National Development Institute Announces Launch of Website to Aid Major Gifts Fundraising for Nonprofits

As nonprofit organizations experience the challenge of fundraising in the current economic climate, the National Development Institute encourages and equips fundraisers through the launch of a new website. - September 06, 2009 - National Development Institute

Edmund Benson, Co-Founder of ARISE, Celebrates His 80th Birthday by Contributing Over 100 Life Management Skills Curricula to the International Nonprofit Community

Benson understands firsthand the hardships faced by high school dropouts and at-risk youth, because he took that difficult path himself. He hopes to reach out to the other nonprofits by offering life skills curricula for translation free of charge. - September 04, 2009 - ARISE Foundation

Free Workshop Will Address Living with Advanced Breast Cancer

Silvana Martino, D.O. will present "Frankly Speaking About Advanced Breast Cancer" at The Wellness Community Valley/Ventura. - September 03, 2009 - The Wellness Community Valley/Ventura

Foundation for a Drug Free World Spreads Truth About Ecstasy

Foundation for a Drug Free World ( spreads the truth about Ecstasy amid peer pressure and pushers glorifying promotion. - September 02, 2009 - Foundation for a Drug Free World

MobileCause Announces Partnership with ACS Technologies and Parish Data Systems - Partnership Provides Clients with the Latest in Text-Messaging Ministry Solutions

ACS Technologies, the leader in information management solutions for religious organizations, is pleased to partner with MobileCause which helps organizations launch and manage mobile micro-donations, messaging, and mobile-to-screen interactions from one easy-to-use web-based interface. MobileCause services are utilized by some of the most innovative causes in the Charity: Water, Invisible Children, Africare, National Breast Cancer Foundation, LOVE146, VIRGIN Unite, and many more. - August 31, 2009 - MobileCause

Community Foundation Challenge—Arts & Culture Surpasses Expectations

Preliminary report states $4.8 million raised thus far. - August 30, 2009 - Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan

Frankly Speaking About Cancer Treatment Presented by The Wellness Community

The Wellness Community Valley/Ventura will host a free presentation for people affected by cancer entitled: Frankly Speaking About Cancer Treatment with Barbara Hornsby, RN/BSN. - August 28, 2009 - The Wellness Community Valley/Ventura

Conversations Behind Razor Wire—ARISE Interviews Incarcerated Gang Members

For its upcoming book, filled with stories about the dangers of gang life, ARISE Foundation interviewed several incarcerated young gang members about their experiences. - August 27, 2009 - ARISE Foundation

The Endeavor For Hope Foundation Hosts Screening of Documentary "Youssou N'Dour: I Bring What I Love" at The Angelika Film Center, Houston TX, 7pm, Saturday 8.29.09

The Endeavor for Hope Foundation (“The EFHF”)®, a Houston-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity, will host a screening of the film, “Youssou N’Dour: I Bring What I Love” at Houston’s Angelika Film Center on this Saturday, August 29, 2009 at 7:00pm. The organization is proud to introduce Houston audiences to this film with its positive and dignified portrait of Africans and African music. - August 26, 2009 - The Endeavor For Hope Foundation

FAAN Walk for Food Allergy: Moving Toward a Cure Comes to Salt Lake City

This year’s Walk for Food Allergy: Moving Toward A Cure in Salt Lake City will take place at Wheeler Historic Farm on Saturday, October 3, 2009, at 12:00 p.m. The event, to be held in 35 cities across the country as well as online, is sponsored by the Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network... - August 26, 2009 - FAAN Walk for Food Allergy - Salt Lake

Comedy Night at the Wellness Community Featuring Comedy Central Alum Louis Ashamallah

A free Comedy Night for people affected by cancer with featured performer Louis Ashamallah will be held Monday, September 14, 7:00-8:00 p.m. at The Wellness Community Valley/Ventura, 530 Hampshire Road, Westlake Village. The monthly Comedy Night series is made possible by funds raised at the Stand... - August 26, 2009 - The Wellness Community Valley/Ventura

