Church Needs Help Giving Away 240,000 Lbs of Food to Needy Families

True Life Church (TLC) has partnered with Feeding America to donate 20,000 lbs of food a month to Waukesha families in need, according to TLC Administrative Pastor, Jerry Simmons. The “Waukesha Food Connection” kickoff event will be Friday, August 30, from 4 p.m. – 8 p.m. at... - August 24, 2013 - True Life Church

Local Honey Highlights Rosh Hashana (Jewish New Year) Observance

Found in cupboards and pantries everywhere – honey is a staple ingredient for millions and has a special significance for the fast approaching Jewish New Year of Rosh Hashana. Honey has strong Jewish associations; its sweetness a metaphor for all things good, hence the Biblical assertion of... - August 24, 2013 - Chabad Lubavitch of Southside, Inc.

Global Simulcast Event with Bible Teacher Beth Moore to be Hosted by Local Church on September 14th

Live Internet streaming event features life-transforming Bible teaching with popular women’s author and speaker. - August 18, 2013 - Thelma Baptist Church

Faith Building: Covenant Christian Center International’s Grand Opening

While many in society need to be reminded that a church is not a physical building, congregants of Covenant Christian Center International are grateful that their following now has a home. On Friday, September 6, 2013, the 125+ member family of Covenant Christian Center International will begin... - August 16, 2013 - Covenant Christian Center International

The Community Unitarian Church at White Plains Welcomes Rev. Meredith Garmon as Its New Minister Preached His First Sermon

In May, following a two-year interim ministry and a year–long search process, the Community Unitarian Church of White Plains congregation overwhelmingly voted to call Rev. Dr. Meredith Garmon as its next settled minister. On Sunday, August 4, Rev. Meredith Garmon conducted his first service... - August 15, 2013 - Community Unitarian Church at White Plains

Equipping the Faithful for Back to School Time

Just in time for the new school year, the National Center for Life and Liberty announces the release of their book, "Making Sense of Religion in America’s Public Schools." Christian parents have questions: Can my child opt out of an offensive assignment? Is prayer still allowed... - August 09, 2013 - National Center for Life and Liberty

CityReach Church is Holding a City Wide Service at Stage AE Between the Stadiums

The event at Stage AE will be a service open to all people. CityReach has done multiple services at Stage AE. Each time there is a service, it is fun, powerful, and a great way to fellowship with others who are in all seasons of their walk with Christ. Join CityReach for a city-wide worship experience between the stadiums. Including: Dynamic Worship, Powerful Message from the Bible, Fun Kids’ Ministry - August 08, 2013 - CityReach Network

Many Conservative Pastors Plan to Encourage Voting in 2014

Church-going people can expect to hear encouragement from conservative pastors to get involved in the upcoming mid-term elections. - August 07, 2013 - Center for the Study of American Culture and Faith

Dera Sacha Sauda Extended Voluntary Support to Uttarakhand Flood Victims

Dera Sacha Sauda Sirsa, Haryana, India the socio-spiritual organisation known for its disaster relief operations and welfare campaigns like anti drug campaigns, Save The Girl Child, etc, provided voluntary support to the victims of uttarakhand floods 2013. - August 04, 2013 - dera sacha sauda

Xclaimed Ministries is Strengthening the Community

Xclaimed Ministries is Strengthening the Community

About 400 people attended the Xclaimed Ministries' "REVIVE" event (Concert in the Park) on Saturday, July 27, 2013. Scooters, Barbies and quads were the big hits for the kids. Adults went home with new dishwashers, comforters, pillows, sinks, shower head assemblies, coffee makers, home... - July 30, 2013 - Xclaimed Ministries, Inc

Religion Communicators Council Plans 85th Annual Convention in Nashville, Tennessee

The Religion Communicators Council will hold its annual convention in 2014 in Nashville, TN. - July 29, 2013 - Religion Communicators Council

"Is There a Jewish Way to Write Science Fiction Movies and Books?" Asks Yonatan Gordon, Founder of Kabbalah Site

