Florida Public Relations Association Southwest Florida Chapter to Offer APR Study Sessions in 2016

Informational meeting being held in January at Southwest Florida Community Foundation. - December 19, 2015 - Florida Public Relations Association

Dr. Therese Rowley & The Conscious Business NetworkTM Present Collaborate.org Dr. Kevin Montgomery, CEO

‘Meta-Collaborating’ Our Optimal Future Our future is determined by our ability to positively meta-collaborate. Meet Dr. Kevin Montgomery, Senior Researcher at the Center for Innovation in Global Health at Stanford and former Director at NASA’s National Biocomputation Center. He... - December 17, 2015 - Dr. Therese Rowley

Small Business Winners Announced for the 2015 KOSBE Awards

The Kingsport Office of Small Business Development and Entrepreneurship (KOSBE) recognized 14 winners out of the 34 businesses competing during the 21st annual KOSBE Awardsheld at The Meadowview Marriott, on Thursday, December 10. The winning businesses and the categories in which they won... - December 17, 2015 - Kingsport Office of Small Business Development & Entrepreneurship - KOSBE

Jan. 13 NAWBO Meeting to Feature Dr. Tyrone Holmes

The program for the Jan. 13 meeting will be cultural diversity. - December 17, 2015 - NAWBO Phoenix

James G. Montagnino Recognized in Times Square, New York City on the Reuter's Billboard by the National Alliance of Male Executives-N.A.M.E.

James G. Montagnino Recognized in Times Square, New York City on the Reuter's Billboard by the National Alliance of Male Executives-N.A.M.E.

James G. Montagnino of St. Charles, Illinois has been recognized in Times Square, New York City on the Reuter’s Billboard by the National Alliance of Male Executives-N.A.M.E. for his outstanding contributions and achievements in the fields of engineering and consulting. About James G. - December 12, 2015 - N.A.M.E.

The Association of Coupon Professionals Presents Free “How to Coupon” Webinar

Latest in ACP Academy Series, How to Coupon Webinar on Jan. 26, 2015 - December 11, 2015 - Association of Coupon Professionals

Isyjean P. Korenek Accepted Into the Legacy Elite Program by Strathmore’s Who’s Who

Isyjean P. Korenek Accepted Into the Legacy Elite Program by Strathmore’s Who’s Who

Isyjean P. Korenek, of Rockdale, Texas, has recently been recognized by Strathmore’s Who’s Who for her outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of Education. In honor of her accomplishments and professionalism, Ms. Korenek has been accepted into the Legacy Elite Program. - December 11, 2015 - Strathmore Who's Who

Strathmore’s Who’s Who Honors Phillip S. Ferguson as a Lifetime VIP Member and 2015 Professional of the Year

Strathmore’s Who’s Who Honors Phillip S. Ferguson as a Lifetime VIP Member and 2015 Professional of the Year

Phillip S. Ferguson, of Salt Lake City, Utah, has been honored as a Strathmore’s Who’s Who Lifetime VIP Member and a 2015 Professional of the Year in Defense Litigation. - December 10, 2015 - Strathmore Who's Who

Strathmore’s Who’s Who Honors Michael S. Stachowski as a Lifetime VIP Member

Strathmore’s Who’s Who Honors Michael S. Stachowski as a Lifetime VIP Member

Michael S. Stachowski, of Kansas City, Missouri, has recently been honored as a Lifetime VIP Member by Strathmore’s Who’s Who for his outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of Financial Planning. - December 10, 2015 - Strathmore Who's Who

Strathmore’s Who’s Who Honors C L Wales

C L Wales, of Montgomery, Texas, has recently been recognized as a Professional of the Year 2015 by Strathmore’s Who’s Who for her outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of Construction Management. - December 10, 2015 - Strathmore Who's Who

Strathmore’s Who’s Who Honors Sandy Hennum as Lifetime VIP Member

Sandy Hennum, of Bemidji, Minnesota, has recently been recognized as a Lifetime VIP Member 4th quarter by Strathmore’s Who’s Who for her outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of Family Support Services. - December 10, 2015 - Strathmore Who's Who

Strathmore’s Who’s Who Honors Marilyn A. Tsilimparis as Professional of the Year and VIP Member

Strathmore’s Who’s Who Honors Marilyn A. Tsilimparis as Professional of the Year and VIP Member

Marilyn A. Tsilimparis, of Brooklyn, New York, has recently been recognized as a VIP and Professional of the Year 4th quarter by Strathmore’s Who’s Who for her outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of Banking and Credit Services. - December 10, 2015 - Strathmore Who's Who

