4th Dimension PCB Certified as a Top Performer

4th Dimension PCB, Inc., a provider of printed circuit board design services based in Florida, has been certified as a Top 20% Performer based on the Past Performance Evaluation survey responses of its reference customers. 4th Dimension PCB’s PPE score of 96/100 demonstrates outstanding... - May 26, 2006 - 4th Dimension PCB

NCDOT to Temporarily Reduce a Section of Northbound U.S. 1/64 in Cary to One Lane

The N.C. Department of Transportation has announced that it will temporarily reduce a half-mile section of northbound U.S. 1/64 to one lane at the Tryon Road overpass, beginning Friday, May 19, at 9 p.m. until 6 a.m., Monday, May 22, weather permitting. - May 17, 2006 - SEPI Engineering Group

FEECO International Celebrates 55 years of Innovative Solutions

In 2006 FEECO International proudly celebrates 55 years of Engineering and looks forward to many more. FEECO has been supplying companies globally with their technology driven equipment. - May 02, 2006 - FEECO International, Inc

NCDOT To Temporarily Reduce A Section Of Northbound U.S. 1/64 In Cary To One Lane

The N.C. Department of Transportation has announced that it will temporarily reduce a half-mile section of northbound U.S. 1/64 to one lane at the Tryon Road overpass, beginning Friday, April 28, at 9 p.m. until 6 a.m., Monday, May 1. The Department will use Friday, May 5, beginning at 9 p.m.,... - April 26, 2006 - SEPI Engineering Group

BeckITSystems Named Loudoun County’s Small Business of the Year

BeckITSystems, a leader in technology management for small and mid-sized organizations, named Small Business of the Year by the Loudoun County Chamber of Commerce. BeckITSystems is headquartered in Loudoun County, Virginia, one of the fastest growing counties in the nation, and the technology... - March 30, 2006 - BeckITSystems

NCDOT To Shift Traffic On Northbound And Southbound U.S. 1/64 In Cary

The N.C. Department of Transportation has announced that it will shift a segment of northbound traffic on U.S. 1/64 from the Tryon Road interchange to the Kildaire Farm Road Overpass onto two outside northbound lanes on Friday, March 3 at 8 p.m., weather permitting. - March 03, 2006 - SEPI Engineering Group

NCDOT To Temporarily Close U.S. 1/64 Northbound In Cary

The N.C. Department of Transportation has announced that it will temporarily close both lanes of U.S. 1/64 northbound just north of the Cary Parkway Overpass on Wednesday, Feb. 22 for 30 minute intervals between midnight and 5:30 a.m., weather permitting. - February 21, 2006 - SEPI Engineering Group

NCDOT To Close A Section of U.S. 1/64 At Cary Parkway

NCDOT To Close A Section of U.S. 1/64 At Cary Parkway. - January 25, 2006 - SEPI Engineering Group

NCDOT to Shift U.S. 1/64 Northbound Traffic Entering from Tryon Road

The N.C. Department of Transportation has announced that it will temporarily place traffic entering northbound U.S. 1/64 from Tryon Road in a new pattern beginning Saturday, Jan. 21 at 8 a.m. until February 2006, weather permitting. - January 20, 2006 - SEPI Engineering Group

NCDOT to Close a Section of Southbound U.S. 1/64 in CARY

The N.C. Department of Transportation has announced that it will close a section of southbound U.S. 1/64 under the Cary Parkway overpass for night work. - January 13, 2006 - SEPI Engineering Group

NCDOT Announces U.S. 1/64 Widening Project

The N.C. Department of Transportation has announced that it will hold a Construction Information Workshop to inform interested motorists and residents about the next phase of construction on the U.S. 1/64 widening project. - January 12, 2006 - SEPI Engineering Group

SEPI Engineering Group Names Land Development Manager

Todd Griffin hired as Land Development Manager for Raleigh engineering firm. - January 11, 2006 - SEPI Engineering Group

Tancher Garden Deep Integration (TGDI) – the Modular Approach in System Integration Solutions Based on Wireless Mobile Terminals

Based on the experience gained for the last decade, Tancher (R&D company) analyses existing approaches in system integration tasks solutions based on wireless mobile terminals. The novel approach proposed (called internaly TGDI - Tancher Garden Deep Integration) allows one to get significant advantages when functionality of the terminals is strictly limited. Some practical examples are described. - January 05, 2006 - Tancher Corp.

NCDOT to Reduce Lanes on Northbound U.S. 1/64 in Wake County

The N.C. Department of Transportation will reduce U.S. 1/64 to one lane between the Kildaire Farm Road overpass and I-40 on Monday, Dec. 19, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. - December 16, 2005 - SEPI Engineering Group

Sepi Asefnia Named Women Extraordinaire By Business Leader Magazine

President Of SEPI Engineering Group Named One Of Top Ten Women Extraordinaire. - December 09, 2005 - SEPI Engineering Group

NCDOT Announces Upcoming Traffic Shift On U.S. 1/64 In Cary

The N.C. Department of Transportation (NCDOT) will temporarily shift traffic on northbound U.S. 1/64 on Oct. 28 at 10 a.m. on the northbound Cary Parkway entrance ramp onto U.S. 1/64 to the new outside lanes - October 27, 2005 - SEPI Engineering Group

Sepi Asefnia Named A Director of Triangle Chapter of Commercial Real Estate Women (CREW)

Sepi Asefnia, President of SEPI Engineering Group, has been named a director for the Triangle Chapter of Commercial Real Estate Women’s (CREW) 2006-2007 term. - October 24, 2005 - SEPI Engineering Group

NCDOT Reminds N.C. State Fair Visitors to Drive Safely through U.S. 1/64 Construction Site

The N.C. Department of Transportation reminds motorists traveling to the N.C. State Fair that work continues on the U.S. 1/64 widening project in Cary. Web Site and Information Line Provide Tools for a Safe Visit to the Triangle. - October 13, 2005 - SEPI Engineering Group

Randall Hall Shares His Knowledge to Support an Aging Need

Home modifications for the aging-in-place has quickly become the fastest growing segment in the remodeling industry. However, the program is so new that few remodeling experts have invested in the certification. As a result, Randall Hall has taken it one step further – he teaches CAPS courses to other remodeling professionals through the Dallas HBA. - October 11, 2005 - Randall Hall Design/Build

4th Dimension PCB is Part of Team Awarded NASA (MSFC) Contract

4th Dimension PCB, Inc., a provider of printed circuit board (PCB) design services, announced today it is part of the team of contractors recently awarded NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) Engineering, Science and Technical Services (ESTS) contract. - October 05, 2005 - 4th Dimension PCB

Land Development & Planning Company, Chas. H. Sells, Hires Beth Lewis as Senior Planner in the Land Development Department

Beth Lewis, AICP, is a new hire for our Cary office in the Land Development department. - September 01, 2005 - Chas. H. Sells, Inc.

SEPI Engineering Group Announces New Assistant Survey Supervisor

Sepi Asefnia, President of SEPI Engineering Group, has announced that Victor Lowery has joined the firm as Assistant Survey Supervisor. - August 31, 2005 - SEPI Engineering Group

SEPI Engineering Opens Charlotte Surveying Division

Sepi Asefnia, President of SEPI Engineering Group, has announced that the firm has opened a Surveying Division in Charlotte, NC - August 15, 2005 - SEPI Engineering Group

To Gain Insite, Click Here: Randall Hall's Latest Remodel

Recently, Randall Hall Design/Build gave their website a taste of what they’re famous for – remodeling. - August 11, 2005 - Randall Hall Design/Build

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