Independent Author and Speaker, Nicole C. Calhoun Announces the Re-Release of Her First Literary Effort, "Victory's Road: A Graceful Drive Through Life’s Obstacles"

Christian Author and Speaker Nicole C. Calhoun is tenacious about getting the message of victory despite life's obstacles out to the masses. - August 25, 2014 - NCCalhoun

Comunidad Cristiana La Roca Firme Free Health Fair

Communidad Cristiana La Roca Firme and Caring for Miami ministries welcome the community to a free Health Fair on Saturday, August 30th, 2014 at Communidad Cristiana La Roca Firme located at 6310 West 21st Court, Hialeah, Fl 33106. Local organizations are collaborating to offer free health... - August 23, 2014 - Comunidad Cristiana La Roca Firme

Millions of Plants to be Planted by Dera Sacha Sauda on Independence Day

Dera Sacha Sauda, the social welfare & spiritual organization based in Sirsa, Haryana (India), has consistently conducted simultaneous Tree Plantation Drives across the world, every year on 15th August, since past 5 years. On the occasion of the National Independence Day and the birthday of the... - August 16, 2014 - dera sacha sauda

United For Awakening Announces New Conference on Deliverance with Peter Michael Martinez

United For Awakening Announces New Conference on Deliverance with Peter Michael Martinez

United For Awakening is hosting an event to be held at the Hayes Senior Center in Apple Valley, MN. which will feature detailed accounts of the growing phenomena which conference speaker Rev. Peter Michael Martinez characterizes as "the rise of the forces of darkness preceding what many Christians believe is the return of Jesus Christ." - August 14, 2014 - United For Awakening

Bible Gets Digital Makeover for Kids

Bible App for Kids now available in Spanish. - August 09, 2014 - OneHope

Rabbi Daniel Channen Leaves Yeshiva Pirchei Shoshanim and Opens Yeshiva Keter HaTorah

By opening a new program, Rabbi Channen combines an active Beis Midrash and dynamic on-line rapport with talmidim around the world which sets Keter HaTorah as the premier Smicha Program. - August 08, 2014 - Keter HaTorah

Social Media and Music Team Up to Help Youth

Social network, My Broken Palace, has teamed up with rock powerhouse Nine Lashes to generate brand awareness. - August 07, 2014 - My Broken Palace

Join WDM Ministry This Labor Day Weekend

25th Annual Muslim Convention established by Imam W. Deen Mohammed held at the Tinley Park, IL Convention Center August 29-31, 2014. This year's theme: Reviving Our Unity Through The Legacy of Excellence. Visit - August 03, 2014 - WDM Ministry

Lobster Stew Dinner Attracts Many

For the past 48 years, a tradition of Summer Suppers at Niantic Community Church has attracted locals, summer folks and day trippers alike. The last supper of the season is almost upon us and reservations are being accepted now for the Lobster Stew Dinner made from fresh Maine lobsters. - August 01, 2014 - Niantic Community Church

Holocaust Memorial Center Presents “Righteous of Poland” Book Talk and Lecture, Aug. 5

Rabbi Cukierkorn and Tammeus tell the story of brothers Zygie and the late Sol Allweiss in their book "They Were Just People: Stories of Rescue in Poland During the Holocaust." In addition to the Allweiss brothers’ story, the book chronicles nearly two dozen other accounts of how Jews in Poland survived the Shoah with non-Jewish help. - August 01, 2014 - Holocaust Memorial Center Zekelman Family Campus

New Study Guide About God’s Gift of Rest Now Available Free

As an antidote to today’s stressful, 24/7 world, has announced its latest free e-book: "The Sabbath: A Neglected Gift From God." - July 27, 2014 - Church of God, a Worldwide Association

Nashville Religion Communicators Council Set Goals for the Coming Year

The Nashville Chapter of the Religion Communicators Council (RCC) recently elected the new Executive Committee for the 2014-2015 term. The new Executives are setting the pace for the coming year with goals and new projects. - July 26, 2014 - Religion Communicators Council

Nashville Religion Communicators Council Elects New Officers for 2014-2015 Term

The Nashville Chapter of the Religion Communicators Council (RCC) meets monthly. The group recently met to nominate incoming officers for the 2014-2015 year term. - July 23, 2014 - Religion Communicators Council

