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The Top Five Leadership Competencies of Tomorrow
i4cp study reveals if you want to lead, you’d better be innovative, agile, and primed for change - October 08, 2009 - Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp)
Hillsborough Community College Student Receives $5,000 Scholarship
Hillsborough Community College's Hongjie Chen is the recipient of the $5,000 Community College Transition Award. Chen received this award through The National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS), an honors organization inviting high-achieving freshmen and sophomores with a GPA of 3.4 and... - October 08, 2009 - The National Society of Collegiate Scholars
The International Forum Features Outstanding Authors at the 2010 Annual Meeting
Richard E. Jackim and Terri Sjodin to Discuss Exit Strategies and Presentation Skills during January meeting - October 08, 2009 - The International Forum
Prepare for Winter and Save Energy
Winter is right around the corner and in honor of Energy Awareness Month, the National Association of the Remodeling Industry (NARI) recommends making energy-efficient upgrades as a way for homeowners to prepare for the season. Many remodelers are offering weatherization programs to help them... - October 08, 2009 - National Association of the Remodeling Industry Develops a Business Relationship with, the leading Sales Representative Personal Website builder has created a business relationship to work with a leading Web Conference provider in - October 08, 2009 - LLC
Colorado BioScience Association & Three Economic Development Entities Tout Colorado’s Strengths at the 2009 AdvaMed: The MedTech Conference in Washington D.C.
Representatives from the Colorado BioScience Association (CBSA), Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade, Metro Denver Economic Development Corporation and the Greater Colorado Springs Economic Development Corporation will be showcasing Colorado’s medical device and diagnostics sectors during the 2009 AdvaMed: The MedTech Conference in Washington D.C. on October 12, 13 and 14. This will be the CBSA’s third year participating in the AdvaMed Conference. - October 07, 2009 - Colorado BioScience Association
New Guide to Private Home Care Services Released
Home Care Alliance of MA Guidebook Assists Families in Finding Quality Local Providers. - October 07, 2009 - Home Care Alliance of Massachusetts
NPSA Roundtable Gathers Experts to Single-Site Portable Storage Issues
The National Portable Storage Association has a roundtable of experts to discuss issues affecting the single-site portable storage operator at its 7th Annual Conference and Exposition. - October 07, 2009 - National Portable Storage Association
SOX Institute’s GRC MVP Awardees’ Online Panel Discussions
The winners and finalists of the GRC MVP Awards will present their views on various topics related to SOX (Sarbanes-Oxley) and GRC (Governance, Risk, Compliance and Controls) in a series of online panel discussions starting October 6, 2009. The respective dates, times, winners, finalists and topics... - October 06, 2009 - GRC Group
Shamantist Penny Weaver Offers "Ethereal Usui Reiki II" Class
Reverend and Shamantist Penny Weaver is now offering a class titled "Ethereal Usui Reiki II". The class will take place on December 1, 2009, at 7:30 p.m. - October 04, 2009 - Penny Weaver Inc.
Shamantist Penny Weaver Offers "Reiki II" Class
Reverend and Shamantist Penny Weaver is now offering a class titled "Reiki II". The class will meet at noon in Penny Weaver's Studio on the 2nd Saturday of each month for 4 hours. Students will learn about Reiki, a holistic healing art for stress reduction, relaxation and spiritual... - October 03, 2009 - Penny Weaver Inc.
