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Black Transmen, Inc Announces New Leadership
Black Transmen, Inc. continues to bring unprecedented awareness to the challenges facing the transgender community. The first national non-profit organization of African American Transmen excitedly presents their impressive new leadership for 2013-2014. - August 11, 2013 - Black Transmen, Inc
Nominations for Two INCOSE Foundation Awards Now Open
International Council on Systems Engineering Foundation Offers Awards for Applied Research, Project Management Partnerships - August 11, 2013 - INCOSE
About Families Center Opens in Palm Desert, CA
About Families Inc. announces the opening of their resource and education center in Palm Desert. The About Families board and volunteers have worked very hard on raising enough money to rent a space for the center. They are proud to announce that they are now open at 74350 Alessandro, Suite B6 in Palm Desert . - August 11, 2013 - About Families Inc
Prostate Cancer Pony Express Arrives at the U.S. Capitol to Increase Awareness of Prostate Cancer and Research
The 4th annual Prostate Cancer Pony Express rides to Washington, DC to increase awareness of prostate cancer and research. All cancer survivors are invited to participate in group photo in front of U.S. Capitol Building. - August 11, 2013 - Prostate Cancer Awareness Project
Legacy Ladies Announces the 2013 "Just for Girls" Teen Conference at Loyola Marymount University
Three hundred teen girls will participate in the Legacy Ladies’ “Just for Girls” Teen Conference… A Pathway to Leadership, at Loyola Marymount University on September 7, 2013. This year’s workshops will offer a dynamic day of programs that build self-esteem, establish... - August 11, 2013 - Legacy Ladies, Inc.
HiMSS NW Chapters Announce Their Fall NW Technology and Education Symposium
The Oregon and Washington Chapters of HIMSS today announced that registration and Call for Presenters is open for the Third Annual HIMSS NW Technology Conference taking place October 14 & 15, 2013 at the Nines Hotel, located at 525 SW Morrison, Portland, Oregon 97204 in Portland, Oregon. With... - August 11, 2013 - NW HIMSS Oregon Chapter
Operation: Coming Home Breaks Ground on Sixth Hero Home
Volunteer Project Begins Work on Home for U.S. Army 1st Lt. Nathan Rimpf in Raleigh. - August 11, 2013 - Operation Coming Home
Third Annual Fall Luncheon Fundraiser to Feature Guest Speaker Danny Morrison
Carolina Panthers President to Serve as Event’s Keynote Speaker. - August 11, 2013 - Hospitality House of Charlotte
“Outside-the-Box” Entrepreneurs to Address Resource Constraints, Crop Shortages at Fifth Ag Innovation Showcase
Premier International Innovation event will bring together Ag’s industry leaders, capital providers and emerging entrepreneurs. - August 10, 2013 - Donald Danforth Plant Science Center
Students Steer Towards Careers in Engineering with the Smallpeice Trust
From 24th to 26th July, fifty promising young engineers from Coventry and Warwickshire enjoyed a unique hands-on learning experience at Coventry University. Sponsored by the 29th May 1961 Charitable Trust and Coventry University and organised by educational charity, The Smallpeice Trust, the... - August 10, 2013 - The Smallpeice Trust
Students Are Aided in Their Understanding of Biomedical Engineering by the Smallpeice Trust
From 29th July to 1st August, twenty-four students from across the UK, attended a Biomedical Engineering course at the University of Southampton developed by The Smallpeice Trust, and generously sponsored by the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM). - August 10, 2013 - The Smallpeice Trust
Drug-Free South Makes a Difference at National Night Out
Drug-Free South, a chapter of the Foundation for a Drug-Free World, participated in Nashville's annual National Night Out against Crime on August 6th. - August 10, 2013 - Drug Free South
