Recent Headlines
Kentucky Approves Biologix Solutions HIV Online Course for All Healthcare Professionals.
Kentucky Cabinet for Health & Family Services Approves Biologix Solutions HIV 2 Hour Online Course for All Healthcare Professionals Seeking License in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. - April 24, 2013 - Biologix Solutions LLC
Hawaii Approves Biologix Solutions Online Bloodborne Pathogens Course for Tattoo Licensure Exam
The State of Hawaii Department of Health has approved Biologix Solutions LLC as a provider of online bloodborne pathogens training for tattoo artist licensure in Hawaii. - April 21, 2013 - Biologix Solutions LLC
Washington State Accepts Biologix Solutions Online Bloodborne Pathogen Training for Tattoo, Body Art, Body Piercers License
Washington State Department of Licensing accepts Biologix Solutions LLC as a provider of online bloodborne pathogen training to apply or renew artists license for Tattooing, body art, and body piercing. - April 21, 2013 - Biologix Solutions LLC
California Counties Accepts/Approves Biologix Solutions Online Bloodborne Pathogen Training to Apply or Renew License to Practice Tattoo, and Piercing
California Counties Accepts/Approves Biologix Solutions LLC as a provider of online bloodborne pathogen and infection control training to apply or renew artists license for Tattooing, body art, and body piercing. - April 21, 2013 - Biologix Solutions LLC
South Carolina Approves Biologix Solutions Online Bloodborne Pathogen and Infection Control Training to Apply or Renew Tattooing, Body Piercers License
South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control Approves Biologix Solutions LLC as a provider of online bloodborne pathogen and infection control training to apply or renew artists license for Tattooing, body art, and body piercing. - April 21, 2013 - Biologix Solutions LLC
Alabama Approves Biologix Solutions Online Bloodborne Pathogens Course for Body Art Operator Permit
Alabama Department Public Health, Food and Lodging Branch, approves Biologix Solutions LLC as a provider of online bloodborne pathogens and infection control training to obtain body art operator permit. - April 21, 2013 - Biologix Solutions LLC
Iglyte Rolls Out eLearning for Healthcare Professionals with UpsideLMS
Iglyte, a leading Indian Healthcare Branding Solutions company, has initiated eLearning for its clients, primarily Pharma companies, with Upside Learning’s best value Learning Management System, UpsideLMS. With this, Iglyte will be able to cater to its wide client-base, including those in remote locations, and also deliver blended learning programs. - April 19, 2013 - Upside Learning Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Upside Learning Participates in CIPD HRD for the 3rd Consecutive Year; Focuses on eLearning on iPads
On 24th & 25th April, Upside Learning will be at the CIPD HRD 2013 Conference & Exhibition to be held in Olympia, London. This will mark the company’s 3rd consecutive year of participation in the UK’s leading event for L&D professionals. Upside Learning’s focus area for the event this year will be eLearning on iPads. - April 18, 2013 - Upside Learning Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Dr. Clyde B. Jensen Joins Board of Directors for American College of Healthcare Sciences
American College of Healthcare Sciences (ACHS) is pleased to announce that Dr. Clyde B. Jensen has joined the College’s Board of Directors. “Clyde’s exceptional experience bridging the fields of traditional medicine and complementary alternative medicine (CAM) in higher education... - April 17, 2013 - American College of Healthcare Sciences
Extended Stay America Deploys System to Empower Employees
Extended Stay America rolls out new learning and knowledge deployment system to employees. - April 17, 2013 - Knowledge Anywhere
University of North Florida Students Launch Website to Create Free and Easy Online Portfolio
