Discussion Forum Regarding the Welfare of Orphaned and Neglected Children

A discussion forum regarding The Welfare of Orphaned and Neglected Children is being hosted at Emory University/ Goizueta Business School, on behalf of SOS Children’s Villages USA. - October 25, 2009 - The Atlanta Committee of SOS Children's Villages USA

Dying Young: A Little Girl’s Tragic Struggle Leads to Funding for Juvenile Kidney Disease

ActionCOACH joins the Magdalene Foundation in supporting Maggie’s dream of generating funding for juvenile kidney disease. - October 25, 2009 - ActionCOACH

Ending Poverty: One Educated Child at a Time

Childcare Worldwide was established with the aim of helping children in third-world countries become educated and employable. Through pro bono business coaching, its division in Canada will bring in additional sponsorships. - October 25, 2009 - ActionCOACH

SAE Atlanta and Euphonix Present; Vincent Di Pasquale and the "Art of the Remix"

Vincent di Pasquale shares insider secrets and techniques that have made him one of the top remixers in the music industry at SAE Institute's Atlanta campus. - October 25, 2009 - SAE Institute of Technology, US

Folsom Personal Trainer Val Fujii Participating in Nationwide Halloween Charity Boot Camp Event

Val Fujii, a Folsom personal trainer and owner of Superwomen Boot Camp, is proud to announce his participation in a nationwide charity boot camp event. - October 25, 2009 - Superwomen Boot Camp

From Morgan Stanley to Girls’ Basketball, Rosann Farmer Will Put Her Coaching Experience to Good Use with ActionCOACH

Rosann Farmer has several years of business experience and coaching experience, and she’s excited to put both to good use with ActionCOACH. - October 25, 2009 - ActionCOACH

Columbia Memorial Space Science Learning Center Opens in Downey, California

The Columbia Memorial Space Science Learning Center opens today in Downey, California. The facility is a memorial to the crews of both the space shuttle Columbia, lost in 2003, and Challenger, lost in 1986. Among the Center's diverse program offerings will be a Challenger Learning Center, where... - October 25, 2009 - Challenger Center for Space Science Education

Portuguese Businesses Work with the Marketing Magician

Businesses from across the length and breadth of the Algarve, and as far away as Lisbon, attended the Marketing Magician’s latest seminars designed to help Portuguese businesses to grow their businesses. Marketing Magician, Stefan Drew, was back in Portugal at the invitation of the Hotel... - October 24, 2009 - Stefan Drew Associates

UK Lotus User Group Edinburgh: GEDYS IntraWare Presented Its Collaborative, Analytical and Mobile CRM Solution

From 8-9 October 2009, this year's UK Lotus Notes User Group Conference took place in Edinburgh. - October 24, 2009 - GEDYS IntraWare

New Digital Forensics Magazine Plans to be a Valuable Resource for Police Forces Around the World

A new magazine which brings together the latest news and findings from the digital forensics world is planning to become a valuable resource to police forces and digital crime fighting agencies the world over. - October 24, 2009 - Digital Forensics Magazine

Adelphi Celebrates 100th Anniversary of the Ballets Russes with Dance Adelphi

Dance Adelphi will feature performances of “Sacre” and “Petrouchka” from November 5 to November 8, 2009 in the University’s Performing Arts Center (AU PAC), Olmsted Theater, 1 South Avenue, Garden City, NY. Prior to the inaugural performance on opening night, ticketholders are invited to attend a free wine and cheese reception in the Multipurpose Room, second floor of AU PAC held at 6:30 p.m. - October 24, 2009 - Adelphi University

Kids ‘R’ Kids Care Fest Raises More Than $7,500 for Make-a-Wish Foundation of Eastern North Carolina

Kids ‘R’ Kids Schools of Quality Learning in Cary, Morrisville and Research Triangle Park (www.kidsrkidscary.com) have announced that “Care Fest,” a family festival that took place at NetSports in Morrisville on Oct. 17, raised more than $7,500 to benefit a Durham child... - October 24, 2009 - Kids R Kids

