Christianity News
Keep the faith with news of interest to Christian audiences. Learn about church programs, art and culture and other faith-based initiatives of interest to churchgoers and clergy.
Christianity Today Considers Content Offer from Advocate USA Publishing
Advocate USA Publishing has offered Reece Manley's Spirit Thinking: Your 30 Day Guide to Enlightenment to Christianity Today for series reprint of material. Cash strapped, Christianity Today recently laid off 31 workers and seeks new sources of material. - November 10, 2009 - Advocate USA LLC
Lifetree Adventures Announced Its Upcoming Mazatlan Trip
More than just constructing the house for the recipient family, volunteers will work side-by-side with them to build it. The families are hard working people willing to help themselves, they simply need the love and investment of time that volunteers can offer. - November 09, 2009 - Lifetree Adventures
Give God the Glory! Series of Books and Devotionals Wins 14th Literary Award: the National Best Books 2009 Award as a Finalist for the Religion: Christianity Category
Give God the Glory! series of books and devotionals by Kevin Wayne Johnson earns an unprecedented 14 literary/media award. - November 03, 2009 - Writing for the Lord Ministries
National Best Book Award 2009 Honours Wealth Out of Ashes as Winning Finalist in Christian Inspiration Category
Wealth Out of Ashes by Bode Ososami, a must-read for anyone seeking answers and God’s mind on Wealth and Prosperity matters, was selected as an Award-Winning Finalist in the Religion : Christian Inspiration category of the National Best Books 2009 Awards - October 24, 2009 - Bode Ososami
Dallas Christian Author Garners Book of the Year Award with "Crossing Twice" While Feeding Charity
Crossing Twice: Answers from the Source Earns Christian Book of the Year Award While Sales Fuel Feed the Children Donation. - October 22, 2009 - Advocate USA LLC
Christian Book of the Year Offer Benefits Readers and Feed the Children Charity
Christian self help and inspiration author Reece Manley announced Thursday his book Crossing Twice: Answers from the Source, the Instamation Christian Book of the Year, will give both readers and a favorite charity a perfect gift this season. By using Amazon to place the order, users need only... - October 16, 2009 - Advocate USA LLC
Christian Self Help Offered by Christian Author Reece Manley
This release details the final findings on a commissioned study. Reece Manley's work bears up to the scrutiny of a third-party consumer reaserch study. Details listed in the press release are the final number in and tabulated. - October 16, 2009 - Advocate USA LLC
Bob and Penny Lord Release Little Treasures Catholic Books Online with Complimenting DVDs
Bob and Penny Lord have recently developed a premise to focus on various individual Saints through DVDs and Little Treasures. Little Treasures are individual booklets on the lives of particular Saints. Additional information on these Saints can be found by combining Little Treasures booklets with... - October 15, 2009 - Bob and Penny Lord
Christian Book of the Year Gains Momentum from Final Studies
TRI, an independent research firm, has released final consumer data for Crossing Twice: Answers from the Source by Dr. Reece W. Manley, DD, M.Ed., MPM. - October 14, 2009 - Advocate USA LLC
Pastor Paula White and Without Walls International Church Hosts Empowered Conference
Without Walls International Church announced this week that they will play host to the 2009 Empowered Conference Tuesday, October 20th, 2009 through Thursday, October 22nd, 2009 with special guests Pastor Michael Pitts, Pastor Darlene Bishop, Pastor Sheryl Brady, and Stellar Award Winning psalmist... - October 14, 2009 - Without Walls International Church
Christian Empowerment for Charleston S.C. Christians
Healing Waters Church hosting a special Empowerment Series for Christians in the Charleston area, members of all churches welcome to attend. - October 07, 2009 - True Hope Churches & Ministries
Why Aren’t Christians Representing Christ Anymore? Says Author of New Novel "Jesus is for Everybody"
Read about the Capitalist Christian and understand the truth surrounding Christianity in America. - September 26, 2009 - Jesus is for Everybody
