Christianity News
Keep the faith with news of interest to Christian audiences. Learn about church programs, art and culture and other faith-based initiatives of interest to churchgoers and clergy.
For Your PDA or Smartphone – Olive Tree Bible Software Releases Three New Catholic Devotionals, One in Spanish
Adding to their growing list of over 2 dozen different daily devotional eBooks, Olive Tree has recently released three new devotionals written especially for Catholics: Bible Day by Day, Daily Meditations with Saint Augustine, and Cada dia es un Don. Now you can take your devotional readings with... - September 27, 2007 - Olive Tree Bible Software
Christian Biographies for your PDA or Smartphone
Olive Tree Bible Software, an electronic publisher providing Bibles and study tools for PDA and Smartphone devices, continues to add to their catalogue of Christian eBooks. Among other encouraging Christian writings are a number of short biographies that are taken from spoken messages given by John... - September 27, 2007 - Olive Tree Bible Software
Warren Wandling Appears on Biblical Coaching ™ Podcast to Discuss the Firewall for the Mind
Host Marlo Boux interviews speaker and business coach of Academic Success Inc. - September 26, 2007 - Biblical Coaching Podcast
Philadelphia's Only Primarily African-American Openly Gay Affirming Pentecostal Church Will be Gathering Other People of Faith Proclaiming the Radically Inclusive Gospel
Miracle Weekend 2007 will be the backdrop for the bringing together of prominent Christian organizations who have an affirming ministry to lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgender individuals. - September 26, 2007 - Greater Hope Fellowship
New Christian Book Published by Local Author Larry D. Williams Entitled "America in Exile"
"America in Exile," by Larry D. Williams. This book is about the immoral society of America, in which she has turned from the God of her forefathers and has suppressed the truth and blessings of God that was granted to her. This Nation was founded upon the principles of religious freedom and liberty, but has committed spiritual adultery against the God who created her as a great and strong Nation. - September 15, 2007 - Dover 1st Baptist Bible Correspondence School
New Christian Book Will Turn Believers Into Walking "John 3:16" Billboards
New John 3:16 Campaign will be released 9/11/07. Online Christian Shopper is in no way associated with or related to Max Lucado. - September 04, 2007 - Online Christian Shopper
Legion of Mary Extending to St. Bede Catholic Church in Williamsburg Virginia
A new Legion of Mary Group is forming at St. Bede Catholic Church in Williamburg Virginia. Fr. Abe will serve as its spiritual director. All practicing Catholic in the area are welcome to attend the first meeting on September 8 at 8:00 a.m. - August 27, 2007 - Legion of Mary - Tidewater, VA Curia
Olive Tree Captures the Mobile Landscape with New Cell Phone Bible Resources
In the rapidly changing arena of mobile devices, Olive Tree Bible Software is an innovative company on the cutting edge of new software and technology, supporting hundreds of devices that span 12 different operating systems, and offering a continual supply of new resources for the company's... - August 26, 2007 - Olive Tree Bible Software
Peter Ilchuk Has Been Selected for Inclusion Into the Exclusive Princeton Premier 2007-2008 Registry
Peter Ilchuk has been selected for inclusion into the exclusive Princeton Premier 2007-2008 Registry. Peter, a personal aide to the office of the Metropolitan, holds a B.A. in Hospitality Management from the University of Massachusetts. Peter works for the Orthodox Church in America and arranges... - August 24, 2007 - Princeton Premier
Corner Stork Delivers New Baptism & Christening Gifts
Online baby & children's gift boutique provides range of baptism and christening gifts to suit a variety of tastes, roles for each ceremony. - August 19, 2007 - Corner Stork Baby Gifts
New Bible Resources for Symbian Series 60 v3.0 Cell Phones
Olive Tree Bible Software announces the release of dozens of new products for Symbian 60v3 cell phones. - August 18, 2007 - Olive Tree Bible Software
Pastor Lyle Dukes and Co-Pastor Deborah Dukes Will Host the Ministry of Excellence Empowerment Conference 2007, October 10th - 12th in Woodbridge, VA at the Harvest Life
