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Within Organizations & Institutions
IEEE ICC 2012 to Feature Latest Wireless and Wireline Service & Networking Innovations & Advances from June 10 – 15 in Ottawa, Canada
“Call for Papers” Deadline Ends September 6, 2011 for Submissions Highlighting Original Research in Voice, Data, Image & Multimedia Communications. - June 03, 2011 - IEEE Communications Society
Xclaimed Ministries Host Concert in the Park
Xclaimed Ministries provided a free concert in the Park in Stanton, California. The ministry provided free BBQ meal, toys, bicycles and Bibles. - June 03, 2011 - Xclaimed Ministries, Inc
The Metropolitan Denver Dental Society Elects 2011-2012 Executive Officers and Board Members
The results of the Metropolitan Denver Dental Society’s (MDDS) 2011-2012 membership election were announced on Friday, May 6, 2011. - June 03, 2011 - Metro Denver Dental Society
Jesse Kanach, Counsel, Shearman & Sterling LLP, to Speak at KC’s Sweeping Changes to the Credit Rating Provisions of the Investment Company Act Live Webcast
The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Jesse Kanach, Counsel, Shearman & Sterling LLP, will speak at the Knowledge Congress’ webcast entitled: “Sweeping Changes to the Credit... - June 03, 2011 - The Knowledge Group
Stephen Keen, Counsel, ReedSmith LLP to Speak at KC’s Sweeping Changes to the Credit Rating Provisions of the Investment Company Act Live Webcast
The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Stephen Keen, Counsel, ReedSmith LLP will speak at the Knowledge Congress’ webcast entitled: “Sweeping Changes to the Credit Rating Provisions of... - June 03, 2011 - The Knowledge Group
Katrina Blodgett, Division of Privacy and Identity Protection, Federal Trade Commission to Speak at KC’s Federal Privacy Legislation in 2011 Live Webcast
The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced that Katrina Blodgett, Division of Privacy and Identity Protection, Federal Trade Commission will speak at the Knowledge Congress’ webcast entitled:... - June 03, 2011 - The Knowledge Group
Kristin Taylor, Manager, BDO USA LLP to Speak at KC’s Understanding New Employer Reporting Requirements for Incentive Stock Option and Employee Stock Purchase Plan
Kristin Taylor, Manager, Compensation & Benefits, BDO USA LLP to Speak at KC’s Understanding New Employer Reporting Requirements for Incentive Stock Option and Employee Stock Purchase Plan Live Webcast The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer... - June 03, 2011 - The Knowledge Group
Strengthening the Effectiveness of Aid and Development Delivery
Next week in Washington D.C, the Aid & International Development Forum (AIDF) 2011 will be assisting the humanitarian community to identify gaps and strengthen response effectiveness. Attended by decision-makers from UN, NGOs, Government and intergovernmental organizations involved in the... - June 03, 2011 - Aid and International Development Forum
Harrisonburg, VA to be Designated as an Appalachian Trail Community
This press release is acknowledging Harrisonburg, VA as the newest community in the Appalachian Trail Community(TM) program. - June 03, 2011 - Appalachian Trail Conservancy
The Global Benefits Association Announces The Global Benefits Leadership Award
This award will be presented at the 2nd Global Benefits Conference held in Chicago, October 26-28, 2011. - June 03, 2011 - Global Benefits Association
The Medical Tourism Association Announces the Excellence in International Healthcare Leadership Award
This award will be presented at the 4th World Medical Tourism & Global Healthcare Congress held in Chicago, October 25-28, 2011. - June 03, 2011 - Medical Tourism Association™
New Challenge from Danforth Center for New Solutions
Donors Will Match Gifts to Resolve Global Issues. - June 03, 2011 - Donald Danforth Plant Science Center
LMA Tampa Bay June Meeting: Best Practices in Proposals, RFPs and Managing your Firm’s Experience
LMA Tampa Bay will be hosting their June meeting on the 15th to discuss best practices for writing responses to RFPs and explore current industry trends. - June 03, 2011 - Legal Marketing Association