ELFAA Cements Pan-European Credentials by Welcoming Aboard Blue Air
The European Low Fares Airline Association (ELFAA) is pleased to share with you its latest press release on the extension of its membership to the Romania-based airline, Blue Air. - October 03, 2009 - European Low Fares Airlines Association
The Executive Recruiter’s Roundtable to Hold Annual Meeting November 5th at Whitemarsh Valley Country Club in Lafayette Hill, PA
The Executive Recruiter’s Roundtable Announced today some of the details of their upcoming Annual Roundtable meeting to be held at the Whitemarsh Valley Country Club in Lafayette Hill, Pennsylvania. - October 03, 2009 - The Executive Recruiter's Roundtable
ITWomen Role Model Speakers Help PACE Center Students Build Career Skills
A one-day Microsoft Word training session for 13 students from the PACE Center of Girls Broward was so successful that ITWomen Role Model Speakers and New Horizons of South Florida are planning another training day in January, 2010. ITWomen Role Models Program has partnered with PACE Center for... - October 03, 2009 - ITWomen
General Motors Fritz Henderson to Deliver Keynote Address at NAFA's 2010 I&E
NAFA's 2010 Institute & Expo comes to Detroit for the first time with Fritz Henderson, President and CEO of General Motors as the Keynote Speaker. - October 03, 2009 - NAFA Fleet Management Association
NETSHARE's Experts Connection Teleseminar Tells Executives How to Get Hired by Venture Capital or Private Equity Backed Companies
October Teleseminar Offers Views from VC and Equity Funded Employers Looking to Hire, and C-Level Executives Looking to Get Hired - October 02, 2009 - NETSHARE
NAWBO San Diego October Meeting Focuses on Branding
Branding guru Liz Goodgold will present "Create a Hot Personal Brand So Clients Choose You" at the October 21 NAWBO San Diego lunch meeting. More information and online registration are available at - October 02, 2009 - NAWBO San Diego
Shamantist Penny Weaver Offers Class on Numerology
Reverend and Shamantist Penny Weaver announced she will be teaching a class on Numerology. It will be offered online as a teleseminar on October 13, 2009 at 7:30 p.m. The teleseminar will last for one hour, and will provide information on how numbers play a role in your life, and how to use this... - October 02, 2009 - Penny Weaver Inc.
Women on Board Announce Date for Launch Event
Women on Board (, a program of the North Carolina Center for Women in Public Service, will host the Women on Board launch event, to be held Thursday, Oct. 15, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m, at Meredith College Massey House, located at 3800 Hillsborough St. AT&T North Carolina will... - October 02, 2009 - Women On Board
NPSA Workshop to Highlight Blast-Resistant Portable Storage
The National Portable Storage Association has announced Casey Vornauf will teach an educational workshop on blast-resistant buildings at its 7th annual conference and trade show in Las Vegas. - October 01, 2009 - National Portable Storage Association
More Than 5,000 Will Gather in Galveston to Focus on Revised Science Standards in Texas Classrooms
The Science Teachers Association of Texas will host its 56th Annual Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching (CAST) in Galveston, Texas in November. The conference will bring more than 5,000 attendees for professional development opportunities focused on revised TEKS initiatives. CAST is expected to bring 6.8 million dollars to city of Galveston and is open to all teachers, administrators and others interested in hands-on science education. - September 30, 2009 - Science Teachers Association of Texas
NAFA New England Chapter Co-Hosts AltWheels Day
NAFA's New England Chapter is co-host of the fifth annual Alt Wheels Fleet Day. The event, held on October 5, features a large display of alternative fleet vehicles, educational sessions and panels - including several involving NAFA Members. - September 30, 2009 - NAFA Fleet Management Association
New Association Unites 5 Million US Parents Who Work from Home
A new association has launched to help the estimated 5 million US parents who choose to work from home after having children. - September 28, 2009 -
Regional Business Community Celebrates 7th Annual Erie Athena Awards
ATHENA International, Inc., National City, now a part of PNC, and the Erie Regional Chamber and Growth Partnership celebrated the seventh annual Erie ATHENA Awards during a luncheon held today at Mercyhurst College. The event paid tribute to the economic power and leadership of local women, and the... - September 28, 2009 - Erie Regional Chamber and Growth Partnership
Raleigh Regional Association of REALTORS® Board of Directors Endorses Candidates
John Wood, president of the Raleigh Regional Association of REALTORS® (RRAR) (, has announced that the association’s board of directors through the NC REALTORS® Political Action Committee, (NC RPAC) has endorsed their candidates for the fall municipal elections. Those... - September 27, 2009 - RRAR
From Social Media MedSpa Marketing Tips to Reading Financials, the IAPAM's Aesthetic Practice Startup Workshop Offers It All