Bruce H. Levin Honored as Strathmore’s Who’s Who Doctor of the Year

Bruce H. Levin, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, has been honored as Strathmore’s Who’s Who 2015 Doctor of the Year 4th quarter for his exceptional contributions and accomplishments in the field of Pain Medicine. - December 10, 2015 - Strathmore Who's Who

Supervisor of Elections Sharon Harrington Officially Announces Her Candidacy for Re-Election

Lee County Supervisor of Elections Sharon Harrington intends to continue serving voters in the office she has held since 2004, and is pleased to announce that she will seek reelection in 2016 as the only experienced candidate in the field. Harrington, who first came to the Lee County Elections... - December 10, 2015 - Sharon Harrington

$10,000 Grand Prize Winner Named at Second Annual - TiE Pittsburgh Start-Up Award/BMR Showcase

$10,000 Grand Prize Winner Named at Second Annual - TiE Pittsburgh Start-Up Award/BMR Showcase

For those who follow the startup scene, Rorus, RistCall and Trusst Lingerie are sure to be on the radar. The three startups walked away with first, second and third places, respectively, at TiE Pittsburgh's 2nd Annual – $10,000 Start-Up Award/BMR Showcase. The TiE Pittsburgh event provided a stage for 10 startup finalists that were selected from an initial field of 50 applicants. Each finalist had the opportunity to pitch their businesses to a panel of cross-industry leaders. - December 09, 2015 - TiE Pittsburgh

ADDCO Publishes Guidelines for Medical Professionals When Recommending a Discount Prescription Card

ADDCO has created guidelines that serve as a standard that doctors can reference and use. Doctors get inundated with different discount prescription cards everyday. Some are very good, many are not. ADDCO's goal is to help the doctors choose. - December 09, 2015 - ADDCO

Strathmore’s Who’s Who Honors John F. McKlosky as a Lifetime VIP Member

Strathmore’s Who’s Who Honors John F. McKlosky as a Lifetime VIP Member

John F. McKlosky, of Seattle, Washington, has recently been honored as a Lifetime VIP Member by Strathmore’s Who’s Who for his outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of Opto-Electronics Education. - December 09, 2015 - Strathmore Who's Who

Industry Leaders Emphasize “Empathy & Humility” as Keys to Successful Communications Careers at IEEE GLOBECOM 2015

Leading International Conference Concludes Second Day by Promoting Pathways to Young Professional Career Growth in San Diego, California - December 09, 2015 - IEEE Communications Society

Morton Grove Chamber of Commerce Swears in New Officers and Directors

The Morton Grove Chamber of Commerce's Board of Directors for 2016 were sworn into office on December 3, 2015 at the Annual Holiday Party meeting by Attorney Frank Tennant. 2016 marks the 90th Anniversary of the Morton Grove Chamber. - December 09, 2015 - Morton Grove Chamber of Commerce

Scottsdale Chamber Honors NAWBO Member Splash Printing and Marketing with 2015 Sterling Award

Annual award is given for business innovation, creativity and collaboration. - December 09, 2015 - NAWBO Phoenix

American Abolition Day 2015: The Humane Party Marks 150th Anniversary of 13th Amendment, Publishes Final Text of the American Primate Emancipation (“APE”) Amendment

The Humane Party today announced its first annual American Abolition Day celebration. This announcement coincides with the 150th anniversary of ratification of the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution. The Humane Party also today published the final text of the American Primate Emancipation (“APE”) Amendment. - December 08, 2015 - The Humane Party

Gilbert Gordon, Ph.D., Inorganic Chemistry Recognized as a Lifetime Professional by The National Alliance of Male Executives-N.A.M.E.

Gilbert Gordon, Ph.D., Inorganic Chemistry Recognized as a Lifetime Professional by The National Alliance of Male Executives-N.A.M.E.

Gilbert Gordon, Ph.D., Inorganic Chemistry of Oxford, Ohio has been recognized as a Lifetime Professional by the National Alliance of Male Executives-N.A.M.E. for his outstanding contributions and achievements in the fields of education and chemistry. About Gilbert Gordon, Ph.D., Inorganic... - December 05, 2015 - N.A.M.E.