Bishop Kenneth Ulmer, the Senior Pastor of the 15,000-member Faithful Central Bible Church in Inglewood, CA, and Pastor Sheryl Brady, of the River Church in Durham, NC are among several powerful speakers coming to the Woodbridge, VA area October 10th - 12th for the Ministry of Excellence Empowerment Conference 2007. - August 17, 2007 - Harvest Life Changers Church, International
Pastor Anthony Murray Inducted Into Metropolitan Who’s Who Executive and Professional Registry
Metropolitan Who’s Who Registry of Executives and Professionals recognizes Anthony Murray, pastor at Hopewell Baptist Church, for showing dedication, leadership and excellence in all aspects of religion. Mr. Murray has an impressive background in religion and spiritual services. It is his... - August 15, 2007 - Cambridge Who's Who
Sandee Strunk Visits the Biblical Coaching ™ Podcast August 15, 2007
‘Christian Coaches Today’ founder featured to discuss resources for Christian Coaches. - August 14, 2007 - Biblical Coaching Podcast
New Internet Evangelism Ebook Offered Free
A free ebook on internet evangelism by educator and mediastrategy consultant Dan Henrich was published last week in Lynchburg, VA. The book, Internet Evangelism for the 21st Century, is based on the workshops conducted at the “Internet Evangelism for the 21st Century” Conference held in... - August 10, 2007 -
Biblical Coaching Podcast Premieres August 1, 2007
Host Marlo Boux launches brand new weekly podcast for the Christian business community. - July 31, 2007 - Biblical Coaching Podcast
Xclaimed Ministries 7-7-7 Event at the Rose Bowl Stadium - An Xtraordinary Success
The Xclaimed Ministries, July 7, 2007 event at the Rose Bowl Stadium was an Xtraordinary success. Over 9000 people enjoyed a day of celebrating Jesus Christ with seven hours of entertainment and worship by seven bands and an evangelistic message by Pastor Paul Karanick. - July 20, 2007 - Xclaimed Ministries, Inc
Bible Biographies for Your PDA or Smartphone, from Olive Tree Bible Software
Olive Tree Bible Software announces the publication of five new eBook biographies for your PDA or Smartphone written by F.B. Meyer, an outstanding author and dear man of God. Meyer has penned biographies of many of the most famous Biblical figures, including those below. Writing with his mighty... - July 15, 2007 - Olive Tree Bible Software
New Century Version (NCV) Bible for Your PDA or Smartphone
Read the New Century Version (NCV) Bible from Thomas Nelson on your PDA or Smartphone, using Olive Tree Bible Software's powerful BibleReader application. The BibleReader will let you read the Bible text, navigate quickly to a specific reference using the Verse Chooser, scroll through the text just... - July 05, 2007 - Olive Tree Bible Software
Christian Website Provides a Friendly and Safe Community for Christians
A new online forum has successfully provided Christians a friendly and safe community for discussions on various topics. Christian Forum Site is now growing popular among serious Christians. - June 28, 2007 - Christian Forum Site
Two New Books on Prayers in the Bible and New Website for Bible Games
GIL Publications is celebrating the launch of it new website: with a free book: 101 Prayers in the Bible: Biblical Lessons and Bible Scriptures. - June 21, 2007 - GIL Publications
The Corpus Illuminata Publishes Via Iesu Christi, “The Way of Christ”
“I am the alpha and the omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. I am the light of the world, the spirit everlasting…” These are the words that begin Via Iesu Christi, “The Way of Christ.” “This piece was created in a thunderbolt of... - June 20, 2007 - The Corpus Illuminata
Launching of
At you can post your problems and any other prayer requests and have the world pray with you. - June 12, 2007 - Prayer Request Web
Saint Augustine is Now on MySpace; Will Blog the Confessions
The Augustinians of the Province of Saint Thomas of Villanova are happy to announce that Saint Augustine of Hippo is now on MySpace, the social networking website growing in popularity among many generations. The Augustinians have created a profile for Saint Augustine on MySpace, which enables... - June 09, 2007 - The Augustinians of the Province of Saint Thomas of Villanova
NET Bible® First Edition for your PDAs or Smartphones
In partnership with, Olive Tree Bible Software has released the NET Bible® First Edition for PDA and Smartphone devices. The Bible text only is available as a free download for your Palm, Pocket PC, Windows Mobile Smartphone, BlackBerry, and Symbian devices. The Bible text with the... - June 06, 2007 - Olive Tree Bible Software