Both business and clinical training is the best foundation upon which a successful medical spa can be launched. Therefore, only the IAPAM now offers a choice of educational programs. From Botox training, to marketing, the IAPAM offers the industry’s most comprehensive workshops for healthcare professionals. The IAPAM's Aesthetic Practice Startup Workshop is the only medical spa program highlighting the latest information on social media marketing as taught by Harvard Business School. - September 25, 2009 - International Association for Physicians in Aesthetic Medicine
Collections Guru Set to Share Best Practices at NPSA Conference
The National Portable Storage Association has announced Michelle Lewis will teach a workshop about how to collect on delinquent accounts at its 7th annual conference and trade show. - September 24, 2009 - National Portable Storage Association
Breathe Easy [and Healthy] During Your Remodel
Living through a major home remodel can turn anyone’s life topsy-turvy, but when you suffer from asthma, it can become a hazard to your health. That’s why it’s important to hire a contractor who knows how to minimize indoor air pollution during a home remodel, according to the... - September 24, 2009 - National Association of the Remodeling Industry
Women on Board Hosts Workshops for Women Seeking Appointments to Statewide Boards and Commissions
Women on Board (, a program of the North Carolina Center for Women in Public Service, will offer two workshops for women interested in appointments to boards and commissions at the municipal, county, and statewide levels. The first workshop will be held Saturday, Sept. 26 from 8:30 a. - September 24, 2009 - Women On Board
Birmingham NICU Nurse Wins Award for Babywearing Advocacy
Mandy Welch of Montevallo, Alabama, a nurse in the St. Vincent's Hospital neonatal intensive care unit in Birmingham, Alabama, wins the award for Outstanding Babywearing Advocate in the Healing Professions, in connection with International Babywearing Week. - September 24, 2009 - Babywearing International, Inc.
Author and Execution Coach, Anna McCoy to Host Woman Act Now Connect-Working Meeting in DFW Metroplex
Woman Act Now is a movement of execution by women nationally and internationally who want to learn the art of getting life done. Coach Anna McCoy, Chief Encouragement Officer of Woman Act Now, an online and chapter-based organization is hosting a Woman, Act Now Connect-Working Monthly Meeting, September 25, 2009, at 6:30 PM at the estate of Anna and Richmond McCoy. Coach Anna will teach on “Closing the Execution Gap” from her newest book release, Woman, Act Now. - September 23, 2009 - Act Now, Inc.
Peak Performance Strategist, Tony Robbins, Taps crowdSPRING for an Inspirational Eye Into His World
crowdSPRING community invited to redesign Robbins Web Site. - September 23, 2009 - crowdSPRING
Triangle Commercial Real Estate Women Hosts Meeting on the Future of Commercial Real Estate
Conni Tucker, president of Triangle Commercial Real Estate Women (, an organization which provides a forum for fostering relationships among commercial real estate women professionals in the Triangle market, has announced that the organization will host its next meeting titled... - September 23, 2009 - Triangle Commercial Real Estate Women
ChanceOL, China’s First RFQ Centered e-Commerce Company is Found in Beijing
ChanceOL, china's first RFQ centered b2b site is found. With its RFQ centeredness concept, ChanceOL will launch a revolution in b2b e-commerce. - September 22, 2009 - ChanceOL Network Technology Co., Ltd.
NAWBO San Diego Announces October Seminar
Wealth Management and Your Business is the topic of the October NAWBO San Diego seminar. Members attend for free; the fee for visitors is $25. Pre-registration is required for this limited seating event at - September 22, 2009 - NAWBO San Diego
Silver City Treasure Seekers Hosts 1st Annual New England Treasure Show (NETS)-Sunday, September 27 @ Bristol-Plymouth Technical High School, Taunton, MA
Who: Silver City Treasure Seekers. What: 1st Annual New England Treasure Show (NETS). Where: Bristol-Plymouth Technical High School, Taunton, MA. When: Sunday, September 27 - 10 AM - 4 PM. Why: Where the adventure begins. - September 22, 2009 - Silver City Treasure Seekers
Caregiver Homes of MA Wins Pioneer Institute Award
Home Care Alliance of Massachusetts Member Named Winner of the Better Government Competition. The competition’s theme this year was health care, and the nursing home diversion program administered by Caregiver Homes, which has saved Massachusetts Medicaid approximately $15.9 million since its inception, came out on top out of 150 applicants. - September 21, 2009 - Home Care Alliance of Massachusetts
Canada Remains Static in Global Attractiveness for Renewables
Canada remains the ninth most attractive country in the world for renewable energies, according to the latest global analysis by Ernst & Young. It scored 55 points on the ‘all renewables’ index in the August assessment, behind a rating of 70 for first-place United States and 66 for... - September 20, 2009 - canadian association for renewable energies (we c.a.r.e.)