As Jewish educators seek to interest today’s youth, they are awakening to the need to reach kids with topics they are already interested in. With the success of Jewish takes on the cinema, from’s Jewlarious section, to’s “Cinema: The Jewish... - July 17, 2013 - Community of Readers

The Love Global Foundation with Their Innovative Online Fundraising Contest Sent Six Donors Overseas to Visit Missionaries in Person

Love Global foundation is dedicated to helping missionaries become fully-funded and offers charitable status and an online platform to help missionaries and their supporters. - July 06, 2013 - Love Global Foundation

Hope for Hurting Hearts Free Movie

Calvary Chapel Aurora is hosting a free movie event, "Hope for Hurting Hearts" Thursday evening July 11th at 7 PM. - July 04, 2013 - Calvary Chapel Aurora

Creation Today Announces New Teaching DVD "God's Glory!"

New Christian teaching resource announced by the makers of The Creation Today Television Show. - July 04, 2013 - Creation Today

Lexington Group Chad Higgins & In Spirit and In Truth Releases Second Single

Rhythm of Gospel Award nominated group releases second single from latest project. - July 04, 2013 - Chad Higgins & In Spirit and In Truth

Why Women Must Lead from a New Perspective

Why Women Must Lead from a New Perspective

New Chair of Women’s Philanthropy at Jewish Federations of North America Plans for the Future. - July 02, 2013 - Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford

Summer Supper Series Offers Good Food and a Place to be Cool

This year, folks enjoying the Summer Supper series at Niantic Community Church will have a special treat they may not be accustomed to. In the past, a warm welcome was given, but so were the toasty temperatures in the dining hall. This is the first year that folks will enjoy that ever present warm welcome in an environment that is cool and comfortable due to a new central air conditioning system installed in the spring. - June 28, 2013 - Niantic Community Church

Is America Now the Hardest Christian Mission Field? Explore at Annual Delaware Valley Summer Institute August 11-14.

Dr. Darrell Guder, professor of missional and ecumenical theology at Princeton Seminary, will lead a four-night series on the current state of the American church, its relationship to the massively-changing cultural and civil society, and how modern Christian communities can claim their missional role in this era. Hosted by the Presbyterian churches in Lambertville, Titusville, Stockton, and Mt. Airy, NJ. - June 24, 2013 - First Presbyterian Church of Titusville

Conservative Pastors Refuse to Budge on Homosexuality

Theologically-conservative pastors are known for their unwavering stands on many issues, and homosexuality is at the top of the list. A recent survey shows that conservative pastors refuse to compromise their beliefs or succumb to cultural pressures on this controversial issue. - June 24, 2013 - Center for the Study of American Culture and Faith

Religion Communicators Hears About 21st Century Media and the Need to Speak

Members of the Nashville Chapter of the Religion Communicators Council meet monthly to collaborate, meet other people of faith and learn from one another about communications techniques in this modern age. - June 21, 2013 - Religion Communicators Council

Jewish Response from to the New Fantasy Fiction Novel, "The Ocean at the End of the Lane" by Neil Gaiman

While there are many responses and reviews written in response to Neil Gaiman’s new fantasy novel, “The Ocean at the End of the Lane,” the one place you wouldn’t expect to weigh-in is a website of Jewish content. But that’s exactly what happened earlier this... - June 19, 2013 - Community of Readers

Conservative Pastors Stand Firm Against Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage

Same-sex marriage is not gaining any ground among theologically-conservative pastors, a recent survey revealed. - June 17, 2013 - Center for the Study of American Culture and Faith

Holocaust Memorial Center and Eastern Michigan University to Co-Host Fourth Annual Seminar for Teachers, Aug. 12-16

The theme for this year’s seminar is “Witnesses to the Holocaust.” Using the latest academic scholarship and best instructional practices to make lessons about the Holocaust understandable and meaningful for students, the seminar is designed to build an instructor’s content base. - June 15, 2013 - Holocaust Memorial Center Zekelman Family Campus

Plaza Jewish Community Chapel Invests in Community Education as It Retires Debt

Plaza has Assisted 7,000 Families and Honored Loved Ones with Affordable Jewish Burial and Funeral Services. Plaza will be able to step up its efforts to serve as a valuable community resource on issues of mourning and burial now that it is retiring its debt. - June 13, 2013 - Plaza Jewish Community Chapel

Are Community Gardens Enough to Feed America?