An International Internship with the Academy of Internships Abroad Can be a Vital Addition to Graduate Resumes
A bachelor’s degree is no longer enough to secure a first job, international internships can put graduates a step ahead of the competition. - June 03, 2011 - The GVI Academy of Internships Abroad
Stevens Conference Explores Latest Innovations in Antimicrobial Biomaterials Research
The Stevens Conference on Bacteria-Material Interactions, June 9-10 in Hoboken, NJ, will cover the latest multi-disciplinary research in the area of infection-resistant biomaterials. - June 03, 2011 - Stevens Institute of Technology
Ozarks Food Harvest Receives GreaterGood Grant to Help Victims of Joplin Tornadoes announced today that more than $11,000 has been awarded to Ozarks Food Harvest to help fund emergency and recovery response in areas most affected by tornadoes in Joplin, Missouri. This grant was made possible by donations to the Gift That Give More ™ Deadly U.S. Tornadoes... - June 03, 2011 - GreaterGood
TechWadi Hosts MENA CEOs and Silicon Valley Leaders at Stanford
Last Wednesday, business leaders from across Silicon Valley joined students and entrepreneurs from the MENA region in an important forum co-organized by TechWadi and the Stanford GSB MENA Club. The GSB event will accelerate economic development in the MENA region and reinforce Silicon Valley’s leadership in helping promote technology entrepreneurship. - June 02, 2011 -
The Medical Tourism Association Announces the University Medical Center Hamburg- Eppendorf as a Bronze Sponsor at WMT&GHC 2011 in Chicago, IL Oct. 25-28
The 4th Annual World Medical Tourism & Global Health Congress is pleased to announce the University Medical Center Hamburg- Eppendorf as a returning Bronze Sponsor at the conference held on October 25-28, 2011. - June 02, 2011 - Medical Tourism Association™
Newest Eco-Ride in U.S. Premiers Over Alligators in Florida Conservation Park
With summer just around the corner, our nation’s destination venues are gearing up for their busy season. New-comer, SkyCycle™ will give Florida’s EcoSafaris Park a brand new eco-friendly way to look at nature. The SkyCycle™ is a bike on a cable that takes riders high over... - June 02, 2011 - Eco Adventure Technologies
New York Chapter of BDPA to Host 15th Annual Scholarship & Awards Dinner
BDPA New York to host 15th Annual Scholarship & Awards Dinner sponsored by UBS, on June 29, 2011. - June 02, 2011 - BDPA New York
3rd Annual NAAMBA Leadership Conference & Exposition
The largest gathering of present and emerging Pan-Asian leaders in the U.S. - June 02, 2011 - National Association of Asian MBAs
Terence Coppinger, Director, Deloitte Tax LLP to Speak at KC’s FBAR Update: The New FBAR Regulations and IRS' 2011 Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Initiative Live Webcast
The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced that Terence Coppinger, Director, Deloitte Tax LLP will speak at the Knowledge Congress’ webcast entitled: “Foreign Bank Account Reporting and Enforcement... - June 02, 2011 - The Knowledge Group
Brian W. Smith, Partner, Latham & Watkins LLP to Speak at KC’s Understanding the Federal Reserve Board’s Volcker Rule Live Webcast
The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Brian W. Smith, Partner, Latham & Watkins LLP will speak at the Knowledge Congress’ webcast entitled: “Understanding The Federal Reserve... - June 02, 2011 - The Knowledge Group
The Jerusalem SPCA to Receive Donation from Rescue Chocolate
The Jerusalem Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (JSPCA) has been named the June 2011 beneficiary for Rescue Chocolate, the kosher chocolate company which donates 100% of its profits to various animal rescue organizations. JSPCA is older than the modern state of Israel, having been... - June 02, 2011 - Rescue Chocolate
Grassroots Organization Helps Generate Best Practices to Enable Africans to Help Themselves
Africa As One Creates Mission to Help Grant Writers and Non-Government Organizations Build a Sustainable Africa There’s an old adage that if you give a man a fish, he eats for a day. But if you teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime. That’s truly the mission of Africa As One, a... - June 02, 2011 - Africa As One
