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Within Foundations
Daisy Project Seeks to Increase Pet Visitation in Nursing Homes
The Merriman Good Life Foundation has launched a campaign called the Daisy Project. The Daisy Project is aimed at raising awareness of the general public to the value of pets visiting residents of nursing homes and other institutions on a regular basis. Full details are available at - May 01, 2009 - The Merriman Good Life Foundation
The Homeland Security Foundation of America to Offer President’s Volunteer Service Award
HSFA is proud to announce the availability of the President’s Volunteer Service Award, a prestigious national honor offered in recognition of volunteer commitment. - April 30, 2009 - Homeland Security Foundation of America
Advocates for Children Presents Duck Derby 8: You Lucky Duck
Spring has arrived once again and Duck Derby 8: You Lucky Duck is right around the corner. On May 16, ducks of all ages will come together with Advocates for Children to send thousands of ducks down the Etowah River in effort to raise support and awareness for the organization. With the 8th annual... - April 29, 2009 - Advocates for Children
World Malaria Day Recognizes Choi Kwang Do (CKD) Martial Art International’s Blue Ribbon Fight to End Malaria
World Malaria Day 2009 marks the two year anniversary of a partnership between the Malaria Foundation International (MFI) and Choi Kwang Do (CKD) Martial Art International. Instructors are being honored by the MFI for their persistent dedication and interest in educating children worldwide about this disease and supporting the development of a global network of Student Leaders Against Malaria (SLAM). - April 25, 2009 - Malaria Foundation International
It is Time to Reserve Your Space at the 16th Annual FCCA Conference & Trade Show
This is the best opportunity to showcase your destination or product and it’s at the 16th Annual FCCA Conference and Trade Show. This year in St. Lucia from October 26-30th, which provides the perfect market for anyone in the tourism sector to interact with 1000 cruise industry partners and... - April 25, 2009 - Florida-Caribbean Cruise Association’s Earth Day Launch - Their Goal: One Million Dollars Each to Good Causes and American Families in 2009
A New company launches a new business model - 1/3 of all revenue goes to good causes of its clients, 1/3 goes to its resellers - affording viable working opportunities to anyone who wants them. - April 24, 2009 - LLC
The Endeavor for Hope Foundation Will Ship School Books to Umuokpu Village in Nigeria Thanks to Successful Fundraiser Party
The Endeavor for Hope Foundation (“The EFHF”), a Houston-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity, was successful in reaching its $5000.00 fundraising goal for their “Textbook Drop” project to ship brand new textbooks to the Community Secondary School in Umuokpu village, Nigeria. To achieve this goal, on Friday March 20, 2009, The EFHF hosted a V.I.P. Pre-Concert Charity Party for the Pete Tong/Deadmau5 concert. - April 23, 2009 - The Endeavor For Hope Foundation
The Kelsey Smith Act is Signed Into Law
Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius has signed the Kelsey Smith Act, allowing law enforcement to gather cell phone information more quickly during an emergency situation. Kansas is the first and only state in the nation to pass such a law. House Bill 2126, named the Kelsey Smith Act, requires... - April 23, 2009 - Kelsey Smith Foundation
Anti Poverty Crusader Appeals to the Spirit of America
Grass roots nonprofit organization is taking the unemployment situation by storm and has devised five programs to stop and reduce unemployment throughout the United States. - April 23, 2009 -
Trust for Architectural Easements and Island Press Promote Sustainability and Historic Preservation in New York
Focusing on walkable urban centers and away from drivable suburban sprawl will require federal policy leadership and local action to change regulations. Many areas of the United States have zoning and building codes that discourage historic building rehabilitation and the creation of sustainable urban communities due to ambiguous terminology and the interpretive whims of the code officials. - April 22, 2009 - Trust for Architectural Easements
AIM for Youth 5th Annual "Community Kid's Day"
AIM for Youth, a non-profit organization aimed at serving underprivileged youth through professional athletes and entertainers, is kicking off its 5th Annual “Community Kid’s Day”, a city-wide health awareness fair where up to 1,000 youth and their families can receive free... - April 22, 2009 - AIM for Youth
Trust for Architectural Easements' Successful Sustainability and Historic Preservation Discussion Series Hits the Road. Next Stop - Boston and NY
The Trust for Architectural Easements and Island Press, co-sponsors of the successful and innovative Sustainability and Historic Preservation Thought Leader Discussion Series held from January to March in Washington, DC, are taking the popular discussion series on the road. The first panel... - April 22, 2009 - Trust for Architectural Easements