Jewish EXCEL Scholarship Fund Initiative

The mission of the Foundation is to build Jewish identity, values, and literacy through elementary Jewish day school education. The focus of the Foundation is on schools which embrace a quality, dual curriculum. - August 24, 2009 - National Jewish Day School Foundation

ARISE Gives Pinellas Marine Institute Staff the Skills They Need to Prevent At-Risk Youth from Dropping Out of School

The two-day life skills training workshop will show participants how to lead ARISE group discussions and activities and motivate juvenile offenders to get their high school diploma. - August 22, 2009 - ARISE Foundation

$3.75 Million Secured for Region’s Arts and Cultural Organizations

Tremendous outpouring of gifts demonstrates the high value that individuals place on arts and cultural activities throughout southeast Michigan. - August 20, 2009 - Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan

Putting the Kids Back in the Spotlight

Kids In The Spotlight Inc presents A Night of Entertainment with all proceeds going to Kids In The Spotlight- a not for profit organization which provides film training for foster and under-privileged youth. - August 20, 2009 - Kids In The Spotlight

Tigerlily Foundation to Host Congressional Event to Support Awareness of Young Women and Breast Cancer

Keynote Speaker Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz Will Speak on Young Women’s Breast Health and Empowerment and the EARLY Act. - August 15, 2009 - Tigerlily Foundation

ARISE Achieves a Milestone, Reaching Thousands of At-Risk Youth Through Its Interactive Life Skills Lessons

Almost 6,000 certified ARISE Life Skills Facilitators have gone on to teach over 4 million hours of group activities to incarcerated and troubled youth. - August 15, 2009 - ARISE Foundation

Splash for a Cure: Family Fun for a Cause in Charlottesville, VA

Charlottesville Couple Honor Son with First Annual Fundraiser for the Ishan Gala Foundation, Raising Money to Fight Deadly Childhood Cancer, Neuroblastoma - August 15, 2009 - Ishan Gala Foundation

Tom Joyner’s How to Prepare for College Offers Valuable Advice

Book is great for parents and students as they get back school this fall - August 14, 2009 - Tom Joyner Foundation

Macular Degeneration:  Exclusive Interview with Researcher Dr. Janet Sunness M.D. of the Greater Baltimore Medical Center

Macular Degeneration: Exclusive Interview with Researcher Dr. Janet Sunness M.D. of the Greater Baltimore Medical Center

Exclusive interview with researcher Dr. Janet Sunness of the Greater Baltimore Medical Center concerning an advanced form of Macular Degeneration known as Geographic Atrophy. - August 13, 2009 - Macular Degeneration Foundation

Kentucky's First Charter Partner of Cleaning for a Reason: Off Top Cleaning, Staging, & More Helps Women Undergoing Cancer Treatment

Cleaning for a Reason Foundation is excited to announce their first Kentucky charter Partner, Off Top cleaning, Staging, & More. Cleaning for a Reason is the nation’s first non-profit organization dedicated to providing free house cleaning services for women undergoing cancer treatment. - August 11, 2009 - Off Top Cleaning, Staging, & More

Barry Woodard Named to Me Fine Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors

Lisa Valentino, executive director of Me Fine Foundation, Inc. (, has announced that Barry Woodard, managing partner at Hometowne Realty Group, has been named to the nonprofit’s board of directors. As a board member, Woodard will provide feedback and support regarding... - August 09, 2009 - Me Fine Foundation, Inc.

