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Within Membership Organizations
Tripping the Mic Fantastic with Barbara Rosenblat at NATF's 27th Annual Audio Theater Workshop
Barbara Rosenblat, one of the most revered voice actors in the country, brings her two day masterclass to NATF's Annual Audio Theatre Workshop in West Plains, MO, June 22-27, 2008. - May 14, 2008 - National Audio Theatre Festivals, Inc.
Don Conrad, Author of How to Find That Quality Tenant, Discusses the Tenant Selection Process for Landlords on "Ideal Investment Radio"
Noted expert on landlording will discuss his 5 step strategy for helping real estate investors make that crucial decision on who to rent to. - May 14, 2008 - Ideal 4 Investors
NAFA Announces the Winners of the 2008 Green Fleet Awards
NAFA Fleet Management Association announces the winners of the first-ever Green Fleet Awards. The awards were handed out at NAFA's Institute & Expo in Salt Lake City, Utah on May 5, 2008. - May 14, 2008 - NAFA Fleet Management Association
USBGA Launches the National Chapter Program
The NCP is platform that will gives media exposure and sponsorships to aspiring pro golfers. - May 14, 2008 - United States Black Golfers Association
Rogue Document Preparers: Unfair Competition and LDA Compliance
Deputy District Attorney to Speak About Paralegals, Legal Document Assistant Registration and Unfair Business Practices. - May 14, 2008 - Alliance of Legal Document Assistant Professionals
GBBR Charitable Foundation Accepting Summer 2008 Grant Applications -- Baltimore Area Housing, Education and Community Development Groups Encouraged to Apply
The Greater Baltimore Board of REALTORS® (GBBR) Charitable Foundation is announcing the availability of grant money for organizations dedicated to improving the quality of life in Baltimore-area neighborhoods. Groups providing assistance with homeownership, fair housing practices, community... - May 12, 2008 - Greater Baltimore Board of REALTORS
TechBiz Connection Presents Panel Discussion on Web 2.0 and Social Networking
TechBiz Connection ( will host a distinguished panel of business leaders and innovators who will discuss what Web 2.0 and social networking means for companies and their customers and competitors at its monthly forum on Wednesday, May 21 from 6:00 to 9:00 PM at The Student Center at the University of California, Irvine. - May 11, 2008 - TechBiz Connection
Former NFL Coach and NFL Today Sports Analyst Bill Cowher to Speak at BCA Triangle Breakfast
Former N.C. State player, Super Bowl coach to speak May 16 gathering. - May 10, 2008 - Business Clubs of the Triangle
Hundreds March and Demand Accountability from Politicians
Forum and march to be held to protest displacement of low income families due to massive development and shut down of day care centers in low income communities in Brooklyn and NYC. - May 10, 2008 - Families United for Racial & Economic Equality (FUREE)
TCREW Hosts 10th Annual Champion Awards
Local Professional Women’s Group Grants Community Impact Gift to Achievement Academy of Durham - May 10, 2008 - Triangle Commercial Real Estate Women
Maryland Automobile Dealers Association Offers Eight Ways to Save on Gas Today
With oil prices rising on a regular basis and the summer travel season approaching, Maryland Automobile Dealers Association president Peter Kitzmiller says motorists can realize immediate fuel savings with just a few simple steps: 1. Comparison shop for gas There are many websites that track gas... - May 10, 2008 - Maryland Automobile Dealers Association
NSCS Announces Members of 2008-09 National Leadership Council
NSCS is pleased to announce that the following students have been named members of the National Leadership Council for the 2008-2009 academic year. The Council is a leadership opportunity awarded to 20 students who display leadership qualities both at their NSCS chapter and in their on-campus... - May 09, 2008 - The National Society of Collegiate Scholars
The International Brangus Breeders Association Announces International Issue of the Brangus Journal
The International Brangus Breeders Association (IBBA), along with Brangus Publications Inc (BPI), is currently in production of its inaugural international issue of the Brangus Journal. With the March 27, 2008 announcement that Mexico would be easing import restrictions for US cattle, the IBBA will... - May 07, 2008 - International Brangus Breeders Association
American Institute of Architects Michigan Names Senator Jason Allen (R) Legislator of the Year