D.C. Department of Youth Rehabilitative Services and Other Organizations to Attend ARISE Life Skills Group Facilitator Training and Help At-Risk Youth Reshape Their Lives
ARISE Foundation will conduct the latest in a series of intensive staff training sessions that began in Washington in 2004. The training will assist the dedicated DYRS staff and others in teaching valuable life skills to the youth in their care. - April 22, 2009 - ARISE Foundation
Ed Begley Jr Joins Non-Profit Start-Up Green Wish for Its Official Launch in Honor of Earth Day 2009
Headed by Actor Raphael Sbarge, Green Wish will Help Raise Funds for Local “Going Green” Projects in Communities across America. - April 21, 2009 - Green Wish Inc
Anthony J. Trentini Foundation Awards 2009 Technical School Award
The Trentini Foundation, a volunteer-run organization honoring the late Anthony Trentini by awarding college scholarships in his memory, has announced that Mark Shimmel is the recipient of its 2009 Technical School Award. The Wake Forest-Rolesville senior will be presented with the award at the 29th Annual Anthony J. Trentini Foundation Scholarship Banquet held in Downtown Wake Forest Apr. 25. - April 19, 2009 - The Anthony J. Trentini Foundation
New Social Media Tool Offers Teens a Chance to Fuel Their Social Passion
An innovative technology helps inspire a new generation of young social entrepreneurs. GivingPoint ( is the first website developed that rewards teens for service learning and contributing their time, talent and treasure. For every 500 points earned on the website, teens can apply for $250 micro grants for their favored nonprofits. - April 18, 2009 - Myfifident Foundation
ARISE to Hold Essential Life-Skills Facilitator Training in West Palm Beach, FL
ARISE Life-Skills Facilitators learn how to conduct interactive group discussions and exciting activities with at-risk juvenile offenders, creating a mentoring relationship between juvenile justice staff and the young people in their care. - April 17, 2009 - ARISE Foundation
Grand Opening of Hide & Seek Boutique Brings Community Together for a Cause
Hide & Seek Foundation, the leading national non-profit organization devoted to Lysosomal Disease research and education, is opening the doors to a second-hand furniture store in beautiful Belmont Shore. With 100 percent of the proceeds going to benefit research through Hide & Seek... - April 17, 2009 - Hide & Seek Foundation for Lysosomal Disease
MM Deaton Joins Me Fine Foundation, Inc. Board of Advisors
Lori K. Lee, executive director of Me Fine Foundation, Inc. (, has announced that MM Deaton, a marketing consultant for DL Investment Group, has been named to the organization’s board of advisors. As a board member, Deaton will use evidence-based marketing and... - April 15, 2009 - Me Fine Foundation, Inc.
Trust for Architectural Easements and Island Press Promote Sustainability and Historic Preservation in Boston April 23, 2009 at the Boston Public Library
In the next twenty years, the number of urban dwellers worldwide will swell to an estimated five-billion people. Redeveloping our existing built resources to accommodate this growth will determine the future of our cities and regions, the natural environment, and the health and human welfare of all of the earth’s inhabitants. As we face the challenges of climate change and diminishing fossil fuel resources, how will urban areas accommodate a growing population while minimizing resource use? - April 14, 2009 - Trust for Architectural Easements
Roatán, Honduras to Host the 7th Annual FCCA Platinum Associate Membership Conference
This June, the island of Roatán off the Caribbean coast of Honduras will host the Florida-Caribbean Cruise Association’s (FCCA), 7th Annual Platinum Associate Membership Advisory Council (PAMAC) Conference. Roatán’s cruise industry has been rapidly growing over the past... - April 11, 2009 - Florida-Caribbean Cruise Association
Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan Awards More Than $600,000 in Grants to Area Nonprofit Organizations
Arts League of Michigan, Detroit Symphony Orchestra, American Red Cross--Southeast Michigan Chapter, Eight Mile Boulevard Association, The Greening of Detroit and First Step--Western Wayne County Project on Domestic Assault are among the grantees. - April 10, 2009 - Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan
3rd Annual Kelsey Smith Charity Golf Classic - July 20th, 2009
The Kelsey Smith Foundation is proud to announce that the 3rd Annual Kelsey Smith Charity Golf Classic will return to Falcon Ridge Golf Course in Lenexa, Kansas. All Proceeds benefit the Kelsey Smith Foundation in it's quest of empowering families, friends, and communities to proactively protect one of its most precious resources, namely its youth and young adults. Save This Date. Monday, July 20th... and Sign Up Today @ - April 09, 2009 - Kelsey Smith Foundation
Me Fine Foundation, Inc. Hosts Wine Madness
Lori K. Lee, executive director of Me Fine Foundation, Inc. (, has announced that the organization will host Wine Madness on Friday, April 24 from 6-8:30 p.m. at Spice Street, located at 201 S. Estes Drive in Chapel Hill, N.C. The event will feature wine tasting with heavy... - April 05, 2009 - Me Fine Foundation, Inc.