The Art Institute of Jacksonville Students Win International PSA Competition for Save Our Seas Foundation

Three Digital Filmmaking & Video Production students at The Art Institute of Jacksonville have been announced as winners of the Save Our Seas Foundation’s “Seas the Day” PSA competition. The Fundamental of Video students Michael Masson, Alishia Hemingway, and Stacie Turner... - October 24, 2009 - The Art Institute of Jacksonville

The e-Learning Lingo Podcast Show Talks About “RFPs”

SyberWorks, Inc., a leader in custom e-Learning Solutions and the Learning Management System industry, today announces the next episode of the e-Learning Lingo Podcast Series, about a tool used in systems acquisition: “RFP.” - October 24, 2009 - SyberWorks, Inc.

Momentum Fitness Owner Wins Business Person of the Year

Nikki Layton, the owner of Momentum Fitness named Westside Business Person of the year. - October 24, 2009 - Momentum Fitness

Gotta Sing Moves Studio to South Florida

Digital Recording Studio Available for Voice Lessons, Audition Preparation, and Voiceover Work - October 24, 2009 - Gotta Sing, LLC

Move Your Audience

A Free 2-Hour Voice Seminar - October 24, 2009 - Gotta Sing, LLC

2010 Honda Insight Hybrid to Debut at N.C. State - A Student Run Marketing Agency Plans Events to Promote Awareness of the Hybrid Vehicle

Red and White Concepts (R.A.W.) has developed an integrated marketing campaign to introduce the 2010 Honda Insight hybrid to their campus and community. The campaign, “Boost Your ECO”, is designed to increase awareness of and excitement for the Insight, positioning it as a... - October 24, 2009 - Red and White Concepts

New Tread Lightly Program Launches Two Exciting Initiatives on the International Day of Climate Action

With humanity currently using the equivalent of 1.3 planets for our resource consumption and waste absorption, it is clear that we must learn to decrease the pressure we put on the planet. Beginning on October 24th, youth worldwide will be able to participate in two exciting initiatives designed to... - October 24, 2009 - TakingITGlobal

Craig Blake Joins Perrone Group as Senior Executive Director of Sales and Marketing

Perrone Group is pleased to announce that Craig Blake has joined their team as Senior Executive Director of Sales and Marketing. Blake will be based out of Perrone Group’s corporate headquarters in Hingham, MA and manage integrated marketing and sales nationally for our Business to Business... - October 23, 2009 - Perrone Group

Superwomen Boot Camp Owner Val Fujii Proudly Announces Pacific Islands Relief Boot Camp Benefiting the Children of American Samoa

Val Fujii, a Folsom personal trainer and owner of Superwomen Boot Camp, is proud to announce a charity boot camp benefiting the tsunami victims of American Samoa. - October 23, 2009 - Superwomen Boot Camp

Windows 7 Deployment Training Workshops Being Offered by Binary Research International

Three-Day Workshop Designed to Provide Administrators and Engineers of Corporate Networks Expert Knowledge in Migrating to Microsoft’s New Operating System - October 23, 2009 - Binary Research International

New Counseling Skills Course Offered Online by the College of Mental Health Counseling

The College of Mental Health Counseling is pleased to announce the new online "Effective Counseling Skills" course as a gateway opportunity for members of the public to offer counseling services for people seeking help for depression, marriage and relationships, addiction, and much more. - October 23, 2009 - College of Mental Health Counseling

Tom Boyle Sees an Opportunity to Get Real Results with ActionCOACH

After learning about the ActionCOACH systems and approaches to coaching, Tom Boyle realised that becoming a Business Coach was the perfect career for him. - October 23, 2009 - ActionCOACH

Audio & Light Inc. Wins the Annual “Movers and Shakers” Award for 2009

Jim Hoyle, owner of Audio & Light Inc., won the coveted “Movers and Shakers” award this year. He was coached by ActionCOACH Business Coach Ross Cox. - October 23, 2009 - ActionCOACH

Humor Under Pressure: How Can Unemployment and Retraining be Pleasant to Talk About? Dr. Kathleen P. King.

