Recent Headlines
Mike James of the Rockets Scores Big with Turkey and a Blanket Event
Mike James of the Houston Rockets will provide turkeys and blankets for needy families at the Shape Community Center located at 3903 Almeda Street in Houston on November 18th from 1:00–3:00 pm. The S.H.A.P.E. Community Center in its 37th year is one of the most visible and involved community... - November 17, 2007 - Mike James
Author Reveals #1 Reason Couples End Up in Marriage Counseling
Author Stan Dubin Gives Number One Reason for Marital Problems and How to Repair Them. - November 16, 2007 - Stan Dubin
Willie Macc to Let Fans Decide His Stylist Fate
Actor / comedian Willie Macc will let the public decide the fate of his afro. Best know as the funny man on College Hill Virgin Islands, Willie Macc's afro has certainly not stood in the way of his career since the reality series aired. Fans can cast their vote of whether or not he should "Keep the Afro" or if the "Fro must Go" by visiting, or by sending a text (provided by to '41411' (Keep - text "cast 11251", Go - "cast 11250") - November 16, 2007 - Willie Macc
Single, Disabled Mom Motivates Others with Lollipop Lesson While Overcoming Homelessness
Kimberly Carnevale may have lost her home to a brutal attack; but she did not lose her fighting spirit. This single, disabled Mom learned the importance of giving to others; and how something as simple as a lollipop could change the lives of many. - November 15, 2007 - Canine and Abled, Inc.
During a Time Where Being Gay is Becoming More Accepted, One Author Decides to Address Many of the Tragedies Gay Youths Must Still Face, in This, His New Fiction Book
Cody Riley, published by iUniverse, Inc., the leading provider of publishing technology solutions for authors, announced today that after five years, Torn Innocence, has completed its publication phase and is now on its way to bookstores nationwide. Torn Innocence is the heart wrenching story of a... - November 15, 2007 - Cody Riley
Creative Visionary Introduces a New Breed of Action Heroine with a Fantastic Urban Twist
A new kind of action novel from a new breed of writer. - November 14, 2007 - Jonathan Price
Bird Rescue Book "The Birds in My Life" #1 Bestseller at
The Birds in My Life, by Supreme Master Ching Hai is now ranked as international #1 Bestseller in the general category of all books at The beautiful coffee table book brings a new understanding to readers of the depth of emotions and love that are shared by our feathered friends. - November 14, 2007 - Supreme Master Ching Hai
"Soul-Full Eating" by Maureen Whitehouse Headed for Bestseller Status
Maureen Whitehouse, author of "Soul-Full Eating: A (Delicious!) Path to Higher Consciousness," launches bestseller campaign for her award-winning book on Nov. 13, 2007. - November 13, 2007 - Maureen Whitehouse
Wisdom in Smile - A New Book of Humorous Short Stories by Askin Ozcan ISBN 142577153x (Xlibris)
Twenty two selected humorous and philosophical short stories by Askin Ozcan. This trade paperback is a very interesting and pleasant good read. Published by Xlibris. 100 pages. $ 15.99 (suggested retail price) - November 13, 2007 - Askin Ozcan
How Divorce and Presenteeism Decreases Productivity and Profits for Business
Relationship Coach Glenn Cohen of “I-TO-WE” Relationship Coaching will talk about the affect conflicted relationships and divorce have on presenteeism in the workplace and the impact it has on productivity and profits for corporate America. - November 12, 2007 - "I-TO-WE" Relationship Coaching
Rocket's Point Guard Mike James Featured in 002 Houston Magazine
Houston Rockets star point guard Mike James and his million-dollar smile are featured in the November issue of 002 Houston Magazine on stands now. - November 11, 2007 - Mike James
Mwcurtco is Remodeling will be remodeling its website during the next few weeks to provide its readers with easier access and navigation. - November 09, 2007 -
Mwcurtco Announces Its New Blog on Word Press launches its new blog The Practical Vegetarian on Word Press - November 09, 2007 -
Indie Bands Riding a Viral Video Tidal Wave to Virtual Fame
