Publishing News

All the news that’s fit to print about the publishing industry, covering market research, promotions, awards, new imprints, personnel, technology, editing software, marketing and e-publishing. Also find information on licensing, book deals, editors, publishers, partnerships and mergers and acquisitions.

SJS Comic Promotions Markets Book for National Distribution

SJS Comic Promotions Markets Book for National Distribution

Comic Promoter Susan Soares announced this week the detailed plans to market and promote the agency’s first title to achieve national distribution. "Sky Pirates of Valendor," a 148-page fantasy graphic novel published by Free Lunch Comics, is scheduled for national distribution... - July 27, 2010 - SJS Comic Promotions

DeviceGuru Launches New Website to Advance the Awareness of Intelligent Transport Systems Technologies and Applications will focus on the latest developments, trends, challenges, and successes in intelligent transportation systems (ITS) and cooperative vehicles. - July 27, 2010 - DeviceGuru Blog Network Announces Kick-Off of 2010 Weddzilla Guru Awards announces the launch of the 2010 Weddzilla Guru Awards. Hosted by their star-studded Weddzilla Guru Panel, the Weddzilla Guru Awards will recognize the top 25 best blogs in the wedding industry as voted by the public. - July 26, 2010 -

The Funny Side of Lung Cancer – Thomas Palfy’s Latest Book Published

The Funny Side of Lung Cancer – Thomas Palfy’s Latest Book Published

Thomas Palfy, writer-photographer, creator of several Australian travel-photo books contracted lung cancer. He decided not to despair but to create a light hearted, witty account of his experiences in the hospital. At the same time he is encouraging people not to give up when facing adversity in life. - July 25, 2010 - Thomas Palfy

STRAT Newsletter Article: Why Newsweek Failed

In an exclusive special report, media business analyst William Dunkerley explores the recent failure of Newsweek. - July 23, 2010 - STRAT Newsletter

ABG Appoints New Software Developer Sriram Tarikere

New software developer to help lead ABG’s same day and hourly document printing service into the cloud. - July 21, 2010 - Advanced Business Group, Inc.

ABG Reinvents 60 Seconds with Print on Demand in 4 Hours

NYC’s leading bound document printing company works with CEO’s to provide four hour printing. - July 21, 2010 - Advanced Business Group, Inc.

Ad-Juster, Inc. Joins IAB, Adds New Agency and Publisher Clients

Ad-Juster, Inc. Joins IAB, Adds New Agency and Publisher Clients

Ad-Juster, Inc. has recently joined the IAB as an Associate Member, and has added significant new Agency and Publisher clients to its client lineup. Ad-Juster is designed to automatically support the IAB’s Impression Exchange Standard (IES) in addition to Non-IES ad units and ad delivery... - July 20, 2010 - Ad-Juster, Inc.

Guideposts Relaunches Website with Content Aimed at Expanding Its Audience

Leading Inspirational Publisher Enhances its Digital Offerings with Improved User Interface, Suite of Free eBooks and Topical Newsletters. - July 20, 2010 - Guideposts Features the Value of Friendship and the Love for Science and Writing announces its new featured book and author with David Field and The Lonely Star by James Wilkinson. - July 15, 2010 -

Three Rubicon Publishing Series Win a Texty Award

Rubicon Publishing is proud to announce that it has received the rare honour of having three of its series tie for a prestigious 2010 Textbook Excellence Award. - July 14, 2010 - Rubicon Publishing

Innovate the Future, by David Croslin, Enables Smart Companies to Innovate Consistently and Competitively via Step-by-Step Method; Demystifies Innovation Process

Innovate the Future, by David Croslin, Enables Smart Companies to Innovate Consistently and Competitively via Step-by-Step Method; Demystifies Innovation Process

David Croslin, holder of 25 patents and former Chief Technologist at Hewlett-Packard, has provided in his new book, Innovate the Future, a repeatable innovation process that will allow companies to quickly develop highly competitive and disruptive innovations without increased risk or expense. The book is currently being read by executives at leading companies including ATT, Verizon, Alcatel-Lucent, ITT, HP and many others. - July 12, 2010 - Innovate the Future, Inc. Ties Up with PR Newswire, the largest trade show directory, has entered into a partnership with PR Newswire, a pioneer in the news distribution industry. - July 10, 2010 -

UNI Press Publications Announces a New Novel, Isn’t She Lovely, by Ebony Nicole

UNI Press Publications Announces a New Novel, Isn’t She Lovely, by Ebony Nicole

Isn’t She Lovely Addresses Issues that Drives the Reader to Question our Collective Roles as a Society and our Commitment to the Futures of our Youth, and the Importance of Self Esteem. - July 06, 2010 - UNI Press Publications

New Website Launched to Help Authors Get Their Books Written and Published

A professional writer with more than 12 years experience has launched a great new website to help other people write their books and get them published, marketed and sold by the thousand - July 06, 2010 - The Word Queen

Editors Only - June 2010 Issue Available

Announcing the publication of the June 2010 issue of the Editors Only online newsletter. - July 04, 2010 - Editors Only