Pink slips, unemployment, rejection letters and phone calls form job applications… What are displaced workers to do?? Scott Sloan of WLW Cincinnati Radio (and simulcast streaming on XM Radio) recently invited adult development and learning expert, Dr. Kathleen P. King onto his evening radio... - October 23, 2009 - Transformation Education LLC

The New Italian Language Courses for 2010 at Scuola Leonardo da Vinci

The Italian language school for foreigners Leonardo da Vinci presents the new Italian language courses for 2010 offered by all the school locations: Rome, Milan, Florence and Siena. - October 23, 2009 - Scuola Leonardo da Vinci

International Students at Columbia Showcased Musical Talents

At Columbia international College, one of the top boarding schools in Canada, vocal class students took the spotlight and showcased their musical talents at the Afternoon of “Music and Lyrics” (Oct 14th-15th). It was an afternoon of melody, tunes and light laughter as students milled... - October 23, 2009 - Columbia International College

Trick or Treat for Lion Cubs at ZSL London Zoo

ZSL London Zoo’s Asian lion cubs will be celebrating Halloween with their first peep at a pumpkin this week. - October 23, 2009 - ZSL London Zoo

Fuentek Selected as Finalist for 2009 NCTA 21 Awards

Laura A. Schoppe, president of Fuentek, LLC (www.fuentek.com), has announced that the company has been selected as a finalist for the 2009 North Carolina Technology Association (NCTA) 21 Awards in the category of most innovative technology company. Winners will be recognized at the annual awards... - October 23, 2009 - Fuentek, LLC

Sagemont, a Broward County Private High School Scores a Slam Dunk with Partnership with Ultimate Sports Institute

Sagemont, Private High School in Broward County Partners with Local Ultimate Sports Institute to Strengthen and Condition School’s Varsity Athletes. - October 23, 2009 - The Sagemont Schools

ActionCOACH Mark Raciappa Helped Hendrickson Insurance Services from the Very Beginning

Maria Hendrickson hired Raciappa as her Business Coach when she wanted to start her own commercial insurance company. It proved to be a great decision. - October 22, 2009 - ActionCOACH

Babbel.com Receives Funding from Berlin and the EU

Online language learning platform secures around 1 Million Euros for the expansion of technology and content through 2011. - October 22, 2009 - Babbel.com

IBC Sets the Standard for Helping Famlies and Teachers Manage Difficult Behaviors in Children

With its official launch of its website www.behavecoach.com, IBC can now offer easy access to its behavioral support services which include comprehensive behavioral assessments, in-home and/or in-school behavioral coaching, and behavioral support training for daycares and schools. - Are your... - October 22, 2009 - Behavecoach.com

SMARTHINKING Completes 2 Millionth Online Tutoring Session

SMARTHINKING, Inc. (www.smarthinking.com), the market leader in online tutoring and best practices for online academic support has completed its 2 millionth tutoring session. Having just celebrated its 10th anniversary, SMARTHINKING provides online academic solutions that improve student... - October 22, 2009 - SMARTHINKING

Fusion Academy & Learning Center Los Angeles Announces Board of Advisors

Local Professionals to Serve on Board for One-to-One Private School Opening in March 2010 - October 22, 2009 - Fusion Academy & Learning Center

SyberWorks LMS e-Learning Implementation Podcast Looks at SCORM and Learning Management System Communication Flows

SyberWorks, Inc., a leader in custom e-Learning Solutions and the Learning Management System (LMS) industry, today announces the next episode in their LMS e-Learning Implementation Podcast Series: “SCORM and Learning Management System Communication Flows.” - October 22, 2009 - SyberWorks, Inc.