ARISE Master Trainer to Conduct ARISE Life Skills Facilitator Training in Crestview, FL
ARISE Life Skills Facilitators learn how to conduct lively group discussions and activities with incarcerated, at-risk youth, creating a mentoring relationship between juvenile justice staff and the young people in their care. - April 04, 2009 - ARISE Foundation
New Online Mapping Tool Attracts Business
The Economic Development Foundation and Brenham Community Development Corporation have just sped up and simplified the process of attracting job growth and new business to Brenham with the launch of A goal of the program is to simplify the process of working with local... - April 01, 2009 - Economic Development Foundation of Brenham
American Foundation for Children with AIDS Joins CharityCall and Truist
New Mobile Donation Platform Offers Fundraising Boost to AFCA - March 31, 2009 - American Foundation for Children with AIDS
Tigerlily Foundation Supports EARLY Act, Legislation That is Focused on Breast Cancer Education and Awareness in Young Women Under 40
Tigerlily Foundation supports Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) on behalf of the "Breast Cancer Education and Awareness Requires Learning Young Act of 2009," (EARLY) Act, legislation that is focused on breast cancer education and awareness in young women under 40. The EARLY act would provide $9 million a year from 2010 to 2014. - March 28, 2009 - Tigerlily Foundation
Molten Bronze Glows at Cosanti Night Pour
Night bronze pour open to the public at Cosanti Historical Site. - March 28, 2009 - Cosanti Foundation
Community Foundation for Livingston County Awards More Than $5,000 to Pinckney Community Schools
The Community Foundation for Livingston County awarded a grant of $5,125 to Pinckney Community Schools to support the continuation of an orchestra education program and annual side-by-side concert with the Ann Arbor Symphony Orchestra. This grant will enable student musicians the opportunity to... - March 28, 2009 - Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan
Activists Return to Darfur Despite Danger
For 10 consecutive days, Stop Genocide Now’s I-ACT program (interactive-activism) will connect you with the faces and lives of Darfur refugees who escaped genocide in their homeland. Watch live videos from the field team, read journal entries and add your comments, take action daily and change the way the world responds to genocide. - March 22, 2009 - Stop Genocide Now
Juvenile Justice Staff in Marianna, FL Learn How to Drop Stress and Negativity "at the Door."
The ARISE CHOICES: Drop It at the Door workshop teaches those that work in high-stress environments how to manage their emotions and lead happier, more fulfilling lives, both at work and at home. - March 22, 2009 - ARISE Foundation
Congressman Jay Inslee to Participate on Sustainability and Historic Preservation Panel Sponsored by the Trust for Architectural Easements
The third panel – How We Finance Development – will be held on March 23, 2009 from 7:30 to 9:00 pm at the SEIU Conference Center Room 1036/38 in Washington, DC. RSVP for this free event by sending an email to or calling 202-232-7933 x20. - March 17, 2009 - Trust for Architectural Easements
Re-Launch of Local Organization for Medical Anomalies
The Because I Care Foundation, Inc. is re-organizing to better serve and create awareness for people with Klippel Trenaunay Syndrome (KTS) and other similar lymphatic and vascular malformations. - March 15, 2009 - Because I Care Foundation
International Eye Care Organization Himalayan Cataract Project Earns a Rare Fourth Consecutive 4-Star Rating from Charity Navigator
The Himalayan Cataract Project works to eradicate preventable and curable blindness through high-quality ophthalmic care, education and the establishment of a world-class eye care infrastructure in the Himalaya and Sub-Saharan Africa. - March 14, 2009 - Himalayan Cataract Project
The Endeavor for Hope Foundation Brings in World-Renowned DJs Pete Tong and Deadmau5 to Help Support African Cause & Hosts V.I.P. Fundraiser Celebrating Africa & Music
The Endeavor for Hope Foundation (“The EFHF”), a Houston-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity has just confirmed that legendary DJ, Pete Tong* and chart-topping electronic music ingénue Deadmau5, will make special appearances at their Invite-Only V.I.P. Charity Event on Friday,... - March 13, 2009 - The Endeavor For Hope Foundation
ARISE to Hold Critical Life Skills Instructor Certification Training in Sanford, FL
ARISE Life Skills Instructors learn how to conduct interactive group discussions and exciting activities with at-risk juvenile offenders, creating a mentoring relationship between juvenile justice staff and the young people in their care. ARISE Foundation will conduct its powerful ARISE two-day... - March 13, 2009 - ARISE Foundation
