United Kingdom News

Russell Bedford Named Among First Full Members of Forum of Firms After Meeting International Quality and Ethics Requirements

In the year that marks the network’s 25th anniversary, Russell Bedford International has joined an exclusive group of 17 of the world’s leading audit networks. - January 26, 2008 - Russell Bedford International

Discovery Initiatives Announces New Trip – A Desert Elephant Study Safari

Discovery Initiatives (http://www.discoveryinitiatives.co.uk) has announced the launch of a new trip called A Desert Elephant Study Safari. This new tour, to the Northwest of Namibia, is an off the beaten track wildlife safari, which enables participants to get a real feel for desert elephants... - January 26, 2008 - Discovery Initiatives

Discovery Initiatives Announces New Trip to View California Gray Whales in Mexico

Discovery Initiatives (http://www.discoveryinitiatives.co.uk) has announced the launch of a new trip to view California Gray Whales off the Mexican coast. This new tour (http://www.discoveryinitiatives.co.uk/discover/trip/Mexico/Mexico_Whale_and_ camping_expedition_in_Laguna_San_Ignacio) visits... - January 26, 2008 - Discovery Initiatives

Discovery Initiatives Announces New Trip – The Sardine Run Marine Safari in South Africa

Discovery Initiatives (http://www.discoveryinitiatives.co.uk) has announced the launch of a new trip called The Sardine Run Marine Safari in South Africa. Described as one of the greatest marine spectacles on earth, the sardine run takes place every year between May and July, encompassing shoals... - January 26, 2008 - Discovery Initiatives

P3Zine Names the Top 20 PlayStation 3 Games for 2008

P3Zine Names the Top 20 PlayStation 3 Games for 2008

Issue 11 of the free digital magazine for PS3 gamers previews each of the games to watch out for this year. - January 25, 2008 - Cranberry Publishing Ltd

Giles King, Senior Director of CB Richard Ellis Investors, Has Been Chosen for Inclusion in the 2008-2009 Princeton Premier Registry

Giles King attended the University of Exeter where he earned an Honors Degree for his studies in History and Politics. As Senior Director of CB Richard Ellis Investors, Giles supervises the twelve member Global Leadership Team. Mr. King also sits on the United Kingdom Board and Royal Institution of... - January 25, 2008 - Princeton Premier

CTI Group Launches Enhanced Dynamic Reports for Unified Multi-Play Billing

CTI Group, a leading provider of Bill Management Solutions, today announced the introduction of an enhanced multi-play version of Dynamic Reports - the latest billing solution to give Telcos a competitive advantage with their consolidated offerings. The enhanced version has been introduced in... - January 25, 2008 - CTI Group

ASM Reports Smooth End of SAD-H Dual-Running

Agency Sector Management (ASM) is reporting that freight agents appear to have avoided the problems that had been foreseen following the end of dual-running of both old and new SAD Harmonisation (SAD-H) Customs declarations on January 20th. - January 25, 2008 - Agency Sector Management (UK) Ltd

KonaKart v2.2.2.0 - New Release - JSR-168 Portal Support, UPS Shipping, Etc

The release adds JSR-168 compliance - allowing you to run the shopping cart in a portal manager (online demo available). Also Customer Notifications for bulk mailing of segments of your customer base. UPS Shipping Module integration plus many other new features. - January 25, 2008 - DS Data Systems UK

Steppes Travel Announces a Series of Travel Lectures for Spring 2008

Steppes Travel (http://www.steppestravel.co.uk) is pleased to announce a series of travel lectures at Cirencester Agricultural College this spring. (http://www.steppestravel.co.uk/steppes-lectures-page1728.aspx) The first lecture is called "Primate Passion" and will be conducted by... - January 24, 2008 - Steppes Travel

Million Impossible to Create Up to 80 New Jobs in Essex

Million Impossible PLC who own the UK’s most exciting new Entrepreneur Opportunity web site www.millionimpossible.com announced that they intend to create up to 80 new jobs in Essex. - January 24, 2008 - Million Impossible Plc

