July 26, 2007 - Mike James

New Book Offers Fresh Look at Mentors’ Vital Role in Society

Exciting new author. Chance Montana's latest book, Me and Mr. C, has just hit the retail marketplace. A Google search for "Chance Montana" will direct you to his Author's Den where you can preview his work, read and post reviews... etc. - July 26, 2007 - Chance Montana

Don't Become a Victim

New Website provides the answers you need. - July 24, 2007 - Jay LaBonte

Algonquin Books Editors Talk on What Writers Need to Know

Algonquin Books editors Chuck Adams and Kathy Pories meet with local writers to discuss the challenges publishers face today and clarify what writers need to know to get published. The discussion on Thursday, July 26, 2007 will be held at the Cameron Village Library. The talk is scheduled to begin at 6:30 PM. Free Admission. - July 24, 2007 - Batson Group Marketing and PR

“The Spotlight” Principal Photography to Begin in Los Angeles

Juan Carlos Vargas (special effects wizard on the hit film “300” and “Fantastic Four") directs an up and coming talented ensemble cast in a production of stellar scope. The Spotlight film began principal photography May 11, 2007 under the direction of Juan Carlos Vargas,... - July 24, 2007 - O27 Entertainment

"Min's Monster" is a Book of Unrelenting Horror Caused by an Escaped Madman

Young Min Wills is in for the most terrifying experience of her young life when a “monster,” an escaped convict holds up in her family’s warm kitchen, unaware that she sleeps in the attic above. Now she must devise her own means of escape, thereby placing her life in jeopardy. - July 23, 2007 - Lila L. Pinord

Estrada to Play Villain in New Video Game

Comedy Central star Jade Esteban Estrada will play evil Skunk in “Bruiser and Scratch.” - July 23, 2007 - Jade Esteban Estrada

Free Special Report Empowers Businesses to Adopt July as the New January and “Go Nuts” in 2007

For a lot of small businesses, July is a slow season – the perfect time to reflect and course correct, so they can end the year deep in the black. "The Secret to Making Your Business "Go Nuts in 2007," a free special report offered by a New Hampshire-based brand strategy firm and a Dignity Marketing company, offers seven tactics for these small businesses and service professionals to attract more clients, build trust, and boost profits. Download the free report at - July 20, 2007 - Epiphanies, Inc.

Author M.B.Weston Scheduled as a Panelist at BabelCon on 8/4/07

Naples-based author M.B.Weston will be participating as a panelist at BabelCon 2007 at the West Baton Rouge Conference Center on Saturday, August 4, 2007 in Baton Rouge, LA. BabelCon is a presentation of the Science and Engineering Education Foundation, a non-profit organization that is dedicated... - July 20, 2007 - M.B. Weston, Author

Jade Esteban Estrada May Direct New Musical in South Korea

"America’s Prince of Pride" in talks with producers of "Queen of Shopping" - July 20, 2007 - Jade Esteban Estrada

Military Veteran Recording Artist, Eric Lopez, Invited to Compete in Armed Forces Competition

Military veteran Eric Lopez is has been writing and singing music privately for over 15 years and is now beginning to share his music with the world. A self trained vocalist with an incredible operatic range likened to Bono of the world famous band, U2. Eric is currently completing an album titled "In The Trenches," an acoustical studio album based on life experiences involved with being a military member, infatuation, love, the journey to manhood, and the things that Eric is passionate about. - July 19, 2007 - Eric Lopez Music

Jason Craighead Adds "Structure" to Somerhill Gallery's Shapes of White Exhibition

Is “white” a presence of color or an absence of color? Luminosity or purity? All or nothing? These are the questions -- rife with myths, beliefs and suspense – that visitors to Somerhill Gallery will ponder during the new group exhibition, “Shapes of White,” opening... - July 18, 2007 - Jason Craighead

“I-TO-WE” Relationship Coaching Announces Free Couples Workshop Series

This dynamic 6-session program will address the most important areas of a relationship to help pre-marital, married and married couples to gain the awareness, learn the skills, and practice the techniques to achieve a relationship filled with safety, friendship, trust, respect, admiration, joy, passion, and love. - July 18, 2007 - "I-TO-WE" Relationship Coaching

Boost Business Sales with MicroCredit-NH Workshop

Cash-flow challenged? Short on ideas about how to increase sales, generate new biz, and follow through on high-ROI opportunities? Join Lani & Allen Voivod, aka "The Content Lovers" of Epiphanies, Inc., as they lead a "Creating Added Value" workshop for small business owners and micropreneurs in Franklin, NH on July 20th, from 9:30 - 12:30. - July 13, 2007 - Epiphanies, Inc.

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