Four Students from the University of North Florida launched a website this morning that allows users to organize their online projects in a dynamic and easy to share fashion. The site is and it’s a free and easy way to create and share your professional... - April 17, 2013 - Push Button Development
Concept Healthcare Unveils New Website to Serve as Complete Training Resource for Nursing Home Industry
Concept Healthcare, an innovator in the delivery of online training and resources for psychologists and behavioral/healthcare professionals, today announced the launch of its new website. This site brings together an extensive collection of training, resources and tools all in one easy to use location where visitors can easily search, review, share and purchase with just a few clicks. - April 16, 2013 - Concept Healthcare
Philadelphia Approves Biologix Solutions Online Bloodborne Pathogen Course for Tattoo Artist License
Philadelphia Approved 100% Online Bloodborne Pathogens & Infection Control (Initial & Annual Renewal) Training for Tattoo Artists, Body Piercers & Body Art Professionals. - April 13, 2013 - Biologix Solutions LLC
Washington State Approves Biologix Solutions Online HIV Training for Healthcare Professionals Seeking License to Practice
Biologix Solutions LLC offers Washington State Department of Health approved online mandatory HIV/AIDS 7 Hours, 4 Hours, 3 Hours and 2 Hours training for all healthcare professionals. - April 12, 2013 - Biologix Solutions LLC
New York State Department of Health Approves Biologix Solutions Infection Control & Barrier Precautions Training for All Healthcare Professionals
Biologix Solutions LLC, a leader in online continuing education for nursing, medical, dental, physical therapy, occupational therapy and body art professionals offers New York State Department of Health approved (Provider TP02052) online infection control training for all licensed healthcare professionals. - April 12, 2013 - Biologix Solutions LLC
Upside Learning Celebrates Its 9th Anniversary; Narrates Growth Story via Motion Parallax Scrolling
Upside Learning celebrated 9 years of providing world-class workplace learning technology solutions on 7th April. To mark the occasion, the company has released a parallax scrolling web design that reveals its 9 year journey in an innovative way. - April 10, 2013 - Upside Learning Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Florida Learners Permit Program: New Online Course Available
New Way for Teens to Get Their Florida Drivers Permit - April 09, 2013 - National Online Traffic Schools, LLC
Stanbridge College Nursing and Therapy Students Volunteer at Free Medical Clinic
Stanbridge College sponsored and volunteered at the Orange County Free Medical and Dental Clinic to provide healthcare services to the uninsured, unemployed and homeless. - April 05, 2013 - Stanbridge University
Career Step Announces That New Medical Coding and Billing Students Will Now Receive Free ICD-10 FastTrack Course
Career Step has announced that all new Medical Coding and Billing students will now also receive a free enrollment in the school’s ICD-10 FastTrack course. - April 05, 2013 - Career Step
Career Step and MRA to Present on Assessing Coder Readiness at MaHIMA ICD-10 Summit
Career Step, in partnership with Medical Record Associates (MRA), will be presenting on ICD-10 training and coder readiness assessments at the MaHIMA ICD-10 Summit on Friday, April 5. - April 05, 2013 - Career Step
Upside Learning Debuts at AITD 2013 as a Silver Sponsor; to Present a Session on Designing eLearning for iPads
Upside Learning will mark its first presence at the 2013 AITD National Conference, to be held on 10th & 11th April in Melbourne, Australia, as a Silver Sponsor. The company will showcase its wide range of innovative Custom mLearning Solutions including eLearning solutions for tablets and also deliver a learning session. - April 04, 2013 - Upside Learning Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Tech4Learning Releases Pixie App for iPad
Pixie, creativity software used by millions of elementary students, is now available as an app for iPad. - April 04, 2013 - Tech4Learning, Inc.