Association of Discount Drug Card Organizations (ADDCO) Has Formerly Launched

ADDCO's primary focus is to monitor the discount drug card field, to insure that the distributors of discount drug card act and conduct themselves in a way that is transparent and offers the greatest service to the user. This allows the uninsured and under-insured save money on their prescription medications. - December 05, 2015 - ADDCO

SWACHA Hires Tracy L. Marshall, AAP

Dallas-based SWACHA announced today that Tracy L. Marshall, AAP has been hired as SWACHA’S new Senior Vice President of Payment Education Products and Services. “Tracy has more than 26 years of experience in the banking industry and brings expertise in payments and treasury management... - December 04, 2015 - SWACHA

International Public Safety Association Accepts Invitation to Join the United States Department of Homeland Security’s Emergency Services Sector Coordinating Council

The International Public Safety Association is one of the newest members of the United States Department of Homeland Security’s Emergency Services Sector Coordinating Council. The Emergency Services Sector Coordinating Council strives to protect the people, physical components, and systems... - December 04, 2015 - International Public Safety Association

NAWBO's "Red Affair" Holiday Luncheon is Dec. 9

Event features holiday entertainment and raffle to raise money for scholarships awarded through the Women's Enterprise Foundation. - December 03, 2015 - NAWBO Phoenix

Innovators, Advisors and Executives Launch Entrepreneurs for Hillary

Entrepreneurs and passionate Hillary Clinton advocates from across the country have come together to launch Entrepreneurs for Hillary in support of the Hillary for America campaign. Led by career entrepreneurs, former advisors at the State Department and Ready for Hillary veterans, the group aims... - December 02, 2015 - Entrepreneurs for Hillary

International Public Safety Association Launches a New Committee for Public Safety Telecommunicators

The International Public Safety Association is pleased to announce its newest public safety committee addressing the needs of public safety telecommunicators and 911 call takers. - December 02, 2015 - International Public Safety Association

Nina Nguyen Designs Celebrates 3 Georgia Retailers & The “Shop Small” Movement & Small Business Saturday November 28th, 2015

Nina Nguyen Designs Celebrates 3 Georgia Retailers & The “Shop Small” Movement & Small Business Saturday November 28th, 2015

64% of Americans Plan to Shop Local This Holiday, & Local Shoppers Will Spend Nearly $40 Billion with Local Independent Retailers - November 26, 2015 - Southern Jewelers Guild

Morton Grove Chamber of Commerce Announces Annual Holiday Party

Morton Grove's Chamber of Commerce will hold its annual holiday party incorporating its annual meeting with the induction of new directors and officers on Thursday, December 3, 2015 from 5:00 to 8:00 pm at the American Legion Hall at 6144 Dempster Street in Morton Grove. - November 26, 2015 - Morton Grove Chamber of Commerce

Strathmore’s Who’s Who Honors Joyce Gordon

Strathmore’s Who’s Who Honors Joyce Gordon

Joyce Gordon, of Oxford, Ohio, wife of renowned chemist Dr. Gilbert Gordon, has recently been honored by Strathmore’s Who’s Who for her astounding work in the field of Calligraphy. - November 25, 2015 - Strathmore Who's Who

Strathmore’s Who’s Who Honors Peg Hammerschmidt as 2015 Professional of the Year

Strathmore’s Who’s Who Honors Peg Hammerschmidt as 2015 Professional of the Year

Peg Hammerschmidt, of St. Louis, Missouri, has recently been recognized as a 2015 Professional of the Year by Strathmore’s Who’s Who for her outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of Interior Architectural Design. - November 25, 2015 - Strathmore Who's Who

IEEE GLOBECOM 2015 to Foster Young Professional Career Growth

Premier, International Telecommunications Conference to Host Ongoing Series of Panel Discussions, Learning Sessions & Peer-networking Events Designed to Build Successful Communications Careers from December 6 – 10 in San Diego, California - November 23, 2015 - IEEE Communications Society

New Jersey Inventory Professional Achieves Certification

The National Inventory Certification Association congratulates member Sue Gallagher for achieving the designation of Certified Inventory Specialist. - November 19, 2015 - National Inventory Certification Association

KOSBE Announces 2015 KOSBE Impact Award Nominees

The Kingsport Office of Small Business Development & Entrepreneurship (KOSBE) today announced four nominees for the 21st Annual KOSBE Impact Award. At a special recognition event on Thursday, December 10th, from 6 to 9 PM, at Meadowview Marriott in Kingsport, Tennessee, the winner will be... - November 18, 2015 - Kingsport Office of Small Business Development & Entrepreneurship - KOSBE

Strathmore’s Who’s Who Honors Jonathan T. Chong as Professional of the Year

Jonathan T. Chong, of Foster City, California, has recently been recognized as a Professional of the Year by Strathmore’s Who’s Who for his outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of Security and Private Security Services. - November 17, 2015 - Strathmore Who's Who

