Parent Coaching Institute Slashes Tuition by $1000 -- Lowest Tuition in Six Years

Family support professionals experience the burden of our nation’s economic woes more than many other professions due to government funding cuts. The leading parent coaching organization, the Parent Coaching Institute (PCI), responds to the needs of these professionals, who are the traditional PCI applicants, by reducing the tuition of its distance learning Parent Coach Certification® Training Program to $4800, a $1000 discount and lowest tuition in six years, offered until August 21, 2009. - July 27, 2009 - Parent Coaching Institute

CISNC Releases Podcast on Gang Activity as It Relates to Dropout Rates

Linda Harrill, president and CEO of Communities In Schools of North Carolina (CISNC) (, has announced the formal release of an audio podcast with Danya Perry, field services specialist for the organization. - July 26, 2009 - Communities In Schools Of North Carolina

The Imitators of Life's Playwright, Velma Perry Releases Book of Poetry

The Grace of God Journey Pieces in Poetry. - July 26, 2009 - The Imitators of Life, Inc.

Lupus Research Institute: Pleased at On-Going Congressional Support for National Lupus Health Education Program

The U.S. House of Representatives today approved its Fiscal Year 2010 appropriations bill for health programs and included $1 million for a second year of funding to continue the national lupus health education program for physicians and healthcare providers. The education program is being led by... - July 25, 2009 - Lupus Research Institute

Voices of Courage: An Evening with Pakistani Women's Rights Activist Sameena Nazir

Global Goods Partners (GGP), a NYC-based Fair Trade organization, is pairing up with local organic boutique Sustainable NYC to host Sameena Nazir, founder of Potohar Organization for Development Advocacy (PODA), an NGO that works for the promotion and protection of human rights in rural... - July 25, 2009 - Global Goods Partners

Five Time Grammy Nominee Jazmine Sullivan Helps Inspire People to Give Back at Philadelphia's Nicetown CDC's 7th Annual Give Back to the Community Festival

Are you giving back? The Nicetown CDC and Jazmine Sullivan want to inspire you to actively give back to your community. Come, be a part of NTCDCs 7th Annual Give Back To The Community Festival & Concerts with Philly's own Jazmine Sullivan August 7 and 8, 2009, 12pm - 9pm daily at the Nicetown Park on 4300 Germantown Avenue. Come sign the Give Back Wall while enjoying two days of culture, fun, learning, and celebrating the power of giving back. - July 25, 2009 - Nicetown Community Development Corporation (CDC)

Englewood Senior Wins NJCTS Scholarship

New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome Awards 2009 Children's Scholarship to Benjamin Miller - July 25, 2009 - New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome

‘Works Both’ Finally, Some Good News for Job-Hunters

A recession-busting solution for skilled jobseekers and those who need their expertise. - July 25, 2009 - Works Both Ways

Empowerment Through Hearing is Giving Sound Advice to Parents -- Check Out Hearing Loss During Back-to-School Check-Ups

With one in eight students now suffering from hearing loss, health advocate Kathlyn Maguire is giving sound advice to parents to include hearing screenings in their back-to-school health checks. Maguire is founder and president of Empowerment Through Hearing, a not-for-profit organization... - July 24, 2009 - Empowerment Through Hearing

Batten Disease Support & Research Association Hosts 21st Annual Conference in St. Louis for Families with Children Affected by Devastating Fatal Disorder

BDSRA hosted their 21st annual conference for families who have children with Batten Disease. The conference included educational sessions from lead researchers and medical experts currently doing research to find a therapeutic solution and ultimately a cure for this disease. Batten Disease is a genetic neurological disorder that brings an early death to each child it affects. - July 24, 2009 - Batten Disease Support & Research Association

ISPE and INTERPHEX Team Up for European Exhibition

ISPE and INTERPHEX have partnered for the first time to deliver a European product and services exhibition at the ISPE 2009 Strasbourg Conference being held 28 September - 1 October in Strasbourg, France. - July 24, 2009 - ISPE

Monica Cruz Steps Up as First Celebrity Supporter of the Romanian League in Defense of Animals’ (ROLDA) Cause

Actress and dancer Monica Cruz adds her voice to help save stray animals in Romania by partnering with the Romanian League in Defense of Animals (ROLDA). - July 24, 2009 - Romanian League in Defense of Animals

