Victoria L. Nilles, Of Counsel, Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP at the Knowledge Group’s Webcast

The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Victoria L. Nilles, Of Counsel, Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP will speak at the Knowledge Group’s webcast entitled: “Emerging Issues: Hot... - November 11, 2015 - The Knowledge Group

Inspiration: Medical Tourism Association® Honors Jordanian Doctor with Lifetime Achievement Award

Fawzi Al-Hammouri, President of Jordan Private Hospitals Association, recognized at World Medical Tourism & Global Healthcare Congress, in Orlando, Florida. - November 11, 2015 - Medical Tourism Association™

Business Leaders Present "Digital Marketing Strategies for Growth"

Above Board Chamber of Florida Partners with Constant Contact - November 11, 2015 - Above Board Chamber

Channel Islands Harbor Celebrates 50th Annual Parade of Ligths

Channel Islands Harbor kicks off the holidays with its 50th annual holiday Parade of Lights noon – 8 p.m., Dec. 12, with the parade beginning at 7 p.m. In honor of the Harbor’s 50th Anniversary, this year’s parade theme is “Celebrate the 60’s.” Everyone is... - November 11, 2015 - Channel Islands Harbor

Jewell Jackson McCabe Emerging Leaders Institute Announces the Leadership Class of 2015

The Jewell Jackson McCabe Emerging Leaders Institute (ELI) announces the Class of 2015. Seven women will graduate 12/5/15, in celebration of 7 years training women to be global leaders. - November 11, 2015 - ELI

Saddleback Memorial Medical Center Named One of the Nation's 50 Top Cardiovascular Hospitals

Saddleback Memorial Medical Center Named One of the Nation's 50 Top Cardiovascular Hospitals

Award Winning Hospital Recognized Nationally for Excellence in Cardiovascular Services and Care by Truven Health Analytics - November 10, 2015 - Saddleback Memorial Medical Center

IEEE GLOBECOM 2015 Announces Industry Panel Program

Hundreds of Communications Experts to Discuss Next Wave 5G, LTE, IoT, Big Data & Broadband Networking Technology Innovations in San Diego from December 6 – 10 - November 10, 2015 - IEEE Communications Society

Fisher & Phillips Memphis Attorneys Listed in 2015 Super Lawyers and Rising Stars

Fisher & Phillips LLP today announced that two of its Memphis attorneys, Senior Counsel Jay Kiesewetter and Regional Managing Partner Jeff Weintraub, were selected for inclusion in the 2015 Mid-South Super Lawyers by their peers. Associate Courtney Leyes is also listed in Rising Stars for the... - November 10, 2015 - Fisher Phillips Memphis

iCAN Expands Its Expert Network

iCAN, the premier telehealth company in Cancer has added to its network, Dr. Robert Ozols, an internationally renowned expert in Ovarian Cancer. - November 10, 2015 - Cancer Expert Now, Inc.

Edward Phillips, Partner, EisnerAmper LLP, to Speak at KC’s Event

The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Edward Phillips, Partner, EisnerAmper LLP, will speak at the Knowledge Congress’ webcast entitled “Instability and Bankruptcy of a Counterparty... - November 10, 2015 - The Knowledge Group

Director of Waste Management Department, Dubai Municipality Applauds Youth for Planting 400 Ghaf Trees at Landfill for Environmental Sustainability

Dubai Municipality & Accor Hotels engage youth in the biggest National tree planting effort; Planting took place at Dubai Municipality’s Al Qusais Landfill site as part of the continued Plant for the Planet Program. - November 09, 2015 - SynergY

Cat Care Society Santa Paws Festival 2015 Moves to Saturday & Sunday

Cat Care Society’s Annual Santa Paws Festival Returns the Weekend of December 5-6. - November 08, 2015 - Cat Care Society

Memphis Chapter of Public Relations Society of America Announces 2015 VOX Winners

