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Within Book Publishers
RAIMAZ Publishing to Publish First Novel – Convergence 2012 by Robert R. Ricks
RAIMAZ Publishing has just completed a deal with author Robert R. Ricks to publish his novel Convergence 2012 - July 15th 2011. - July 04, 2011 - RAIMAZ Publishing
Saga of Louisiana Creole Family, Bodacious Blues, Published by Outskirts Press
Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated cultural heritage fiction book from Angwin, CA, author Whitney J. LeBlanc. - July 04, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Savant Books Announces Release of G. Amati's New Novel, "Ammon's Horn"
Savant Books and Publications LLC, Honolulu, Hawaii, publishers of significant books and enduring media for the 21st Century, announces release of G. Amati's irreverently satirical futuristic novel, "Ammon's Horn." - July 04, 2011 - Savant Books and Publications LLC
Book Reveals Inside Story Behind Success of London Pirate Radio Station KISS FM
The inside story behind the success of KISS FM, the former London pirate radio station, is revealed for the first time by Grant Goddard in his new book "KISS FM: From Radical Radio To Big Business" published 1 July 2011 by Radio Books. - July 03, 2011 - Radio Books
New Lay Catholic Prayer Book: Know God and Love Him Published by Outskirts Press
Catholic Council of Women volunteer Joanne Rypma has compiled a sequence of scriptural passages from the Old and New Testaments which will prove invaluable to lay ministers in their preparation for various spiritual gatherings. - July 02, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Creole Coming of Age Novel, Bodacious Blues, Published by Outskirts Press
Award-wining theatre director and veteran writer Whitney J. LeBlanc completes his blues filled trilogy of three generations of the Louisiana Creole Broussard family as brother and sister grandchildren find that coming of age is no simple matter. - July 02, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Abbott ePublishing Tyndale21 Version of the Gospels Launched
Abbott ePublishing is proud to announce the launch of the Abbott ePublishing Tyndale21 Version of the New Testament Gospels, an updated, modern English version of the first printed English Gospels translated by William Tyndale in 1526. - July 02, 2011 - Abbott Public Relations
Creative Print Publishing July 2011 - Action - Unpublished Fiction Authors Print Ready Competition
Creative Print Publishing Ltd have launched their July 2011 Action competition for Unpublished authors to achieve their dreams by offering each monthly winner a contract and their book in print. - July 02, 2011 - Creative Print Publishing Ltd
Save $200 When Self-Publishing with Outskirts Press This 4th of July
Leading self-publisher Outskirts Press is setting off fireworks of their own this Fourth of July with twenty percent discounts on their two premium publishing packages, the Diamond option and, for authors needing a full color book interior, the Pearl option. - July 02, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Garfield & Papercutz Prepare for the Holidays 2011
In May of 2011, New York publisher Papercutz released Garfield & Co. #1 and 2 to an overwhelming response. Despite the heat of summer approaching, the publisher announced this week the anticipated release of the next two adaptations of the popular Cartoon Network series – both with a... - July 01, 2011 - Papercutz
New High Stakes Cyber Thriller, The Calendar, Published by Outskirts Press
Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated fiction thriller from Santa Clara, CA, author Romina Wilcox. - July 01, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Pictorial Guide to Budapest – Thomas Palfy’s New Book Published
Thomas Palfy, writer-photographer’s latest collection of great photographs takes us to Budapest. Many of the attractions of the Hungarian capital are introduced to the reader through a series of pictures and comments. This album is the latest one in the Postcards from… series and is available both in English (Postcards from Budapest) and in Hungarian (Budapesti kepeslapok). - June 30, 2011 - Thomas Palfy
The Latest from RadCases for Rounds, Rotations and Exams
This comprehensive guide includes in-depth information on nuclear medicine. Like every volume in the RadCases series, Nuclear Medicine combines printed and online resources for a more complete study tool. - June 30, 2011 - Thieme Publishers
Author Lily Hoang Finishes Stories for 20 Notable Writers
Lily Hoang asked her favorite writers to send her their unfinished stories and then offered to finish them – in their style. The result is a delightfully quirky collection of fiction as stylistically diverse as the writing submitted. - June 30, 2011 - Jaded Ibis Productions, LLC
The History, Meaning and Essence: Dog Tags Published by Allen House Publishing
Allen House Publishing announces the latest highly anticipated military history book from Ft. McNair, DC, author Ginger Cucolo. - June 30, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