Chandler Christian Church Follows Successful Drive Thru Prayer Event with School of Prayer
Chandler Christian Church announced that it will be following up its successful Drive Thru Prayer event with School of Prayer. - September 18, 2009 - Chandler Christian Church
God’s Paperboy Delivers 27 Years of Ministry and 10 Years as Pastor
Bishop Veynell Warren, D.D. one of today’s most philosophical and prophetic ministers, is preparing to celebrate 10 years as Pastor of the New Believers Missionary Baptist Church and 27 years of Ministering the word of God. He is often called God’s “Paperboy” because he is... - September 16, 2009 - New Believers Missionary Baptist Church
The C12 Group, America's Leading Christian CEO Roundtable, Holds 10th Annual Leaders Conference In San Antonio
The C12 Group, America’s leading peer-board network of Christian CEOs and business owners, will hold its annual Leaders Conference Nov. 4-7, 2009, in San Antonio at the Hyatt Regency Hill Country Resort & Spa. Open to both C12 members and non-members, the conference brings together Christian business owners and CEOs from across the US to focus on best-practice business and ministry development within their firms. - September 12, 2009 - The C12 Group
Without Walls International Church Presents the “Pursuing His Presence” Conference with Prophet Kim Clement and Pastor Paula White Starting Tuesday, September 1st, 2009
Without Walls International Church announced today that they will be hosting the “Pursuing His Presence” Conference with Prophet Kim Clement and Pastor Paula White taking place Tuesday, September 1st through Thursday, September 3rd at Without Walls International Church. Join Pastor... - August 27, 2009 - Without Walls International Church
Gospel Party in The Park Community Event
Gospel Party in the Park. Saturday August 15th, 2009. 1 5 pm - Free and Open to the Public. Free food, giveaways, haircuts and Health Vendors - July 27, 2009 - The Kings Temple Church
New Book Shows How to Make Your Christian Life Recession-Proof
Wealth out of Ashes is a must read for anyone in trouble as it offers hope and reveals opportunities for us to emerge even stronger out of the current economic crises. It also contains practical instructions to restoring financial discipline and order in business and personal life for those ready for a new mind on "Wealth" matters. This book can make your Christian life Recession-proof. - July 21, 2009 - Bode Ososami
New Book Attacks the Core Tenets of the “Jesus Religion”
Author suggests Christianity is struggling due to fearful, age-old doctrines. - July 09, 2009 - Louis Charles
Peter Popoff DVD Reflects 40 Years of Christian Ministries
Peter Popoff Ministries announces a free gift of Free Miracle Spring Water and Free Crosses in honor of forty years of the Reverend Popoff's Christian ministries. The outreach organization continues to reach out to believers and non-believers seeking prayers in Australia, Canada, US and the UK. This Christian Evangelical Ministry offers personalized prayer for anyone seeking the love of Christ. Popoff recommends going online and visiting him at - June 18, 2009 - Peter Popoff Outreach
Christian Living Bible Institute Researchers Prove the Bible Has the Power of God
For the past five years, staff from the Christian Living Bible Institute have studied the affects of applying the Bible to various areas of people's lives with astonishing results. - June 02, 2009 - Christian Living Ministry, Inc.
Twice Born Ministers a Classic Written by Sam Shoemaker, a Pioneer in the Recovery Movement and a Co-Developer of AA. Republished by Tuchy Palmieri and Healing-Habits.
Twice-Born Ministers is a book of 12 personal stories of 12 ministers who were reborn and re-energized to do the real work of ministry by helping people to become faithful followers in every sense of the word, specifically being reborn themselves to Christ and to his calling. - May 23, 2009 -
1,000,000 Christians Change the Internet on June 16, 2009 with a Live Online Bible Study
The Christian Living Bible Institute and Two Sons of One, LLC believe that God created the Internet for a reason. On June 16th, 2009, the web site will host the largest online Bible study in the world. - May 14, 2009 - Christian Living Ministry, Inc.
