Cancer News
Discover the latest advancements in prevention, early detection, research, treatment, products and services for those affected by cancer and involved in treatment. This section includes organizations raising awareness and funds for cancer research, companies developing technology and medications for cancer treatment and legal and public policy announcements related to carcinogens and cancer care.
'Tis the Season for Donating
Summer's over, so what's next? The holidays and charity functions are hot on the horizon. For this small mom-owned company, Tee Pee for Me co-founders Leslie Head and Lori Brumbach say this is their biggest time of year for both. "This is the time of year we start getting busy... - August 31, 2006 - Tee Pee for Me, LLC
Bert Vogelstein to Deliver a Keynote Address at GTCbio’s 3rd International Conference on Tumor Progression & Therapeutic Resistance
Bert Vogelstein to present on “Translational Implications of Colorectal Cancer Genetics” at GTCbio’s 3rd International Conference on Tumor Progression & Therapeutic Resistance. - August 29, 2006 - GTCbio
CytoCore, Inc. Announces New Cancer Screening and Treatment System on the Horizon
CytoCore, Inc., a biomolecular diagnostics screening company committed to bringing new cancer solutions to the market, has announced the development of a new screening and treatment system. CytoCore has developed the InPath™ System, a cervical/uterine cancer screening and treatment system... - July 24, 2006 - CytoCore
Seven Finalists Selected for The BioWest 2006 Venture Showcase Competition, Presenting World-Changing Technologies
Novel cancer drugs; innovative treatments for blood cancers and clotting; new ways to attack inflammatory and infectious diseases; ground-breaking compounds to treat osteoporosis and metastatic bone disease; pioneering devices for orthopedic surgery; commercializing biofuels from algae; and revolutionary wearable rehabilitation systems comprise the seven finalists in this year’s BioWest Veture Showcase competition. - July 11, 2006 - Colorado BioScience Association
CytoCore Retains MMI Associates, Inc.
Raleigh PR firm to provide public relations and product marketing services to Uterine and Cervical Cancer screening firm. - July 08, 2006 - CytoCore
The Breast Gives Away Free Money
The Breast is giving away collector’s edition, Pink Ribbon Quarters to readers just for the asking. - June 09, 2006 - The Breast Site
New Health Category on - Mesothelioma announces a new category ‘Mesothelioma’ in the health section of this new massive article directory. - June 03, 2006 -
Coldwell Banker Howard Perry And Walston Sponsor Komen NC Triangle Race For The Cure
Local Real Estate Company Sponsors Event To Raise Money For Breast Cancer Research. - June 01, 2006 - Coldwell Banker Howard Perry And Walston
Cancer Survival Rates are on the Rise Due to Increased Awareness from Resources Such as
The current trends in Cancer awareness and prevention are encouraging, but more needs to be done to help spread the word about this destructive disease. provides free blogs to Cancer survivors and anybody affected by Cancer. Keeping a Cancer Blog is a great way to provide information, keep a journal of one’s experience, or share the tale of a loved one’s fight against Cancer. - May 24, 2006 -
Coldwell Banker Howard Perry And Walston Sponsor Komen NC Triangle Gardens For The Cure
Local Real Estate Company Sponsors Event To Raise Money For Breast Cancer Research. - May 02, 2006 - Coldwell Banker Howard Perry And Walston
Zangani Investor Community Announces ViRexx's OvaRex® MAb Coverage
In an effort to better educate the community at; two new articles have been posted. One is an in-depth blog written by The second is an easy-to-understand video/podcast that shows how Ovarex® MAb is used to trigger the body’s immune system to respond to ovarian cancer. - April 01, 2006 - L.G. Zangani, LLC
VM Discovery and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Team on Cancer Drug Discovery
Collaboration Focuses on Compounds Against an Important Cancer Pathway - VM Discovery Inc., a drug-design and discovery company, and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center today announced they have entered into a collaboration to jointly pursue a cancer-drug discovery program. - March 31, 2006 - VM Discovery, Inc.
Antibodies are the First Wave of IGF-1R Antagonists for Cancer Therapy
At least six fully human or humanized antibodies against insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor (IGF-1R) are in early clinical development or close to phase I. - March 07, 2006 - La Merie Business Intelligence
Package Testing Services Firm, DDL, Sponsors “Relay for Life” Team for Cancer Awareness Charity
Package testing services laboratory, DDL, is sponsoring an American Cancer Society “Relay for Life” team to raise money for Cancer research. - November 10, 2005 - DDL Inc.
International Profit Associates Supports Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation
In honor of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month during October, International Profit Associates (IPA-IBA) has taken an active role in support of the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. - October 17, 2005 - IPA
Lindenhurst Hearing Center to Sponsor 7th Annual Walk Against Breast Cancer
The Lindenhurst Hearing Center is located at 672 N. Wellwood Ave., Suite #1. For more information please call them at 631-956-3277 or go to or - October 09, 2005 - Lindenhurst Hearing Center, LLC