Indie band The Knockarounds, YouTube's most subscribed music channel this week, are one of the many new DIY bands who are taking advantage of the viral video phenomena to use micro-budget videos to gain cyber-lebrity status. - November 08, 2007 - TheKnockarounds
Six-Year-Old Musician Ethan Bortnick to Perform at The 20th Anniversary Celebration of Showboats International Boys & Girls Club Rendezvous at Fisher Island
Other performers that will take part at the event are The Village People, The Pointer Sisters, Gloria Gayner and The Blues Brothers Revue. - November 08, 2007 - Ethan Bortnick
Local Political History Author Book Signing Nov 10th at Barnes and Noble
The Author Nikki Oldaker will be at Barnes and Noble, on U.S. 19 and Sunset Point, Clearwater, FL, November 10th between 1 and 2 p.m. signing her new book, “Samuel Tilden the Real 19th President, Elected by the Peoples’ Vote. Her book has debuted and exhibited this year at: BEA –... - November 08, 2007 - Nikki Oldaker
Musical Debut of Sultry Vocalist Robbi Spencer, Producer, Writer, Vocalist, Guitarist CD/DVD Set - Speak 2 Me
A fusion of neo soul, acoustic, jazz and world, Robbi comes with a smooth sound that can relax even the most critical of music ears...composed, performed, produced, published and mixed by Robbi. - November 08, 2007 - Robbi Spencer
Soul Food Reaches the Parts Bling Cannot Reach
UK Gospel Choir, IDMC celebrate 13 years together on 1-12-2007, with a live recording and exhibition in London's Dominion Centre. Performing songs from their back catalogue and new project, Soul Food. - November 08, 2007 - IDMC
Jewelry-Artisan Offers Unique Wearable Art
This artist designs and hand-creates her own unique jewelry with a variety of earthy and rustic materials. - November 08, 2007 - Adobe Sol Designs
Experiencing Love Through Music
Announcing a benchmark in Donnie C's career as an Indie Neo-Soul Recording Artist. This event will capture Donnie C's vision to incorporate love within music of all genres, including his very own. Donnie C wishes to bring back the holistic & organic energy & presence to all cultures &... - November 07, 2007 - Donnie C/ Donnell Isaac
Bill Ragan, M.S. Aims to Inform Aviators, Police, and Healthcare Workers About Fatigue and Stress with Lag: a Look at Circadian Desynchronization at
Bill Ragan, M.S. acknowledged circadian desynchronization as being one of the causes of several aircraft accidents over the years. While the exact cause of these accidents was hard to pinpoint, many of them were clearly linked to human error. Lag: A Look at Circadian Desynchronization (ISBN... - November 07, 2007 - Bill Ragan, M.S.
Award Winning Author B. K. Eakman’s Latest Book “Walking Targets How Our Psychologized Classrooms Are Producing a Nation of Sitting Ducks” Hits the Mark
B. K. Eakman’s soon-to-be-released latest exposé of our educational system “Walking Targets: How Our Psychologized Classrooms Are Producing a Nation of Sitting Ducks” is a wake-up call for parents and educators alike. With over 40 articles covering Education, Family,... - November 07, 2007 - Beverly Eakman - Author, Columnist, Key Note Speaker
Award-Winning Author, Mark Peter Hughes Speaks with Gayle Jacobson-Huset About His Recent Book, "Lemonade Mouth"
Stories for Children Magazine’s assistant editor, Gayle Jacobson-Huset was lucky to catch young adult book author, Mark Peter Hughes after the "Lemonade Mouth" book tour. During the interview, Hughes shared some of his adventures during the tour. - November 07, 2007 - Stories for Children Magazine
New Album, Mentalite Africaine, by Prince Eyango
Prince Eyango emerged from the African music scene in the late '80s to become one of the continent's most popular musicians. Born in a rural, mountainous region of Cameroon, far from the center of African pop music, Prince Eyango's talents were recognized at the age of seven when he began singing... - November 06, 2007 - Prince Eyango
Author Releases Two New Books
New England author, Jodi L Ouellette releases two new books. Available online at - November 06, 2007 - Jodi L Ouellette
"Small Miracles" by Askin Ozcan: An Exciting New Book, by an Interesting New Author