"K" Launches English and French Blogs with the Naming of Lady Gaga as Queen of the SMM Generation

‘‘K’’ will use these two platforms to write about the SMM Generation’s position on current news and events. The subjects discussed on each blog will be, most of the times, different from one another. The first blog will explain the SMM Generation by using the example of a very famous one: Lady Gaga. - July 03, 2010 - Mother Nation Publishing

Wright Scoop Expands Eco-Chic Column

Richmond based The Wright Scoop – consultant, lecturer, & wordsmith, Sylvia Hoehns Wright, nationally recognized contributing writer and eco-specialist, has expanded distribution of a column based on her book, From Eco-weak to Eco-chic: landscape green. - July 02, 2010 - The Wright Scoop

GRAPA Creates New Discussion-Based Blog for Telecoms Revenue Professionals: Join the Discussion

GRAPA’s newest blog focuses on issues faced by the entire revenue professional community. - July 02, 2010 - Global Revenue Assurance Professional Association

New Inspirational Booger Book from The PhazelFOZ Company

New Inspirational Booger Book from The PhazelFOZ Company

The phazelFOZ Company has brought together author DJ Corchin and illustrator Dan Dougherty once again to publish a new charming and fun children’s book, You Got A Boogie. A silly and heartwarming, full-colored story that provides a hilarious opportunity to speak with kids about telling... - July 01, 2010 - The Phazelfoz Company, LLC

Smashwords and Wattpad Partner to Offer Exciting New Publishing Options for Indie Authors

Wattpad, the world’s most popular ebook community, and Smashwords, the leading ebook publishing and distribution platform, have announced a partnership that will open up new publishing opportunities for thousands of indie authors. Readers on Wattpad comment on a story once every seven seconds, providing a platform for writers looking to increase their presence and fan base. - June 29, 2010 - Wattpad Inc.

LegalFish Casts a New Face on the Daily Tackle Blog

The Daily Tackle Makes the Law Accessible to the Public - June 29, 2010 - LegalFish

Accomplice Press, LLC Makes an Announcement About the Curvalicious Writing Contest and Their Participation as Industry Professionals at RomCon in Denver This July

Accomplice Press, LLC Makes an Announcement About the Curvalicious Writing Contest and Their Participation as Industry Professionals at RomCon in Denver This July

Accomplice Press announces there are no winners for the Curvalicious writing competition. There were numerous entries, but only one writer grasped the publisher's concept of who a Curvalicious heroine really is. Unfortunately, after some research Accomplice Press found that the winning entry was un-publishable because of undisclosed contractual reasons. The partners are looking forward to new opportunities and will attend Romcon in Denver, along with their best selling author Delinda Jasper. - June 28, 2010 - Accomplice Press, LLC

Self Published Authors Now Have a Chance to be Heard on the Airwaves by Xlibris Corporation's New Book Marketing Service

Xlibris Corporation is offering self published authors to have their books featured on today’s best targeted and popular information media—the radio and internet. - June 28, 2010 - Xlibris Publisher

ChemDAQ, Inc. Launches Blog

Company seeks to expand knowledge of sterilant gas users with increased internet presence - June 26, 2010 - ChemDAQ, Incorporated

WingSpan Press Announces Automation of Author Related Services

WingSpan Press, the self publishing services division of Wing Span Publishing Inc., announces its new book ordering and sales reporting system. The new system will provide quicker order processing and delivery, along with automated tracking and delivery confirmation. The automation of these... - June 25, 2010 - WingSpan Publishing Inc

New Website Gives Free Help to Magazine Publishers

Announcing Pubbies, a new Web resource for print and online magazine publishers. - June 25, 2010 -

Community Driven Online News Publication, "Classic City Courier," to Launch June 18

Classic City Media Group, an online media organization serving the Athens, GA community, announces a community-driven online newspaper that will launch on June 18. - June 19, 2010 - Classic City Media Group

Award-Winning Authors to Present at Annual Conference of Ozarks Romance Authors

Ozarks Romance Authors, a long-established, non-profit writers' association, will host annual conference, with portion on proceeds to benefit Ozarks Literacy Council. - June 18, 2010 - Ozarks Romance Authors

Outskirts Press Increases Page Count Ranges for All Self-Publishing Writers

Leading self-publishing company Outskirts Press has now expanded both its paperback and hardback page ranges so that those authors whose works were previously too short or too long now have access to high quality publishing options. - June 15, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

STRAT Newsletter: June 2010 Issue Available

Announcing the publication of the June 2010 issue of STRAT, the newsletter for print and online magazine strategy. - June 11, 2010 - STRAT Newsletter

IT Enquirer Subscribers Get Free Stock Photo Collection Bonus

In its desire to deliver more than just information, IT Enquirer is expanding its online offering with digital components used in the publishing process. The first component is a collection of stock photographs. - June 11, 2010 - IT Enquirer

Major Endorsement for Real Estate Training Book by John Horne

Jeffrey Gitomer, author of "The Little Red Book of Sales"- Calls John Horne the "Voice of Reason in the most Opportune time to buy real estate in the last 100 years"- This book is set to take Real Estate Agents and Mortgage Lenders by storm. - June 10, 2010 - Agent Edge Training