Joan Block of the Hepatitis B Foundation Honored by Viral Hepatitis Action Coalition of the Centers for Disease Control Foundation
Bucks County executive honored for national advocacy on behalf of healthcare workers and medical students fighting against discrimination. - August 10, 2013 - Hepatitis B Foundation
Teen Pleads for Safe Return of Her Missing Disabled Brother
Teen sister asks national media to help find her missing disabled brother Sean Sidi. - August 10, 2013 - Next of Kin Registry (NOKR)
Local Elks Lodge to Continue Charitable Work
Austin’s local Elks Lodge #201 will continue its community outreach this Saturday, August 10th. The members of the local Lodge will proceed with the scheduled trip for special needs children and adults of the Austin area to attend Morgan’s Wonderland in San Antonio. The chartered bus... - August 10, 2013 - Elk's Lodge #201
Coalition to Salute America’s Heroes Awards $10,000 Grant to Expand Veteran Job Opportunities Through IVET
Career transition workshops help wounded veterans prepare for civilian life. - August 09, 2013 - Coalition to Salute America's Heroes
Act!vate Brain & Body Inc. Adds to Advisory Board, Preps Series A Capital Raise
Act!vate Brain & Body, the first-of-its-kind brain and body fitness company, has added to its Advisory Board as it prepares for a Series A capital raise. - August 09, 2013 - Act!vate Brain & Body
Oakland’s Dragonboat Racing Festival is Set to Paddle It Out on August 10
Oakland Renegades to host the 2-day race to determine who will be representing the United States from this region at the 2014 International Dragonboat World Championships in Italy. - August 09, 2013 - Oakland Renegades
Street-Level Youth Media Presents Headliners Ball Benefit at Double Door Nightclub Chicago
On September 26th, Street-Level Youth Media of Chicago will be putting on a benefit at the local Double Door. In addition to an engaging program showcasing young talents, complete with auction and raffle items, the second half of this 7 hour extravaganza will consist of an electronic arts performance composed of featured headliners Helen Money, DJ Spooky, and Jeremy Ellis. - August 09, 2013 - Street-Level Youth Media
T.C.P.R. Presents a Night of Comedy with Luenell
T.C.P.R. will be conducting a VIP treatment Red Carpet Night of Comedy with Luenell. - August 09, 2013 - TCPR
National Real Estate Investment Club Presents “How Real Estate Investors Can Become Invincible to Lawsuits” and Introduces New Real Estate Technology Called “Zyplistings”
National Real Estate Investment Club (NREI Club) welcomes Ray Kasbarian to introduce a new real estate technology called “Zyplistings” as well as Larry Oxenham to present “How Real Estate Investors Can Become Invincible to Lawsuits and Save Thousands in Taxes.” On August... - August 09, 2013 - National Real Estate Investment Club, Inc.
Dial An Exchange Sponsors Upcoming Australian Timeshare Conference
Dial An Exchange (DAE), the world’s largest, privately owned Exchange Company, will once again support the Australian Timeshare & Holiday Ownership Council (ATHOC) annual conference by participating as a Gold Sponsor. The ATHOC Conference is Australia’s official timeshare trade... - August 09, 2013 - Dial An Exchange
Leah Young Announces Indiegogo Campaign
Today Artist-Healer Leah Young announced the launch of her crowd funding campaign ( or use short url: to open and operate an expressive arts healing studio in the community. - August 09, 2013 - Soul(Art)iculation
Lutz Hansen to Explain the International RFI-RFQ Process at NAFA Conference
Many of the top global fleet managers in the world will be faculty members for NAFA's 3rd Annual International Fleet Academy this October. - August 09, 2013 - NAFA Fleet Management Association
Making Mental Health Stigma-Free, a Priority in Paramus, New Jersey
A “Stigma-Free Zone” has been created in Paramus, NJ by citizens, business leaders, and local government officials. - August 09, 2013 - Care Plus NJ, Inc.