Gilbert Gordon Inducted to Strathmore’s Who’s Who 2016 Honor Roll

Gilbert Gordon Inducted to Strathmore’s Who’s Who 2016 Honor Roll

Gilbert Gordon has been inducted to the 2016 Strathmore’s Who’s Who Honor Roll. This honor has been bestowed in recognition of his stellar achievements in Education, Water Research and Inorganic Chemistry. - November 17, 2015 - Strathmore Who's Who

New Women’s Business Conference Held Using Live Video Streaming on Periscope

Women’s virtual conference leverages power of real-time engagement. Periscope conference uses live video streaming to deliver conference sessions for female entrepreneurs. - November 16, 2015 - Woman Up! Conference

WellHotel™: Medical Tourism Association® Honors Hilton Puerto Rico for Hospitality Leadership

Caribe Hilton and Condado Plaza Hilton hotels recognized at World Medical Tourism & Global Healthcare Congress, in Orlando, Fla. - November 14, 2015 - Medical Tourism Association™

Trading Places: Medical Tourism Association® Hosts B2B/B2G Mission to Key Cities in China

Business opportunity platform complements World Medical Tourism & Global Healthcare Congress -- Asia-Pacific 2015, Nov.14-16, in Guilin, China - November 12, 2015 - Medical Tourism Association™

Early-Bird Registration Opens for Zonta's 2016 Trivia Night

Cash prizes for the top five teams have been increased this year for the 12th Annual Event. - November 11, 2015 - Zonta Douglas County

Jewell Jackson McCabe Emerging Leaders Institute Announces the Leadership Class of 2015

The Jewell Jackson McCabe Emerging Leaders Institute (ELI) announces the Class of 2015. Seven women will graduate 12/5/15, in celebration of 7 years training women to be global leaders. - November 11, 2015 - ELI

Inspiration: Medical Tourism Association® Honors Jordanian Doctor with Lifetime Achievement Award

Fawzi Al-Hammouri, President of Jordan Private Hospitals Association, recognized at World Medical Tourism & Global Healthcare Congress, in Orlando, Florida. - November 11, 2015 - Medical Tourism Association™

IEEE GLOBECOM 2015 Announces Industry Panel Program

Hundreds of Communications Experts to Discuss Next Wave 5G, LTE, IoT, Big Data & Broadband Networking Technology Innovations in San Diego from December 6 – 10 - November 10, 2015 - IEEE Communications Society

Fisher & Phillips Memphis Attorneys Listed in 2015 Super Lawyers and Rising Stars

Fisher & Phillips LLP today announced that two of its Memphis attorneys, Senior Counsel Jay Kiesewetter and Regional Managing Partner Jeff Weintraub, were selected for inclusion in the 2015 Mid-South Super Lawyers by their peers. Associate Courtney Leyes is also listed in Rising Stars for the... - November 10, 2015 - Fisher Phillips Memphis

Truly Asia: Medical Tourism Association® Honors Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council for Public-Private Partnership

Asia-Pacific Destination recognized at 2015 World Medical Tourism & Global Healthcare Congress, in Orlando, Fla. - November 07, 2015 - Medical Tourism Association™

Local Shoe Designer Holds Trunk Show Benefitting Dress for Success Tampa Bay

Shola Designs is hosting a trunk show on Sunday, November 22, 2015 from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Aloft Hotel located at 100 W. Kennedy Blvd., Tampa, Florida 33602. - November 06, 2015 - Dress for Success Tampa Bay

Save Our Cemeteries Announces Final Lecture of 2015 Series

“Taken To The Grave: Lesser Known Tombs In The St. Louis Cemeteries” a Lecture by Sally Asher - November 06, 2015 - Save Our Cemeteries

Christopher C. Antone, JD, Inducted Into the HRSWC Speaker Hall of Fame

Christopher C. Antone, JD, Inducted Into the HRSWC Speaker Hall of Fame

The HRSouthwest Conference (“HRSWC”) recognized Christopher C. Antone, JD, as its 2015 inductee into the HRSWC Speaker Hall of Fame at the opening general session of the 74th annual event, held Oct. 25 – 28 in Fort Worth, Texas. The program was established in 2013 to honor... - November 05, 2015 - The HRSouthwest Conference

Wendy Chance, CTS, Recognized as Texas Volunteer Leader of the Year  at The HRSouthwest Conference

Wendy Chance, CTS, Recognized as Texas Volunteer Leader of the Year at The HRSouthwest Conference

Wendy Chance, CTS, was named the 2015 Texas Volunteer Leader of the Year during the closing general session at The HRSouthwest Conference (“HRSWC”), held Oct. 25 – 28 in Fort Worth, Texas. The award recognizes those individuals whose volunteer efforts and impact are exemplary in... - November 05, 2015 - The HRSouthwest Conference

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