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Within Education
Posh Fitness Launches New Website for Celebrity Personal Training in NYC
New York personal training company, Posh Fitness has announced the launch of a brand new website making it easier for their clients to access a celebrity personal trainer. The website details the services and programs provided by the firm. - October 21, 2009 -
Empire Medical Training Newest Addition Private Aesthetic Training - at the Physicians Office
Empire Medical Training with the newest concept for Aesthetic medicine. Empire travels to the physician and provides private aesthetic training at the physician’s office. - October 21, 2009 - Empire Medical Training
DeVry Switches to EQUELLA to Power Content Development
The Learning Edge North America today announced that DeVry Inc. (NYSE:DV) has selected EQUELLA, the award-winning digital repository, to power content development for curriculum across the organization. DeVry Inc. is a global provider of educational services and the parent organization for DeVry... - October 21, 2009 - The Learning Edge International
Lavin Lacrosse Partners with the Upstate 150 Lacrosse Camp for 2009
Lavin Lacrosse has joined forces with the Upstate 150 Lacrosse Camp for the summer of 2009. The Upstate Lacrosse Camp was started by Coach Sean Pearce in 2005 and has grown exponentially ever since. The addition of Lavin Lacrosse as the premier camp sponsor will provide Upstate 150 with the resources to grow and expand into areas never before reached. - October 21, 2009 - Lavin Lacrosse
The Learning Edge International Wins Third Consecutive ICT Award
The Learning Edge International has won the 2009 Tasmanian Government Information and Communications Technology Award, at this year’s Tasmanian Export Awards. It is the third consecutive year in which the company has been recognised as Tasmania’s leading ICT exporter. The awards, a... - October 21, 2009 - The Learning Edge International
Society of Education Consultants Reports 20% Rise in Membership, Appoints Marketing Officer to Respond to Increased Publicity
The Society of Education Consultants has reported a 20% rise in membership since autumn 2008, necessitating the appointment of a marketing officer. - October 21, 2009 - Society of Education Consultants
Orange & Bronze Software Labs Inc. Joins SpringOne 2GX
Leading enterprise software development company Orange & Bronze Software Labs Inc. participates in this year's SpringOne 2GX happening right at the Roosevelt Hotel in New Orleans, from October 19 to 22. - October 21, 2009 - Orange & Bronze Software Labs
Marketing Magician Re-Elected to Birmingham Chamber Council
Stefan Drew, the man the BBC introduce as the Marketing Magician, has been re-elected for a second three term as a member of Birmingham Chamber of Commerce’s Council. Elected by the membership of over 3500 based in around Birmingham, UK, Stefan has also been the Chamber’s SME... - October 21, 2009 - Stefan Drew Associates
The UOC - Open University of Catalonia - the Global Online University - Research Seminar on Interaction Between Technology and Society
The researcher from the University of Oslo's Computer Engineering Department Irene Olaussen and UOC IN3 research institute visiting professors Israel Rodríguez and Daniel López are to offer a research seminar entitled Tracing Transitions: an ANT (Actor-Network Theory) Approach to the Study of Political Practice. The seminar is to take place on 21 and 22 October at the IN3 building (Av. del Canal s/n, Castelldefels). - October 21, 2009 - UOC - Open University of Catalonia
Train2Game Joins with Befordshire University
University adopts Train 2 Game’s ‘industry focused’ training program. - October 21, 2009 - Train2Game
Whig National Committee Officially Returns to DC, Announces Two More Congressional Candidates
Initially founded by Iraq and Afghanistan veterans, the Modern Whig Party continues to build its national presence. - October 21, 2009 - Whig National Committee
Ultimate Body Boot Camp Benefit Workout for Animals in Need. Rapid Fat Loss Workout for Free with Donation.
Ultimate Body Boot Camp is sponsoring Scottsdale Strays Animals Rescue, a non-profit organization that is funded 100% with donations. They help save and rehome dogs, cats, goats and pot-bellied pigs. Ultimate Body Boot Camp will be offering a free one-hour long boot camp workout in exchange for your donation to the rescue. - October 21, 2009 - Ultimate Body Boot Camp, LLC
Conveyant Systems, Inc. and Twisted Pair Solutions Announce Solution Developer Partner Relationship
Conveyant Systems, Inc., the telecommunications industry leading supplier of PC-based Attendant Console applications, and Twisted Pair Solutions, a pioneer in unified communications and the developer of WAVE® software technology, announced they have signed an Agreement for the resale and... - October 21, 2009 - Conveyant Systems, Inc.