The Memphis Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America presented its 2015 VOX Awards for excellence in communications on October 22. More than 125 public relations professionals and guests attended the Speakeasy themed event at Minglewood Dance Studio. "The 2015 VOX Awards event was a... - November 08, 2015 - PRSA Memphis

Drug-Free South Treats Kids to Truth

The Drug-Free South team is dedicated to bringing the Truth About Drugs to young people. Recently, the group participated in a Halloween festival to spread the word. - November 08, 2015 - Drug Free South

EAC Network Division Director Wins State Award

EAC Network is a nonprofit based in Hempstead, NY that provides over 70 human services programs. - November 08, 2015 - EAC Network

Dr. Bishop Vandyke Noah Recognized by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication

Dr. Bishop Vandyke Noah Recognized by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication

Dr. Bishop Vandyke Noah of Rosemount, Minnesota has been included in the Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide Edition for his outstanding contributions and achievements in the religious field. About Dr. Bishop Vandyke Noah Dr. Bishop Noah has over 25 years experience in pastoral work and... - November 07, 2015 - Strathmore Worldwide

Habitat for Humanity ReStore of Durham and Orange Counties Now Accepts and Sells Mattresses

Your Mattress Donation Frustration is Over! - November 07, 2015 - Habitat for Humanity ReStore of Durham and Orange Counties

Kimberly J. Donovan, Partner, Squire Patton Boggs to Speak at KC's Event

The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Kimberly J. Donovan, Partner, Squire Patton Boggs will speak at the Knowledge Group’s webcast entitled: “Emerging Trends in Private Health Insurance Exchanges (PHIX) Explored in 2015! Live Webcast.” This event is scheduled for December 11, 2015 @ 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM ET. - November 07, 2015 - The Knowledge Group

Holly Hejmowski, Senior Manager, Freed Maxick CPAs to Speak at Knowledge Group Event

The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Holly Hejmowski, Senior Manager, Freed Maxick CPAs will speak at the Knowledge Group’s webcast entitled: “Prohibited Transactions Under ERISA:... - November 07, 2015 - The Knowledge Group

Truly Asia: Medical Tourism Association® Honors Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council for Public-Private Partnership

Asia-Pacific Destination recognized at 2015 World Medical Tourism & Global Healthcare Congress, in Orlando, Fla. - November 07, 2015 - Medical Tourism Association™

WDHA 105.5 FM Returns to NJ Walks for TS at Mendham

The 6th annual advocacy walk is Nov. 14th. - November 07, 2015 - New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome

Food Bank of South Jersey Names Subaru of America Inaugural Winner of Champion Against Hunger Award

Automaker Honored for Its Long-Time Role in Supporting FBSJ’s Mission. - November 07, 2015 - Food Bank of South Jersey

70% of L&D Teams Failing to Improve Business Productivity Says Towards Maturity Benchmark Study

Despite high aspirations to make an impact on the business, the latest Towards Maturity research shows that whilst most L&D teams are failing to find success, Top Performing teams provide direction for the way ahead. Only three out of 10 organisations are achieving improved productivity and... - November 07, 2015 - Towards Maturity

Keith C.S. Siu Honored as an Industry Leader by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication

Keith C.S. Siu Honored as an Industry Leader by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication

Keith C.S. Siu of Honolulu, Hawaii has been recognized as our Industry Leader for 2015 by Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide for his outstanding contributions and achievements in the government field. About Keith C.S. Siu (See-You) Mr. Siu is the Courts Records Management Supervisor with... - November 06, 2015 - Strathmore Worldwide

Local Shoe Designer Holds Trunk Show Benefitting Dress for Success Tampa Bay

Shola Designs is hosting a trunk show on Sunday, November 22, 2015 from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Aloft Hotel located at 100 W. Kennedy Blvd., Tampa, Florida 33602. - November 06, 2015 - Dress for Success Tampa Bay Offers Reduced Fees on New Fundraisers to Make Holiday Dreams Come True

From now through December 31, 2015, is offering reduced fees on all new Reward and Donation based Crowdfunding campaigns launched at their platform. - November 06, 2015 - We Love Your Cause

