Aero & Marine Tax Professionals to Present “Plane Dollars and Sense” Aviation Seminar

Presentation to Take Place at Jet Center Medford in Medford, OR on October 29 - October 24, 2009 - Aero & Marine Tax Professionals

Sheila Ahler Elected to Greater Raleigh Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors

Cherry, Bekaert & Holland, L.L.P. (CB&H) (, has announced that Sheila Ahler, client development partner, was elected to the 2009/2010 Greater Raleigh Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. Ahler began her term on Oct. 1, 2009 and will serve on the board for three years. For... - October 23, 2009 - Cherry Bekaert LLP

Lloyds Finance Group Provides US $100 Million Financing

Lloyds Finance Group, a global provider of financial products and services, completed US $100 Million financing secured by Standby Letter of Credit. - October 23, 2009 - Lloyds Finance Group

Lloyds Finance Group Financed a Major Project of 876 Million EUR

Lloyds Finance Group, a global provider of financial products and services, completed financing the third phase of a major, 876 Million Euro project. - October 23, 2009 - Lloyds Finance Group

Puerto Rican Credit Unions Join FSCC Shared Branching Network

Fourteen Puerto Rican credit unions are celebrating a milestone this week as they begin participating in Shared Branching through Financial Service Centers Cooperative, Inc. (FSCC), the nation’s largest and most convenient credit union Shared Branching network. This addition represents the... - October 23, 2009 - financial service centers cooperative, inc

New Interactive Robot to Teach Critical Fire Safety to Onslow County Children

According to the U.S. Fire Administration, an estimated 2,800 children are injured and 850 killed each year in residential fires nationwide. Now, thanks a $6,500 donation, Onslow County Fireman's Association and its member fire departments will be able to enhance their fire safety outreach efforts... - October 23, 2009 - SIA Group

Gold, Oil, and the Commodity Currencies Seminar

Varengold Bank FX, a brand of Varengold Wertpapierhandelsbank AG, presents a seminar on investing in Gold, Oil, and the commodity currencies. - October 23, 2009 - Varengold Bank FX

Language Best Line Introduces Low-Cost Language Translation, Interpretation and Assistance Services

Language Best Line is in the business of language interpretation and translation service headquartered in New York City, with outsourced telephonic interpretation services for medical, health insurance, market research and other business processes throughout the United States and across the globe. The company is a full-service provider of telephonic interpretation and document translation. - October 23, 2009 - CF Health Solutions Pvt Ltd

The Tony Croft Team at Barclay Funding Now Specializing in FHA Refinancing

Effective 1/1/10, the rules will become more stringent to refinance an existing FHA loan with another FHA loan. Professional help is recommended. - October 23, 2009 - The Tony Croft Team at Barclay Funding Corp

Golfers and Business Executives Minimize Mistakes With Mind Game Strategies

Dr. Dan Schaefer introduces his new proprietary strategies to help competitive individuals achieve success. - October 22, 2009 - Dr. Dan Schaefer

Konsilia Joins the United Tax Network as the Exclusive Spanish Firm

Konsilia joins the United Tax Network in Spain as the exclusive Spanish Firm. With 40+ offices in the EMEA, United Tax Network is the fastest growing and almost the largest professional organization providing a complete range of services in the field of international taxation. Siegfried Jagga, Chairman of United Tax Network EMEA added: “We found Fernando del Canto (Konsilia) and their team a perfect fit for us." - October 22, 2009 - Konsilia Tax Precision

CNBC Squawk Box Commentator and Investment Manager John Merrill to Co-Host “Winning Strategies with Tim Connolly” on October 23, 2009 at 10:00 am ET

Frequent CNBC Commentator and Tanglewood Wealth Management Founder and Investment Manager John Merrill, will co-host "Winning Strategies with Tim Connolly" (formerly Corporate Strategies), Friday, October 23, 2009 at 10:00 am ET. Call in live and toll free at 800-336-2225 or listen live... - October 22, 2009 - Corporate Strategies, LLC

Scientific Capital Arranges a 3 Million SBA 504 Loan for the Acquisition of a Comfort Inn in Virginia

Scientific Capital Group arranges a 3 MM SBA 504 loan for the acquisition of a Comfort Inn in Virginia. The project was financed as 80% Loan to Cost (LTC) with the first position financing through an FDIC lender and the 2nd position loan through the SBA. Previously the 504 loans could be used for... - October 22, 2009 - Scientific Capital Group, Inc.

