Chinese Community Church of South Bay Offering Free Sign Language Class as Part of Its Community Service Program

The Chinese Community Church of South Bay, located in the Torrance area of Los Angeles County, Chinese Community Church of South Bay is offering a free American Sign Language class as part of its community service program starting January 19th 2015. For more information about this class, visit: - January 16, 2015 - Chinese Community Church of South Bay

A Crusade is Coming to Knoxville

Firebrand New Beginnings Gospel Crusade Conference is crossing the Atlantic to bring the “New Fire for Christ in 2015” movement to East Tennessee. With a mission of healing, restoration, and hope, Pastor Kariuki and his team, will be arriving in the city of Knoxville later this month with the goal of setting off the same fire and renewed faith that they have witnessed in Africa. - January 16, 2015 - Jesus Is Alive Ministries

JFCS of the Suncoast Awarded Grant to Fill Service Gaps for Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders

Jewish Family & Children’s Service of the Suncoast, Inc. (JFCS) was awarded a three-year grant by the Administration for Community Living (ACL) as part of an Alzheimer’s Disease Initiative: Specialized Support Services Project. JFCS will increase system of care efficiencies and fill existing service gaps for people living in the community with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders or ADRD. - January 16, 2015 - Jewish Family & Children's Service

Youth Group Gospel Camp 2015 Sponsored by Chinese Community Church of South Bay

The Chinese Community Church of South Bay, located in the Torrance area of Los Angeles County, will be having its annual Youth Group Gospel Camp from February 13, 2015 to February 16, 2015 at the Oak Glen Christian Conference Center in the San Bernardino Mountains area. For more information about the Chinese Community Church of South Bay Gospel Camp 2015, visit: - January 15, 2015 - Chinese Community Church of South Bay

Mt. Moriah Ministries Launches Website for Glenmont, New York

New web resource for education and awareness in New York. - January 07, 2015 - Mt. Moriah Ministries

International Women's Leadership Association Names Long Beach Counselor for Outstanding Leadership

Dr. Angela Butts Chester was registered in December 2014 as a woman of outstanding leadership in the mental health industry. - January 04, 2015 - New Life Pastoral Counseling

Holocaust Memorial Center Welcomes Newest Exhibit "Never Let It Rest," Jan. 11-May 3

Artists Hans Molzenberger, Michael Roque Collins to speak at opening. Both artists have independently and collaboratively created art concerned with the Holocaust in Germany and Poland. Their artworks combine to create a powerful reminder of man’s inhumanity to man during the Holocaust. - January 01, 2015 - Holocaust Memorial Center Zekelman Family Campus

2014 Year in Review - Religion Communicators Council Spreads Message Further

The Religion Communicators Council meets each month to hear about a topic of interest. In 2014, the Nashville chapter held regular meetings as well as hosted the annual convention. - December 25, 2014 - Religion Communicators Council

Holocaust Memorial Center Organizes Multi-Site Film Screenings for International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Jan. 27

Screening of “Watchers of the Sky” to take place in Farmington Hills, West Bloomfield and Ann Arbor. - December 24, 2014 - Holocaust Memorial Center Zekelman Family Campus

LSA Applauds Senate for Clearing Way for ABLE Act to Become Law

Unprecedented Passage Creates Pathway to Independence for People with Disabilities. - December 22, 2014 - Lutheran Services in America

Louisville Marks 40 Years of Chanukah in the Public Sphere

Chabad of Kentucky to Light Up One of 15,000 Public Menorahs Worldwide, Universal Symbol of Religious Freedom. - December 21, 2014 - Chabad of Kentucky

Chinese Community Church of South Bay Provided Community Service as Part of Its Christmas Celebration Program

The Chinese Community Church of South Bay, located in the Torrance area of Los Angeles County, performed at the Heritage Rehabilitation Center on December 13, 2014 and at the Bay Crest Care Center on December 14, 2014 as part of its community service project. For more information about other holiday season events at the Chinese Community Church of South Bay, visit: - December 18, 2014 - Chinese Community Church of South Bay

JFCS Opens Call for Veteran Nominations to Recognize Excellent Service

Jewish Family & Children’s Service of the Suncoast, Inc. (JFCS), the premier local safety net social service organization, is currently seeking nominations from the community for veterans who inspire patriotism, provide service to others and offer hope to veterans. The awardees will be... - December 18, 2014 - Jewish Family & Children's Service