PR Course for the Hispanic Community
The Irish Academy of Public Relations has introduced an online course in public relations, which is taught in Spanish. Available worldwide, the course is tutored by PR professionals who are native Spanish speakers. Course begins April 11th online at - April 03, 2013 - The Irish Academy
Celesq® Announces April-May CLE involving Developments in Corporate/Securities Enforcement; Litigation Skills; Intellectual Property; Asset Protection/Business Assets
Celesq® AttorneysEd Center has announced the following web casts for April and May 2013: Update on Say on Pay Litigation (2326) Live web cast: April 3, 2013 (4:00 PM ET) Courtney Worcester and Michael Thompson, Foley & Lardner LLP, provide an update on say on pay litigation, discuss what... - April 02, 2013 - Celesq(R) AttorneysEd Center
Athena Forum Offers New Course in Sepsis Management
Recognizing a pressing need to raise awareness about sepsis, Athena Forum’s newest course educates case managers and social workers about this medical emergency. - March 29, 2013 - Athena Forum LLC
Content Transformation Leader Announces the Adoption of New Identity
Planman Technologies, a global leader in integrated content transformation solutions, announced today the renaming of the company as Contentra Technologies. This new name represents the company’s focus on content transformation services and the broadening of its service lines. - March 28, 2013 - Contentra technologies
One-Stop Web Portal Developed by theRightU Helps Students Enter University
University admissions and higher education consultancy debuts game-changing web portal to get students to the right U. - March 28, 2013 - theRightU
Upside Learning Strengthens Its Presence in the US and Australia Through Channel Partnership with The Digital Group
Expanding its reach in the leading learning markets of the US and Australia, Upside Learning recently signed The Digital Group as its channel partner for UpsideLMS. This partnership will allow Upside Learning to offer its best value Learning Management System to more businesses in the US and Australia, while enabling The Digital Group to enhance its solutions portfolio. - March 27, 2013 - Upside Learning Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Upside Learning to Uncover New LMS Evaluation Guidelines Through a Free Webinar
Upside Learning’s free webinar, "New LMS Evaluation: A 9 Step Guide," to be held on 3rd April at 11.30 AM IST, will help organizations to conduct the LMS selection process in an organized manner and avoid the common pitfalls. - March 23, 2013 - Upside Learning Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
New Linguistics/Business-Culture Series About Japan Available via Smartphones and Tablets Released by Shubiki Corporation
Shubiki Corporation has released a new Japanese linguistics and global-culture series, "Japan's Business Culture" for their business application "BISCUE App", in English, Spanish, and Latin American Spanish editions. - March 22, 2013 - Shubiki Corporation
The Academies Offers Its Certified Executive & Leadership Development Coach Training
With executive coaching a proven solution for these challenges, The Academies for coach training is offering its 15-week Certified Executive & Leadership Development Coach (CELDC) program. - March 22, 2013 - The Academies, Inc
National Academy of Physicians and Medical Scientists Sponsors 2014 Congress of Future Medical Leaders for Top High School Students
The Congress of Future Medical Leaders, sponsored by the National Academy of Physicians and Medical Scientists, will be held in Washington, DC in February of 2014. The conference seeks to equip and support the nation’s top achieving high school students in their pursuit of a career in the STEM subjects. The three-day conference will provide students with access to representatives of elite colleges, demonstrations of future medical technology, and even an opportunity to witness surgery. - March 21, 2013 - The National Academy of Future Physicians and Medical Scientists
The Academies Offers Its Certified Job Search Strategist Training
The Job Search Academy offers its signature 12-week Certified Job Search Strategist (CJSS) Training course that will deepen competencies and increase career coaches’ confidence to help job seekers gain employment in today’s tough job market. - March 21, 2013 - The Academies, Inc Announces Availability of Comptia A+ 2011 Certification 220-801 220-802 Exam Training
The CompTIA A+ certification is the starting point for a career in IT. The A+ 2011 exam covers maintenance of PCs, laptops, operating systems, printers and mobile devices. - March 21, 2013 -
ACHS Launches Three New Five-Week 1-Credit Courses
American College of Healthcare Sciences Launches Three New 5-Week, 1-Credit Research, Writing, and Critical Thinking Courses for Complementary Alternative Medicine Students - March 16, 2013 - American College of Healthcare Sciences
SANS Welcomes New Representative in the Pacific Northwest Region
SANS Inc., a leader in the development of instructional technologies for language learning, including the SANSSpace™ virtual language learning platform and Sony Virtuoso™ and Soloist® digital language lab technology software suite, has just announced that Change Forward in Vashon,... - March 16, 2013 - SANS Inc. Instructional Technology for Language Learning