Zion's Fire - A Christian Music Minsitry Joins Ablaze Live Church in Broken Arrow
Zion's Fire, a contemporary Christian rock band has joined forces with Pastor Tim Dreier to start a new church in North Broken Arrow, Oklahoma - Ablaze Live Church. - June 03, 2007 - Zion's Fire
Lisa Kemp-Williams Ministers at Christ’s Seedtime and Harvest Faith Ministries
Prophetic psalmist to minister in word and song at Seedtime and Harvest Faith Ministries Women’s Conference. - June 02, 2007 - LKW Ministries International
Lisa Kemp-Williams Ministers at Long Island New York Dinner Banquet and East-Chester Church of God
Prophetic psalmist to minister in word and song at Eastchester Church of God in New York, and a Dinner Banquet in Long Island New York. - May 20, 2007 - LKW Ministries International
Natrona Heights Presbyterian Church Installs AEDs
Natrona Heights Presbyterian Church becomes "Heart Safe" with the installation of two (2) AEDs from NewHouse Medical. - May 18, 2007 - NewHouse Medical
Hundreds of Bibles and Study Tools for Your PDA or Smartphone
Olive Tree Bible Software provides over 300 Bibles and Bible study tools for PDAs and Smartphones; some of their more recent releases include Oxford University Press' New Scofield Bible Notes and a mobile version of Tyndale's iLumina with the NIV. More and more PDA users are finding that these... - May 18, 2007 - Olive Tree Bible Software
Christian Myspace Alternative launches JCFaith News, an integrated online Christian social ecosystem, announced today the launch of JCFaith News, a service that aggregates content from newspapers, magazines, blogs, and other web sites. On the site, news pages are divided into a dozen main themes, such as Christian and Entertainment. The... - May 01, 2007 -
Many Women with Children Need Help: Introducing a New Ministry for Women
New Broken Vessels Ministry has bible study and group discussion every Friday at 9:00 a.m. at It's God's Choice Christian Bookstore at 1454 Addison Road South, Capitol Heights, MD 20743. - April 28, 2007 - New Broken Vessels Ministry
Website Challenges Christian Teens to Make a Difference in their Generation
Drugs, sex, depression, and suicide are common place today in teen society. is putting out the challenge, calling on a minimum of 10,000 Christian teens to publicly declare their discontent with the way their generation is living their lives, and then challenging them to do something about it. - April 07, 2007 -
Star of the Sea Catholic Church in Virginia Beach Starting Legion of Mary Group
Star of the Sea Catholic Church in Virginia Beach, Virginia is starting up a new Legion of Mary group. It meets every Thursday at 7:00 PM. For more information see the bulletin. Fr. Steve at Star of the Sea is starting the praesidium (local group) in order to help increase the holiness of... - April 02, 2007 - Legion of Mary - Tidewater, VA Curia - The True Christian Community Site, Built to Glorify God
HHS has a huge obligation to it's members to be true to what the true gospel is, and they do not waiver. They love everyone and want everyone to understand the truth of Jesus Christ so they can respond appropriately to the gospel and be saved. That is true love. - March 18, 2007 -
VineHosting™, The Vine Network Moves into New Data Center and Increases its Ability to Provide Top Quality Services to Christian Ministries Across the Nation and World
Vine Hosting, a WebEmpoweredChurch ASP, Hosting & Colocation provider to non-profit Christian oriented organizations announces that it completed relocating all of its Newark based business operations and physical resources to a new facility, effective Feb 1, 2007. The move will allow the... - February 07, 2007 - VineHosting
Author Challenges Christians to Take Back the Supernatural
Christian author and minister Kenneth Clifton says Christians have given up a supernatural heritage and have suffered the consequences. He says his books and ministry seek to awaken Christians to their Divine supernatural destiny in this world. - February 05, 2007 - Kenneth Clifton
Legion of Mary (Tidewater Virginia Curia) to Hold Acies on March 18th at St. Matthew Catholic Church in Virginia Beach, VA
Acies will be held on March 18th at 3:00 p.m. at St. Matthew. St. Matthew Catholic Church in is located at 3314 Sandra Lane, Virginia Beach, VA. The word Acies is Latin, and means “an army ranged in battle array.” At Acies legionaries as a body assemble to renew their fealty to... - January 29, 2007 - Legion of Mary - Tidewater, VA Curia