Holiday Gift 09: Investing in the Future

Trends are proving parents want value, education and quality in what they buy for their children, even if parents are cutting back, they are still willing to splurge on items they believe will help their children build skills for the future - October 22, 2009 - Prosperity4Kids, Inc.

FinanceDog Launches Website, Financial IQ Test and Training Modules

FinanceDog has rolled out their new website at offering individuals and businesses assessment tools and training modules to help managers better understand corporate finance. The launch of the website coincides with a new study published in the Harvard Business Review this month... - October 22, 2009 - FinanceDog

Collins, Einhorn, Farrell & Ulanoff P.C. Attorney Farrell Named to Michigan Super Lawyers® List in Environmental Law

Clayton F. Farrell, a partner at Southfield-based Collins, Einhorn, Farrell & Ulanoff, P.C., was recognized by Super Lawyers® magazine among the top Michigan attorneys in environmental law. - October 22, 2009 - Collins, Einhorn, Farrell & Ulanoff, P.C.

Barnes Roffe Launch New ‘Ask an Accountant’ Feature

Top 30 accountancy firm Barnes Roffe are definitely going from strength to strength in their commitment to offering their clients easy, immediate and free access to their diverse range of accountancy resources and tools. - October 22, 2009 - Barnes Roffe Chartered Accountants

Leading National Certified Public Accountants MBAF Celebrates 40th Anniversary

Morrison, Brown, Argiz & Farra, LLP (MBAF) celebrates 40 years of excellence as a leading national certified public accountants and respected global auditing and accounting firm. This year marks the 40th anniversary of Florida-based MBAF, ranked as “Best of the Best,” the list of... - October 22, 2009 - MBAF LLC

Investment Clubs Converge on London for the National Investment Club Conference 2009

Members of the UKs investment clubs will be converging on London on Saturday the 31st October for the National Investment Club Conference 2009. Now in its third year, this annual event brings together private investors and investment clubs from all over the UK to meet and share experiences. More information can be found at - October 21, 2009 - timetotrade

anyoption™ Increases the Number of Underlying Assets on Its Binary Options Trading Platform

From 23 to 41 to in just 3 months. That’s the speed in which anyoption™ is increasing the number of underlying assets available on its binary options trading platform. Responding to an increase in demand for new underlying assets, the introduction of 28 in only 3 months has ensured anyoption™ remains at the forefront of the binary options trading market. - October 21, 2009 - anyoption™

Transportation Consultants, Ahern & Associates to Quadruple Thomas & Sons’ Existing Freight Brokerage Services

Trucking consulting firm, Ahern & Associates hired by Thomas & Sons Distributors to aggressively expand their regional freight brokerage services up and down the west coast. - October 21, 2009 - Ahern and Associates

Corporate Wellness Executive Unravels Health Care Reform

In response to growing alarm by Michigan businesses that health reform and employee health insurance premiums are getting out of hand, Scott Foster, Wellco Corporation’s President, will be moderating the Healthcare Reform panel at TiECon Midwest 2009 on October 23-24, 2009 at the... - October 21, 2009 - Wellco Corporation

First Investors Corporation Celebrates National Save for Retirement Week

Congress has declared October 18-24, 2009 to be National Save for Retirement Week. Statistics have increasingly shown that Americans have inadequate retirement savings. Outside of employer-sponsored plans, most American workers save very little. Today, fewer people are receiving pensions, and the... - October 21, 2009 - First Investors Media

PETCO, Trupanion Pet Insurance Partner to Protect Pets and Pet Parents

PETCO, Trupanion Pet Insurance Partner to Protect Pets and Pet Parents

PETCO Offers Trupanion's Pet Insurance Plans to Help Pet Parents Nationwide Care for their Pets in the Event of Medical Emergencies. - October 20, 2009 - Trupanion

New York City CPA Makes Taxes Fun

New York accounting firm Medows CPA makes taxes fun again with a new Javascript based game. - October 20, 2009 - Medows CPA, PLLC

Malibu Fire Victim Helps Homeowners Across the Country Prepare

Malibu local Bradford Stanley and family lost their home and all their possessions in a 2007 Southern California wildfire. Then, they negotiated with an insurance company that didn’t make it easy to receive compensation. Now, Brad employs these experiences through his new website DocuHome, to make sure that others are prepared ahead of time. - October 20, 2009 - DocuHome Home Inventory