Do Catholic Schools Have a Future - a Catholic Digest Special Report
Catholic Digest explores whether or not Catholic schools can survive in these trying times, and what the value of Catholic schooling is to those who advocate for the survival. - April 26, 2009 - Catholic Digest
Spotlight Radio Ministries Launches New Online Radio Ministry
Spotlight Radio Ministries interviews Christian Men and Women, and those who have been touched by His Grace and Mercy, using to help spread the message of Salvation. - April 23, 2009 - Spotlight Radio Ministries
Heavens Best Ministries
Angelo O. Jones Ministries. Heavens Best Healing & Deliverance Baptist Church. - April 21, 2009 - Angelo O Jones Ministries
New Book Release: The Christian, Stand Up and Fight; The Law According to Gods Word
Las Vegas Christian Author Victorya released her powerful new book, The Christian, Stand Up and Fight, with biblical based answers to counter the latest assaults on Christian faith. Paperback available in large print as well as on Amazon Kindle where your purchase is instant and where digial text platform has become the new wave of the future for download reading. - April 11, 2009 - Messages of Faith Ministry
Ministry Launches New Web Site to Explore Christian Peace and Simplicity
The Virtual Hermitary Web site went live on Good Friday offering original essays, sermons and daily devotionals for Christians interested in learning more about a life of Christ-like simplicity and peace. Visitors will find a growing selection of essays, e-books and sermons designed to challenge... - April 11, 2009 - Amy Jo Garner Ministries
Encouragement for Christians Struggling in the Current Economy Publishes LOADED WITH BENEFITS by Ollie and Daisy Buckner - March 29, 2009 - Ollie and Daisy Buckner
Cantcha Launches iMissal on iTunes – The first Catholic Missal / Missalette for iPhone and iPod Touch
Just in time for Easter. iMissal is the first true Catholic Missal / Missalette application for iPhone and iPod Touch. - March 26, 2009 - Cantcha, Inc.
Ugly Hermit Finds a Home in St. Paul's Episcopal Church
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, located in Waldorf, Maryland, has opened its doors and kitchen to the Ugly Hermit Cookie Company, a Maryland-based start-up. - March 23, 2009 - Ugly Hermit Cookie Company
Christian Web Host, OurChurch.Com, Allies with Christian Associations
OurChurch.Com, a leading provider of custom web design, hosting, marketing, and advertising services to Christian organizations and individuals, has announced a new initiative to ally with large Christian associations, such as church denominations and Christian school associations. Called the... - March 12, 2009 - OurChurch.Com Announces the New Gospel Online Community
If you are a Christian and a believer of Christ, then Gospelville is the place to be. - March 10, 2009 -
Fighting for Peace Helps Christians Confront Conflict with Character
Dr. Dennis D. Morgan encourages readers to see conflict as an invitation from God to strengthen relational closeness in Fighting for Peace, the new book being released in April from Watertree Press. - March 03, 2009 - Watertree Press LLC
"Real Talk" an African American Woman Has Written a Religious Book About Her Vision of Christ
In a world where "Good News" is needed it's time to praise and acknowledge Jesus...He is alive y'all! Are you ready for an enlightening, Religious Autobiographical book that tackles spirituality head on from an African American Woman's perspective? - IF YOU WANT YOUR LIFE, YOU HAVE TO FIGHT!!! THE BRENDA SAW JESUS STORY (148 pp.,tpb, $14.95) - February 23, 2009 - BSJ
New Release: In the Realm of God, a Miraculous Visit from Jesus
New Amazon Kindle Release: In The Realm of God This is a True Story based on a Divine Manifestation that occurred in 1998, where Author Victorya came face to face with Jesus. His Message on Forgiveness. A Three Fold Controversial Story on Spirituality, Inspiration and NV. Mental Health Law. - February 22, 2009 - Messages of Faith Ministry
Anne Hendershott's, Status Envy Evaluates the Politics of Catholic Higher Education
Transaction Publishers releases a new title by Anne Hendershott called Status Envy. This book argues that the secularization process occurring on many campuses is not the "natural" byproduct of modernization, but rather, the result of those seeking control over the culture and curriculum of Catholic colleges and universities. - February 12, 2009 - Transaction Publishers Hits Over 3000 Sermons with 225 Ministers Contributing has been helping pastors come up with sermon outlines since 2002 now hosts over 3000 sermons online with 225 ministers contributing. - February 05, 2009 - preachit ministires