"Small Miracles" by Askin Ozcan - A new book in the genre "Religion/ Inspirational", relating thirty true stories of small miracles, from the author's own life. ISBN 1598001000 (Outskirts Press Inc.) Soft cover, 124 pages, 5"x 8". Suggested retail price: $16.95 - November 06, 2007 - Askin Ozcan
Expert Releases List of 10 Alternatives to Marriage Counseling
Marriage Author Releases List of 10 Easy Ways to Overcome Marital Problems - November 05, 2007 - Stan Dubin
Author Je Gurley Releases His Second Novel. Eco-Friendly Printing: Author Utilizes the Internet to Reach Readers and Help Save the Environment
Author JE Gurley, working with, offers his second novel, Father Blood: Demon Spawn, both as a PDF electronic download and a Print on Demand 6x9 paperback. This allows the reader the choice of reading the traditional way or from the convenience of his/her PC or laptop. Both venues greatly reduce the number of trees needed for printing. - November 05, 2007 - Idle Hands Publishing
Children’s Literature Author Ann Brown Releases Highly Anticipated Children’s Series Farm Grandma
Children’s Author Hopes to Spur Movement to "Celebrate Grandma." Cleveland Author Ann Brown Releases Highly Anticipated Children’s Series Farm Grandma - November 04, 2007 - Ann Brown
Award-Winning “Piazza: Italy's Heart & Soul” Presentation and Book Signing by Marybeth Flower and Joe Bauwens: Book Passage in Corte Madera, CA, November 4, 2007, 7PM
During their many trips to Italy, photographers Marybeth Flower and Joe Bauwens fell in love with the life that takes place in the piazza -- the center of every Italian town. "For 2,500 years, the people of Italy have been gathering in town squares to hear political speeches, shop at markets, attend weddings, collect water, play sports and spend time with neighbors," said Flower. Join Bauwens and Flower as they show their favorite photos of Italy’s undiscovered destinations and well-known places - November 03, 2007 - Marybeth Flower and Joe Bauwens
Are You Fly Paper for Freaks? Author-Christine Peetz Explains in Her Book Why She is a Fly Paper for Freaks
Cincinnati native Christine Peetz writes her first book on dating after divorce by publishing it using, the online marketplace for self- publishing books. She told her dating stories to friends and co-workers and the feedback was you should write that down in a book. So, that is exactly... - November 02, 2007 - Christine Peetz
What You Have is Yours
The release of the book "What You Have is Yours." - November 02, 2007 - Olawale Jiboku
When All Else Fails... Try Success
In this new book, you will learn: How to focus on the right things, and block out all the distractions; How to focus your communications and move forward; How to think "big picture"; How to stop thinking about ways to be successful, and just start being successful; How to use image to propel your career. - October 31, 2007 - Nick Kasik
A City Without Windows – Nineteen Year Old Candidate Wants to Make This "Vision" Happen with Linux
The youngest candidate in Muscatine's Mayoral Race wants to see more open source technology used "to save money and improve efficiency" throughout the city. - October 31, 2007 - Ryan Kopf Campaign
"Kid Tales" Promotes Creative Thinking
A Children’s Storybook Without Illustrations - October 31, 2007 - Michael Paul Miller
Author Stan Dubin Releases 2nd Edition of Marriage Counseling Book
New eBook Version Offers Help to Couples Who Wonder ”How Can I Help My Marriage” - October 30, 2007 - Stan Dubin
Keith Latman Knows About Internet Marketing
Keith Latman knows about the Internet. As the Chief Software Architect and Co-Founder of iMagicLab, formerly iCarMargic, Keith Latman has had hands-on experience with technology, sales, marketing, and architecture for iMagicLab via the Internet. He has ensured that the product direction for iMagicLab is consistent with the company’s strategy and with the needs of the Internet marketplace. He has personally trained thousands of personnel for car dealers, written more than 75 published articles - October 29, 2007 - Keith Latman
Do You Have a Narcissist in Your Life?