Haven Holidays Donates 88 Holidays in Memory of Family Holiday Association Co-Founder

Haven Holidays has donated 88 family holidays worth a total of £10,000 to the Family Holiday Association (FHA) in memory of the charity's co-founder. - January 24, 2008 - Family Holiday Association

The Changing Future of Social Media Websites - the Global Entrepreneur

Social Media web sites such as Facebook and Myspace have created and dominated the Social Media market of recent. The global Social phenomenon is here, but what does the future hold for the Global Business community? - January 24, 2008 - Million Impossible Plc

Yoyo Games™ Surpasses 10,000 Game Uploads – Becomes the World’s Largest User Generated Online Games Destination in 8 Months

More than 200 titles submitted in inaugural development competition. - January 24, 2008 - YoYo Games Ltd

SimplyLCDTVs Launches Price Comparison Tool

Online LCD TV buyer’s guide launches new LCD TV online price comparison tool for UK shoppers. All big brands are covered among the 1000+ LCD TVs that are featured. - January 24, 2008 - Cougared.com

Radiant Radiators Add the Acova Multicolumns to Their Best Sellers Range

Radiant Radiators Ltd have teamed up with Acova radiators and added the full stock and bespoke range of Acova multicolumns onto the best sellers section of Radiants website. - January 24, 2008 - Radiant Radiators Ltd

Photographic Exhibition Opens as Part of Holocaust Memorial Day Events in Liverpool

An exhibition of photographs by Steve Deer opens at the Philharmonic Hall on Hope Street in Liverpool on Monday January 21st. The exhibition, Auschwitz Anywhere, organised by The Artfinder’s Gallery, in conjunction with Holocaust Memorial Day 2008 features images of the notorious death camps... - January 23, 2008 - lydia bates ltd

Alfred Hitchcock Meets Marvel Comics via a Bond Villain’s Hideaway at New Liverpool Art Gallery Exhibition

Imagined Landscapes, the first solo show by recent graduate Chris Mills, opens on Friday January 25th at The Artfinder’s Gallery in Liverpool. Drawing inspiration from sources ranging from contemporary masters, such as Peter Doig and Ed Ruscha, visionary landscapes by Casper Friedrich and the... - January 23, 2008 - lydia bates ltd

The Renewable Energy Centre.co.uk Responds to Hutton’s Nuclear Statement

Following John Hutton’s nuclear statement last week to the House of Commons, The Renewable Energy Centre.co.uk released a statement responding to points raised in the report. - January 23, 2008 - The Renewable Energy Centre

Valentine’s Day Sees More Couples Heading Off for a Romantic City Break, Reports Holidays-direct.co.uk

The ideal Valentine’s Day is spent on a romantic city break. Or so an increasing number of people seem to think as Valentine city breaks continue to grow in popularity. Online travel agency Holidays-direct.co.uk reports a rise in the number of bookings for Valentine city breaks. - January 22, 2008 - Holidays-Direct

Celebrate the personallyyours.co.uk 20th Anniversary by Entering Into the Free Number Plate Competition

Personally Yours Registrations are giving away thousands of pounds worth of gift vouchers, ready for the festive season. http://www.personallyyours.co.uk/competition.htm - January 22, 2008 - Personally Yours Registrations

Jana Sehnalova, Vice President of Citi Property Investor, Has Been Selected for Inclusion in the 2008-2009 Princeton Premier Registry

Jana Sehnalova, Vice President of Citi Property Investor, Has Been Selected for Inclusion in the 2008-2009 Princeton Premier Registry. Jana makes her home in London and earned a Master degree in Business Administration. Jana Sehnalova has been in capacity for three years and plans on progressing... - January 20, 2008 - Princeton Premier

Country House Hotel Wins Condé Nast Johansens Excellence Award

Consistently excellent comments from guests of Sussex Hotel for the entire year - January 19, 2008 - Newick Park Hotel

MediaCorp Airs First Live Viewer Interactive Quiz Show Using iPoint-media’s 3G Participation TV Solution