The Knowledge Group Has Scheduled a Live Webcast on Joint Employer Liability: Best Practices to Mitigate Risks in 2016

The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, announced today that it has scheduled a live webcast entitled: Joint Employer Liability: Best Practices to Mitigate Risks in 2016 Live Webcast. This two-hour event is scheduled on... - November 06, 2015 - The Knowledge Group

Business Network International to Open 45th Chapter in Region

BNI, an international networking organization specializing in business referrals among members, is opening a new chapter in Brandon, FL. - November 06, 2015 - BNI WCF

Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Mid-Hudson Valley Chapter Raises Over $15,000 for Their Annual Friends of Monique Fundraiser

Over 80 team members will walk in the Light the Night Walk on November 7, 2015 in memory of Mid-Hudson Valley Chapter Teen, Monique Williams. - November 06, 2015 - Jack and Jill of America - Mid-Hudson Valley Chapter

Source Molecular Connects with Stormwater Managers at 11th CASQA Conference

Source Molecular helps educate stormwater professionals in California about microbial source tracking and how it can identify the source of fecal contamination. - November 06, 2015 - Source Molecular Corporation

Middle School Girls Claim Their Superpowers Against Bullying at the JNP Project Inner-Awesome Factory

The JNP Project knows that for many kids, middle school is no picnic. Academic achievement challenges and emotional issues on top of pop culture and social media message bombardment can overwhelm 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Grasping for a sense of power, kids may become perpetrators, recipients, or bystanders of bullying, which, researchers say, is highest in middle school--The JNP Project (Jane NOT Plain) discovers inner-awesome superpowers to shield bullying. - November 06, 2015 - The JNP Project

Save Our Cemeteries Announces Final Lecture of 2015 Series

“Taken To The Grave: Lesser Known Tombs In The St. Louis Cemeteries” a Lecture by Sally Asher - November 06, 2015 - Save Our Cemeteries

Join Rotary District 6960 for the World’s Greatest Meal on Nov. 16

The public is invited to help "END POLIO NOW" with food, drink and fun. - November 06, 2015 - Rotary 6960

Margaret D. Farrell, Securities Law Group Chair, Hinckley, Allen & Snyder LLP to Speak at KC’s Event

The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Margaret D. Farrell, Securities Law Group Chair, Hinckley, Allen & Snyder LLP, will speak at the Knowledge Congress’ webcast entitled:... - November 06, 2015 - The Knowledge Group

Christopher C. Antone, JD, Inducted Into the HRSWC Speaker Hall of Fame

Christopher C. Antone, JD, Inducted Into the HRSWC Speaker Hall of Fame

The HRSouthwest Conference (“HRSWC”) recognized Christopher C. Antone, JD, as its 2015 inductee into the HRSWC Speaker Hall of Fame at the opening general session of the 74th annual event, held Oct. 25 – 28 in Fort Worth, Texas. The program was established in 2013 to honor... - November 05, 2015 - The HRSouthwest Conference

Wendy Chance, CTS, Recognized as Texas Volunteer Leader of the Year  at The HRSouthwest Conference

Wendy Chance, CTS, Recognized as Texas Volunteer Leader of the Year at The HRSouthwest Conference

Wendy Chance, CTS, was named the 2015 Texas Volunteer Leader of the Year during the closing general session at The HRSouthwest Conference (“HRSWC”), held Oct. 25 – 28 in Fort Worth, Texas. The award recognizes those individuals whose volunteer efforts and impact are exemplary in... - November 05, 2015 - The HRSouthwest Conference

Surprise Lake Camp is Building a Swimming Pool

Site work began on August 31 and the concrete shell was poured mid-October. The pool will have an enormous impact on today's campers, and it will enrich the lives of young people for many generations to come. It will be a facility that will make the entire camp community proud. - November 05, 2015 - Surprise Lake Camp