NACON Consulting, LLC Appoints Blackboard Veteran Kent Leonard COO
NACON Consulting, LLC, a provider of Distance Learning Training Solutions and Information Technology Services today announced the appointment of Blackboard veteran Kent Leonard as its new Chief Operating Officer (COO), to support the organization’s continued growth and global expansion. - October 21, 2009 - NACON Consulting, LLC
Tom Joyner Foundation Receives $10k Donation from Newell Rubbermaid for Clark Atlanta Scholars
The Tom Joyner Foundation(r) has received a $10,000 donation from Newell Rubbermaid, the global marketer for Rubbermaid®, Sharpie®, Graco®, Calphalon®, Irwin® and Paper Mate®. - October 21, 2009 - Tom Joyner Foundation
Understanding and Managing ADHD in Children and Adolescents
New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome presents this no-cost webinar on Oct. 28th - October 21, 2009 - New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome
New! Professor Teaches® Windows 7 by Individual Software
Professor Teaches® Windows 7 Training Released by Individual Software Just in Time for Microsoft’s October Release of the New Operating Systems. Training for Windows 7 Includes Internet Explorer 8 & PC Security Fundamentals. - October 21, 2009 - Individual Software
Delivering on the Strategy Promise
Beyond Strategy provides what is currently missing for leaders after they craft the corporate strategy---a framework to guide them and the specific actions they must take as a leader in strategy implementation. - October 21, 2009 - John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pte Ltd
Mental Game Breakthrough Ends Golfers First Tee Jitters
Recent breakthrough in the application of mind/body knowledge leads to a simple, yet instantly effective technique for eliminating nerves in a golfer’s game. Whether it's 1st tee jitters or full blown performance anxiety. - October 21, 2009 - Mental Game Technologies
California Rock Camp (CRC) Announces End-of-Year Sales Campaign for Bands & Individuals
Now more adult intermediate rock musicians worldwide can afford to come to Hollywood to experience a fun 4 day / 3 night camp with the launching of CRC’s year-end promotion. - October 21, 2009 - California Rock Camp
Five Tips for Raising a Reader
Early literacy skills are one of the most important factors in determining a child’s success in school, and adults play an important role in encouraging children’s literacy skills. Yet often there is confusion about what is involved in fostering early literacy skills. “What better... - October 21, 2009 - Wake County SmartStart Launches New Features to Make Test Preparation and Tutoring Affordable for Everyone, a global online supplemental education platform, launched its new and improved site with enhanced features for social learning. Features such as live online classes and extra-help sessions, unlimited standardized practice tests, downloadable study aids, homework help and much more provide a highly affordable alternative to expensive educational extras. - October 20, 2009 -, LLC
Wheaton College Invites Sheehan Training to do Nutrition Presentation
Tom Sheehan and LeAnna Brown, owners of Sheehan Personal Training in Foxboro, MA, have agreed to deliver a nutrition presentation at Wheaton College on November 4. This presentation will provide students with an understanding of which foods are most dangerous to eat, and will explain what happens... - October 20, 2009 - Sheehan Personal Training
Spiritual Comedian Beth Lapides of Un-Cabaret Performs in Santa Monica
Spiritual comedian and LA Yoga columnist Beth Lapides performs "100% Happy 88% of the Time", Sunday, Oct. 25, 7:30 @ Writers Boot Camp, Bergamot Station, 2525 Michigan Ave, LA 90404. Beth combines funny stories, spiritual insights, relationship advice, late-breaking news from edge science, and a road map for navigating these rapidly-changing times - all in one thought-provoking night of evolutionary entertainment. - October 20, 2009 - Un-Cabaret Multi-Media
CommLab India Partners with eLearning for Kids
CommLab India, a veteran in developing custom eLearning courses has recently tied up with eLearning for kids, the global non-profit foundation to develop eLearning courses on various subjects for kids across the world. It will also translate and localize existing courses into a host of other languages to reach more kids. - October 20, 2009 - CommLab India