Are Community Gardens Enough to Feed America?

How religious groups are making a huge impact on fighting hunger across the nation through an unexpected resource: small community gardens. - June 11, 2013 - Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford

Survey Says: Conservative Pastors Don’t Always Preach What They Practice

While an overwhelming majority of theologically-conservative pastors believe that the Bible speaks directly to the morality of current issues challenging the nation, only a minority preach on these issues from the pulpit, according to a recent survey by the Center for the Study of American Culture and Faith. - June 10, 2013 - Center for the Study of American Culture and Faith

Master Healer and Spiritual Teacher Paramahansa Jagadish to Lead Sessions in Portland

Master of spiritual transformation and healing Paramahansa Jagadish, one of the most respected master healer in Los Angeles, travels to Portland to lead events June 26-29, 2013. - June 06, 2013 - Paramahansa Jagadish

New Research Says Increase Family Time to Lower Teen Substance Abuse

OneHope to release findings on Int’l Day Against Drug Use- June 26th - June 06, 2013 - OneHope

"Don't Send Illegal Immigrants Back" Say Conservative Pastors

While the U.S. Congress and other public officials wrestle with policies concerning future options for illegal immigrants, a new survey of theologically-conservative Protestant pastors reveals that they are more likely than registered voters to offer illegal immigrants a chance to receive legal residency. - June 05, 2013 - Center for the Study of American Culture and Faith

Religion Communicators Council Rethinks How to Communicate about Faith in the 21st Century

The Nashville Chapter of the Religion Communicators Council meets monthly to collaborate, meet other people of faith and learn from one another about communications techniques in this modern age. - June 04, 2013 - Religion Communicators Council

Flower Muse Healing Now Offers Super Universal Healing Mini-Sessions

Flower Muse Healing will be offering mini-sessions of Super Universal Healing from now until June 1, 2013. All services will be performed remotely. “This is the perfect way for those who are interested in spiritual healing and energy healing to try one of the most effective styles of healing... - May 26, 2013 - Flower Muse Healing

Give Me Strength to Endure Anxiety of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

70% of adults in the U.S. have experienced some type of traumatic event at least once in their lives. That’s 223.4 million people that are suffering. - May 24, 2013 - Gabriels Compassion

Religion Communicators Council Visits Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

The Nashville Chapter of the Religion Communicators Council recently paid a visit to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to receive a tour and learn about this faith community. - May 24, 2013 - Religion Communicators Council

New Book on Kabbalah from Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh Explores Modern Physics Through the Lens of the Torah

In the new book “Lectures on Torah and Modern Physics (The Lectures in Kabbalah Series),” from world-renowned Kabbalist and author of more than 100 books, Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh, we have an answer to our quandary. Perhaps a collection of thoughts merits being called a book, when they inspire a line of books after it? - May 22, 2013 - Community of Readers

Trinity Episcopal Children’s Center (TECC) Names Mrs. Corby Pine as Director

Trinity Episcopal Children’s Center (TECC), a ministry of Trinity Episcopal Church that offers quality preschool and child care for two-year-old, three-year-old, and pre-kindergarten children, has named Mrs. Corby Pine as its new director. Mrs. Pine will be responsible for TECC’s... - May 17, 2013 - Trinity Episcopal Church

First-Ever Titusville Heritage Festival Slated for June 1

More than 25 local farms, artisans and organizations will come together at the First Presbyterian Church of Titusville to celebrate the customs and culture of Titusville at the first-ever Titusville Heritage Festival on June 1. - May 16, 2013 - First Presbyterian Church of Titusville

The Incomparable Vickie Winans Benefit Concert for Cape Town, South Africa

Katheryn Jones Ministries in partnership with Rev. Jim Holley, Ph.D. of the Historic Little Rock Baptist Church and Empower the Nation of Cape Town, South Africa presents the Vickie Winans Benefit Concert along with the Singletons Family on Sunday, June 2nd, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. at the Historic Little... - May 16, 2013 - Katheryn Jones Ministries