Singapore-based MediaCorp broadcasts its first live, viewer interactive TV quiz show using iPoint-media’s mobile 3G participation TV solution. - January 19, 2008 - iPoint-media

Precision Microdrives Introduces Higher Torque DC Gearmotors for Actuation and Automation Applications

High torque DC gearmotors from Precision Microdrives capable of delivering effective actuation of medium sized mechanisms opens up the capacity for its use outside miniature consumer devices to vending machines, industrial systems and automation applications. With an increasing range of projects... - January 18, 2008 - Precision Microdrives Limited

Henry Kaye Launches a New Collection of Girls' First Holy Communion Dresses and Accessories

A girl’s first Holy Communion is an important milestone in her life. There’s no need to worry about what to wear for the special event as Henry Kaye offers a new range of pretty white dresses, shoes and accessories especially designed for first Holy Communions. - January 18, 2008 - Henry Kaye

New York Times Perfume Critic, Chandler Burr, Publishes 'Deleted Scenes' from His New Book on Basenotes.net

The New York Times perfume critic, Chandler Burr, will be sharing some of his favorite extracts that didn't make the final edit of his forthcoming book, The Perfect Scent, with readers of the international online fragrance magazine, Basenotes.net. The Perfect Scent, which is subtitled A Year... - January 18, 2008 - Basenotes

New Media That’s Turning the World of Woodturning Around

Creative Woodturner is now so popular in the world of woodturning that it’s going to be available to download online. Along with the new download version comes an all new woodturning website, www.creative-woodturner.com, featuring a free trial version and woodturning news. - January 18, 2008 - Creative Woodturner

WD Bathrooms Adds Radiators to Their Range

Online bathroom retailer WD Bathrooms have added a wide range of heated towel rails to their extensive product range. - January 18, 2008 - WD Bathrooms

Bob Pitchford Joins Purex International as Head of Sales & Marketing

Armed with a wealth of industry experience Bob Pitchford has joined specialist fume extraction company Purex International Ltd as Head of Sales and Marketing. - January 18, 2008 - Purex International Ltd

Central London Art Exhibition

Former BBC scenic artist Annie Ralli and The Colomb Art Gallery present a series of stunning London based night scene paintings. - January 18, 2008 - Colomb Art

UK Government Awards First Green Accreditation

The UK Government has awarded UK company Ecovision Systems with the first of an accreditation which allows homeowners, local authorities, schools, housing associations and other organisations access to grants of up to 35% towards ground source heat pump installations. - January 18, 2008 - Ecovision Systems

Hauppauge First with PayTV on PCs

Hauppauge Digital has introduced a card reader module for its range of TV viewing cards, allowing owners to watch subscription broadcast channels on their PCs. - January 18, 2008 - Hauppauge Digital

Designer Radiators Hit the All Electric Market

Radiant Radiators Ltd launch a full range of designer radiators in an all electric only option. - January 18, 2008 - Radiant Radiators Ltd

HFC International Begins Documenting the Harvest in HD

A U.K. based charity has begun production of four high definition films for TV and general release in 2008. Their award nominated films have been broadcast worldwide. - January 18, 2008 - Harvest Fields Commissioning International

ArdentiaSearch Release Version 7.1 of Their Business Intelligence & Enterprise Search Solution

The application of search technology for rapid, graphical analytics has taken a huge leap forward with the release of NetSearch 7.1. - January 17, 2008 - Ardentia Search

Make 2008 a Green Year, Urges Fair Investment Company

For those with New Year's resolutions to lead a healthier lifestyle in 2008, it might be a good time to think about the health of the planet and what consumers can do to reduce their individual impact on the environment. Ethical and environmentally friendly financial products are getting... - January 17, 2008 - Fair Investment Company

New www.milford.co.uk Website Launched in Time for Spring Booking Rush

Booking hotels and other accommodations on the Internet is now cheaper and easier following the recent re-launch of www.milford.co.uk. - January 17, 2008 - Milford Associates Ltd.

