Recent Headlines
Viva Greenville Names New Account Executive
Mariana Suban Joins Local Hispanic Newspaper - November 27, 2006 - Viva Greenville
Invitation to Book Launch: Los Angeles, San Francisco. The Progress of Man: G. W. Bush v. the People, by Dr. Thomas Moore
Progress is a camp romp within the Republican Party about Dubya Bush and We The People, both struggling to overcome internal conflicts that affect sexuality and attitudes. Dubya loves his wife Liberty Bell, but a tragic dysfunction has sprung from Dubya’s relationship with his father, his... - November 25, 2006 - Alphar Publishing
Pre-Publication Discount Sale Extended of "I Heard it on Oprah…Wisdom & Inspiration" for Living a Humanitarian Relief Product
BelleCora Press has extended its pre-publication sale of I Heard it on Oprah…Wisdom & Inspiration for Living. Scheduled for release on November 30, the cover price is discounted 20% through December 20, 2006. - November 20, 2006 - BelleCora Press & Workshops
Playdate Kids Publishing Offers Self-Help Books for Young Kids
The Playdate Kids children’s book series, developed for children ages 3-6, teaches kids how to deal with difficult life issues. - November 18, 2006 - Playdate Kids Publishing
Writer’s Residency in Puerto Vallarta Application Deadline January 1
Application deadline for the annual one-month Writer’s Spring Residency in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico is set for January 1, 2007. Residency candidates must submit application information found on the Contests page of the sponsor’s website, - November 17, 2006 - BelleCora Press & Workshops
Hidden Pictures Publishing Announces Release of Vacation Fun by Liz Ball
Hidden Pictures Publishing announces the release of Vacation Fun – a new Hidden Picture Puzzle book by Liz Ball. Liz’s characters are packed and ready to travel. With 56 pages of hidden picture puzzles to entertain, Vacation Fun is a perfect destination. Liz Ball is the... - November 17, 2006 - Hidden Pictures Publishing
The New ME Generation: Mom Entrepreneurs Launch The Family Groove,“The Hippest Parents’ Place in Cyberspace”
The Family Groove (, an innovative and groovy new magazine, launched its premier issue on June 18, 2006. The Family Groove (TFG) is the first-of-its-kind national, online magazine for parents. TFG is a monthly magazine that shows modern-day parents how to find their groove,... - November 16, 2006 - The Family Groove
Nghosi Books Opens the Doors to New Publishing House and the Release of Its First Anthology
Nghosi Books announced today the opening of its new small print press and the upcoming release of its first anthology from the Nghosi Books New Voices Series. Originally created as an online artist forum for artists of all disciplines, Nghosi Books has been redefined and transformed into a... - November 16, 2006 - Nghosi Online
A New Startup Revolutionizes the Way People Buy Car Insurance
Customer is king; car insurance customers are now kings who know their own power of choice. A new online initiative, ( started attracting average American people looking for cheap car insurance quotes and willing to share their experiences with car insurance... - November 15, 2006 -
Gary S. Goldman, Ph.D. Releases New Book Illustrating His Research Findings on the Varicella Vaccine & Its Effects on Public Health
Equal parts medical exposé, medical mystery, and urgent call for action, The Chickenpox Vaccine, a book based on scientific research by insider Gary S. Goldman, Ph.D., reveals Mr Goldman's findings on the vaccine and its effects on public health. - November 14, 2006 - Medical Veritas International Inc.