New Horizons’ Audrey Grace House Shower and Grand Opening

New Horizons will be hosting the grand opening of the Audrey Grace House August 19, 2009. The 6,500 square foot center will be home for up to 22 residents. - July 23, 2009 - New Horizons

Habitat for Humanity Re-Store in Venice, Customer Appreciation Day a Stellar Success

Overwhelming support by local community and media exceed event expectations. - July 22, 2009 - Habitat for Humanity Re-Store

"Journey of Hope: Children's Visions of Our Future" to Commemorate 25th Anniversary of Universal Peace Day

In this exhibition of international art, children share their visions for the world they hope will be waiting for them when they grow up. Young people speak of their desire for a peaceful environment, free from violence whether armed conflict, crime or domestic turmoil, while expressing their anxieties about war, nuclear armaments and environmental degradation. - July 22, 2009 - Others Are Us

Academy Award Winner Robert Duvall Joins the Marine Corps Marathon as a Charity Partner

Members of the Robert Duvall Children's Fund will join an estimated 30,000 participants at this year's Marine Corps Marathon. The fund has joined MCM as a charity partner in the hopes of promoting Healthy Kids around the world. - July 22, 2009 - The Robert Duvall Children's Fund

Benefit Concert to Help Local Cat Refuge Care for Record Numbers

Famous Chapel Hill music venue Cat's Cradle will host a concert featuring Tres Chicas, Luego and Gambling the Muse on August 21 to benefit The Goathouse Refuge, a no-kill cat sanctuary in Pittsboro, North Carolina. - July 22, 2009 - The Goathouse Refuge

Inspiration for Excellence Delegate Nadjah Pennington - Hal Jackson's Talented Teen DE Wins $1750 in Scholarships at International Finals

After a packed week of activities, Delaware's Inspiration for Excellence Delegate, Nadjah Pennington, a student at Delaware Military Academy, walked away with $1750 in scholarship money as 2nd Runner Up and Miss Congeniality, a first for Delaware. - July 22, 2009 - Inspiration for Excellence

Former First Lady Laura Bush and Baseball Great Rick Sutcliffe Join World Vision’s 'End Malaria' Council

Former U.S. first lady Laura Bush and Major League Baseball pitching legend Rick Sutcliffe have joined the advisory council of World Vision’s “End Malaria” campaign. They join Ray Chambers, the first U.N. Special Envoy for Malaria; Malaria No More CEO Scott Case and Congressman... - July 22, 2009 - World Vision US

Beckstrand Cancer Foundation's Board of Directors Elects New Officers

Beckstrand Cancer Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to improving and enhancing quality of life for cancer patients and their families, today announced that its Board of Directors elected new officers at a regular meeting on June 10, 2009. All of the Board’s members were present for the... - July 21, 2009 - Beckstrand Cancer Foundation

Delaware River Valley Churches to Host Joint Summer Education Series

Presbyterian churches in Titusville, Stockton, Mt. Airy and Ringoes, New Jersey, to host Princeton Theological Seminary Professor of Old Testament Jeremy M. Hutton for community-wide series of lectures on Old Testament prophets and prophecies and their implications for modern life. - July 21, 2009 - First Presbyterian Church of Titusville

Revenue Assurance Certification Offered to Telecommunications Regulators — GRAPA Certifies Bachelors of Revenue Assurance Regulatory Compliance (CB-RARC)

Responding to demand from national telecommunications regulators, the Global Revenue Assurance Professional Association (GRAPA) is offering certification to government agencies looking to apply internationally ratified revenue assurance standards. Rob Mattison, GRAPA’s President, talked... - July 20, 2009 - Global Revenue Assurance Professional Association

Running with a Purpose: Make Friends, Get in Shape, Help Save Lives

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Socety's Team In Training program is a supportive group of teammates and informative clinics, to help you complete a marathon, half marathon, triathlon, century ride or hike adventure. Since inception, TNT participants have raised more than $950 million to support LLS - July 20, 2009 - The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - Team In Training

Make This Winter’s Vacation a Life Saver

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team In Training provides participants with a four-to-five month comprehensive training program, certified coaches and travel and accommodations at the venue of their choice. In return, participants help in the fight against leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma by raising funds to support blood cancer research, education and services for patients and their families. - July 20, 2009 - The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - Team In Training