Nebraska PTA Holds 86th Annual Convention
The 86th Annual Convention of the Nebraska Parent Teacher Association was held in Bellevue, Nebraska on October 10th, 2009. In attendance were delegates representing 100 PTA units, the Nebraska PTA State Board and the National PTA President Elect, Betsy Landers. Attendees heard from Betsy Landers... - October 20, 2009 - Nebraska PTA
ITWorx Unveils AuthorExpert – An Interactive Authoring Tool for Creating and Publishing Learning Content
ITWorx announced today the release of AuthorExpert, a desktop authoring tool that enables teachers to create interactive e-learning content easily within a very short time frame and at a reduced cost. - October 20, 2009 - ITWorx
Make Money and Help the Economy
A new business platform has been created to partner small businesses with venture capital, angel investors, and other resources. In honor of the launch of their website, has made it possible for individuals and groups to make money helping businesses list their needs. - October 19, 2009 -
K2 Software to Support Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 and Other Upcoming Microsoft Releases
K2, a Microsoft Gold Certified ISV partner, today announced planned support in its products for the upcoming releases of Microsoft Office 2010, Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 and Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010. K2 blackpearl and K2 blackpoint software have long had industry-best depth of... - October 19, 2009 - K2
Contest Challenges Users to Tell "Scariest Freaking Story Ever"
The Scariest Stories you know or can imagine are being requested at for a contest to win an Amazon Kindle. Contest ends midnight on October 31 and voting ends November 7. - October 19, 2009 - Classes and Careers
Irregular Spanish Verbs; Providing Information About Online Courses for the Spanish Language Beginner
If you want to learn Spanish there are many online courses available that will help you learn how to speak Spanish quickly and effectively in the comfort of your own home. Research is important as you need to choose the right online Spanish course that is suited to you. - October 19, 2009 - Irregular Spanish Verbs
Raising Public Value Through Government Performance Management
ITWorx released today a Business Intelligence service offering for governments in the MENA region – ITWorx Government Performance Management (GPM). - October 19, 2009 - ITWorx
Riding with No Limits: Engineering Innovations for the Disabled Taken to New Heights
A paraplegic’s wish to ride a motorbike led to a foundation that builds engineering innovations for people with disabilities. With the help of pro bono business coaching, the Dreamfit Foundation will be able to further sustain its rapid growth. - October 18, 2009 - ActionCOACH
StepfamilySystems Places Financing for Its Non-Profit Division in the Can
StepfamilySystems .com is developing a non-profit division to support stepfamilies that cannot afford to pay for the services they want and need from StepfamilySystems or any other service they might desire. However, due to its non-profit nature bankers have no interest in providing funding. As a... - October 18, 2009 -
Digital Forensics Magazine Sponsors Information Technologists Company (ITC) Cybercrime & Forensics Workshop
Information Technologists Company hosts Cybercrime and Forensics Workshop from where Digital Forensics Magazine reports on the success of the event. The workshop focused on emerging challenges that the City of London faces around the complex issue of cyber crime & forensics future strategies. - October 18, 2009 - Digital Forensics Magazine
Milestone Publication for Informa's Highly-Regarded Book Series
Informa Healthcare is celebrating the 200th volume of one of its most popular books series, Drugs and the Pharmaceutical Sciences. The milestone publication - International Pharmaceutical Product Registration, Second Edition written by Anthony C. Cartwright and Dr. Brian R. Matthews – is one... - October 18, 2009 - Informa Healthcare
Simutech Releases New Version of Troubleshooting Industrial Controls
Troubleshooting Industrial Controls V1.5 is electrical simulation training software designed to develop advanced skills for troubleshooting all types of industrial control systems. - October 18, 2009 - Simutech Multimedia Inc.
