Popular Nonprofit Organization Falls Victim to Economic Downturn

ALERT Health, a nonprofit organization providing preventive health counseling, testing, and referral will close its office on June 30th due to funding constraints. Founded in 1997 as “Hep-C ALERT” by Andi Thomas, a patient affected by chronic Hepatitis C, its original mission was to... - June 22, 2011 - ALERT Health, Inc.

Four Women to Summit Mt. Whitney in Hike for Central Valley Charities

Eight night, 75 mile trans-sierra trek aims to raise $100 per mile, or $7,500, for five local charities. - June 22, 2011 - Trans-Sierra Club

Indra Public Relations Presents: The Trent Tucker All 4 Kids Foundation Celebrity Golf Tournament & Dinner Party

Trent Tucker of the NY Knicks and World Champion Chicago Bulls, will host his annual Celebrity Golf Tournament & Dinner Party to support the All 4 Kids Foundation and the Children’s Cancer & Blood Foundation. Celebrity participants Patrick Ewing, Charles Oakley, John Starks, Michael... - June 22, 2011 - Indra Public Relations

Ben Speaks About Empowerment and Change

In her most recent blog post Lions, Tigers and Bears, Ben Speaks founder Judy Giovangelo continues her uplifting message about the tornadoes of today and our past, and how we learn to be empowered through our experiences. Ben Speaks is a non-profit organization whose goal is to empower the youth of today to be the change they want to see in the world. - June 22, 2011 - Ben Speaks

IFMA Phoenix Announces Winners of 2011 Awards of Excellence

The Greater Phoenix Chapter of IFMA announces the winners of the 8th Annual Awards of Excellence, which recognize groups and individuals who have made significant contributions to the facility management profession and the association. - June 22, 2011 - Greater Phoenix Chapter of IFMA

Raleigh City Councilor Nancy McFarlane Introduces Small Business Initiative

Vows to Streamline Process to Ensure “Raleigh is Open for Business” - June 22, 2011 - Nancy McFarlane

Enable America Helps Chart Commitment to World Class Military Health Care in the NCR

Sharing a collective vision to provide ongoing world class health care to the nation's wounded warriors, a group of non-profit and community leaders met to build understanding and chart a path to enhance support for our nation’s wounded war fighters. “'World class health care' as... - June 22, 2011 - Enable America

AUSIB Congratulates Dr. Mak Jawadekar on Being Conferred a Honorary Doctor of Science (D.Sc)

The Alliance for US India Business (AUSIB) congratulates Dr. Makarand (Mak) Jawadekar on being conferred the Doctor of Science (D.Sc), Honoris Causa by the Dr. D. Y. Patil University, Mumbai, India. Dr. Jawadekar was awarded the doctorate in recognition of his valuable service to the pharmaceutical... - June 22, 2011 - Ausib

The International Watch and Jewelry Guild Announces "Summer Expo 2011"

The International Watch and Jewelry Guild (IWJG) Summer Event to be held on June 27th and 28th at the Renowned Crowne Plaza O'Hare in Chicago, Illinois. - June 22, 2011 - The International Watch and Jewelry Guild

MTA Announces Launch of iTunes Medical Tourism Channel

As part of the commitment to education, the MTA has launched a channel on iTunes and has released it's exclusive interviews, podcasts and webinars in order to provide accurate information to people interested in learning more about this industry. - June 22, 2011 - Medical Tourism Association™

New Junior Golf Foundation Formed to Serve Junior Golfers

The North Carolina Junior Golf Foundation a volunteer, non-profit organization has been formed for the benefit of junior golfers. The Foundation hosts and promotes affordable nationally ranked tournaments for junior golfers regardless if they live in North Carolina or not. - June 22, 2011 - North Carolina Junior Golf Foundation

Dallas Equality Rally Taps Photo Documentary Creator as Speaker

Jason Beckett joins the roster of speakers at the North Texas March for Equality. - June 22, 2011 - I AM EQUAL FOUNDATION

JustFundraising Launches New Fundraising Product – ProShop Savings Card

Card helps groups raise funds by offering $35 in discounts at each of the official online stores of all five big leagues—NFL®, NBA®, NHL®, NASCAR® and Major League Baseball®. - June 22, 2011 - JustFundraising

Journey of Hope: Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Men Cycle Across Country for People with Disabilities