Brother Jordan Jesse Rojas Professes Vows as Capuchin

Jordan Jesse Rojas, 41, of Austin, Texas made his profession of temporary vows as a Capuchin Franciscan brother at St. Patrick Oratory in Denver, Colorado on July 15. The profession of vows marks Br. Jordan's completion of his year as a novice at San Lorenzo Friary in Santa Ynez, California and the beginning of his three-year post-novitiate of Capuchin formation in Denver. - July 22, 2014 - Capuchin Franciscans | Province of St. Conrad

DTEG, Inc. and Rivers at Rehoboth Present Son of a Preacher Man by Vascola Stoney

Son of a Preacher Man Returns on August 1, 2014, 7:30 PM at Church of St. Paul and St. Andrew - July 11, 2014 - Son of a Preacher Man

New Guru on the Block – Ramakant Maharaj

Shri Ramakant Maharaj is the new guru on the block, the one to look out for. He stands out from the rest because he is one of the very rare Realized Gurus, a true sage, and a Master of substance, whose teachings are the highest. His exceptional knowledge, coupled with a direct and simple approach, offer the shortest cut to Self-Realization. - July 11, 2014 - Ramakant Maharaj

Immortal Four Chaplains of World War II Fame Are Honored by the Jewish-American Hall of Fame

For the first time in its 45 year history, the Jewish-American Hall of Fame is honoring non-Jews--the three Christian Chaplains who along with a Jewish Chaplain gave their lives so that others could be saved when their transport ship was hit by a German torpedo during World War II. Plaques for the Immortal Four Chaplains and the first U.S. Jewish Chaplain will be added to the Hall of Fame exhibit at the Virginia Holocaust Museum, and medals will be issued in their honor. - June 24, 2014 - Jewish-American Hall of Fame

JFCS to Highlight Operation Military Assistance Program Benefiting Veterans at Patriot Plaza Dedication

The public can visit nearly 30 organizations serving veterans at the Legacy Zone during the Patriot Plaza dedication June 28 at Sarasota National Cemetery. - June 21, 2014 - Jewish Family & Children's Service

Holocaust Memorial Center and Eastern Michigan University to Co-Host Fifth Annual Seminar for Teachers, Aug. 11-15

The theme for this year’s seminar, which is supported by a generous grant from the Claims Conference and takes place at the Holocaust Memorial Center located in Farmington Hills, is “Images of the Holocaust.” - June 14, 2014 - Holocaust Memorial Center Zekelman Family Campus

New Bible-Based Online Course Beats Bad Habits and Addictions announced today that it has launched a new Bible-based online course to help Christians beat bad habits and overcome addictions. - June 12, 2014 -

Set Me Free Ministries Releases Two Compelling New Books

Set Me Free Ministries, a nonprofit women’s ministry, has released a powerful book by speaker Stephanie Olson and a practical and valuable book by Cindy Hultine, Joy Martin, and Stephanie Olson. - June 09, 2014 - Set Me Free Ministries

Leaving a Long-Term Impact During the World Cup

OneHope battles corruption through youth soccer outreach. - June 08, 2014 - OneHope

Give the Gift of Mindful Gratitude, Because Like the Mysterious Marfa Lights, the Power of Gratitude Cannot be Explained

innerSpirit Rattles infuse the soul of handmade American craftsmanship into small spaces and combine sound and motion to relieve stress and worry. Created in a land where the energy of survival is a must, the sweet sounding Raku bibelots make an affordable and mindful Father's Day gift. - June 06, 2014 - innerSpirit Rattles by J. Davis Studio

ISKCON New York Celebrates 39th Annual Hare Krishna Parade

39th Annual Hare Krishna Festival of the Chariots Fifth Avenue Parade and Festival of India at Washington Square Park Saturday June 14, 2014, 12 p.m. - 7 p.m. Free Event, All are invited. - June 05, 2014 - NY ISKCON

The Mission Chapel is Giving Away Five Mini Engagement Photo Shoot

The Mission Chapel is Giving Away Five Mini Engagement Photo Shoot

Today, The Mission Chapel, a boutique wedding chapel that provides a cheap wedding venue to couples for small weddings up to 20 people or eloping couples in the Phoenix area as an alternative to Justice of the Peace Phoenix Wedding or Phoenix Court Wedding, announced that they are celebrating their grand opening with a Mini Engagement Photo Shoot Giveaway to five lucky couples. Details at The Mission Chapel website: - June 04, 2014 - The Mission Chapel