"Narcissism: The Web of Illusion" is a powerful new E-book written by Rev. Kaleah LaRoche. It delves deeply into the topic of Narcissism in our society taking readers beyond the psychological perspective into a whole new world of understanding. - October 29, 2007 - Kaleah LaRoche
Watch Out Dr. Seuss, Step Aside Mother Goose
Poet, storywriter, graphic artist, and self-proclaimed modern-day Dr. Seuss, Ethan Crownberry has entered the children’s book market with the first three installments of his new paperback series called “Poetic Adventures”. “They are epic stories,” said Crownberry,... - October 28, 2007 - Ethan Crownberry
Southwest Actors Guide Premiere Issue Features ‘Texas Jewel’
Actor Jade Esteban Estrada graces cover of new show business journal for growing industry - October 28, 2007 - Jade Esteban Estrada
Tie Ya Shoe and Walk New Book New Lifestyle
American Author Sumillya Lewis is astonishing the literary world with her fourth book, completed with the intent of inspiring millions to tie their shoes and be able to walk out of hard situations like relationships and not believing in themselves. The book is published on, the online marketplace for digital content. - October 27, 2007 - Sumillya Lewis Literature
Boomer Entrepreneurs Betting on Themselves: Using Retirement Savings to Fund Their Businesses
Baby boomer entrepreneurs are counting on the success of their businesses for financial security in their retirement years. In a recent Ipsos Reid Study of Boomer Entrepreneurs found 32% are using their savings to pay for their start-up costs. What this study doesn’t tell us is that many... - October 27, 2007 - Andrea J. Stenberg, author of The Baby Boomer Entrepreneur
Wit Announced Today That Wit® is a Registered Trademark of Wit/Witold Woliczko, All Rights Reserved
Wit ( announced today that Wit® is a registered trademark of Wit/Witold Woliczko, all rights reserved. “I have been Wit since I was in elementary school”, said Wit. “Everyone (family and friends) calls me Wit. Even though I have been performing for almost... - October 26, 2007 - Wit
Author of "A Prophecy Forgotten" to Lead Young Writers Club of Naples and Host Workshop on Nov. 17 at Barnes & Nobles
MB Weston leads the Young Writers Club of Naples and hosts a writing workshop at Barnes & Nobles on Saturday, November 17, 2007. - October 26, 2007 - M.B. Weston, Author
Barbara Marie Byrne Does It Again
Come take a walk with Megan and her mom in this delightful educational children's book, "Megans Moon." This delightful children's book will take you on many moonlights walks as Megan learns about why the big round moon in her picture book is different than the crescent moon in the... - October 26, 2007 - Barbara M. Byrne
Award Winning Novel, The Samson Effect, Just Released
In this chilling and suspenseful tale of political and religious intrigue set in the unforgiving landscape of the Middle East, two biblical scholars risk their careers and lives to uncover the secret behind the supposed myth of the Samson Effect. - October 26, 2007 - Tony Eldridge
American Woman Suffers Abuse at Hands of Saudi Husband in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Survives to Relate Escape from a Personal Life of Hell
Author Jade Carrington reveals her personal true story of sustaining seven years of abuse from her Saudi husband by sharing her story in a book written by her and published on, the online marketplace for digital content. Ms. Carrington is a brave survivor of domestic violence, who desires... - October 25, 2007 - Jade Carrington
Wit Announced New Website Sunday, October 21, 2007
Wit ( announced on October 21, 2007 the launch of a new website. is the official website for Wit - Artist, Author, Actor, Singer, Performer and Band Wit. Composer of, "The President" and Author of, "Secrets to the Universe". "I am... - October 25, 2007 - Wit
Wit Announced the Release Date for, "Secrets to the Universe" e-Book is on November 11, 2007
Wit ( announced today the world release date for, "Secrets To The Universe" E-Book is on November 11, 2007. "This is a very exciting time for me. I am delighted to share my writings with so many people ." said Wit, singer/songwriter. "My fans have been... - October 25, 2007 - Wit
Sananda Maitreya Announces the 'Angels & Vampires Tour 2007' and Releases 'Angels & Vampires' on a 2 CD Set
To announce the tour there will be a show-case in Milano, Italy on Saturday Oct 27th at Fnac at 6 pm together with the worldwide release of a 2 CD Limited Edition of the album 'Angels & Vampires'. - October 25, 2007 -