Merrell Outfits AFCA’s Climb Up Kilimanjaro Team with Footwear for the Climb
The American Foundation for Children with AIDS (AFCA, announced today that Merrell has signed on to donate footwear to the team of 12 that will climb Mount Kilimanjaro this September to raise money to help support AFCA’s programs that provide anti-retrovirals and... - March 12, 2009 - American Foundation for Children with AIDS
1,200 Guests Help Raise $188,100 at 24th Annual A Toast to the Triangle
Mary Freeman, president and CEO of the Tammy Lynn Center for Developmental Disabilities, announced today that $188,100 was raised at the 24th annual A Toast to the Triangle™. More than1, 200 guests attended the Center’s signature fundraising event held March 8. A Toast to the Triangle... - March 12, 2009 - A Toast To The Triangle
HSFA Creating New Jobs, Providing Safety Resources to the Public at No Cost
The Homeland Security Foundation of America publishes its Mission Template and begins to deploy field offices in every congressional district, bringing new jobs, projects, opportunities and free resources to Americans during the worst economic times we've seen in years. - March 11, 2009 - Homeland Security Foundation of America
Eccentric Club 'Friday the 13th' Dinner in Mayfair
After a few decades of giving it a miss, the Eccentric Club members are gathering on 13th of March at 13 minutes past 7 for their traditional ceremonial “Friday the 13th” Dinner. - March 09, 2009 - The Eccentric Club (UK)
ARISE Foundation to Hold Vital Life Skills Certification Training in Raiford, FL and Washington, D.C.
Life Skills Instructors learn how to conduct lively group discussions and activities with at-risk youth, creating a mentoring relationship between juvenile justice staff and the young people in their care. - March 08, 2009 - ARISE Foundation
Court-Ordered Community Service Can be Pleasant with the ARISE Good Graces Program
Innovative program helps individuals in the public eye teach at-risk inner-city youth vital life skills, such as anger management and self-esteem, while fulfilling their legal obligations. - March 07, 2009 - ARISE Foundation
A Toast to the Triangle Receives $10,000 Anonymous Donation
Mary Freeman, president and CEO of the Tammy Lynn Center for Developmental Disabilities, has announced that the Center has received an anonymous sponsorship donation of $10,000 dollars for the 2009 A Toast to the Triangle™ event. The anonymous sponsorship donation of $10,000 was given by a... - March 07, 2009 - A Toast To The Triangle
California Non-Profit Goes Green to Make Green - Launches Recycling Business to Fund Programs for Disabled
Greater Palm Springs-based DesertArc launched its first Recycling Program in November 2008 and is already providing meaningful paid employment for 17 of its clients and is rapidly expanding its program to serve more and more businesses and hire more clients. DesertArc’s mission is to enhance... - March 06, 2009 - DesertArc
Trust for Architectural Easements Supports Local Residents’ Efforts to List Breed’s Hill Historic District on the National Register of Historic Places
If approved, the Breed’s Hill Historic District in Charlestown, MA will be listed on the National Register of Historic Places and will be an expansion of the Monument Square Historic District listed on the National Register in 1987. “The National Register of Historic Places is the... - March 04, 2009 - Trust for Architectural Easements
March 4th Declared “Gentlemen, Hug Your Bride” Day by Michelle’s Angels Foundation
On March 4, 2009 on the anniversary of Michelle Renee Knoll’s death, that spirit of support will come full circle as Michelle’s Angels Foundation presents its first annual “Gentlemen, Hug Your Bride” Day. - March 04, 2009 - Michelle’s Angels Foundation, Inc.
New Toast Podcast Features Interview with Ań
Mary Freeman, president and CEO of the Tammy Lynn Center for Developmental Disabilities, has announced the release of a podcast interview with Vi Chuong, the special events coordinator for the Cary-based restaurant Ań. Ań has signed as one of many outstanding local restaurants... - March 04, 2009 - A Toast To The Triangle
End Malaria – Blue Ribbon Mugs - for World Malaria Day 2009
The Malaria Foundation International (MFI) is pleased to introduce the End Malaria – Blue Ribbon Mug in time for World Malaria Day; 25 April 2009. The End Malaria - Blue Ribbon logo is imprinted on the front and back of these beautiful mugs. Limited supplies are available for immediate shipments. - March 03, 2009 - Malaria Foundation International
The Vision of Children Foundation Welcomes Sycuan and County of San Diego as Sponsors of Concert for a Cure
Two Organizations Join Local Businesses in Supporting Key Fundraising Effort of VOC, a Non-profit Organization Focused on Finding a Cure for Hereditary Childhood Blindness. - March 02, 2009 - Vision of Children Foundation