The American Institute of Architects Michigan (AIA Michigan) announced the selection of State Senator Jason Allen (R) as its 2008 Legislator of the Year. Allen’s selection by the organization’s Board of Directors is based on several criteria, including dedication to public service,... - May 07, 2008 - American Institute of Architects Michigan
BudgetGPS Service Used to Recover $400,000 Truck After Theft
On April 20, 2008, a 2007 Kenworth truck equipped with a Century XP-850 wrecker body was stolen from the Marlow’s Fuel Center truck stop in Dallas, TX. The truck was owned by Walnut Hill Wrecker, a WHW Towing Companies Company, based in Dallas, TX. The tow truck operator was off-shift and... - May 06, 2008 - towPartners
Colorado BioScience Association Announces Nine New Board Members
Nine new board members have been elected to the Colorado BioScience Association (CBSA) 40-member Board of Directors. In related action, seven existing members were elected to reappointments on the CBSA board this year. CBSA, with more than 400 members, is a not-for-profit corporation providing services and support for Colorado's growing biosciences industry. - May 04, 2008 - Colorado BioScience Association
AsiaFest Austin 2008 - Schedule of Events
Network of Asian American Organizations announces the schedule of programs for AsiaFest Austin 2008. AsiaFest Austin 2008, an event celebrating the National Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, will be held on May 3, 2008. The event will run from 11:00 am to 9:00 pm at the future home of Austin Asian American Resource Center at 8401, Cameron Road, Austin, TX 78754. - May 04, 2008 - Network of Asian American Organizations
The International Brangus Breeders Association Announces New Hiring
The International Brangus Breeders Association (IBBA), along with Brangus Publications Inc (BPI), is pleased to announce the hiring of Ashley Moore as the Advertising Sales Coordinator for all BPI publications. Ms. Moore will be the primary contact at BPI for all advertising and promotional... - May 04, 2008 - International Brangus Breeders Association
As Oil Prices Climb, Fleets and Businesses Turn to Fuel Discount Codes and Promotional Coupons
Allied Business Network, a business discount membership club offers consumers immediate relief from gas price hikes – in the form of discount codes and promotional coupons. - May 03, 2008 - Allied Business Network
Business Buying Group's Promotional Codes, Discount Coupon Memberships Triple in Recessive Economy
Allied Business Network, ABN, can save your company by using promotional and coupon codes on business products and services. - May 03, 2008 - Allied Business Network
NSCS Announces Selections for Spring Issue of The Collegiate Scholar
11 NSCS members have made it into the spring issue of The Collegiate Scholar, a literary e-publication created by The National Society of Collegiate Scholars, an honor society inviting freshmen and sophomores. - May 03, 2008 - The National Society of Collegiate Scholars
Sharing Personal Insights of Memorial Day - the Memorial Day Online Forum has created an online Memorial Day Forum free for all to view and contribute thoughts to honor fallen soldiers, while supporting U.S. veterans and military. - May 03, 2008 -
Bags Are Packed for NAFA's 2008 Institute & Expo in Salt Lake City
NAFA's 2008 Institute & Expo opens in Salt Lake City, Utah and runs from May 3-6, 2008. - May 02, 2008 - NAFA Fleet Management Association
Florida Direct Marketing Association Announces 30th Annual Marketing Summit Coming to Fort Lauderdale May 15th, 2008 Featuring Lois Geller, Disney, Affinova and Assurant
The must-attend event for marketing professionals, business owners/managers in South Florida. The Summit is a half day event of networking and education with the hottest topics & issues. - May 01, 2008 - Florida Direct Marketing Association
Mom's Giving Back in More Ways Than One
In celebration of Mother’s Day and Small Business Month, a unique new group, Mom’s Business Associates (MBA), will hold a business workshop, educating business owners about Free resources available to help start, grow, and succeed in their business. The proceeds of this event will be... - May 01, 2008 - MBA (Mom's Business Associates)
NPSA Offers Portable Storage Financing Tips
Portable storage vendors have several options to finance containerized storage purchases. Discover the pros and cons of each option. - May 01, 2008 - National Portable Storage Association