IAPAM's Botox Training: Industry's Leading Cosmetic Injectable Training
The International Association of Physicians in Aesthetic Medicine (IAPAM) is offering industry-leading Botox training for both new entrants to the Botox/dermal filler field, and professionals looking to hone their cosmetic injectable skills. - September 19, 2009 - International Association for Physicians in Aesthetic Medicine
NSCS Announces NSCS-GEICO Scholarship Recipients
In partnership with GEICO, NSCS has awarded four $5,000 NSCS-GEICO graduate school scholarships. Award recipients are chosen on the basis of their essays on their graduate school plans, as well as a recommendation letter. - September 19, 2009 - The National Society of Collegiate Scholars
Drive Safely Work Week Reminds You to Get Home Safely
NAFA is helping the Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS) drive home the message that safe driving not only matters to you, but to the people counting on you to get home safely each day. - September 19, 2009 - NAFA Fleet Management Association
A Very Moving and Spirited Award Presentation
Morgan Mysza of the Buckingham United Soccer Club receives the Sarah Parvin Spirit Award. Like the namesake of the award, Morgan also has a passion for life and sports. Sarah faced Ovarian Cancer, Morgan is battling a form of brain cancer. - September 19, 2009 - Buckingham United Soccer Club
Folsom Personal Trainer Val Fujii is Speaking Out About the Mental Challenges of Weight Loss
Val Fujii, a Folsom personal trainer and fitness boot camp instructor, wants you to know about the mental challenges that are associated with weight loss. - September 18, 2009 - Superwomen Boot Camp
Raleigh Regional Association of REALTORS® Unveils Project Hope
John Wood, president of the Raleigh Regional Association of REALTORS® (RRAR) (, has announced that the Community Service Committee has launched Project Hope, a food and snack drive aimed at helping to feed underprivileged students of Hope Elementary School. Hope Elementary is a... - September 18, 2009 - RRAR
Sacred Site Visits: Shamantist Penny Weaver to Broadcast Teleseminar Live from Great Serpent Mound Sacred Site
Reverend Shamantist Penny Weaver will be hosting a teleseminar titled, "Activate Your Inner Mystic". It will be broadcast live from Great Serpent Mound at 9 a.m. on September 19, 2009, and will last 75 minutes. The teleseminar is a great opportunity for those that cannot attend Great... - September 17, 2009 - Penny Weaver Inc.
Penny Weaver Discusses the Law of Attraction: Outer Edge Group Membership Focuses on Universals Laws Such as Law of Attraction
Outer Edge is a virtual community of people that meets monthly to encourage, discuss life and explore energies of earth. - September 17, 2009 - Penny Weaver Inc.
Penny Weaver: Lightbody Ka Activation Class Reveals How to Manifest and Heal Your Body and Life
Penny Weaver teaches virtual class about Lightbody Ka and how to heal and manifest your body and life. - September 17, 2009 - Penny Weaver Inc.
Alliance of Legal Document Assistant Professionals Successfully Pushes for Legislative Amendment that Protects Consumers, Self-Help Legal Service Providers
California’s proposed Assembly Bill 590 would have effectively outlawed many legal professionals who offer self-help services to consumers handling their own legal matters. While the legislative intent was to make the courts more accessible to the self-represented litigants, increase the... - September 17, 2009 - Alliance of Legal Document Assistant Professionals
GRC Group to Hold IT Governance, Risk & Compliance Training: Sept 20-22, 2009
The GRC Group, the global leader in governance, risk, and compliance, today announced it will hold a three-day live training in IT Governance, Risk & Compliance at the Miami Hilton September 20 through September 22, 2009 as part of the Hacker Halted Academy from EC-Council. The IT-GRC... - September 17, 2009 - GRC Group to Live Broadcast “Healthcare Reform 101: What’s Next for Physicians?” from Good Samaritan Hospital
Today, VeoMed announced that the continuing medical education program “Healthcare reform 101: What’s next for physicians” presented by the Los Angeles Medical Association, the Young Physician Organization, and EMARC in cooperation with Good Samaritan Hospital will be broadcast... - September 16, 2009 - VeoMed