The Knowledge Congress Has Scheduled a Live Webcast on Enterprise Risk Management for Actuaries for 2013 and Beyond

The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, announced today that it has scheduled a live webcast entitled Enterprise Risk Management for Actuaries for 2013 and Beyond. This two-hour event is scheduled on October 2, 2013 at... - September 21, 2013 - The Knowledge Group

The Knowledge Congress Has Scheduled a Live Webcast on Nonbank SIFIs and Asset Managers: Enforcement and Compliance Issues in 2013

The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, announced today that it has scheduled a live webcast entitled Nonbank SIFIs and Asset Managers: Enforcement and Compliance Issues in 2013. This two-hour event is scheduled on... - September 21, 2013 - The Knowledge Group

The Knowledge Congress Has Scheduled a Live Webcast on Patent Infringement Reasonable Royalty Damages Strategies in Light of Recent Federal Circuit Decisions

The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, announced today that it has scheduled a live webcast entitled Patent Infringement Reasonable Royalty Damages Strategies In Light of Recent Federal Circuit. This two-hour event is... - September 21, 2013 - The Knowledge Group

The Knowledge Congress Has Scheduled a Live Webcast on Accounting Fraud & SEC Investigations

The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, announced today that it has scheduled a live webcast entitled Accounting Fraud & SEC Investigations. This two-hour event is scheduled on October 18, 2013 at 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM ET. - September 21, 2013 - The Knowledge Group

Gregory S. Rowland, Partner, Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP to Speak at KC’s Nonbank SIFIs and Asset Managers: Enforcement and Compliance Issues in 2013 Live Webcast

The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Gregory S. Rowland, Partner, Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP will speak at the Knowledge Congress’ webcast entitled: “Nonbank SIFIs and Asset... - September 21, 2013 - The Knowledge Group

Appliance Repair Technicians in Houston, TX, Team with SEO Marketing Gurus to Boost Web Visibility

Local appliance repair specialists "AJ's Appliance Service & Repair" partner with the SEO experts at "Prospect Genius" to bring superior appliance services to the greater Houston, TX areas. - September 21, 2013 - AJ's Appliance Service & Repair

Georgia Bankers Association Encourages Consumers to Get Smart About Credit

In an effort to encourage better credit literacy throughout Georgia, the Georgia Bankers Association (GBA) is encouraging all Georgia banks to participate in the American Bankers Association’s Get Smart About Credit program. The program, now in its 11th year, is a national campaign of... - September 20, 2013 - Georgia Bankers Association

Inaugural Green School Competition Launches in Montana; Register Your Montana School/Group for a Chance to Win a Trophy/Cash Prize

On Sept. 28, Saturday, 2013, the United States Green Building Council (USGBC) Montana Chapter Green School and Advocacy is showing its support of healthy and sustainable schools by launching the first ever Montana Green School Challenge. The competition invites Montana schools, classes or groups to... - September 20, 2013 - Montana USGBC

Colorado BioScience Association Partners with Two of the State’s Economic Development Entities to Promote Colorado’s Strengths at AdvaMed 2013  

Representatives from the Colorado BioScience Association, the Colorado Springs Regional Business Alliance and the Metro Denver Economic Development Corporation will showcase Colorado’s medical device and diagnostic sectors during the 2013 AdvaMed: The MedTech Conference in Washington D.C., September 23-25.   - September 20, 2013 - Colorado BioScience Association

Denver Startup Week Offers Free Technology Recycling Drive

Denver Startup Week, the weeklong event highlighting Denver’s entrepreneurial and innovative culture, is hosting a technology recycling drive to close out its week of events. The event, which will be held Saturday, 9/21 from 11am-3pm, is accepting computer hardware, electronics and peripherals. - September 20, 2013 - Denver Biz Tech Expo

Virginia Veterinary Medical Association & Virginia Department of Health Recognize Rabies Awareness Week

State Veterinary Association and State Department of Health Sponsor Annual Statewide Rabies Awareness Week. - September 20, 2013 - Virginia Veterinary Medical Association

Danforth Plant Science Center Adds $3.5 Million, One-of-a-Kind Plant Phenotyping Facility to Its Core Technologies

Advanced imaging and robotics will accelerate discovery. - September 20, 2013 - Donald Danforth Plant Science Center

Cincinnati Zoo Walk Raises $10,000 for Dystonia Research

The Dystonia Medical Research Foundation (DMRF) commends the support seen this past weekend the Cincinnati Zoo Walk. Over 200 supporters came to help raise over $10,000 and awareness for dystonia on Saturday, September 14, 2013. Organizer Melissa Phelps planned the walk in honor of her two young daughters, both of whom suffer from generalized dystonia, a little known movement disorder. - September 20, 2013 - Dystonia Medical Research Foundation

San Francisco Woman’s Fifth Half Marathon Retires her from Inspirational Running Career