AsiaFest Austin 2008 to Kick Off Celebration of National Asian Pacific American Heritage Month in Austin, Texas
Come and join the celebration of National Asian Pacific American Heritage Month at AsiaFest Austin 2008 on May 3, 2008 with fun, food and entertainment. The event will be held from 11:00 am to 9:00 pm at the future home of Austin Asian American Resource Center at 8401, Cameron Road, Austin, TX... - May 01, 2008 - Network of Asian American Organizations
Celebrate a $2.6 Billion Industry on National Scrapbooking Day
May 3, 2008 National Scrapbooking Day has emerged as a way of celebrating the number one, top-selling category of the 39 craft segments in the $31.7* billion dollar U.S. craft and hobby industry. - May 01, 2008 - Craft & Hobby Association
Colorado Rep. Bernie Buescher Keynotes the CBSA Annual All-Member Meeting
Representative Bernie Buescher (D-Grand Junction), Chairman of the Colorado General Assembly’s Joint Budget Committee (JBC), provided the keynote address at the Colorado BioScience Association (CBSA) Annual All-Member Meeting yesterday at the University Club in Denver. In other action, 2008 association sponsors were announced, plus new and reappointed board members voted on by those in attendance. - April 30, 2008 - Colorado BioScience Association
Carol Johnson Awarded Lifetime Achievement Award
At the 18th Annual Recruiting Network Conference, Carol Johnson of The Recruiting Network, was presented with the Life Achievement Award for her contribution to the origination and continual development of the discipline now recognized as Real Estate Recruiting. - April 30, 2008 - The Recruiting Network
Tampa Bay, Florida Hispanic Focused Association Team Takes Legislative Action
Board Members of the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals Tampa Bay Chapter Visit with U.S. Representatives in Washington D.C. to Discuss Industry Legislative Agenda - April 30, 2008 - NAHREP Tampa Bay Chapter
Memorial Day Parade/Veteran Events Directory -- the largest Web site reuniting and supporting US veterans -- has created a nationwide online Memorial Day parade/events directory at free for all to view and submit event information. - April 30, 2008 -
Planet Child of Cary to Host Nesting for Peace Creation Session
Planet Child of Cary will welcome Apex artist Karin Baumeister-Rehm who will host two creative art sessions as part of her Nesting for Peace project. Baumeister-Rehm will be at Planet Child on May 6th at 10 AM and again on May 8th at 4 PM as part of her efforts to bring the Nesting for Peace concept to cities outside of Apex. - April 30, 2008 - Planet Child of Cary
Top Executives Provide Straight Talk and Insight at NAFA's 2008 Institute & Expo
NAFA's presents "Straight Talk from Leasing Executives" and "Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)" panels at the 2008 Institute & Expo in Salt Lake City, Utah on May 5, 2008. - April 30, 2008 - NAFA Fleet Management Association Reunites US Veterans and Military While Remembering Our Fallen Soldiers is taking a moment to reflect on the many brave men and women who have given their lives in the service and protection of our great country. Additionally VetFriends is thanking all of the veteran brothers and sisters, active and reserve military of the US Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard. With the approach of Memorial Day and all year long a special salute, thanks and honor to all who have served and sacrificed to preserve our freedom. - April 28, 2008 -
MSA Promotes Museums as Unique Shopping Destinations
MSA Brings Cultural Commerce and Tourism Message to Museum Directors at the American Association of Museums Annual Meeting and MuseumExpo, April 28– 30. - April 27, 2008 - Museum Store Association
How to Run a Fleet on the Other Side of the Globe
The Global Fleet Management Roundtable at NAFA's 2008 Institute & Expo will answer all questions regarding how to run a fleet on the other side of the world. - April 27, 2008 - NAFA Fleet Management Association
MSA Launches New Publication: The Cultural Traveler
The Museum Store Association (MSA), with its partners the U.S. Cultural & Heritage Tourism Marketing Council and the Shop America Alliance, is proud to announce the launch of a new publication called The Cultural Traveler, a tourism-focused guidebook featuring the leading museum stores in North... - April 27, 2008 - Museum Store Association