Best Places Hawaii Names the 10 Best Places to Get Married in Hawaii
Best Places Hawaii, a Hawaii-specific travel website ( founded in 1995, ranks the "10 Best Wedding Locations in Hawaii." With the Hawaii bride and groom-to-be in mind, the research staff at Best Places Hawaii surveyed Hawaii wedding coordinators, photographers,... - November 14, 2006 - H&S Publishing
CHaINA: a New China Supply Chain Focused Magazine Launched in Shanghai
CHaINA magazine, the first-ever magazine dedicated to covering global supply chain management issues from a China perspective, was launched late last week at the China Supply Chain Council's annual CHaINA conference held in Shanghai. Given the key role China plays in most company's global supply chains, CHaINA magazine is already being touted as the “must-read” magazine for global supply chain professionals. - November 13, 2006 - CHaINA
Playdate Kids Author Visits Library to Kick off Children’s Book Week
Playdate Kids Publishing offers parents tips to encourage reading to kick off Children's Book Week. - November 11, 2006 - Playdate Kids Publishing
'Little Ox' Makes Oxford Colourful for Children
New Publishing Business Raises Money For Abandoned Children. - November 10, 2006 - Ox & Cross Publishing
Appalachian History - This Newly Published 1930s W.Va. Memoir has it in Spades
Kenneth A. Tabler, author of "The Day is Far Spent," rose from a poor, sleepy milltown in West Virginia and propelled himself to a PhD and a high profile career with that newly invented thing called "the computer." This book reads folksy without being sentimental about the very real people it depicts struggling to live through the Depression and its aftermath. - November 10, 2006 - LLC
Has One of the Worlds Most Sought After Paintings Been Found? Find Out in Don Phillips Latest Book The Missing Monet
A Monet painting has been missing since World War Two..It apparently has shown up in the past, just to go missing again, thus its name: "The Missing Monet." Jim and Sarah are on the trail of the "Missing Monet", but not without danger. A large, widespread crime family... - November 09, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Nancy A. Goshow Named To Enterprising Women National Advisory Board
Enterprising Women Magazine Announces Managing Partner of Goshow Architects, LLP, as Board Member - November 09, 2006 - Enterprising Women
Outskirts Press Releases New Book, "Secrets to Tax-Deferred Income," by Chris Rodgers. Learn how to Stop Being a Slave to Your Finances and Create a Tax-free Life
When author Chris Rodgers sat down to write a guide to basic financial planning, he says his goal was to free taxpayers from old ways of thinking. “I want to help others achieve maximum tax relief and gain financial independence. I want to help eliminate misguided fears and myths regarding taxpayers “options” regardless of circumstances." - November 09, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Outskirts Press is Pleased to Present Tawanda’s Bed and Breakfast, a Hysterical Journey to Self Rediscovery
Outskirts Press is pleased to present Tawanda’s Bed and Breakfast, a hysterical first effort of a woman’s journey to self rediscovery in a highly unusual and independent fashion. A female Bill Bryson combined with a hint of Jill Connor Browne and a dash of The Milepost (The... - November 09, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Making the Holidays Extra-Special With an Easy-to-Stitch Christmas Tree Advent Calendar
It was her daughter’s love for Advent calendars and her love for sewing that inspired author Ruthy Sturgill to create her first Christmas tree Advent calendar. When her friends began to ask for their own Christmas tree Advent calendar, Ruthy realized that she didn’t have the time to fill all of their requests. With her husband’s encouragement, she promised to market her pattern in order to make it available to her friends. - November 09, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Learn How to Reach your Goals, Dreams, and Higher Purpose in Watch Me!—The Bold, New Motivational Attitude for Personal Success
Outskirts Press, Inc. and By the Sea Books – are pleased to introduce Riana Milne, a successful psychotherapist, motivational speaker, and advice columnist; and her daughter Alexi D. Panos, a successful model, actor, singer, dancer and businesswoman. Their new book Watch Me! provides a holistic, spiritual, and motivational program that will help students of all ages reach their life’s dreams and goals. - November 09, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Invitations On CD, An Original and Innovative Creation