Prayer 101 – Learning to Talk with God, Now Available as an eBook Exclusively from Olive Tree Bible Software
Pastor Don Aycock’s new book, Prayer 101: Learning to Talk with God is scheduled for release in March, 2007. Too long to wait? If you’re ready to start this book now, it is currently available for download as an eBook from Olive Tree. Purchase and download the whole eBook, or download a... - December 12, 2006 - Olive Tree Bible Software
Olive Tree Bible Software Announces Add-on Modules for iLumina Mobile Digitally Animated PDA Software Suite
In support of their popular digitally animated Bible study software suite for PDA devices, Olive Tree Bible Software announces the release of several additional modules that will further enhance the user experience. The additional modules include Multimedia Add-ons, with more video tours and... - December 07, 2006 - Olive Tree Bible Software
Finally a Website for Christians in NY is Here. "The online source for Christians in New York." New Christ City encompasses the flavor of NY with the excitement of Christian living. Imagine a website that informs, inspires and interconnects you with other likeminded people all within your local community. - December 04, 2006 - New Christ City.Com
OurChurch.Com Launches New Christian Search Engine Powered by Google
OurChurch.Com, whose Directory of Christian Websites is one of the largest and most trustworthy Christian directories online, has launched a new Christian search engine powered by Google’s custom search engine service. OurChurch.Com launched its original Directory of Christian Websites in... - November 28, 2006 - OurChurch.Com
Generation M - Outreach, Evangelism, and Group Study through The Bible Experience
Generation M is an outreach movement motivated in bridging the intergenerational and inspirational gap that exists between all age groups. Generation M is the generation of people who will influence the New Millennium and impact the world based on their ability to: (1) market their gifts,... - November 10, 2006 - Generation M, a Christian Alternative to, Launched a Photo Storage and Video Feature Comparable to (Photo Storage) and (Video)
Chattanooga, TN. based, a Christian alternative to, launched a Photo Storage and Video feature comparable to (photo storage) and (Video). JCFaith essentially serves as a central "hub" for storing, sharing, publishing visual... - November 09, 2006 -
Christian Distance Learning Degree Directory Exceeds 475 Entries
In its ninth year as the leading online resource for Christian distance learning and online degrees, Baker’s Guide to Christian Distance Education ( continues to expand. Today the Christian Distance Learning Degree and Program Directory... - November 07, 2006 - Baker's Guide to Christian Distance Education
Radical Christianity: Peace and Justice in the New Testament from Counsellor Publishing Answers Rosie O'Donnell
This new book challenges popular beliefs about the religion of Jesus. Lost understandings are thoroughly presented on wealth and the use of force to address evil. Applications are suggested for community involvement. - November 04, 2006 - Counsellor Publishing
Open Invitation to Attend the Christian Womens Resources 1st Annual Online Virtuous Women’s Retreat, October 24 – 26, 2006
The 3 day online Virtuous Women’s Retreat offers women the opportunity to attend a total of 21 inspirational live workshops with a contest and prize giveaway at the end of each one and 3 networking sessions for a chance to fellowship and meet and greet one another. - October 18, 2006 - Christian Women's Resources
Christian Broadcasting System Teams with Microspace to Distribute Dr. Laura Radio Show
Satellite Supports Growing Christian Radio Market. - October 04, 2006 - Microspace Communications Corporation
Spread the Gospel of Jesus
$100 webcam gets 100,000's visitors. - September 25, 2006 - Register Everywhere, Inc
Catholics Celebrate Birth of St. Mary
Today, September 8th is a Catholic Feast day celebrating the birth of the Mother of God. This is the first feast day in the liturgical year, and is aptly celebrated as such because Catholic believe St. Mary to be the new Eve and the Theotokos (Greek for Mother of God). St. Mary's conception... - September 08, 2006 - Legion of Mary - Tidewater, VA Curia