Walk 13.1 Miles in Sunny Florida and Help Save Lives

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Team In Training (TNT) is currently recruiting participants to walk or run the half marathon in St. Petersburg. As more endurance events have allowed walkers to join their ranks, TNT has grown to include more participants who are moved by the cause of fighting blood cancer but are more interested in walking a half marathon than running one. - July 20, 2009 - The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - Team In Training

'Revenue Assurance to the Xtreme'© Training and Certification Program Launching Sept. 2009, London

The 'Revenue Assurance to the Xtreme'© (RAX©) training program will give many RA professionals their first glimpse of the high impact/high value methods that make GRAPA’s standards the baseline for revenue assurance practice around the world. Since its inception, the Global Revenue... - July 20, 2009 - Global Revenue Assurance Professional Association

International Cellular Medicine Society Seeks to Educate Patients on Off-Shore Stem Cells Clinics

Stem cell clinics in nearly 20 countries have been actively advertising new stem cell therapies for a myriad of diseases ranging from congestive heart failure to ALS. To help patients, the ICMS has launched a comprehensive study of promises and downsides of off shore stem cell therapies and clinics. - July 19, 2009 - International Cellular Medicine Society

Beckstrand Cancer Foundation Announces Two New Staff Additions

Sarah Unke and Taylor Gramkow Join Nonprofit in Support of Local Cancer Community - July 18, 2009 - Beckstrand Cancer Foundation

NAFA Raises the Bar for Fleet Management

In the first six months of 2009, NAFA Fleet Management Association has made great strides in elevating the status of fleet managers. - July 18, 2009 - NAFA Fleet Management Association

Calling All Women in Leadership: Are You Ready to Lead?

Second annual women leadership conference in Detroit: "A Time of Transition" - July 18, 2009 - Mother Adell Dickinson

Pakistan- Rights of the Displaced Key Concern as Return Gains Momentum

As the return of some 2 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Pakistan’s northwest gains momentum, World Vision is underscoring both the right of the displaced to return voluntarily and the need for sustained security and safety in areas of return. World Vision is particularly... - July 18, 2009 - World Vision US

Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan to Launch Online "Community Foundation Challenge — Arts and Culture"

Event to Support Arts and Cultural Organizations Begins on Aug. 18 at 10 a.m. - July 18, 2009 - Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan

Every Wednesday is TS Day in Pequannock Township

Teen inspires Mayor Jorgensen to declare weekly commemoration in honor of the Tourette Syndrome community. - July 18, 2009 - New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome

Developmental Disabilities Association Awards Starbucks Canada with Jobs West Employer of the Year Award

Star Employees with Down Syndrome at Starbucks - Starbucks Canada wins Jobs West Employer of the Year Award 2009/2009 - July 18, 2009 - Developmental Disabilities Association

Global Goods Partners and Etsy Labs Partner for Craft for a Cause

Global Goods Partners (GGP), an NYC-based Fair Trade organization, is teaming up with the handmade-craft community for a fun and innovative workshop to support artisans in the developing world. “The power of handmade is enormous,” said Julia Bereslavskiy of Global Goods... - July 18, 2009 - Global Goods Partners

Indian Hospitals and Medical Tourism Players Join Forces to Make India the Global Healthcare Destination - Indian Medical Travel Association (IMTA) Launched

Leading Indian Hospitals, Healthcare providers (both Modern Medicine and Traditional Indian Medicine), Travel and Medical Tourism Industry providers have come together to form an industry association - Indian Medical Travel Association (IMTA) that aims to work together to make India the leading... - July 18, 2009 - Indian Medical Travel Association (IMTA)

Beckstrand Cancer Foundation Logo Selected for LogoLounge Master Library Series

Butterfly Icon Created by Robert Nienhuis Designed to Inspire Hope and Represent Help. - July 17, 2009 - Beckstrand Cancer Foundation

Lucky B's to Tee It Up for Spare Some of Autism

Carolina Hurricanes' Bates Battaglia and Mike Lombardo Head up a Golf Fundraiser - July 17, 2009 - Spare Some for Autism