New Guide, International Lay Counselor Training Published by Outskirts Press
Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated applied psychology book from Orlando, FL, authors David K. Carson, Ph.D., David A. Lawson, Psy. D., Montserrat Casado-Kehoe, Ph.D. and David A. Wilcox, Ph.D. - June 30, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Women’s Recovery from Grief: The Longest Journey Published by Outskirts Press
Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated family and relationships, death, grief and bereavement book from Huntington, IN, authors Janice (Jan) Holman Ballard and Allison (Cammie) Ballard. - June 30, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
How to Build Wealth: 7 Steps to Real Estate Riches Published by Outskirts Press
Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated real estate business and economics book from Orlando, FL, author Troy L. Peterson. - June 30, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Nature as It Should Be: Biodesign Out For A Walk Published by Outskirts Press
Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated nature and ecology book from Saint Helena, CA, author Lowell Harrison Young. - June 30, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Prostate Cancer, the Truth: The LD Chronicles Published by Outskirts Press
Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated medical urology book from Sioux Falls, SD, author Brad Randall, MD. - June 30, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Antediluvian Resistance Fighter: The Days of Laméch Published by Outskirts Press
Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated historical fiction book from Baltimore, MD, author Jon Saboe. - June 30, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Outskirts Press Announces Star Ship Fantasy, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Biography & Autobiography / Adventurers & Explorers Book from Parsippany, NJ Author Fay Stine
Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Star Ship Fantasy: The New Frontier of Space by Fay Stine, which is the author's most recent book to date. The 5 x 8 paperback in the biography & autobiography / adventurers & explorers category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble for a suggested retail price of $10.95. The webpage at was launched simultaneously with the book's publication. - June 30, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
The Amazing Mullet: How to Catch, Smoke and Cook the Fish
Bookmagic LLC. has published The Amazing Mullet by Adam Marianski, the author's most recent book to date. The paperback version of this book has been launched worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble for a suggested retail price of $12.95. The E-book version has been released on the Kindle store and Nook store for a suggested retail price of $6.95. - June 30, 2011 - BOOKMAGIC LLC
Dr. Claus Publishing Announces the New Release of a 32 Page Children's Picture Book Called "A Gift of Love"
Inspired by hope, the new release of, A Gift of Love (paperback, 978-1-61497-001-9), by Dr. Claus Publishing, is a 32 page children’s picture book written through the eyes of a second grade student not far from ground zero on September 11, 2001. - June 29, 2011 - Dr. Claus Publishing
Brandon Wilson’s Award-Winning Adventure Tales Go Digital
Pilgrim’s Tales, publisher, is proud to announce that Brandon Wilson’s award-winning series of four travel adventure books is now also available from for Kindle reader and others. - June 29, 2011 - Pilgrim's Tales, Inc.
Demons Lurk Behind the Veneer: In This Little Town Published by Outskirts Press
Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated action and adventure fiction book from Fairmount, IN, author Beverly J. Timbs Richardson. - June 29, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Your Time Publishing, LLC and Ellen Allen to Celebrate Armstrong Family Services at the Launch of Her Debut Novel “If You Change the Words You Change the MEANING”
Come out and enjoy an evening of literary birth with author Ellen Allen as she celebrates “If you Change the Words you Change the MEANING” and the accomplishments of Armstrong Family Services as she reads from her debut novel, and autographs your personal copies. as we savor the moment with an open buffet. - June 29, 2011 - Your Time Publishing, LLC
Sea Sounds: Sammy the Sea Otter Makes New Friends Published by Outskirts Press
Children’s author Cory Colbert invites his young readers to travel the alphabet with him and recognize the common thread of the letter “C” that runs through his imaginative tale of Sammy’s seaside adventures with Clyde the Crab. - June 29, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Climbing Higher: “Over the Top & Back Again: Hiking X the Alps” by Brandon Wilson Receives 2010 Book of the Year Bronze Award
"Over the Top & Back Again: Hiking X the Alps,” the latest travel book by über-adventurer Brandon Wilson, has been named 2010 Book of the Year Bronze Award winner (travel essay division) by ForeWord Reviews. - June 29, 2011 - Pilgrim's Tales, Inc.