Chabad of Melbourne CBD Lights Menorah at Parliament of Victoria

Chabad of Melbourne CBD Lights Menorah at Parliament of Victoria

Victorian Premier joins Rabbi Chaim Herzog to join Chanukah Festivities at Parliament House. - December 17, 2014 - Chabad of Melbourne CBD

Success Comes with Complications for Xclaimed Ministries

Success Comes with Complications for Xclaimed Ministries

Over 2000 people attended the Xclaimed Ministries 6th Annual Christmas Festival to receive free toys, food, gifts and concert. This was the ministries largest turnout for their Christmas Festival and it leads to questions about next year's event. With the number of people drastically increasing each year; have they outgrown their venue? Can this small ministry afford to relocate? - December 16, 2014 - Xclaimed Ministries, Inc

Chabad of Melbourne CBD to Light Menorah at Parliament House of Victoria

Special Guests to include Victorian Premiere The Hon. Daniel Andrews, Graham Smorgon AM and Rabbi Joseph Gutnick - December 10, 2014 - Chabad of Melbourne CBD

Saint James Lutheran Church Calls Pastor John Locke to Lead Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Congregation in Fayetteville, NC

The congregation of Saint James Lutheran Church voted to call Pastor John Locke as its pastor. He joined the congregation on Monday, October 6, 2014, according to Gary Crecelius, congregation council president. He was installed on Saturday, November 29, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. at Saint James, with a... - December 04, 2014 - Saint James Lutheran Church

Chinese Community Church of South Bay Supporting Torrance Memorial Hospital’s 2014 Premier Holiday Festival Fund Raising Event

The Chinese Community Church of South Bay, located in the Torrance area of Los Angeles County, will be supporting Torrance Memorial Hospital’s Premier Holiday Festival fund raising event on December 6th, 2014 as part of its community service project. For more information about other Holiday Seasons events at Chinese Community Church of South Bay, go to: - December 03, 2014 - Chinese Community Church of South Bay

Midwest Disaster Consortium Created Through Partnership of Lutheran Agencies

Lutheran Disaster Response announces the development of a Midwest Disaster Consortium that will be focused on creating sustainability for essential disaster staff at Lutheran Disaster Response affiliate Social Ministry Organizations within a four-state region, including Minnesota, North Dakota,... - November 26, 2014 - Lutheran Services in America

Bible More Relevant Than Ever

2 Major Hollywood Blockbusters + 1 Year Anniversary, Millions of Bible App for Kids Downloads - November 24, 2014 - OneHope

Liberty Baptist Church Helps Children in Need Around the World

Liberty Baptist Church delivered 575 gift-filled shoe boxes to Operation Christmas Child. Church volunteers filled the boxes with toys, school supplies and hygiene items to create gifts for children all around the world. These children live in severe poverty and for many, these shoe boxes will be the first gift they have ever received. - November 21, 2014 - Liberty Baptist Church

Local Church Confirms New Lead Pastor

Local Church Confirms New Lead Pastor

Mission Community Church in Gilbert, AZ has hired Joel Thomas as Lead Pastor effective January 1, 2015. Joel Thomas was previous Lead Pastor at North Point Church in Alpharetta, GA. Mission is one of the largest churches in Arizona with over 5,500 people attending weekend services. - November 20, 2014 - Mission Community Church

Chinese Community Church of South Bay Hosts Operation Christmas Child in the Torrance Area

The Children’s Program and the Youth Group program of the Chinese Community Church of South Bay supported its annual Operation Christmas Child event to deliver shoe boxes filled with gifts of love to children all around the world. - November 18, 2014 - Chinese Community Church of South Bay

World Kindness Day Celebrated in Niantic

World Kindness Day will be celebrated with a labyrinth walk and cyber bullying presentation by school counselor Meredith Tukey. The event is free and all are welcome. - November 11, 2014 - Niantic Community Church

"A Healthy Church Office" Just Released by Terry Johnson Weber and Xulon Press

Author, Terry Johnson Weber is pleased to announce the release of her new book, "A Healthy Church Office." In this new work, the author shares her unique revelation on the crucial role of church office workers. Having worked in many of these administrative roles, the author knows all-too-well the intense spiritual warfare that is often associated with the job. - November 09, 2014 - Terry Johnson Weber