SafetySkills®, an Online Health and Safety Training Provider, Implements a New Globally Harmonized System Training Course
In an effort to help answer questions about the newly mandated GHS guidelines for chemical hazard classifications, SafetySkills® creates a Globally Harmonized System online training course. - March 15, 2013 - SafetySkills
SafetySkills® Announces the Deployment of an Armed Robbery Online Training Course
The SafetySkills® online safety training course focuses on effective robbery procedures for high-risk cash businesses. - March 15, 2013 - SafetySkills Launches March Madness 2013, the popular online homework and assignment help provider has launched its "March Madness" savings program, to help students to save on their homework help purchases. - March 15, 2013 -
SafetySkills® Announces Confined Space and Engulfment Awareness for Oil and Gas Operations as the Free Online Safety Training Course for the Month of March
SafetySkills® offers one free online safety training course a month. This month's free featured course is Confined Space and Engulfment Awareness for Oil and Gas Operations. To create an account and get started on your training, please visit A confined space has... - March 15, 2013 - SafetySkills
Author Patricia Polacco Headlines Anti-Bullying Professional Development Event at Mackin Educational Resources
Mackin’s anti-bullying professional development seminar on April 20, 2013, is structured to provide educators with the tools they need to successfully deal with the problem of bullying in schools. - March 14, 2013 - Mackin
FurtherEd Schedules 5000+ of Streaming Hours Continuing Professional Education (CPE) for Accountants
FurtherEd seeks to change Continuing Professional Education for the accounting industry through 9AM-5PM daily live course streaming. - March 09, 2013 - FurtherEd
Upside Learning Explains Why Mobile Learning is the Future of Workplace Learning Through an Infographic
The Upside Learning team has released an infographic that explains how the Mobile World and the Changing Workplace together indicate a need and, at the same time, a Great Opportunity to move towards Mobile Learning. - March 08, 2013 - Upside Learning Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
American College of Healthcare Sciences Learning Vacation, Aromatic Indonesia, Offers Peek Into Java & Bali’s Rich Botanical Diversity
American College of Healthcare Sciences (ACHS) Learning Vacation, Aromatic Indonesia: Aromatic & Herbal Journey Through the Spice Islands, Offers Peek Into Java and Bali’s Rich Botanical Diversity - March 07, 2013 - American College of Healthcare Sciences
Ethica Interviews Akhuwat, the World's First Completely Interest-Free Microfinance Program
Since starting a decade ago with a simple $100 loan, Akhuwat has dispersed $30 million to over 1 million people – completely free of interest. Ethica sat down with the inspiring Dr. Muhammad Amjad Saqib to learn more about his amazing story. The success of Akhuwat offers hope to a new generation of budding Islamic finance entrepreneurs seeking to replicate their microfinance model. - March 07, 2013 - Ethica Institute of Islamic Finance
Upside Learning focuses on "eLearning on iPads" for Learning Solutions 2013 Conference & Expo
From 13th to 15th March, 2013, Upside Learning will be in Orlando, Florida participating in Learning Solutions 2013 Conference & Expo. The company’s theme for this event will be "eLearning on iPads," and will see it exhibiting its wide range of Mobile Learning solutions and delivering a learning session on this theme. - March 06, 2013 - Upside Learning Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Career Step Launches New Executive Assistant Course with Microsoft Office 2010 Training
Career Step has launched its new Executive Assistant program with Microsoft Office 2010 training, designed to prepare students for careers as executive or administrative assistants in less than 3 months. - March 06, 2013 - Career Step
Upside Learning Schedules Two Webinars on "eLearning on iPads" in March
Continuing with its main themes for the year – mEnablement and eLearning on iPads, Upside Learning will be conducting two webinars, titled "Designing eLearning for iPads (tablets)," on 12th and 19th March. The webinars will be presented by Upside Learning’s Director of Custom Learning Solutions and Co-founder – Amit Garg. - March 06, 2013 - Upside Learning Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Career Step Launches ICD-10-CM/ICD-10-PCS Code Set Training at HIMSS13
Career Step announces the launch of its ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS code set training, available through The ICD-10 Solution, at the HIMSS13 Annual Conference & Exhibit. - March 04, 2013 - Career Step
Celesq® Announces March CLE Involving Ethics for Tax Counsel; Trial Skills; Patent Litigation/International Law; Cloud Computing Contracts
Celesq® AttorneysEd Center has announced the following web casts for March 2013: Everything Tax Advisors Should Know to Stay Out of Trouble: Ethical Considerations for Tax Counsel (2321) Live web cast: March 6, 2013 (12:00 noon ET) Jean Pawlow and Kevin Spencer, McDermott Will & Emery... - February 28, 2013 - Celesq(R) AttorneysEd Center