CD Invites, invitations created and presented on CD, are a modern and unique twist that are sure to leave a lasting impression on all guests. Each CD is personalized with a photo montage presentation using images supplied by the customer, background music, a personalized poem, directions to the event, and an RSVP link. They offer various elegant cases, many original designs, and cater to all parties and events. - November 09, 2006 - CD Invites
Business Leader Holds Monthly Breakfast Meeting
Assad Meymandi Speaks at November Business Leaders’ Event for Raleigh Executives - November 06, 2006 - Business Leader Magazine
A Business to Business or B2B Invitation to Advertise Your Business
A premier Business To Business or B2B entity listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange, namely Netlink Solutions (India) Limited has announced plans to take a direct look at target audiences. - November 04, 2006 - Netlink Solutions (India) Limited
Radical Christianity: Peace and Justice in the New Testament from Counsellor Publishing Answers Rosie O'Donnell
This new book challenges popular beliefs about the religion of Jesus. Lost understandings are thoroughly presented on wealth and the use of force to address evil. Applications are suggested for community involvement. - November 04, 2006 - Counsellor Publishing
Pre-Publication Discount of "I Heard it on Oprah…Wisdom & Inspiration," a Humanitarian Relief Product Offered by Publisher
BelleCora Press has announced the pre-publication sale of I Heard it on Oprah…Wisdom & Inspiration for Living. Scheduled for release and shipment on November 30, the spiral bound volume has an attractive durable design and is more than a book of quotes. The cover price is discounted 20% through November 20, 2006. - November 03, 2006 - BelleCora Press & Workshops
Traffic Jams & Social Dysfunction: New Book, “Hot Mud Poems” Released on the World
Alveraz Ricardez opens the door for America’s poetic apathetic with Hot Mud Poems, a refreshing albeit relentless pounding of verse. From making love in church pews to back alley revolutions, there is something brewing between these covers that screams to be heard. With gritty... - November 03, 2006 - Kill Poet Press & Journal
Gary Bremermann to Speak at Tokyo Career Fair
Gary Bremermann, executive recruiter, to speak at Tokyo Career Fair 2006 on Wednesday, Nov. 1 2006 at the Toranomon Pastoral. - November 01, 2006 - W 3 Group, LLC Joins Forces with; Bringing Holiday Staff Relief to Carts & Kiosks Across the Country
The number one online resource for the cart and kiosk industry announced a partnership with, the leading U.S. online job site with more than 23 million unique visitors per month. - November 01, 2006 -
Nominations Now Open For Prestigious 2007 Enterprising Women of the Year Awards
Awards Recognizing Outstanding Woman Entrepreneurs - October 31, 2006 - Enterprising Women
New Novel Called Walden Published: Must Read for College Students
Walden, a new novel by Michael T. Dolan, was published by Conversari House. Being hailed as a "must read" for college students. - October 31, 2006 - Conversari House
A. J. Cornell Publications Releases “Vocabulary Dictionary and Workbook: 2,856 Words You Must Know,” by Mark Phillips
After the success of its two story-based vocabulary builders and its story-based grammar tutorial, A. J. Cornell Publications is proud to announce the release of a complete vocabulary dictionary and workbook. - October 30, 2006 - A. J. Cornell Publications, LLC
What Do the Wizard of Oz, Pinocchio, and Tarzan Have in Common?
Three fun-to-use titles from A. J. Cornell Publications—The Wizard of Oz Vocabulary Builder, The Pinocchio Intermediate Vocabulary Builder, and Tarzan and Jane’s Guide to Grammar—have been chosen as recommended texts by two renowned reading and literacy authorities. - October 29, 2006 - A. J. Cornell Publications, LLC
Expo for $10 Billion Cart and Kiosk Industry Set for Baltimore
Following the growth of the mall cart and kiosk industry from $3 billion in 1995 to $10 billion today, Specialty Retail Report — the only magazine for retail entrepreneurs and managers of mall carts, kiosks and temporary in-line stores — has scheduled its first semi-annual trade show... - October 25, 2006 -
A Great New Book for Full-Figured Brides
Introducing "Down that Aisle in Style! A Wedding Guide for Full-Figured Women." In this beautiful new book, New York wedding consultant Chamein Canton reveals secrets to flatter every woman’s body, including wedding gown design, cosmetics, hair style, photography, and much more. Complimentary copies of the book are available for review. The author is available for interviews and is delighted to assist with feature articles about the wedding industry, and women's beauty and health. - October 25, 2006 - WindRiver Publishing, Inc.