Colorado BioScience Association Praises Governor Ritter’s Signing and Rep. Riesberg and Sen. Bacon’s Sponsorship of the Bioscience Research Grant Program (HB 1001)
Colorado Governor Bill Ritter has signed HB 1001, spurring development of the bioscience industry in Colorado. The Bioscience Research Grant Program puts $26.5 million over the next five years into several initiatives within Colorado’s bioscience industry. These funds and program will be managed by the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade. - April 26, 2008 - Colorado BioScience Association
NAFA Fleet Management Association Meets with EPA
NAFA started a dialogue between NAFA members and the EPA at a recent meeting on pending regulation for manadatory reporting of greenhouse gases. - April 26, 2008 - NAFA Fleet Management Association
NAFA's 2008 Expo Brings a Daughter Closer to Her Father's Legacy
A college student from Quebec travels to Salt Lake City to present an award named after her father who died when she was just eight years old. - April 26, 2008 - NAFA Fleet Management Association
Founder of World’s Largest Virtual Assistance Organization Embarks on North American Speaking Tour founder and Certified Internet Marketing Specialist to make speaking appearances in Charlotte, NC at the 7th Annual IVAA Summit, Toronto, ON at the first annual Forum on Virtual Assistance and ‘virtually’ at the 3rd Annual Online International Virtual Assistance Conference. - April 25, 2008 - Virtual Assistant Networking Association
NACCE's Second Annual Summer Symposium Set for June 22-25: This Year's Theme is "Teaching Entrepreneurship: Sharing Best Practices"
The National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship (NACCE) will hold its second Summer Symposium for Community College Entrepreneurship Educators (S-CCEE) June 22-25 at Springfield Technical Community College (STCC) in Springfield, MA. This annual event for faculty at community... - April 25, 2008 - National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship
NPSA Supports Container Art Initiatives Worldwide
The National Portable Storage Association applauds the Kaohsiung International Container Arts Festival, which uses portable storage containers to express eco-art. - April 25, 2008 - National Portable Storage Association
Bill Bradley and the Path Ahead for America
Former United States Senator Bill Bradley is the Keynote Speaker for NAFA's 2008 Institute & Expo in Salt Lake City, Utah. - April 24, 2008 - NAFA Fleet Management Association Launches Online Networking Forum for Metro Detroit Technology Professionals announced today that it has re-branded it’s image and has launched an all new website – - to offer Information Technology professionals the ability to network not only at their monthly 5:01 meetings, but on the web as well. “We came to the... - April 23, 2008 -
National Directory of Catalogs 2008 Edition Now Available
In this 18th edition, the National Directory of Catalogs features detailed information on 12,230 of the top catalogs in the U.S and Canada. - April 23, 2008 - National Mail Order Association
12 NSCS Members Win Truman Scholarship
Twelve NSCS members are among the 65 students selected as Truman Scholars for 2008. NSCS is an honor society inviting freshmen and sophomores. The Truman Scholarship Foundation, which was started in 1977 to honor President Truman, awards each scholar $30,000 for graduate study, priority admission... - April 23, 2008 - The National Society of Collegiate Scholars
10th Annual Small Business Expo & Conference Presentations and Workshops to Provide Solutions for Growing a Business in an Economic Downturn
An event that got its start in the gymnasium of a SE Minneapolis elementary school celebrates its tenth anniversary as the American Association of MicroBusinesses (AAM) presents two keynote and four featured speakers offering presentations to help small businesses weather the current economic climate. Keynote Presentations by Chief Rainmaker and Street Performer Focus on Action Plans and Harnessing and Releasing Natural Energy to Grow Businesses. - April 23, 2008 - American Association of MicroBusinesses
Honor Society NSCS Commemorates Earth Day
The National Society of Collegiate Scholars is actively involved in making its business green, its senior director of operations said today. “We don’t believe in just making an effort on one day,” Amy Shopkorn said. “All year round we use re-usable cups, recycle computer... - April 23, 2008 - The National Society of Collegiate Scholars