A New Horizon for Defence Estates

Defence Estates, users of Qube Global Software’s Horizon Property Management Software, are to upgrade to the latest version. The upgrade will allow them to take advantage of improved key end user functionality, such as advanced reporting capabilities and task management. In addition, the... - January 17, 2008 - Qube Global Software

Sports PLC Buck the Trend with Record Sales Growth - Up 51.5% in 2007

Sports PLC, owners of online sports equipment retailers www.thesportshq.com in the UK and www.golfoutletsusa.com in the US have announced strong sales growth for 2007 on both sides of the Atlantic, bucking the current trend of so many retailers. The UK operation was up 51.5% for 2007 including an... - January 16, 2008 - Golfballs.co.uk

Company Car Users Can Save Money with a ParkaPatch ™

The average company car user will use Pay and Display parking far more often than the typical domestic driver; and inevitably they are the people more likely to receive a hefty parking fine due to a poorly positioned Pay and Display ticket. The best answer to this is prevention, and the best prevention to unfair Pay and Display parking fines is a ParkaPatch ™. - January 16, 2008 - ParkaPatch

The Alternative Creates the World's First No-Touch Interactive Shop Window for Orange

The Alternative, a London based Creative Agency, has developed a unique way to engage passers-by on busy London streets. - January 16, 2008 - The Alternative, a part of The Happy People Corporation

Carreg.co.uk Celebrates Twenty Years in the Private Number Plate Industry

Carreg.co.uk enters its twentieth year in the private number plate industry. - January 15, 2008 - Carreg

Teens Snub the War on Graffiti and Find Their Heroes on the Street

Online forum users demand 'color not concrete' and find self expression in a much-maligned form of art. - January 14, 2008 - graffitimasterclass.com

UK Entrepeneur Starts New National Football (Soccer) Jobs Web Site

UK football (soccer) entrepeneur Dan Goddard has started a new national online soccer jobs portal serving England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. UK Football Jobs (URL: http://www.ukfootballjobs.co.uk), in its initial form, went live on the Internet January 11th and has already attracted hundreds of visitors from around the world. - January 14, 2008 - UK Football Jobs c/o Football Media Ltd

Designer Brand on the Hunt for the UK’s Prettiest Feet

Whether you’re a party animal with a penchant for killer heels or a sun goddess with more sandals than Sienna Miller, how you show off your feet confirms whether you’re a catwalk queen or a fashion faux par. But with recent studies suggesting that less than a fifth of women consider their feet attractive, designer boutique Shoe Lagoon is launching a new campaign to help revitalise our love for our precious tootsies, starting with its hunt for ‘The feet of Shoe Lagoon’. - January 13, 2008 - Shoe Lagoon

Great Futures for UKFast Internet Awards Winners

ISP UKFast announces its annual internet awards revealing some of the Internet’s most exciting new prospects. 2007 was a great year for creative agencies, niche websites, specialist e-commerce merchants and environmental software developer Historic Futures. - January 13, 2008 - UKFast

Smart Lipo Now Available in Poland for British Patients

Patients from the United Kingdom can undergo a minimally invasive procedure to reduce fat deposits in Poland, where treatment can cost up to 60% less than in the United Kingdom. - January 13, 2008 - StatMedica UK Ltd

ASM Welcomes Simplified Approach to Declaring Ex-Heading Goods Under SAD-Haromonisation

Agency Sector Management (ASM), the UK’s leading developer and supplier of software solutions and first class support to members of the freight community, has welcomed the news that HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) has simplified the Harmonised SAD Declaration of Ex-Heading Goods for commodity codes which are subject to Prohibitions & Restrictions measures. - January 13, 2008 - Agency Sector Management (UK) Ltd

Baby’s Best Launches New Campaign for Affordable Organic Living

In an effort to raise awareness of the importance of using organic cotton clothing for children, Tina Rychlik, a stay-at-home mother and the creative force behind BabysBest.co.uk. is leading a new Campaign for Affordable Organic Living against leading manufacturers of clothing for infants and children. - January 13, 2008 - Baby's Best

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