The Knight Family Manager Adam Knight Announces Increased Web Presence

Southern Gospel artist, The Knight Family increases Social Media reach. - May 25, 2014 - The Knight Family

"The Judgment Throne of Christ" Book Launch at Andover Memorial Hall Library Offers Free Book to All

The Andover Christian Fellowship invites you to a free author's reading of "The Judgment Throne of Christ," a provocative new book by Andover, MA resident Michael McPherson on Saturday, May 31, 9:15 am, Andover Memorial Hall Library - May 23, 2014 - Andover Christian Fellowship

JFCS Receives $85,000 Grant to Add Trauma Counseling & Senior Concierge Services

Jewish Family & Children’s Service of the Suncoast, Inc. (JFCS), the premier social service organization, received an $85,000 grant from the Gulf Coast Community Foundation for its Counseling Services to provide specialized and evidence-based trauma care services to all clients and senior... - May 22, 2014 - Jewish Family & Children's Service

Southern Gospel Artist, the Knight Family Announces Expanded Touring, New Album

The Knight Family has announced an expanded touring schedule and a new album. Group manager, Adam Knight states that he, wife Angel and mother Linda are increasing the amount of dates the are now booking as well as a wider scope in travel area. 2014 hosts dates in TN/VA/KY/NC/SC/AL/FL/TX and AR. - May 19, 2014 - The Knight Family

Recognized Pastoral Counselor Available to New Clients for Life Balance and Success Coaching Service

The Support You Need to Follow Your Passion: Life on Your Terms. - May 19, 2014 - New Life Pastoral Counseling

Holocaust Memorial Center to Host Ceremony Awarding Dr. Maria Holecek with Title of “Righteous Among the Nations”

Dr. Holecek, a Lithuanian dentist, is being recognized the efforts to rescued Jews during WWII by hiding them and arranging shelter and illegal transfers. - May 16, 2014 - Holocaust Memorial Center Zekelman Family Campus

Gospel Recording Artist Shawn McLemore to Join Pure Prophetic Conference 2014

Pure Ministries Fellowship is hosting its annual Prophetic Conference in Concord,CA. Conference guests include Dr.R.A. Vernon, Bishop Noel Jones, Bishop Stephen B. Hall and Gospel recording artist, Shawn McLemore. - May 16, 2014 - Pure Ministries Fellowship

Amazing Grace Lutheran Helping Imprisoned Women Return to Society

Amazing Grace Lutheran Helping Imprisoned Women Return to Society

It takes a very special person, and lots of support, to help mend the broken lives of those often overlooked or rejected by society. - May 15, 2014 - Amazing Grace Lutheran Church

Youth Civic Summit-Educating Youth of Their Legal Rights

Glory to Glory Ministries is hosting a Youth Civic Summit, a seminar geared towards young people in order to educate them on their rights, responsibilities, and suggested strategies for getting through potential confrontations calmly and safely. All youth (ages 11-18) and parent are invited to the seminar. - May 13, 2014 - Glory to Glory Ministries

Skip To My Lupus, Inc. and Lupus CSC Present Living With Lupus Testimonial Banquet

Skip To My Lupus, Inc. spokesperson, Alison Sheppard, today announced the nonprofit organization will host “Life With Lupus” Testimonial Banquet in honor of National Lupus Awareness Month and World Lupus Day which is May 10th. The event will be held on Saturday, May 31, 2014 at 6pm in... - May 10, 2014 - Skip To My Lupus, Inc.

May 15: Int’l Day of Families — OneHope Offers New Programs, Free Research

Think your teenager is looking to their peers and the Internet to solve all of life’s problems? Think again. Teens around the world are still looking to their families for answers. In coordination with International Day of Families, OneHope is sharing its Spiritual State of the World’s... - May 09, 2014 - OneHope

Xclaimed Ministries’ Smart Phone App

Xclaimed Ministries’ Smart Phone App

Xclaimed Ministries announced the release of it’s smart phone app and is now available on iTunes and Google Play. The app is designed to bring all of the services and social media to one location. Paul Karanick, co-founder of Xclaimed Ministries, said, “We have been working on an easy... - May 07, 2014 - Xclaimed Ministries, Inc