Pasadena Foster Care Children’s Charity Drops, Covers, & Holds on
Students and Local Charity Participate in the Great SoCal ShakeOut Drill - October 18, 2009 - Hillsides
The UOC - Open University of Catalonia - the Global Online University – Management of Language Diversity in the Classroom, Under Debate with Expert John Edwards
Professor of psychology at St Francis Xavier University, Nova Scotia, Canada, John Edwards is to talk about Management of Language Diversity in the Classroom: What Teachers (and Others) Should Know on Monday, 19 October. The lecture, organised by the Linguamón-UOC Chair in Multilingualism, is to take place at the headquarters of the Catalan College of Doctors and Graduates of Philosophy and Letters (Rambla Catalunya 8) at 6pm. - October 18, 2009 - UOC - Open University of Catalonia
Convergence Training Introduces Online MSHA Part 46 Surface Miner Training System
In response to continuous customer requests for online training tools, Convergence Training, a division of Capstone Technology, is proud to announce that their award-winning Surface Miner Training is now available via an Internet-based training management system. The new Surface Miner Training... - October 18, 2009 - Convergence Training
Sue Chase Harmon to Speak on Egyptian Art at Adelphi University on November 1, 2009
The Friends of the Adelphi University Library is set to host its 14th Annual Fall Art Lecture with Sue Chase Harmon of the Brooklyn Museum of Art speaking on “Art for Eternity: Masterworks from Ancient Egypt.” The event will take place on Sunday, November 1, 2009, at 3:00 p.m. in the Ruth S. Harley University Center’s Thomas Dixon Lovely Ballroom, 1 South Avenue, Garden City, NY. The event is free and open to the public. - October 18, 2009 - Adelphi University
Jargon Media LLC: New Publishing and Editing Company to Launch October 18th
With offices based in Albuquerque and London, the international start-up company will work with students and professionals seeking editorial assistance. The business also plans to pursue publishing endeavors. Whether they’re editing the written word or publishing it, Jargon Media LLC upholds the English language, one sentence at a time. Enter Jargon Media LLC, an editing and publishing company launching on October 18, 2009. - October 18, 2009 - Jargon Media LLC
"We're Wild About Champions" Wins 2nd Place Austin Board of Realtors 2009 Realty Roundup Gets the Champions School of Real Estate Touch
Champions School of Real Estate made a "wild" impression at the 2009 Austin Board of Realtors (ABOR) Realty Roundup on Wednesday, October 7, with its jungle themed booth winning 2nd place. "We had a lot of fun with the theme "We're Wild About Champions", and we got to talk... - October 18, 2009 - Champions School of Real Estate
Women on the Streets of Dublin
Focus Ireland, one of the leading national charities offering housing and support services to the homeless in Ireland aims to increase revenue to maintain an increase in the demand for its services though pro bono business coaching. - October 18, 2009 - ActionCOACH
Business Coaching to Help Non-Profit See the Bigger Picture
Pro bono coaching will help Australia’s only major stand-alone kids’ film festival, Little Big Shots ride out major challenges caused by the economic recession. - October 18, 2009 - ActionCOACH
WGSN Partners with Japan Fashion Week
WGSN (, the world authority on current and future style trends joins the list of prestigious partners for the upcoming Japan Fashion Week, Tokyo from the 19th – 25th October. WGSN’s first appearance at the comprehensive fashion week in Japan will be celebrated by 8... - October 17, 2009 - WGSN
Safety Unlimited, Inc. Adds 4 More Courses in Spanish Leads the Industry in Spanish Coursework
As part of their ongoing effort to offer high quality OSHA training in Spanish, Safety Unlimited, Inc. has added 4 more online courses to their master list at Specifically, Spanish-speaking Students can now take the 40 hour, 32 hour, 24 hour, and 8 hour versions of the HAZWOPER... - October 17, 2009 - Safety Unlimited, Inc.
Airtime Sports and Southampton Kitesurfing Centre Committed to Keeping South Coast Kiteboarding Safe
Airtime Sports, a Lee-on-Solent based retail store, and the Southampton Kitesurfing Centre have committed themselves to nurturing the growing local kiteboard scene in Hampshire. - October 17, 2009 - Airtime Sports
Dynamic Homeschooling Duo Brings You a Unit Study Metamorphosis
The Old Schoolhouse® announces an innovative new E-Learning resource for homeschoolers—the Download N Go™ series. - October 17, 2009 - The Old Schoolhouse Magazine
Finally a Book to Help Students Read Original Chinese Literature
Author, Kevin Nadolny, has published "Capturing Chinese: Short Stories From Lu Xun’s Nahan", an original approach to help students read Chinese literature without the usual frustration of looking up obscure characters, misunderstanding historical events, and not knowing the background of the story. - October 17, 2009 - Capturing Chinese Publications LLC