IIMSAM Attains New Height with Dr. Sulaiman Al Fahim's Generosity

With the help of Ambassador Al Fahim’s generous contribution, IIMSAM has initiated few other welfare programmes for the poor and children affected with malnutrition. During IIMSAM’s official trip to Kenya the mentioned programme, Camp Maradona, was launched at Kogelo located near Kenya- Uganda boarder. - July 17, 2009 - IIMSAM

Teen Helps Peers Manage Life with Tourette Syndrome

NJCTS Teen Spokesman Shares Strategies at Family Camp Weekend. - July 16, 2009 - New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome

Pain Management Expert Margo McCaffery Will Present Free Workshop at The Wellness Community Valley/Ventura

The Wellness Community Valley/Ventura is offering a free pain management workshop for people with cancer and their families. Finding Your Comfort Zone: What Every Cancer Patient Should Know About Managing Pain with Margo McCaffery, RN, MS, FAAN will take place on Thursday, July 30, 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. at The Wellness Community Valley/Ventura, 530 Hampshire Road, Westlake Village, CA 91361. - July 16, 2009 - The Wellness Community Valley/Ventura

Classic Bowie Track Set to Raise Awareness of Local Helensburgh ‘Heroes’ as Scots Community Bids for Chart Success

A Scottish community is readying itself to release a version of the classic David Bowie track 'Heroes', on 1st August 2009, which is the end product of six months hard work by over 100 local volunteer singers and musicians. - July 16, 2009 - Helensburgh Heroes

Erie Regional Chamber and Growth Partnership Announces Employment Extension with CEO Jim Dible

The Erie Regional Chamber and Growth Partnership today announced that it has agreed to extend Jim Dible's employment as President and Chief Executive Officer to Dec. 31, 2010, with a one-year extension option for 2011. “The board is very pleased with Jim’s many accomplishments since... - July 15, 2009 - Erie Regional Chamber and Growth Partnership

GRAPA Announces New Certification Criteria for 2010

Due to the success of its Master of Revenue Assurance certification program, The Global Revenue Assurance Professional Association’s (GRAPA) is looking to offer companion certifications to meet demand from its members. In line with that, GRAPA is submitting a set of proposals for approval by... - July 15, 2009 - Global Revenue Assurance Professional Association

Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan Launches New Web Site

Media Center, Latest Happenings section are among new features. - July 15, 2009 - Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan

Communities In Schools Of North Carolina Hosts Summer Training Institute 2009

Linda Harrill, president and CEO of Communities In Schools of North Carolina (CISNC) (, a nonprofit that helps youths stay in school, has announced that the organization will host the Summer Training Institute 2009: Engaging The Brain For Student Success on Thursday, August 13 from... - July 15, 2009 - Communities In Schools Of North Carolina

The Bonita Trust Donates £100,000.00 to Childline/NSPCC

The Bonita Trust is an independent philanthropic trust based in Gibraltar and was founded in 2004. Since 2008, Bonita has extended its programmes internationally and now works with charities in India, Afghanistan, the UK and Israel. - July 15, 2009 - The Bonita Trust

US Soccer Hall of Fame Nominee Thomas Dooley Joins South Coast Bayern

South Coast Bayern Futbol Club, the premier international youth soccer organization in Orange County California, today announced the appointment of two-time World Cup player and former U.S. National Soccer team captain Thomas Dooley to the new position of Player Development Program Manager. Mr. - July 14, 2009 - South Coast Bayern

Tournament Players Club at Wakefield Plantation Selected for 2010 Tarheel Junior Golf Tour Event

The Tarheel Junior Golf Tour will return from it holiday break to open 2010 at Tournament Players' Club at Wakefield Plantation in Raleigh, NC. The TPC Wakefield Plantation is a Hale Irwin designed golf course that hosts the annual Rex Hospital Open on the Nationwide Tour and is owned and operated... - July 14, 2009 - Tarheel Golf Foundation

Hibachi 3 on 3 Basketball Tour Set to Launch in Tucson, AZ

You don't have to live in Tucson your whole life to know that Tucson is a basketball town. The Hibachi 3 on 3 Basketball Tour was no exception. The Gilbert Arenas-inspired tour company from Boise, Idaho is set to kick off its first, major 3 on 3 basketball event August 7-8, 2009 at the Park Place... - July 14, 2009 - Hibachi Events, LLC

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