Drop It at the Door: ARISE Gives New Mexico Teachers the Skills They Need to Reject Negative Emotions

ARISE will journey cross-country to bring anger and stress management to the staff of Academy of Trades and Technologies. - August 07, 2009 - ARISE Foundation

Can Foundation Selected to Participate in Premiere LIVESTRONG® Global Cancer Summit in Dublin, Ireland

First-ever event to bring together world leaders, advocates and corporations from more than 60 countries to address the global cancer burden - August 05, 2009 - Can Foundation

Free Workshop: Frankly Speaking About New Discoveries in Cancer

The Wellness Community Valley/Ventura will host a free presentation for people affected by cancer entitled: Frankly Speaking About New Discoveries in Cancer with Shahryar Ashouri, M.D. The program will explore new discoveries in cancer treatment, side-effect management and psychosocial aspects of... - August 05, 2009 - The Wellness Community Valley/Ventura

Rising Numbers of Single Women Have New Help

Today's woman--single and otherwise--has to meet challenges unheard-of in previous generations. As the number of single women continues to climb, the need to provide affordable, relevant help grows. 'Secrets you wish your mom told you' is a series of online classes that offer real help you can use right away in your everyday life. - August 01, 2009 - SWWAN(R) and the SWWAN Foundation

Macular Degeneration Foundation Posts Exclusive Report on Geographic Atrophy to Its Website

A medical report describing an advanced form of Macular Degeneration called Geographic Atrophy. - August 01, 2009 - Macular Degeneration Foundation

David O. Egner Named Executive Director of New Economy Initiative

Funders are accelerating SE Michigan’s transition to innovation economy. - August 01, 2009 - New Economy Initiative for Southeast Michigan

Search for Restaurants and Sponsors to Participate in Wine and Food Under the Stars

The National Orange Show Foundation invites restaurants and sponsors to participate in its annual fundraising events, Wine and Food Under the Stars held in San Bernardino, CA on October 8, 2009. - August 01, 2009 - National Orange Show Events Center

75 Nonprofits in Southeast Michigan to Participate in "Community Foundation Challenge — Arts and Culture"

Aug. 18 online challenge to generate $3 million in sorely needed operating funds for arts and cultural organizations in southeast Michigan. - July 31, 2009 - Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan

Elinvar Vice President Named to Me Fine Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors

Lisa Valentino, executive director of Me Fine Foundation, Inc. (, has announced that Marirose K. Steigerwald, vice president of Elinvar, an executive coaching company, has been named to the nonprofits board of directors. As a board member, Steigerwald will provide feedback... - July 30, 2009 - Me Fine Foundation, Inc.

Trust for Architectural Easements Supports Local Efforts to Place Allenhurst Residential Historic District in National Register

If approved, the Allenhurst Residential Historic District in Allenhurst, NJ could be listed in the National Register of Historic Places this year. “The National Register of Historic Places is the federal program that provides public recognition of our nation’s historic resources,... - July 29, 2009 - Trust for Architectural Easements

The Wyatt Holliday Foundation Introduces Its Inaugural Community Walk in Tacoma

On Saturday, Sept. 26, The Wyatt Holliday Foundation will hold its inaugural “Exceptional Families 3K Walk & Roll” event in Tacoma to bring families in the community together to show support for children with varying special needs. Owen Beach at Point Defiance Park in Tacoma will be... - July 29, 2009 - The Wyatt Holliday Foundation

Tom Joyner Foundation® Donates $200k to Knoxville College

Foundation has donated more than $500k over past year to help Tennessee college - July 29, 2009 - Tom Joyner Foundation

NCSF & NCSSE Partner for a New Era in Cheer Safety

The National Cheer Safety Foundation (NCSF) panel of experts is teaming up with the National Council for Spirit Safety and Education (NCSSE). - July 29, 2009 - National Cheer Safety Foundation

A Mother’s Fight to Save Her Child: 3 Things You Must Recognize

A career mother of five, struggled to support her children on her own, battled with doctors for 2 ½ years trying to get a diagnosis for her daughter; noticing abnormal movements, change in behavior and speech, after the separation from her father. - July 29, 2009 - The Imana K YHD Foundation, Inc.