Celestine Publishing Released Fifth Book in the Principles with Promise Series for The Doctrine and Covenants of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Celestine Publishing announced the publishing of its fifth book in the Principles with Promise series; this time a concordance cataloging more than eight hundred principles found in The Doctrine and Covenants of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. - January 30, 2009 - Celestine Publishing, LLC
Family Christian Movies Announces Jan 27 DVD Release of Fireproof, the Hit Christian Film with Kirk Cameron
Fireproof has impacted Christian theater goers with it's positive message and quality production. Produced by Sherwood Pictures, the creators of Flywheel and Facing the Giants, Fireproof will be released to DVD on January 27. Family Christian Movies is offering many significant discounts and promotions in coordination with the DVD release of Fireproof. - January 22, 2009 - Lukas Media LLC
New and Unique Catholic 2009 Planner has designed a new weekly planner to help the busy catholic organize their life and allows Catholics to learn more about their faith. - January 07, 2009 - My Church Planner
Bishop Veynell Warren, D.D. Recaps 2008 for the New Believers Missionary Baptist Church
The secular world talks about New Year's resolutions, whereas at the New Believers Missionary Baptist Church, our resolutions settled along the scriptures. - December 31, 2008 - New Believers Missionary Baptist Church
Startup Nonprofit Launches Magazine to Share Christian Perspectives
The nonprofit organization New Identity Magazine recently launched a new publication by the same name to help introduce Christianity and Christian perspectives to people who come from a variety of backgrounds, cultures, and ethnicities. - December 13, 2008 - New Identity Magazine
Christmas Season Takes Its Toll on Pastors; Pastor Burnout Rises During the Holiday Season
PastorCare offers hurting clergy help during stressful times. - December 10, 2008 - PastorCare
A New Way to Buy Christian and Family DVDs - Brought to You by Lukas Media LLC., an online store selling family and Christian movies on DVD has recently been launched by Lukas Media LLC just in time for the 2008 holiday Season. - December 01, 2008 - Lukas Media LLC
HIV/AIDS in the Church, Pastor Tackles Tough Topic
Sacramento Mega-church Lead Pastor Rick Cole of Capital Christian Center has a tough task in front of him. He must communicate hope on what was once considered a taboo subject from the pulpit. The HIV/AIDS pandemic will be the topic his Sunday sermon concluding with an offer of free and confidential HIV/AIDS testing from Sacramento Center For AIDS Research, Education and Services (CARES). - November 30, 2008 - Capital Christian Center
Great Reviews for The Forgotten Roots: A Beginners Guide to The Judaic Roots of Christianity
The Director of MDDL Discernment and Study Ministry has produced a best selling book that is receiving many positive reviews. With so many Christian books promoting man and what man wants it is refreshing to have a book that points man back to G-d. - November 22, 2008 - MDDL Discernment and Study Ministry
Christians Move Into Action: Author Publishes First Christian Book Designed to Stay Off Bookshelves
Christine Pechstein is changing the way Christians schedule appointments, set priorities, and maintain accountability for their daily activities by publishing her Christian life balance agenda. - November 13, 2008 - Move Into Action
Christian Consumers Rely on Those of Like Faith for Information – Faith Approved Offers Christian Product Reviews
Many Christians in today's world are interested in finding out what other Christians have to say about various products. They often look to others of like faith for information on products and more. One new site,, is now offering Christian product reviews written by Christians,... - October 29, 2008 - Faith Approved
Closet Christian: An Election Swing Vote, and Purple to Red and Blue - Evangelical Christian Afraid to Air Thought Publicly, Assumes Persona of "Pat Doe"
With the election coming to a close, and both Congress and the economy in recession, and the markets up and down like a rollercoaster, the deciding force in the election will be swing votes, and a number of them will come from what used to be safe territory for Republicans: the evangelical... - October 17, 2008 -