Atlanta-Based Pindrop Security Wins Prestigious Business Competition
The Technology Association of Georgia (TAG) and Georgia Research Alliance (GRA) today announced that Atlanta-based start-up company, Pindrop Security, has won the 2011 GRA/TAG Business Launch Competition and will receive $50,000 cash and over $200,000 in donated services from the Atlanta business... - June 02, 2011 - TAG think
Ken Bouche Appointed as IJIS Institute Liaison to the Global Advisory Committee
Hillard Heintze’s Senior Vice President to represent the IJIS Institute. - June 02, 2011 - IJIS Institute
Pamela S. Palmer, Partner, Latham & Watkins LLP to Speak at KC’s 2011 FASB Topic 450 Statement on Loss Contingency Disclosures Demystified Live Webcast
The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Pamela S. Palmer, Partner, Latham & Watkins LLP, will speak at the Knowledge Congress’ webcast entitled: “FASB Topic 450 Statement on Loss... - June 02, 2011 - The Knowledge Group
Society for Cultural Exchange Announces: Land Art Generator Initiative 2012 Competition for Public Art to Power Hundreds of Homes in New York City
Partnership with NYC Department of Parks & Recreation will solicit ideas for clean energy generating public artwork in Freshkills Park, Staten Island. - June 02, 2011 - Society for Cultural Exchange, Inc.
Colorado BioScience Association Applauds Boettcher Foundation on Announcing the Second Class of Boettcher Investigators in the Webb-Waring Biomedical Research Program
The Colorado BioScience Association applauds Boettcher Foundation on the announcement of its 2011 class of Boettcher Investigators in the Webb-Waring Biomedical Research Program. The program, launched last year, provides for the discovery of new knowledge that improves human health through the investment in and advancement of early-career scientists. - June 01, 2011 - Colorado BioScience Association
HSBCAMPS & Eastbay Give Donors an Added Bang for Their Buck
Make a Donation to Charity & Get Quality Apparel in Return - June 01, 2011 - HSBCAMPS
Junior Achievement of West Virginia Introduces the JA Our Nation Program to Shepherdstown 6th Grade Students
Junior Achievement (JA) of West Virginia will sponsor the JA Our Nation curriculum program at Shepherdstown Middle School for one hundred and ten 6th grade students on Wednesday, June 1 – Friday, June 3, 2011. Junior Achievement programs teach school to workplace skills to students in America... - June 01, 2011 - Junior Achievement of West Virginia
Dana Point Turkey Trot Celebrates National Running Day with Opening of 2011 Registration and Call for Sponsors
The Dana Point Turkey Trot, an Orange County Tradition, to Begin Accepting Sponsors and Runners on June 1 for Biggest Event to Date; Proceeds to Benefit Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County - June 01, 2011 - Dana Point Turkey Trot
Southern Nevada Solar Energy Society Hosts Golf Tournament June 25
Solar NV raises money for renewable energy education. - June 01, 2011 - Solar NV
NLAPW Hosts Three Generations of Photography Exhibit
The National League of American Pen Women hosts Three Generations of Photography—a contemporary American photography exhibit. - June 01, 2011 - National League of American Pen Women
NLAPW Award Duke Ellington High School Students
The National League of American Pen Women honor Duke Ellington High School of the Performing Arts students. - June 01, 2011 - National League of American Pen Women
Patrick A. Doyle, Partner, Chair, Financial Services Practice, Arnold & Porter LLP to Speak at KC’s Understanding The Federal Reserve Board’s Volcker Rule Live Webcast
The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that A. Patrick Doyle, Partner, Chair, Financial Services Practice, Arnold & Porter LLP will speak at the Knowledge Congress’ webcast entitled:... - June 01, 2011 - The Knowledge Group
The Knowledge Congress Has Scheduled a Live Webcast Cyber Security Best Practices for Banking and Financial Sectors in 2011
The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, announced today that it has scheduled a live webcast entitled Cyber Security Best Practices for Banking and Financial Sectors in 2011. This two-hour event is scheduled on September... - June 01, 2011 - The Knowledge Group