Night of Promise Debuts New School in Pleasant Hill, Iowa

Quakerdale, a statewide family services organization in Iowa debuts Promise Academy Pleasant Hill, a new school for students grades 6-12 in Pleasant Hill, Iowa. The public is encouraged to check out the school at A Night of Promise! - May 15, 2013 - Quakerdale

Free eBooks on Buddhism for Buddha’s Birthday (May 17th)

In celebration of Buddhas birthday or Vesak, the Buddhist Text Translation Society (BTTS) of California is giving away free ebooks on their newly launched website (In East Asian countries Buddha's Birth is celebrated on the 8th day of the 4th month in the Chinese lunar calendar. - May 14, 2013 - Buddhist Text Translation Society

20,000 Celebrate Life and Miracles of Prophet Muhammad

The beautiful Masjid Tuanku Mizan in Putrajaya, Malaysia hosted over 20,000 people to celebrate the life of the Prophet Muhammad in commemoration of the Maulid celebration. For the organizers, Al-Wariseen Trust, this is the largest privately funded spiritual gathering with invited guests and visitors from several countries in South East Asia as well as Australia and the USA, of which includes former PM Tun Abdullah Badawi. - May 10, 2013 - Al-Wariseen Trust

May 15: Int’l Day of Families—Global Research Reveals Families Hold Most Sway with Teens

Family experience directly correlates to substance use, sexual experience, academic drive - May 03, 2013 - OneHope

Worship Seminar with Jimmie Black Quality Inn Convention Center - Harrison, AR

Worship Seminar with Jimmie Black Quality Inn Convention Center - Harrison, AR

El Shaddai Ministries presents "Worship Seminar" with Jimmie Black on May 17-18 at Quality Inn Convention Ctr. for details. - May 01, 2013 - El Shaddai Ministries

Religion Communicators Council Continues Outreach to Faith Communities

The Nashville Chapter of the Religion Communicators Council meets monthly to learn and grow from one another. For several years, it has been looking to include even more people of faith. - April 30, 2013 - Religion Communicators Council

Delaware County to Celebrate the National Day of Prayer

On May 2, 2013 the National Day of Prayer will be celebrated across Delaware County and throughout the nation. Rose Tree Park will host the special event under the big flag at 11:30 am. - April 26, 2013 - The National Day of Prayer

Benefit for Sick Infant

Dinner benefit for Chaia Thompson. She is 21 months old and has a rare disease. - April 26, 2013 - Christ United Methodist Church

Christian Singles Reverse Retreat Rolls Into New York

Christian singles from around the globe will gather in New York City for two exceptional days of fun, excitement, entertainment, and friendship. - April 25, 2013 - Christian Singles Reverse Retreat

Hawai'i Sacred Choir—to be "Guest Choir" at Ely Cathedral, UK Presents Spring Concert in Honolulu April 27-28, 2013

Hawai'i Sacred Choir—to be "Guest Choir" at Ely Cathedral, UK Presents Spring Concert in Honolulu April 27-28, 2013

Local Honolulu choir to present spring concerts this weekend at two cathedrals in Honolulu in preparation for their England tour in 2014. - April 24, 2013 - Hawaii Sacred Choir

The Harvest Center Proud to Announce Colin Pinkney as New Executive Director

The Harvest Center of Charlotte is pleased to announce the appointment of experienced non-profit manager and North Carolina native Colin Pinkney as its new Executive Director. - April 23, 2013 - The Harvest Center

Word of God Christian Academy Basketball Player Signs with Middle Tennessee

Word of God Christian Academy is proud to announce that Tyrek Coger, men’s basketball senior, has officially signed his National Letter of Intent with Middle Tennessee State University. In his final year at Word of God, Tyrek was named All-Conference, All-State and Most Out Standing Player of the OT Holiday Invitational Tournament, while averaging 16 points and 8 rebounds per game during the 2012 – 2013 season. - April 21, 2013 - Word of God Christian Academy

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