Arendholz Bryan & Associates, PC to Hold Educational Workshop: "Planning for Your Retirement Years and Setting Up a Life Plan"

Arendholz Bryan & Associates, PC is pleased to announce that it will hold an educational seminar, "Planning for you Retirement Years and Setting up a Life Plan," at the Evergreen Woods Auditorium on November 4, 2009. Evergreen Woods is located at 88 Notch Hill Road, North Branford, CT. - October 20, 2009 - Arendholz Bryan & Associates, PC

Self-Storage Investor Offers Tips for Finding Acquisition Deals

Where are the deals in the self-storage market? Scott Meyers wants to help investors find them. On October 28, 2009, Meyers will host the free webinar "Self-Storage Acquisitions: $0 Money Down Case Studies," which is open to anyone interested in learning how to find self-storage real... - October 20, 2009 - MiniCo Insurance Agency, LLC

How Expensive is Your City? Ask

New improved software with more features released on - October 19, 2009 -

FIMBank Targets Romanian Factoring Market

FIMBank plc, in collaboration with leading Romanian business newspaper Ziarul Financiar, organized a conference on the 6th October in Bucharest on “How to finance your business through factoring.” - October 19, 2009 - FIMBank

Investors Make the Trend Their Friend as Timetotrade Launch Trend Line Alerts

New Trend Line Alerting tool helps investors and technical traders ride market trends. timetotrade's trend line alerts track real time movements of shares, foreign exchange pairs, indices and ETFs. When price breaks out above or below a defined trendline investors receive alerts to their mobile phone, email and instant messenger - so there is no need to miss another trading opportunity. The tool can be found at - October 19, 2009 - timetotrade

Aidan Doyle Invited to Speak at MoneyShow/Financial Advisor Symposium

Aidan Doyle, President & CEO of Bellwether Capital LP. has been invited as a guest speaker at the 12th Annual Financial Advisor Symposium, November 9-11, 2009 in Orlando, Florida, USA., alongside other top financial advisors, analysts and portfolio managers, such as Steve Forbes, Chairman &... - October 19, 2009 - Bellwether Capital Management, LP

MBAF Earns Best of the Best Recognition for 14th Year

INSIDE Public Accounting’s Best of the Best honors 25 firms annually for intelligent management and superior operational performance in fiscal and management metrics based on over 50 criteria. - October 19, 2009 - MBAF LLC

LPL Financial Ranked # 2 in J.D. Power and Associates 2009 U.S. Full Service Investor Satisfaction Study; Receives Highest Score in Financial Advisor Satisfaction

Results Demonstrate Client Commitment of LPL Financial Advisors Bill Gordon and Russ Howard of Legacy Private Wealth Management Corp. – independent advisors affiliated with LPL Financial, the nation’s largest independent broker-dealer* – today announced that LPL Financial has... - October 18, 2009 - Legacy Private Wealth Management Corp.

Warren Palmer, Appalachian Underwriters, Inc., Earns Certified Marine Insurance Professional Designation (CMIP)

Warren Palmer, Appalachian Underwriters, Inc., recently earned the prestigious Certified Marine Insurance Professional Designation (CMIP), conferred by the International Institute for Marine Insurance Studies. The St. Petersburg, FL-based organization trains insurance professionals in Commercial... - October 18, 2009 - Appalachian Underwriters, Inc.

Generational Equity Announces the Sale of Atlanta-Based Impact Specialties Inc.

Generational Equity, an advisor to privately-held and family-owned businesses for exit planning, business valuation, and mergers-and-acquisition services, has announced the sale of their client, Impact Specialties, Inc., to Private Investors, Russell and Sharon Gavron. - October 17, 2009 - Generational Equity

Insure4USA Published Guide to Motorcycle Insurance

There are a lot of clauses which present day motorcycle insurance have in itself and all these clauses can make an average motorcycle owner go mad. This is why there is a need for a motorcycle insurance guide which is both elucidate when it comes to its contents, as well as easy to understand. "If you have been looking for such a motorcycle insurance guide which is easy to understand and is of optimum use, provides you with just that", founder of stated. - October 17, 2009 - Insure4USA