Psychologist’s Children’s Book Teaches Children How to Cope with Moving
“Danny is Moving” was released October 10, 2006 nationwide in book stores and on - October 25, 2006 - Playdate Kids Publishing
A Novel with a Social Message is Nominated for Three Awards
China Doll, a novel by Talia Carner, which explores China’s infanticide, is nominated for Foreword’s “Book of the Year Award,” USA Book News’s “Best of 2006 Award,” and the Pacific Rim’s Kiriyama Prize. “We are very proud of both the literary... - October 25, 2006 - Mecox Hudson
What the Press Does Not Want You to Know: How the Media Turned an American Dream into a Nightmare
Restaurant: Gettin' Their Kicks Stompin' On a Dream by Beverly King chronicles one newspaper's destructive campaign then subsequent cover-up. - October 23, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Chaos, Comedy and Commitment Abound in this Contemporary Venezuelan “Duck Soup” Romantic Satire
Blue Margarita is a compilation of the romance and comedy of a gringo in love with a Venezuelan beauty amidst the “Marx Brothers” revolution as directed by the country’s dumpy dictator: Hugo Chavez. Will Russell is a new writer that used his recent experiences in the Venezuelan... - October 23, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Death by Due Process is Washington Lawyer’s First Novel
This is the story of a man sentenced to die in Georgia’s electric chair for the rape and murder of a pregnant woman and a young, inexperienced lawyer’s efforts to save his life. This book is replete with sex, courtroom drama and food. The author is a foodie and he writes of meals,... - October 23, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
The L.E.A.N. Factor - Transform Your Mind. Your Body. Your Life
This revolutionary new program will literally change the way you view life itself, for it is simply not just a body transformation but instead about learning how to bring happiness into every aspect of your life. You will come to understand that your physical body is directly related to your... - October 23, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Holmes Meets Watson - Again
Outskirts Press, Inc. is pleased to bring you Flat at 221B Baker Street by Joseph R. Cammarata. This brand-new mystery features a descendent of the most famous detective in all of fiction—Sherlock Holmes. There have been many theatrical, cinematic, and literary adaptations of and tributes to... - October 23, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
A New Novel’s Unflinching Look at Troubled Teens on a Journey to Nowhere
“There was only one way I knew how to get out. That was to just pick up and leave it all behind. I wanted to live and I knew if I stayed in that town, it would eventually kill me. If not physically, then emotionally and spiritually. The only thing worse than not having a dream to hold onto is... - October 23, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Professional Gambler Tells How Not to Lose Your Shirt in the Casino
Legalized gambling is sweeping the nation, fueled by gamblers’ losses. This book will help readers understand the nature of the beast and how best to cope with it. - October 23, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
A Former University Lecturer in the Late Republic of Vietnam Shares his Spiritual ‘Journey To Beyond The Tombs’
Memoir 1975-2005 provides the journey with fully intriguing historical details to captivate your spirit. The Voice of God’s Rock exposes the living experiences and arduous studies that led the writer up to his definite and irreversible departure from Traditional Christianity. And As the wind... - October 23, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Dragon Attacks Village! Is the King’s Mother Responsible? Author Theresa Gage Writes a Fantasy Page-Turner for Young Readers
World of Secrets, a new children’s book by Theresa Gage, tells the story of a wizard who takes advantage of a woman’s vulnerability, changing her into a dragon. He plots, schemes, causes a war and uses a group of trolls in his greedy efforts for treasure. - October 23, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
New Southern Humor Book Packs an Unexpected Heartfelt Punch
Edna Mae Thornberry appeared for the first time at the retirees’ meeting wearing a long white muumuu that had large orange flowers all over it, a white turtleneck shirt and her “signature” socks, the ones that were striped and had individual toes. She had a straw hat on her head... - October 23, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Newest Release from Barbados Author Focuses on the Positive
When Lester “Zoom” Headley’s first book, The Crystal Treasure, was complete, his friend, Eiluj, said to him: “Lester, reach for the stars and all other things will fall into place. Unearth your talent—one book is not enough.” So this former Barbados speed walking... - October 23, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Best Selling Timeshare Book Ever Published?
With over 55,000 copies sold, this may be the best selling timeshare book ever published. - October 21, 2006 - MinRef Press
The Real Story of Marilyn Monroe and Joe DiMaggio
At long last, June DiMaggio, niece of baseball legend Joe DiMaggio and a dear friend of Marilyn Monroe for 11 years, tells untold stories of the two legendary, very private stars that are insightful, fun and engaging. - October 20, 2006 - Penmarin Books, Inc