John Corigliano's "Winging It" Takes Flight on New Cedille Records CD with Pianist Ursula Oppens
"Winging It," a recent work by acclaimed American composer John Corigliano, receives its world-premiere recording on a disc devoted to his solo and two-piano music featuring performances by Ursula Oppens. - May 31, 2011 - Cedille Records
College Resource Associates Presents Essay Writing Workshop
Joan Bress of College Resource Associates will share tips to writing application essays at Worcester Jewish Community Center. - May 31, 2011 - College Resource Associates
Appalachain Trail Conservancy Visitor Center Announces Schedule of Events Open to the Public
This press release is intended to give the public an overview of the upcoming events that the Appalachian Trail Conservancy’s Visitor Center will be hosting. - May 31, 2011 - Appalachian Trail Conservancy
Seva Canada Fights Blindness in AIDS Patients
New program to prevent AIDS-related blindness in developing countries. - May 30, 2011 - Seva Canada Society
Feed Our Vets Uses GreaterGood's Donation to Restock Shelves
Since the launch of GreaterGood Network's newest website, The Veterans Site, in March, more than $20,000 has been contributed to programs providing meals for homeless veterans and groceries and other assistance for veterans and their families living below the poverty line. In April,... - May 29, 2011 - GreaterGood
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida and the Florida Literacy Coalition Award Health Literacy Grants
Eighteen Florida adult ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) and family literacy programs were recently awarded one-year grants of up to $5,000 each to support the development of local health literacy programs. The Florida Health Literacy Grant Initiative, funded by Blue Cross and Blue... - May 29, 2011 - Florida Literacy Coalition
New Guidelines for Community Sponsorship Program; Delray Beach CRA Still Offers Grants for Local Nonprofits
The Delray Beach Community Redevelopment Agency approved new guidelines for its Community Sponsorship Grant Program, which offers annual contributions up to $1,500 to local nonprofits. Organizations must now show how they further at least one of the CRA's seven Overall Needs. - May 29, 2011 - Delray Beach Community Redevelopment Agency
Join the Apppalachian Trail Conservancy on National Trail Days to Remove Invasive Exotic Plants from the Appalachian trail
This press release is intended to recruit volunteers in the Asheville area to help in the removal of plants that are invasive to the Appalachian Trail. - May 29, 2011 - Appalachian Trail Conservancy
Dr. Mitola of Stevens Enhances the Conversation at EastWest Institute Cybersecurity Summit
Cognitive radio inventor and VP for Research at Stevens Institute of Technology Dr. Joseph Mitola is participating as a group moderator for the EastWest Institute Second Worldwide Cybersecurity Summit to be held in London, June 1-2. - May 29, 2011 - Stevens Institute of Technology
Scottish Charity Granted Planning Consent for Proposed Helensburgh Community Arts & Digital Entertainment Centre Site
Helensburgh Heroes is delighted to announce that Argyll & Bute Council has today granted change of use planning consent for the premises at 19 George Street, Helensburgh, the site of the Scottish Charity’s proposed Community Arts and Entertainment Centre. - May 29, 2011 - Helensburgh Heroes
Contest Puts Student Artwork in the Hands of Deployed Troops, Supports Local Schools
Operation Gratitude and True Religion Brand Jeans® have partnered together for "Pictures for Patriots," a contest for K-12 students to create artwork that conveys thanks to U.S. Military. - May 29, 2011 - Operation Gratitude
Don Kohtz, Managing Director-Legal Solutions, Continuum Worldwide to Speak at KC’s Webcast Legal Series for 2011: Common Discovery Issues in Employment Litigation
The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Don Kohtz, Managing Director- Legal Solutions, Continuum Worldwide will speak at the Knowledge Congress’ webcast entitled: “Legal Series for... - May 29, 2011 - The Knowledge Group