Religion Communicators Council Decides to Get Hands on

The Religion Communicators Council meets each month to hear about a topic of interest. In November, the Nashville Chapter will visit and hear from volunteer organization Hands On Nashville. - November 06, 2014 - Religion Communicators Council

St. Martha's Parish in Morton Grove, IL Hosting Fundraising Concert on All Saints' Day, November 2, 2014

A concert of religious music will be sung by Jack and Krystyna Miuccio and accompanied by Barbara Masters featuring traditional music of the Roman Catholic Mass followed by a tour of St. Martha's collection of holy relics numbering over 1300 items. - October 27, 2014 - St. Martha's Parish

Holocaust Memorial Center Zekelman Family Campus to Honor Dr. Richard K. Stoler at 30th Anniversary Dinner, Nov. 9

Prominent attorney, author and TV analyst Alan Dershowitz will deliver the keynote address at the Holocaust Memorial Center's 30th Anniversary Dinner. - October 25, 2014 - Holocaust Memorial Center Zekelman Family Campus

Organizational Strategies Just Released Pre-Publication of Book Entitled: "The Government is Not a Village"

Organizational Strategies Just Released Pre-Publication of Book Entitled: "The Government is Not a Village"

Newly released book, "The Government is Not a Village" reviews worsening statistics in face of ever increasing government control, reveals robust research demonstrating the correlation between academic achievement and religious affiliation, suggesting a way forward: character training. www.thegovernmentisnotavillage. - October 23, 2014 - Organizational Strategies

Religion Communicators Council Hears About Health, Disaster and Faith

The Religion Communicators Council meets each month to hear about a topic of interest. This coming month, the Nashville Chapter heard from the Tennessee Department of Health on faith and disaster preparedness. - October 23, 2014 - Religion Communicators Council

Jesus People Church Education Ministry Announces the Release of the Classic Sermon "Adam and Eve" by Pastor Gerald Kiner

Some people are calling it the greatest sermon on marriage and relationships ever. The powerful sermon “Adam and Eve” preached by Pastor Gerald Kiner of Jesus People Church and Worship Center in Memphis Tennessee on Sunday October 12, 2014 sent a tidal wave of high emotions during the... - October 18, 2014 - Jesus People Church & Worship Center to Unveil Exclusive Wedding Yarmulkes

Kippah is one of the cherished icons of the Jewish community and defines its presence brilliantly throughout the world. - October 16, 2014 - Kippah

Senator Ron Johnson Scheduled to Visit Waukesha Food Connection

Senator Ron Johnson Scheduled to Visit Waukesha Food Connection

Senator Ron Johnson will visit the Waukesha Food Connection at True Life Church this Friday, October 17, from 4 to 5p.m., according to a church official. Senator Johnson plans to speak with families in need and help volunteer handing out food. - October 15, 2014 - True Life Church

Holocaust Memorial Center to Host Genocide Exhibit Dedication and Presentation, Oct. 12

World Without Genocide Executive Director Dr. Ellen Kennedy is featured speaker for the event. - October 11, 2014 - Holocaust Memorial Center Zekelman Family Campus

69th Jack Frost Bazaar is One Way to Simplify the Holidays at Niantic Community Church

The holiday season has always had a bad reputation for sucking up time, money and even joy, creating a stressed out, consumer driven Christmas, that is not particularly ecologically friendly. But the holidays don’t have to be that way. Niantic Community Church will hold its 69th Annual Jack Frost Bazaar on Saturday, November 8th from 9a.m.-2 p.m.. It is not only a holiday tradition but appeals to those who are looking to simplify their holidays by being mindful of how they spend their resources. - October 08, 2014 - Niantic Community Church

Fall Interfaith Festival 2014 to Promote Children’s Literacy

Fall Interfaith Festival 2014 to Promote Children’s Literacy

Come Before Winter for the 7th Annual Fall Interfaith Festival on Oct. 18th, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., at Al Lopez Park. Join this interfaith celebration to pray for children, literacy, and peace. - October 01, 2014 - Esperanza Interfaith Center

Parenting Teens Workshop Being Presented by Mara Dunn

Positive Solutions to Real Life Family Struggles is a parenting teens workshop and child/youth movie night being held. Sunday, October 19th, 7-9 p.m. Hosted by Niantic community Church. The program is free, refreshments served. Register in advance. - October 01, 2014 - Niantic Community Church