Building an Industry: How Private and Public Partners Can Connect Through Offshore Wind
The business community is cordially invited to join the Business Network for Maryland Offshore Wind seminar titled, “Offshore Wind: Opportunities for the Eastern Shore, Ocean City, and Maryland’s Maritime Industry.” The event sponsors include Worcester County Economic Development... - August 09, 2013 - BizMDOSW
Home Staging Inventor Featured on Radio Talk Show
Barb Schwarz, The Creator of Home Staging®, recently shared her expertise on Houston Real Estate Radio. - August 09, 2013 - International Association of Home Staging Professional®
Biomass Assessment Study Offers New Opportunity for Cumberland and Franklin County Farmers
Five Cumberland and Franklin County dairy farm owners have the opportunity to reduce their waste management costs, through participation in a new biomass energy project funded by the West Penn Power Sustainable Energy Fund. Applications are being accepted through August 26 from farm owners who are... - August 09, 2013 - Farm Pilot Project Coordination, Inc.
Scientific Breakthrough in Carbon Nanotube Photonics
Ultraclean carbon nanotubes hold promise for advances in optical fiber communications, solar cells and LEDs - August 09, 2013 - Stevens Institute of Technology
Equipping the Faithful for Back to School Time
Just in time for the new school year, the National Center for Life and Liberty announces the release of their book, "Making Sense of Religion in America’s Public Schools." Christian parents have questions: Can my child opt out of an offensive assignment? Is prayer still allowed... - August 09, 2013 - National Center for Life and Liberty
Join Puppy Love Caring Canines, Inc. for Family Fun at Edina Rosland Park, Sat., August 17th
Puppy Love Caring Canines, Inc. is hosting its annual fundraiser on August 17, 2013 from 10am-2pm to thank its loyal sponsors for all their effort over 2013. Please join them for a family festival to thank their sponsors who support their efforts in 2013. This is a thank you celebration and all are welcome to enjoy the dog training demonstrations, petting zoo, and meet Katie from hope is you can join them for a great time. - August 08, 2013 - Puppy Love Caring Canines, Inc.
Business Network for Maryland Offshore Wind Announces Operations and Maintenance Workshop
August 16th Workshop in Ocean City Will Prepare Maryland Businesses to Participate in Offshore Wind Operations, Maintenance and Supply Chain Development. - August 08, 2013 - BizMDOSW
Golish Financial Group Charity Golf Tournament Benefits the Israel Defense Forces
Come Swing with Golish Financial for Charity, at the Boca Lago Country club, on Oct. 28, 2013; Enjoy a spectacular Golf Tournament benefiting the soldiers of the IDF - August 08, 2013 - Golish Financial Group
CityReach Church is Holding a City Wide Service at Stage AE Between the Stadiums
The event at Stage AE will be a service open to all people. CityReach has done multiple services at Stage AE. Each time there is a service, it is fun, powerful, and a great way to fellowship with others who are in all seasons of their walk with Christ. Join CityReach for a city-wide worship experience between the stadiums. Including: Dynamic Worship, Powerful Message from the Bible, Fun Kids’ Ministry - August 08, 2013 - CityReach Network
Janet A. Stiven, Member, Dykema to Speak at KC’s Credit Union Alert: Understanding FFIEC's Cloud Computing Guidance Live Webcast
The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced that Janet A. Stiven, Member, Dykema will speak at the Knowledge Congress’ webcast entitled: “Credit Union Alert: Understanding FFIEC's Cloud Computing... - August 08, 2013 - The Knowledge Group
CT REIA Announces Its August 2013 Monthly Meeting with Tax Sale Expert Bob Diamond
On August 12, 2013, the Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association (CT REIA) will be hosting its monthly meeting with real estate tax sale expert Bob Diamond. - August 08, 2013 - Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association - CTREIA
Stevens Researcher Wins Army Research Office Grant to Ensure Secure Wireless Communication
Research provides resilient encryption in the absence of supporting infrastructure - August 08, 2013 - Stevens Institute of Technology
Susan P. Clark, CPA, FHFMA, Senior Manager, PYA to Speak at KC’s Understanding IRS Proposed Regulations on Community Health Needs Assessments Live Webcast