Habitat for Humanity Re-Store in Venice, Customer Appreciation Day a Stellar Success

Overwhelming support by local community and media exceed event expectations. - July 22, 2009 - Habitat for Humanity Re-Store

MFPS Announces Northeast Ohio Paranormal Conference (NEOPC)

The Munroe Falls Paranormal Society has announced its first annual paranormal conference to take place on Saturday October 31st, 2009 in Rootstown Ohio. The Northeast Ohio Paranormal Conference (NEOPC) will be open to the public and is free to attend with prior online registration at... - July 22, 2009 - Munroe Falls Paranormal Society

Beckstrand Cancer Foundation's Board of Directors Elects New Officers

Beckstrand Cancer Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to improving and enhancing quality of life for cancer patients and their families, today announced that its Board of Directors elected new officers at a regular meeting on June 10, 2009. All of the Board’s members were present for the... - July 21, 2009 - Beckstrand Cancer Foundation

Beckstrand Cancer Foundation Announces Two New Staff Additions

Sarah Unke and Taylor Gramkow Join Nonprofit in Support of Local Cancer Community - July 18, 2009 - Beckstrand Cancer Foundation

Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan to Launch Online "Community Foundation Challenge — Arts and Culture"

Event to Support Arts and Cultural Organizations Begins on Aug. 18 at 10 a.m. - July 18, 2009 - Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan

Beckstrand Cancer Foundation Logo Selected for LogoLounge Master Library Series

Butterfly Icon Created by Robert Nienhuis Designed to Inspire Hope and Represent Help. - July 17, 2009 - Beckstrand Cancer Foundation

Pain Management Expert Margo McCaffery Will Present Free Workshop at The Wellness Community Valley/Ventura

The Wellness Community Valley/Ventura is offering a free pain management workshop for people with cancer and their families. Finding Your Comfort Zone: What Every Cancer Patient Should Know About Managing Pain with Margo McCaffery, RN, MS, FAAN will take place on Thursday, July 30, 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. at The Wellness Community Valley/Ventura, 530 Hampshire Road, Westlake Village, CA 91361. - July 16, 2009 - The Wellness Community Valley/Ventura

Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan Launches New Web Site

Media Center, Latest Happenings section are among new features. - July 15, 2009 - Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan

Tournament Players Club at Wakefield Plantation Selected for 2010 Tarheel Junior Golf Tour Event

The Tarheel Junior Golf Tour will return from it holiday break to open 2010 at Tournament Players' Club at Wakefield Plantation in Raleigh, NC. The TPC Wakefield Plantation is a Hale Irwin designed golf course that hosts the annual Rex Hospital Open on the Nationwide Tour and is owned and operated... - July 14, 2009 - Tarheel Golf Foundation

EmpowHer Institute Announces Executive Appointments

Betty LaMarr, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of EmpowHer Institute announced the appointments of Claudia Johnson and Dr. Reri MacLean to the positions of President and Board Secretary, respectively. - July 13, 2009 - EmpowHer Institute

The Homeland Security Foundation of America (HSFA) Appoints Tim Crockett to the Board

Tim Crockett, Executive Director, AKE Group, joins HSFA's Board of Directors - July 11, 2009 - Homeland Security Foundation of America

Habitat for Humanity Re-Store in Venice, Florida Hosts Customer Appreciation Day

Giving back to their customers on July 18, 2009 with a fun day of shopping specials, food and entertainment. - July 10, 2009 - Habitat for Humanity Re-Store

Tom Joyner Foundation to Distribute $510,000 Grant to Promote HIV/AIDS and Substance Abuse Awareness

For the fourth year, the Foundation has partnered with the Office of the Administrator of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP) to promote awareness at Six Black Colleges. - July 10, 2009 - Tom Joyner Foundation

Tom Joyner Foundation, Denny's Recognize Single Parent Scholars at Black Colleges

Since January, the Foundation and Denny's have distributed more than $32k in Scholarships help parents finish their college education. - July 10, 2009 - Tom Joyner Foundation

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