Two Local Churches Sponsoring Joint May 4 Evening Prayer Service, Collection for Victims of Storms in North Mississippi

Westminster Presbyterian and Trinity United Methodist churches to sponsor 6:30 p.m. joint prayer service and goods collections this Sunday for those affected by recent tornadoes in North Mississippi. - May 03, 2014 - Westminster Presbyterian Church

Epic Bike Journey Raises Funds for OneHope

6 Cyclists, 10 days, 1188 miles across South Africa. - May 03, 2014 - OneHope

The Lutheran Christ Connection is Focusing on a Different and Totally Effective Type of Church Growth

Church Growth is a hot topic today and a free book entitled, "Paradigm Shift" from the Lutheran Christ Connection is very focused on how churches grow. - April 21, 2014 - The Lutheran Christ Connection

Record-Breaking 75,771 Units of Blood Donated by Dera Sacha Sauda in a Mega Blood Donation Drive

Mega Blood Donation Drive conducted in the country's capital and in 200 other cities simultaneously, saw more than 75000 units of blood donated in mere 8 hours presenting the exemplary example of service to humanity. - April 19, 2014 - dera sacha sauda

First Presbyterian Church of Lake Forest to Host 64th Annual Rummage Sale, May 3

First Presbyterian Church of Lake Forest will be hosting the biggest Rummage Sale in its history, now entering its 64th consecutive year, from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. on May 3 at 700 N. Sheridan Road in Lake Forest. - April 12, 2014 - First Presbyterian Church of Lake Forest

85 Years for the Religion Communicators Council Celebrated in Nashville, TN

The Religion Communicators Council recently held its 85th annual convention in Nashville, TN. - April 12, 2014 - Religion Communicators Council

Westminster Presbyterian Church Welcomes New Pastor, Enters New Denomination

The Westminster Presbyterian Church of Gulfport, founded in 1960, welcomes the Rev. William Henderson Shurley, 33, most recently of Titusville, NJ, and originally of Monroe, La., as its new pastor in time for 2014's Easter and Holy Week season. The church also begins its affiliation with the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, and, through that denomination, sponsors missionaries in South Sudan, Malawi, and Austria. - April 10, 2014 - Westminster Presbyterian Church

Gospell - An Online Christian Songbook

Christian devotional music has a beauty and grace that captivates listeners all over the world. And now here's the first, the largest and most comprehensive collection of hymns online- It has been founded by VGP Pradeep Rajadas, a young entrepreneur born and raised in Chennai,... - April 06, 2014 - Gospell

Faithful Shepherd Catholic School to Celebrate Earth Day with 3rd Annual Ecothon Event

In celebration of Earth Day, Faithful Shepherd Catholic School in Eagan will be hosting its 3rd annual Ecothon event on Tuesday, April 22. The entire school will come together on April 22 to work on numerous earth-friendly activities designed to raise awareness of protecting and enhancing the... - April 04, 2014 - Faithful Shepherd Catholic School

JFCS to Honor Four Veterans at May 27th Tribute to Veterans Awards Luncheon

Jewish Family & Children’s Service of the Suncoast, Inc. (JFCS), the premier local safety net social service organization, will honor and recognize four veterans at their Tribute to Veterans Service to Community Awards Luncheon on Tuesday, May 27, 2014 at Michael’s on East. Award... - April 03, 2014 - Jewish Family & Children's Service

Mt. Aery Baptist Church Celebrates 20th Anniversary of Service and Leadership by Dr. Anthony L. Bennett

Mt. Aery Baptist Church (Bridgeport, CT) announced today a weeklong celebration of Dr. Anthony L. Bennett’s twentieth anniversary of leadership and service of as the pastor of one of Bridgeport’s most influential church communities. For over two decades Rev. Dr. Anthony L. Bennett has... - April 03, 2014 - Mt. Aery Baptist Church

Religion Communicators Council Marks 85 Years at Annual Convention

The Religion Communicators Council will hold its 85th annual convention in 2014 in Nashville, TN from April 3-5th. - March 29, 2014 - Religion Communicators Council

Mission Benefit at Inverness Hall

On April 5th from 4:30 PM to 9 PM there will be a community event at Inverness Hall in Highlandtown, Ohio featuring music by "The Smokey Waters Band" and a silent auction to raise money for missions. - March 28, 2014 - Bethel Presbyterian Church

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