Creative Print Publishing Ltd Re-Releases the First Novel from Author Diana Daneri This Week
United Kingdom based publisher Creative Print Publishing Ltd is proud to announce the upcoming release of its second publication if June 2011, Kristina's Destiny by Diana Daneri. - June 28, 2011 - Creative Print Publishing Ltd
Lessons in Living Well: What Does My Life Teach? Published by Outskirts Press
Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated adventurers and explorers autobiography from Raleigh, NC, author Jose L. Rodriguez. - June 26, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Islands Press Announces a New Work by Sandy Krolick, Apocalypse Of The Barbarians: Inquisitions on Empire
Islands Press is pleased to announce a new work from their latest author, Sandy Krolick, self-described kulturCritic. As Krolick states in his Preface to this collection: The background chatter is becoming increasingly loud: America is facing a terminal crisis, a singular and perfect turning in its short history. This collection is intended to shed light on the nature and scope of this crisis. - June 25, 2011 - Islands Press
New Financial Guide, A Lesson Plan In Retirement, Published by Outskirts Press
Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated financial education book from Tucson, AZ, author James Bishopp. - June 24, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Horses, Heroes, Rascals: Teaching Narcissus to Swim Published by Outskirts Press
Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated action and adventure fiction book from Edmond, OK, author Scott Wells. - June 24, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
The Ultimate American Road Trip, Highway Odyssey, Published by Outskirts Press
Veteran author and editor Alexander Flint’s new autobiographical work shows how a two decade long tradition of cross country road trips with his son brought him a new understanding of the world around him… and of himself as a single parent. - June 24, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Poems of Yearning, Separation and Love: The Lament Published by Outskirts Press
Poet and veteran author Ercell H. Hoffman’s new collection of poems captures the full range of emotion that swirls through human relationships as well as conveys the yearning for a sensuous and profound love which each of us, man or woman, shares. - June 24, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Editor Susan Malone Does It Again – Three Books in One Year
Developmental Editor Has Three Client Books Published This Past Year to Rave Reviews - June 23, 2011 - Malone Editorial Services
Staffeine, Inc. Introduces the World to a New Book and a New, Avant-Garde Form of Creative Writing
"Who could conceive of such an imaginative way of writing books, other than new author, F. Dichma. His new Kara series of books, beginning with Volume 1, ushers in a new era of Hollywood script style artistry, combined with the traditional approach to writing novels. He seamlessly combines the... - June 22, 2011 - Staffeine, Inc
Outskirts Press Reveals Top 10 Best Selling Books in Self Publishing for May 2011
Outskirts Press, the fastest-growing full-service self publishing and book marketing company today announced its top ten titles for May 2011. - June 22, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Greece After WWII, Civil War: West of the Parthenon Published by Outskirts Press
Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated adventurers and explorers autobiographical book from Eastsound, WA, author George Karnikis. - June 22, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Savant Books Announces Release of A. G. Hayes' Novel, "Who's Killing All the Lawyers"
Savant Books and Publications LLC, Honolulu, Hawaii, announces the release of A. G. Hayes' detective murder-mystery novel, "Who's Killing All the Lawyers." - June 20, 2011 - Savant Books and Publications LLC
Schiel & Denver Proudly Releases Author Tom Lawrence's Delta Days for June 2011
You've finished your book, you have a bestseller. But how can you get your book into Barnes & Noble and all the best bookstores without having to give up all your book rights to a traditional book publisher, and get proper 50% royalties for all your hard work. - June 20, 2011 - Schiel & Denver Book Publishers
Invaluable Guide, A Glossary of Medical Physiology, Published by Outskirts Press
Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated medical physiology book from Dallas, TX authors Anthony B. Ebeigbe and Patrick N. Olomu - June 19, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Search Nets Find of Century in Abandoned Address, Published by Outskirts Press
Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated action and adventure book from Kennett Square, PA, author Gene Pisasale. - June 19, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
CGW Publishing is Calling All Prospective Authors in North East England for a New Writing Course with a Unique Publishing Opportunity
CGW Publishing are launching a new workshop series that will give all prospective authors the opportunity to develop their writing skills in both fiction and non-fiction, create a work and see it published. - June 18, 2011 - CGW Publishing
Tale of Girl New to the Desert: Dusty Wants A Kitty Published by Outskirts Press
Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated animals and pets juvenile fiction book from San Manuel, AZ, author Pete Franciosi. - June 17, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Authors Self-Publishing with Outskirts Press Can Now Get a Book Review -- Guaranteed -- with Blue Ink Reviews
With Guaranteed Book Reviews from Blue Ink Review marketing option, Outskirts Press has gone a long way toward eliminating the hassle self-published authors go through to get their books reviewed by a competent, reputable and objective book reviewer. - June 16, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Bibliotastic Readers Love Free Ebooks But Not Piracy
In a recent survey of users, when asked where they will get their books from in the future over 50% cited free ebook sites as their main source but only 2% admitted to pirate ebook sites. Online book retailers were cited by around a quarter of respondents while bricks-and-mortar book stores and libraries both scored under 10%. - June 16, 2011 - bibliotastic
"Twisted and Turned" Author T. Lyn Fletcher Launches New Website
The site is designed to inform and intrigue future readers and fans. - June 16, 2011 - T. Lyn Fletcher
Bold Press Author Steve Olsher to Star in New Film with John Gray and Jack Canfield
New personal development movie, "The Keeper of the Keys," starring John Gray, Jack Canfield and Steve Olsher to be released December 8, 2011. - June 14, 2011 - Steve Olsher