The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced that Susan P. Clark, CPA, FHFMA, Senior Manager, PYA will speak at the Knowledge Congress’ webcast entitled: “Understanding IRS Proposed Regulations on... - August 08, 2013 - The Knowledge Group
Urgent Care Locations, AAUCM Partner for Exposure of Accredited Urgent Care Centers
Consumers will soon be able to find accredited urgent care centers utilizing the search and filter capabilities on thus ensuring their own peace of mind regarding the quality of their healthcare provider. - August 08, 2013 - American Academy of Urgent Care Medicine
Amanda Levy Chosen to Represent the First Tee Of The Triangle in 2013 Nature Valley First Tee Open
Local High School Senior Represents the First Tee Of The Triangle at Pebble Beach. - August 08, 2013 - First Tee Of The Triangle
Stefan Drew's Advertising Secrets eBook a Best Seller in Five Countries Within Days of Publication
Stefan Drew, who is based in Marton, has seen his book "Advertising Secrets: Essential Advertising Tips That Advertising Sales Reps Prefer You NOT To Know" become a category best seller in the UK, US, Canada, France and Germany within days of going on sale. - August 08, 2013 - Stefan Drew Associates
Elisabetta Russo, Principal, Deloitte Consulting LLP to Speak at KC’s Enterprise Risk Management for Actuaries for 2013 and Beyond Live Webcast
The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Elisabetta Russo, Principal, Deloitte Consulting LLP will speak at the Knowledge Congress’ webcast entitled: “Enterprise Risk Management for... - August 08, 2013 - The Knowledge Group
Instilling Values with The Way to Happiness in Nashville Communities
The Way to Happiness Foundation is based in Los Angeles, California and has local chapters around the world. The team in Nashville has plans to broadly spread its message to those in need in the coming months. - August 08, 2013 - The Way to Happiness
TSBDC at ETSU Provides Free Assistance to Rural Business Owners
Aundrea Wilcox has developed a free Rural Outreach Counseling Program to serve small business owners in Sullivan, Hancock, Hawkins, Hamblen and Grainger counties. Business owners can meet with her one-on-one in a private, confidential setting - usually at a local Chamber of Commerce - to discuss anything from starting or managing a small business, marketing, operations, sources of capital, advertising, writing a business plan, to evaluating a company’s export readiness. - August 08, 2013 - Kingsport Office of Small Business Development & Entrepreneurship - KOSBE
Enable America Supports National Governor's Association Report on Employment of People with Disabilities
Enable America, a non-profit working to improve employment opportunities for people with disabilities, strongly supports this month’s findings from the National Governor’s Association (NGA), as is urging government leaders to review and implement the NGA’s recommendations. The... - August 08, 2013 - Enable America
Annual Cake-Off4Kids Event Helps Local Foster Kids and At-Risk Youth
Taste over 50 cakes baked by local amateur bakers. - August 08, 2013 - Cake4Kids
6R Supply Shifts to Biobased Industrial Supply Product Line
Industrial sustainability through BioBased solutions. 6R Supply provides biobased fluids, fuels and solvents to manufacturing, energy industries, and governments that reduce toxicity throughout their operations and facilities. - August 08, 2013 - 6R Supply Inc.
4th Annual St James Beanbag Toss Tourney a Huge Success
The fourth annual Saint James R. C. Church Festival Beanbag Toss tournament was held Sunday August 4 at St. James School in Wesleyville. Showcasing a field of 26 teams comprised of 52 competitors, each team played a four-game round-robin for seeding purposes followed by a single-elimination... - August 08, 2013 - Side Project Inc.
University of Louisville Start-Up, LBIdx™, Teams Up with the James Graham Brown Cancer Center to Confirm Effective Blood Test as Improved Cancer Monitoring Tool
In collaboration with the James Graham Brown Cancer Center at the University of Louisville, LBIdx™ is advancing a breakthrough blood test, the Plasma Thermogram™ (pT™). Based on a simple blood draw, researchers at LBIdx™ and the Brown Cancer Center see great promise for the... - August 08, 2013 - LBIdx
YES! and St. Vincent Indianapolis Hospital Partner to Host Innovative Cancer Treatment Seminar
Free Event for Patients, Caregivers and Medical Community Proves There is Hope for Patients with Cancers of the Liver - August 07, 2013 - Say YES to Hope