Susan Stoops Ancarrow, Partner, Troutman Sanders LLP to Speak at KC's Event

The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Susan Stoops Ancarrow, Partner, Troutman Sanders LLP, will speak at the Knowledge Congress’ webcast entitled: "Update on the SEC's Executive... - November 05, 2015 - The Knowledge Group

Grand Opening Saturday, November 14, 2015 of the Menokin Foundation’s Access Road and Canoe Launch to Cat Point Creek in Richmond County, Virginia

Join the Menokin Foundation and the National Park Service Saturday, November 14th for the grand opening of the access road and canoe launch to Cat Point Creek in Warsaw, Virginia. - November 05, 2015 - The Menokin Foundation

The Peterson Group Holds Seminar on Proper Usage of Anti-Counterfeiting Technologies

The Peterson Group (TPG), one of the most active non-profit organizations campaigning against drug counterfeiting just held an awareness seminar on the proper usage of anti-counterfeiting technologies to dozens of pharmacists and local authorities in West Jakarta in Indonesia last October 15, 2015. - November 05, 2015 - The Peterson Group

San Antonio Cerveceros to Host 2015 Homebrew Festival & Competition

Celebrate “Learn to Homebrew Day” with Local Homebrewers and Craft Beer Lovers - November 05, 2015 - San Antonio Cerveceros

Christos Linardakis, Senior Counsel, Braumiller Law Group PLLC to Speak at KC’s Manufacturing Supply Chain Management: Best Practices in 2016 & Beyond Live Webcast

The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Christos Linardakis, Senior Counsel, Braumiller Law Group PLLC will speak at the Knowledge Congress’ webcast entitled: “Manufacturing Supply... - November 05, 2015 - The Knowledge Group

Young Magician Wants to Make Tourette Syndrome Disappear for All

Teaneck boy is named to Youth Committee for NJ Walks for TS at Mendham. - November 05, 2015 - New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome

Spruce Up Your Home for the Holidays Seminar

A free seminar offered at Harbor Hills discussing design tips to get your homes ready for the holidays. Learn how to really wow your guests this holiday season. - November 05, 2015 - Harbor Hills Country Club

Fifth-Grader is Stepping Up Awareness Efforts

Hilldale Elementary School student and his family are giving back, supporting other families affected by Tourette Syndrome in their community. - November 05, 2015 - New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome

Flagler Humane Society to Take in Animals from Flood-Stricken Areas of South Carolina

NC group to transport six dogs and six cats from devastated, overcrowded shelters on Thursday, Nov 5 at 9 a.m. - November 05, 2015 - Flagler Humane Society

Dream Foundation and San Francisco 49ers Fulfill Final Dream for Terminally Ill California Man

Dream Foundation–the only national dream-granting organization for adults and their families facing life-threatening illness–along with the San Francisco 49ers, will fulfill the final dream of 54 year-old Banning, Calif. resident Eddy Burch who has been diagnosed with stage IV colon... - November 05, 2015 - Dream Foundation

Ram Charan to Guest on Mariposa Leadership’s Popular Wise Talk Leadership Forum

Ram Charan, world-renowned business advisor and best-selling author, to be interviewed by Sue Bethanis, CEO/Founder of Mariposa Leadership, on the popular Wise Talk Leadership Forum for executives on November 19, 2015. - November 05, 2015 - Mariposa Leadership, Inc.

Eton Institute Commemorates UAE Flag Day by Promoting the Emirati Arabic Language to the Community

Eton Institute is celebrating UAE Flag Day by offering free daily Emirati Arabic words and phrases on Social Media and Whatsapp, as part of its Social Learning campaign to promote the national language. - November 05, 2015 - Eton Institute

Sweet Adelines International Names 2016 International Chorus Champion, Scottsdale Chorus

Scottsdale Chorus, representing Region 21, Golden West, was honored with the title of International Chorus Champion at the Sweet Adelines International Convention and Competition in Las Vegas this past October. Under the direction of Lori Lyford, the five-time Sweet Adelines International Chorus... - November 04, 2015 - Sweet Adelines International

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