Xlibris Publisher's New Offers Helps Self Published Authors Kick-Off Their Publishing Campaign

Book publishing deals by Xlibris Publisher to kick off a self published author's publishing campaign. - June 10, 2010 - Xlibris Publisher

New Article: Digital Readers and Circulation Audits

Publishing consultant William Dunkerley discusses digital magazine editions and circulation audits. - June 09, 2010 - William Dunkerley Publishing Consultants

Editors Only - May 2010 Issue Available

Announcing the publication of the May 2010 issue of the Editors Only online newsletter. - June 09, 2010 - Editors Only

MiniCo to Add Mobile Storage Specialty Magazine to Print Version of Flagship Publication

MiniCo has announced that the company’s “Mobile Self-Storage Magazine,” currently available as a digital publication only, will be printed within the pages of the “Mini‑Storage Messenger” magazine on a quarterly basis. The first print issue of “Mobile... - June 09, 2010 - MiniCo Insurance Agency, LLC

JBJS Changes Publication Frequency to Improve Timeliness

The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery to increase publishing frequency from monthly to 24 issues a year beginning in July. - June 08, 2010 - The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Inc.

Outskirts Press and Spirituality & Health Magazine Offer Self-Publishing Authors an Affordable Method for Marketing to Affluent Readers

Outskirts Press authors can now reach the 85,000 affluent readers of Spirituality & Health magazine through co-op ads that are only a fraction of the cost of running full color advertising on their own. - June 08, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Southport Graphics Sponsors Get REAL & HEEL 5K Walk

Southport Graphics (, a Morrisville-based digital printing company, has announced that the company served as a sponsor for the 2010 Get REAL & HEEL 5K walk. The event, which included giveaways, food and children’s activities, took place on March 27 at the... - June 06, 2010 - Southport Graphics

Leading Self-Publisher Outskirts Press Partners with R. R. Bowker to Offer Private Label Single ISBNs to Self-Publishing Authors for a 20% Discount

Addressing the concern that in order to truly "self-publish" a book, the author must own the ISBN, Outskirts Press has reached an agreement to be a designated agent of R.R. Bowker, the official ISBN Agency for the United States. - June 06, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Love Letters to the Lord

Love Letters to the Lord

Linda Smith continues to make history as the CEO and Founder of Four-D College, one of the first if not only African-American Healthcare Colleges in the United States. Smith recently wrote Love Letters to the Lord, a three volume book set that spans the early years of Four-D College from 1991 up through 2000. She allows the reader a glimpse into her world and hopes the reader will be so inspired by her life’s journey, that they too will be inclined to find a void a fill it by serving humanity. - June 05, 2010 - Zoe Life Publications, Inc.

Advertising Media Prices Will Increase in 2011, Says Publisher  & CEO

Advertising Media Prices Will Increase in 2011, Says Publisher & CEO

Higher media costs are likely this fall and in 2011 due to congressional elections and higher ad budgets. - June 03, 2010 - 2020:Marketing Communications LLC

Content Caboodle Surpasses 10,000 Contributing Members

Online publishing venue, Content Caboodle, is pleased to announce that their service has surpassed 10,000 registered and contributing members. Content Caboodle is a free-to-use online publishing service where article authors can both gain exposure and earn revenue from their writing efforts. - May 30, 2010 - Bannon Productions Network

Editors Only: Research Editor Discusses iPad Magazines

New article from Editors Only research editor Meredith Dias explores the implications of the iPad for magazine editors. - May 28, 2010 - Editors Only

Wattpad Releases Significant Upgrade to Its New App, Available for iPhone, iTouch and iPad Application

Wattpad has responded to the increase in mobile ereadership by adding several upgrades to its iPhone, iTouch and iPad application. Just in time for the International release of the iPad, readers can now access their favorite ebooks using Wattpad's improved app. As ebooks evolve into multimedia experiences, with embedded imagery, video elements and songs, the new Wattpad app for iPhone/iPad has made it simpler for ereaders to enjoy Wattpad content. - May 28, 2010 - Wattpad Inc.

Turn Manuscripts Into Books with Xlibris Corporation’s Basic Publishing Package

Xlibris Corporation helps authors turn their dreams into reality by offering value-added publishing packages. - May 27, 2010 - Xlibris Publisher

Volunteer in India - a Guide by Knowledge Must

Knowledge Must Releases a Guidebook for Volunteering in India - May 26, 2010 - Knowledge Must

Express Book Freight is at the Annual Book Expo America This Week

Visit Express Book Freight (EBF) at booth 4740 to learn about freight forwarding and why publishers should use EBF instead of other freight forwarders. - May 26, 2010 - Transaction Publishers

Bridal Guide Beats All Other Magazines in Readers Per Copy

Magazine Audience Estimates released May 19th by GfK MRI reported that Bridal Guide has the most readers per copy among all magazines measured by the global research firm. Bridal Guide was reported to have a chart-topping total of 31 readers per copy, its highest-ever readership, bringing Bridal... - May 26, 2010 - Bridal Guide Magazine, RFP LLC

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