Local Practice, Seeking Shalom, Seeks Grant to Expand Innovative Affordable Mental Health Program in the Bronx

Local mental health practice, Seeking Shalom ( integrates client's spirituality into mental health care. Their program, Journey to Peace, offers therapy sessions at complete fees equal or cheaper than typical copays to reduce barriers to mental health in the Bronx. They seek support to get a grant to expand. - October 01, 2014 - Seeking Shalom

Religion Communicators Council Sets October Meeting

The Religion Communicators Council meets each month to hear about a topic of interest. This coming month, the Nashville Chapter is bringing back the Tennessee Department of Health Director of Faith-Based Initiatives. - October 01, 2014 - Religion Communicators Council

Westchase Church Core Church to Celebrate 1st Anniversary Among Tampa Churches

The newest Westchase Church, Core Church continues to expand with a focus on helping the community. - September 20, 2014 - Core Church

Chupacabra on Display at Kingdom Zoo: Education Center

Chupacabra on Display at Kingdom Zoo: Education Center

A unique project uses the popular mystery animal to reach kids. - September 19, 2014 - Children's Kingdom Ministries

Pre-Opening / Construction Sale to Benefit New Creation Men's Center

September 20, 2014 from 7 pm to 10 pm all proceeds to benefit New Creation Men's Center. - September 16, 2014 - Habitat for Humanity of the New River Valley

Yeshiva Day School Earns High Marks

Yeshiva Day School Earns High Marks

The Westchester Torah Academy, a Modern Orthodox Yeshiva day school, began its second year with a 20% student body increase. Founded on the principles of Ahavat Torah and Ahavat Yisrael—the love of Torah as well as of the people and the land of Israel—WTA has received high marks. The... - September 15, 2014 - Westchester Torah Academy

New Study Guide Explores the Enigma: Why Does God Allow Evil and Suffering?

It’s a problem that has troubled people throughout history: why do bad things happen to good people? A new free publication tackles this question head on. - September 14, 2014 - Church of God, a Worldwide Association

New Study Guide Explores the Defeat of Humanity’s Last Enemy: Death

Death is the ultimate enemy that will be defeated, according to the Bible. A new free publication explores this encouraging message of comfort and hope. - September 14, 2014 - Church of God, a Worldwide Association

Bishop Donald M. Hilliard Lead Pastor, Cathedral International, Perth Amboy, NJ Faith, Freedom and Ferguson

Bishop Hilliard of The Cathedral International in Perth Amboy, NJ comments on the controversial situation taking place in Ferguson, MO of an unarmed Black teenager that was summarily slain by a white police officer in the middle of the street, in broad daylight, just a few blocks from his home. While the narrative has been all over the map as to what transpired leading up to Mike Brown's death, the sad reality is that a police officer shot and killed an unarmed man. - September 11, 2014 - Bishop Hilliard

Lebanese Heritage Festival Set for Sunday, September 14, 2014

Celebrating 20 years of ethnic food, friends and fun at the St Ann Maronite Church, Lebanese Heritage Festival. - September 06, 2014 - St Ann Maronite Church

New Album from Atlanta’s Congregation Bet Haverim, Fire Flashing Up: Klezmer Dances for Strings, to be Released September 13

Congregation Bet Haverim proudly announces its latest recording, Fire Flashing Up: Klezmer Dances for Strings. This mini-album presents the CBH String Ensemble in eight lively and soulful selections. The music braids together the heritages of Eastern European Jewish dance tunes (klezmer) and... - September 05, 2014 - Congregation Bet Haverim

Couple Launches #1 Ranked Video Podcast in iTunes

Couple Launches #1 Ranked Video Podcast in iTunes

The Family Matters First Podcast is now the #1 rated video podcast in the new and noteworthy section of iTunes. - September 01, 2014 - Family Matters First

Unity Church of Ann Arbor Celebrates 21st Annual World Day of Prayer

Unity's annual World Day of Prayer celebration is held the second Thursday in September. Unity World Day of Prayer is open to people of all faiths. Its purpose is to unite as many people as possible in praying for one another. Unity believes World Day of Prayer is an opportunity to transform the world through prayer. - August 28, 2014 - Unity Church of Ann Arbor

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