New CPR Application for the iPhone Launched by Code Red, LLC

Code Red is releasing an IPhone application to assist the lay rescuer with CPR. The application is fully interactive and utilizes the movement and breathing functions of the IPhone and ITouch. - October 22, 2009 - Code Red, LLC

Adrian Collins is the Newest ActionCOACH in Bristol, U.K.

An award-winner, Adrian Collins is excited to join ActionCOACH and put his coaching and mentoring skills to good use. - October 22, 2009 - ActionCOACH

Don Butler Will Help Business Owners Overcome Their Challenges and Achieve Goals as an ActionCOACH

Don Butler’s ability to form relationships with people and skills attained from previous coaching roles influenced his decision to join ActionCOACH. - October 22, 2009 - ActionCOACH

Education Connection Stands Ready to Meet Growing Online Education Demand

As the job market becomes more competitive, more people are turning to online education. Education Connection’s Web site and College Matching Tool are specially designed to help these potential students to make an informed decision about their education. - October 22, 2009 - Education Connection

TheAcademy.com Announces Reseller Agreement with ITC Learning

Strategic alliance provides TheAcademy.com with multiple libraries of high quality industrial skills courses, offering customers real time solutions for online training. - October 22, 2009 - TheAcademy.com

FinanceDog Launches Website, Financial IQ Test and Training Modules

FinanceDog has rolled out their new website at www.financedog.com offering individuals and businesses assessment tools and training modules to help managers better understand corporate finance. The launch of the website coincides with a new study published in the Harvard Business Review this month... - October 22, 2009 - FinanceDog

Jean-Yves David Looks Forward to Helping Business Achieve Their Goals as an ActionCOACH

Jean-Yves David is the newest ActionCOACH in France after working as an executive for raw material suppliers of the chemical industry for the last 25-plus years. - October 22, 2009 - ActionCOACH

Business Coach and Entrepreneur Joins the ActionCOACH Team

Paul Wildrick to help CEOs and business owners develop key leadership and management skills. - October 22, 2009 - ActionCOACH

Turning the Tide of Political Violence Against Innocent People in South Africa

Project Gateway, a social outreach of churches formed to meet the needs of and empower the disadvantaged, was recently included in ActionCOACH’s Coaching for a Cause pro bono coaching program by Patrick Greenway. - October 22, 2009 - ActionCOACH

Holiday Gift 09: Investing in the Future

Trends are proving parents want value, education and quality in what they buy for their children, even if parents are cutting back, they are still willing to splurge on items they believe will help their children build skills for the future - October 22, 2009 - Prosperity4Kids, Inc.

Listen to Sarah Ober Discuss Her Career as an Accountant on New Episode of "Ear on Careers" Podcast Series

In this episode of "Ear on Careers," Sarah Ober discusses her route to becoming an accountant. - October 22, 2009 - Top-Tier Tutoring, LLC

Top-Tier Tutoring's Co-Founder Named Chair of Casino Royale, the North Essex Chamber of Commerce 40th Anniversary Celebration

The North Essex Chamber of Commerce is celebrating turning 40 by hosting Casino Royale on November 12, 2009 at il Tulipano in Cedar Grove, NJ. Rhonda Rivera of Top-Tier Tutoring has been named the Chairperson of this event. - October 22, 2009 - Top-Tier Tutoring, LLC

Poole Productions Releases Volume 2 of the Educational DVD Series, Let's Learn Spanish with Frank & Paco

This is the 2nd installment in the award winning series for children. Volume 2 has chapters titled My Day, My Body, My Feelings. The content for the Frank and Paco series was carefully planned and researched by former FOX 26 Chief Meteorologist Cecilia Sinclair and a team of professionals including two bilingual educators and a linguist. Go to www.frankandpaco.com to learn more. - October 22, 2009 - Poole Productions LLC

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