The Journey of Hope is a program of Push America, the national philanthropy of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, which raises money and awareness for people with disabilities. The three Journey of Hope teams (North, South, and Trans-America) consist of men from Pi Kappa Phi chapters across the country. The... - June 22, 2011 - Push America

Modernized Texas Self Storage Lien Bill Signed by Governor

The Texas Self Storage Association (TSSA) took an active role in this year’s Texas legislative session to support changes to the Chapter 59 foreclosure process affecting self storage operators in Texas. Their efforts paid off on Friday, June 17 when Governor Perry signed the bill modernizing... - June 22, 2011 - Texas Self Storage Association

Who's Bad 2: a Michael Jackson Tribute Event with DJ Jon Quick

On Friday, June 24th, former tour drummer for Beyonce, the Grammy nominated Kimberly Thompson, joins DJ Jon Quick in NYC for "Who's Bad 2," his 2nd annual musical ode to Michael Jackson. - June 22, 2011 - Jon Quick Select

ICLEI USA Applauds Houston Mayor Parker for Receiving the 2011 U.S. Conference of Mayors’ Climate Protection Award

Mayor Parker and City of Houston Recognized by US Mayors for Implementing the Green Office Challenge, an Innovative ICLEI USA Program to Reduce GHG Emissions and Energy Consumption Among Businesses and Commercial Buildings – Millions of Dollars in Savings - June 22, 2011 - ICLEI USA

STOMP Out Bullying™ Creates Help Chat Line to Reach Youth

Today STOMP Out Bullying™ announced the launch of its 24/7 Help Chat Line for kids and teens. The Help Chat Line is free and confidential for kids and teens over the age of 13. It is intended to assist those who are victims of all forms of bullying and those who may be at-risk for suicide as... - June 22, 2011 - Love Our Children USA

Michael N. Fine, Associate, McDermott Will & Emery LLP to Speak at KC’s “Hot Topics for 501(c)(3) Organizations Explored LIVE Webcast”

The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Michael N. Fine, Associate, McDermott Will & Emery LLP , will speak at the Knowledge Congress’ webcast entitled:“ “Hot Topics for... - June 22, 2011 - The Knowledge Group

PoKos Releases Point-and-Chat™ for Android Phones

Today, PoKos Communications Corp announced the release of the Android version of the Company’s award-winning consumer IM/text App, PoKos Chat™. Like its iOS counterpart, the Android product features Point-and-Chat, which is the only product on the market that enables users to point their phone at any other user in sight and send them a message, without use or exchange of any contact information, check-ins, or social networks. - June 21, 2011 - New Hampshire Innovation Commercialization Center (NH-ICC)

KOSBE Executive Director Releases First Book, Startup Savvy, to Help Small Businesses Stay in Business and Succeed

The new book is filled with professional advice and tips especially for potential entrepreneurs and any business in business less than five years. - June 21, 2011 - Kingsport Office of Small Business Development & Entrepreneurship - KOSBE

NJCTS and Atlantic Health Present the 2011 Statewide Symposium on Tourette Syndrome

If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome, or if you think your child is showing signs of TS, register today for the 2011 Statewide Symposium on Tourette Syndrome at Overlook Medical Center. - June 21, 2011 - New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome

The International Aging Research Portfolio (IARP) Team Announces the Launch of FundingTrends.org

The development team of the International Aging Research Portfolio (IARP) today announced the launch of the beta version of FundingTrends.org – a simple and effective online tool for comparing funding trends in biomedical research based on keywords and phrases used in successful grant... - June 20, 2011 - The International Aging Research Portfolio

TPC Scottsdale Becomes a Platinum Member of Audubon Lifestyles and the ISC

As a Platinum Member, TPC Scottsdale has joined a growing network of golf facilities who are actively showing their support of Audubon Lifestyles and ISC. - June 20, 2011 - ISC-Audubon

GreaterGood Network Adds The Autism Site to Suite of "Click Here to Give" Websites

The GreaterGood Network launched The Autism Site in June to raise awareness of this growing health problem that impacts thousands of children and their families in the United States and around the world. - June 20, 2011 - GreaterGood

TWA Flight 800: Countdown to Fifteen Year Anniversary

Flight 800 Independent Researchers Organization (FIRO) is recognizing the fifteen year anniversary of the crash of TWA Flight 800 by publishing weekly articles and multimedia presentations on the facts surrounding the crash. For the next four weeks until the fifteen year anniversary on July 17, 2011, these articles will be summarizing the most important findings of federal and independent investigators alike. - June 20, 2011 - Flight 800 Independent Researchers Organization