Integral Life Foundation Changes Name to One5 Foundation

Integral Life Foundation today announced it is changing its name to the One5 Foundation to more closely align its name with its focus on reducing the mortality rate among children in developing nations. The new name will be used with the tagline “One Child, One World, Five Killers.”... - October 17, 2009 - Nueterra

Crescent State Bank Hosts Chamber After Hours Event

Michael G. Carlton, president of Crescent State Bank (, a wholly owned subsidiary of Crescent Financial Corporation, (NASDAQ Global MarketSM), has announced that the bank’s Holly Springs location will host the Holly Springs Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours... - October 17, 2009 - Crescent State Bank

Liberty for Maine and Virtual Galt to Distribute Sermon on the Mount

Today, Liberty for Maine and Virtual Galt jointly announce it will begin distribution of a special edition of the Sermon on the Mount. Included in the document is a special introduction written by James Oaksun, chair of Liberty for Maine and president of Virtual Galt. The introduction specifically addresses the applicability of the Sermon to treatment of gay men and lesbians in civil society. - October 17, 2009 - Virtual Galt

Corporate Wellness Savings Guarantee Offered Through InTune

Strategic Wellness Partners, architect, owner and operator of InTuneSM, an innovative corporate wellness program, announced yesterday that it will now offer a no-risk savings guarantee to its corporate clients nationwide. - October 16, 2009 - Strategic Wellness Partners, LLC Revolutionizes Giving to Help Poor Entrepreneurs Get Microloans, the world's first person-to-person loan guaranteeing website enables individual givers to double the impact of their contributions while enabling the world's poorest entrepreneurs to get microloans to grow their small businesses. - October 16, 2009 -

Alternative Motors Hires Zack Bender as VP of Finance

Alternative Motors has announced the hiring of Zack Bender as the company Vice President of Finance. - October 16, 2009 - Alternative Motors, Inc.

IAG Can Help You Get Your Business Sold

These Recent Case Studies are examples of what IAG has recently done to help buyers and sellers accomplish their goals with their premium Mergers and Acquisition processes. - October 16, 2009 - International Acquisition Group

FISC Solutions Awarded for State Education Initiative

FISC Solutions was recently recognized for its involvement in the Maine Employers Initiative. The Maine Development Foundation, which was established in 1978, sponsors the Maine Employers Initiative program. The Initiative provides Maine's public and private employers with technical assistance and... - October 16, 2009 - FISC Solutions

Venture Capital Investment Climbs to $6.1B in Q3 2009 - Early Stage Investments, and Healthcare & Internet Sectors All Showing Life

Q3 2009 saw venture capital activity hit $6.1B spread across 678 deals – the highest total of 2009. It represented a 14% increase over Q2 2009 when VC investment was at $5.3B. This is the highest venture capital activity recorded in 2009 although still significantly less than the $7.2B measured by ChubbyBrain in Q3 of 2008. - October 16, 2009 - ChubbyBrain

Generational Equity Announces Sale of Waipahu Town Pharmacy to Walgreens

Generational Equity, a leading advisor to privately held and family-owned businesses for mergers, acquisitions, and strategic growth initiatives, today announced the successful sale of its client, Waipahu Town Pharmacy to Walgreens. Waipahu Town Pharmacy, retail pharmacy based in Waipahu, HI, was... - October 16, 2009 - Generational Equity

Small Business eBooks

The Ann Holman Company launch the first of many eBooks for the small business and entrepreneur sector. As part of an experiment with technology and the concept of 'free,' the company are developing products that not only strip away the hype of running a small business but, also, exploring easy and accessible ways of getting relevant information. - October 16, 2009 - Ann Holman Company

Lloyds Asset Management Predicts Financial Blizzard on Silver

Lloyds Asset Management Predicts Financial Blizzard on Silver

The history of precious metals stands but new historic strides are being made with gold and silver. With inflation still very low and prices predicted to soar, silver is making a quicker than anticipated run at the recent high of $21.34 per ounce in March, 2008, and some analysts are now predicting... - October 15, 2009 - Lloyds Asset Management

Now Upgrade the Level of Financial Accounting Services

Aditech Accounting Services will now provide its virtual help in exchanging the financial statements. Financial accounting services helps in solidifying the base of the organization in the world of business. - October 15, 2009 - Aditech Accounting Services

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