TWA Flight 800: Multimedia Review of CIA Animated Crash Sequence

To explain eyewitness accounts of a missile hitting TWA Flight 800, a team at the CIA created an animation entitled "TWA Flight 800: What Did the Eyewitnesses See?" The FBI held a nationally televised press conference to present the animation, which showed the jetliner climbing 3000 feet and trailing flames. During the animated climb, the CIA narrator said, "This may have looked like a missile attacking an aircraft." A new review of the animation explains its shortcomings. - June 20, 2011 - Flight 800 Independent Researchers Organization

Angel Names Association Supports NYS Governments Passing of Certificate of Still Birth Bill

New York State Government Finally Says “Yes” to Certificate of Still Birth. - June 20, 2011 - Angel Names Association

"Let Us Unite to Eliminate Child Labor"- IIMSAM Mid-East Director's Message on the Eve of World Day Against Child Labor

IIMSAM Middle East Director & Goodwill Ambassador Dr. Naseer Homoud statement on World Day against Child Labor. Dr. Homoud termed child labor as grave human rights violation which undermines efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goal of universal primary education. - June 19, 2011 - Dr. Naseer Homoud

NAAPOC Continues to Build a Strong Orange County Arab American Business Community

The Network of Arab American Professionals of Orange County (NAAPOC) held its monthly board meeting on June 1st, 2011. Among other business, the board added to its ranks new board members Dr. Ghazi Idris, DC, and Basil Istitieh with Zara Image. The addition of Idris and Istitieh is in furtherance... - June 19, 2011 - Network Of Arab American Professional

$11 Million Invested in Saginaw County

In the 1st quarter of 2011, Saginaw Future (SF) assisted eight companies that invested nearly $11 million, creating and retaining 927 jobs. Also, seven regional companies won 23 government contracts valued at more than $75 million. - June 19, 2011 - Saginaw Future

Munich Re Sponsors the 8th Annual Eden Autism 5K and Fun Run for Autism

The eighth annual Eden Autism 5K and Fun Run, sponsored by Munich Re, will be held on Sunday, July 17, 2011 at the Princeton Forrestal Village; the location of Eden’s brand new model autism school and national headquarters scheduled to open November 2011. Proceeds from the race will benefit children and adults with autism. - June 19, 2011 - Eden Autism Services

NAMWOLF Establishes New Partnership to Support Minority and Women-Owned Law Firms

Eli Lilly and Company becomes a member of The National Association of Minority and Women Owned Law Firms (NAMWOLF) as a Corporate Partner. - June 19, 2011 - National Association of Minority and Women-Owned Law Firms

Oakseed Ministries International Announces 2011 Essay Contest Winners

Oakseed Ministries International is pleased to announce the winners of the 2011 Essay Contest: Compassion and Child Trafficking. - June 19, 2011 - Oakseed Ministries International

JAMPRO, JBDC Showcase Brand Jamaica at the Diaspora Convention

JAMPRO and the Jamaica Business Development Corporation (JBDC) have teamed up to display the best of Jamaican products and investment opportunities at this year's staging of the Jamaican Diaspora Convention 2011, which is being held at the Sunset Jamaica Grande Hotel in Ocho Rios from June 15 to 17. - June 19, 2011 - Jamaica Promotions Corporation

Information Security Today, Named Media Partner at Knowledge Congress' Cyber Security Best Practices for Banking and Financial Sectors in 2011 Live Webcast on 09/22/2011

The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Information Security Today will be a media partner at the Knowledge Congress’ upcoming webcast entitled: “Cyber Security Best Practices for... - June 19, 2011 - The Knowledge Group

Las Vegas to Host 3rd Annual “Stop Child Trafficking Now Walk” in 2011

Today, non-profit organization Stop Child Trafficking Now announced plans for its 3rd annual fundraising Walk in Las Vegas, Nevada, on September 24th, 2011 at 9AM PST at the Stupak Community Center (251 W. Boston Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89102). The Walk is part of a national campaign taking place in... - June 19, 2011 - Stop Child Trafficking Now - Las Vegas

Non-Profit Organization Finds New Ways to Promote Church in America

LA-based Bridges nurtures leaders of Christ-based communities to extend church into future. - June 18, 2011 - Bridges

Scott Kiper, Senior Manager, Compensation & Benefits Consulting, Grant Thornton LLP to Speak at KC’s 401(k) Fees: What You Need to Know in 2011 Live Webcast

The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Scott Kiper, Senior Manager, Compensation & Benefits Consulting, Grant Thornton LLP will speak at the Knowledge Congress’ webcast entitled:... - June 18, 2011 - The Knowledge Group

TAG Names Technology Legislators of the Year

The Technology Association of Georgia (TAG), the state’s leading association dedicated to the promotion and economic advancement of Georgia’s technology industry, today announced that Georgia Senator Barry Loudermilk (R-Cassville) and Representative Mike Dudgeon (R-Suwanee) have been... - June 18, 2011 - TAG think

Eden Autism Services Adult Program Awarded Highest Level Health & Human Services Accreditation

Eden Autism Services Adult Residential and Employment Services has been awarded the highest level of accreditation for a period of 3 years by CARF International (Commision on Accreditation and Rehabilitation Facilities). - June 18, 2011 - Eden Autism Services

Appalachian Trail Conservancy's Konnarock Trail Crew is Heading Into the Woods with Open Positions

This press release is announcing the schedule for the Konnarock Trail Crew’s 2011 season. - June 18, 2011 - Appalachian Trail Conservancy

AWF Incorporated Announces the Resignation of Vice President, Lionel "Buddy" Simard

AWF, Inc., an innovator in environmental education for the Adirondacks in upstate New York, today announced that, effective immediately Lionel “Buddy” Simard has resigned from his position with the company as Vice President. Buddy was one of the AWF Founding members. He has stepped... - June 18, 2011 - American Society for the Protection of Nature

Florida Nonprofit Launches Therapy Summer Camp for Kids with Disabilities and Baby Class

The Jordan Klausner Foundation, a nonprofit organization for children with disabilities, starts another summer of education and therapy services Monday and launches a new class for infants and their parents. The camp runs from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. every weekday from June 20 to July 29 and is... - June 17, 2011 - Jordan Klausner Foundation Inc

Lessons in Crisis Leadership with ADM Thad Allen

The InfraGard National Members Alliance (INMA) held the latest in its series of critical sector forums by examining crisis leadership with Admiral Thad Allen, USCG (Ret.). INMA Chairman Dr. Kathleen Kiernan and Board Member VADM Dave Pekoske, USCG (Ret.), welcomed Admiral Allen to address a full... - June 17, 2011 - InfraGard National Members Alliance

National Association of Asian MBAs Announces First Global MBA Case Competition

Sponsored by Contact Singapore, Finalists Will Present at the Third Annual NAAMBA Leadership Conference & Exposition - June 17, 2011 - National Association of Asian MBAs

Steve Orrin, Director of Security Solutions, SSG-SPI, Intel Corporation to Speak at Knowledge Congress' Finance in the Clouds: Exploring the Best Practices Live Webcast

The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced that Steve Orrin, Director of Security Solutions, SSG-SPI, Intel Corporation will speak at the Knowledge Congress’ webcast entitled: “Finance in the Clouds:... - June 17, 2011 - The Knowledge Group

Tom Kmak, CEO and Co-Founder, Fiduciary Benchmarks to Speak at KC’s 401(k) Fees: What You Need to Know in 2011 Live Webcast

The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Tom Kmak, CEO and Co-Founder, Fiduciary Benchmarks will speak at the Knowledge Congress’ webcast entitled: “401(k) Fees: What You Need to Know in... - June 17, 2011 - The Knowledge Group

Nicholas P. Gruidl, Managing Director, M&A Tax, McGladrey to Speak at Knowledge Congress' Legal Series: Maximizing Profit Through Private Live Webcast

The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced that Nicholas P. Gruidl, managing director, M&A Tax with McGladrey & Pullen LLP, a licensed CPA firm that provides assurance services under the McGladrey brand,... - June 17, 2011 - The Knowledge Group

Merrill Corporation's Richard Vestuto, Esq., to Speak at KC’s “Mitigating the Impact of Dodd-Frank's Whistleblower Provisions Live Webcast

Richard Vestuto, Esq., Vice President - Client Advisory Services, Merrill Corporation, to Speak at KC’s “Mitigating the Impact of Dodd-Frank's Whistleblower Provisions LIVE Webcast.” The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of... - June 17, 2011 - The Knowledge Group

Press Releases 28,701 - 28,750 of 42,091