Despite living with a chronic neurological disorder, Carrie Siu Butt has finished over 15 races for Dystance4Dystonia. The Dystonia Medical Foundation (DMRF) is proud to cheer on Dystance4Dystonia runner Carrie Siu Butt in her fifth and final half marathon this November. Dystonia is a neurological disorder, and Carrie has served for years as a tireless inspiration for the dystonia community through her advocacy and passion for running. - September 20, 2013 - Dystonia Medical Research Foundation

Michael Clark, Calligrapher, Typographer, Author, Editor and Graphic Artist, to Speak at Lettersong Gallery October 9th

Lettersong Gallery will be the site of a two day workshop with noted instructor Michael Clark of the Washington DC area. The workshop on October 10 and 11, 2013 is full, but there will be a talk on Wednesday night, October 9th, free to the public. - September 20, 2013 - Wedding Calligraphy by Jan Hurst

Free Wheelchair Mission Announces First Container of Wheelchairs Ordered for Samoa

Free Wheelchair Mission’s first container (550 individual units) of wheelchairs were placed on order for Samoa. FWM’s Executive Director, Reed Hartley notes, “although Samoa’s tsunami in 2009 was four years ago this month, the effects of the devastation are still felt deeply... - September 20, 2013 - Free Wheelchair Mission

Bald Head Island Joins Audubon International’s Sustainable Communities Program

Bald Head Island in North Carolina becomes the 13th community to join Audubon International's Sustainable Communities Program. - September 20, 2013 - Audubon International

Douglas Carroll Salon Hosts Second Annual “Care Cut Give” Cut-A-Thon Sunday, Sept. 22

Raleigh Salon, Med Spa and Boutique to Host Special Offers to Benefit American Cancer Society, Honor Late Beloved Stylist. - September 20, 2013 - Douglas Carroll Salon

Denver-Based Wedding Planning Company A Touch of Bliss Opens Satellite Office in Colorado Springs

Colorado’s Largest Wedding Planner Expands Reach to Colorado Springs with A Touch of Bliss South. - September 20, 2013 - A Touch of Bliss

Wake Education Partnership Honors Those Making a Difference in Education Past and Present

Partnership Unveils Wake County Public School System Hall of Fame and Raises Money to Help Current Teachers - September 20, 2013 - Wake Education

Fred. Olsen Cruise Lines Commences New Partnership with Eavesway Travel Ltd.

With effect from April 2014, Fred. Olsen Cruise Lines will be working with Wigan-based Eavesway Travel Ltd., which has been established for over 70 years, as its preferred supplier of coach services for cruise guests. Route details and fares will be featured in Fred. Olsen’s ‘Worldwide... - September 20, 2013 - Fred. Olsen Cruise Lines

Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network Welcomes New Executive Director to Increase Awareness and Funding for Bladder Cancer

Monica Smith joins the BCAN team, ready to make a difference in the future of bladder cancer. - September 20, 2013 - Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network

Waste King Wins a Further Gold Recycling Award

Waste King, the specialist collections, clearance and recycling company, has won a second Gold Award from the National Recycling Stars Scheme. It won its first Gold Award from the Scheme last year and, in 2011, it won a Silver Award. The scheme, run by E2B Pulse, the UK carbon reduction network,... - September 20, 2013 - Waste King

Register Now for PMI Chicagoland's 3rd Annual Professional Development Day 2013 - Early Bird Discount Ends Sept. 19th

Keynote address by Governor Pat Quinn, annual 1-day event tackles this year's theme; “Mastery Beyond the Triple Constraints” with 4 Knowledge Tracks, 28 workshop sessions, 8 PDU’s, Rolling Meadows, IL. Early bird discount closes tomorrow, Thursday, Sept. 19th. Go to to register. - September 20, 2013 - PMI Chicagoland

Couple Sends Over 500 Gifts to Overseas Soldiers

Couple Sends Over 500 Gifts to Overseas Soldiers

Because of a interesting find in Coxs Creek, KY, a couple got inspired to distribute over 500 gifts to overseas U.S. soldiers. Michael Kirchhubel found letters in his attic that served as correspondence between his father and mother during WWII. - September 19, 2013 - Brass Peace Inc.

IEEE OnlineGreenComm 2013 to Hold Third Annual Event from October 29 - 31

Fully-Virtual, Three Day Conference to Host More Than One Dozen Sessions Devoted to Next Wave Green Communications & Energy Saving Technologies. - September 19, 2013 - IEEE Communications Society

Mountain West Dental Institute Grand Opening

Mountain West Dental Institute Grand Opening

The Metropolitan Denver Dental Society (MDDS) is hosting a Grand Opening of the Mountain West Dental Institute at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, September 19, 2013. The Mountain West Dental Institute (MWDI) is located at 925 Lincoln Street, Denver, CO 80203 in the Beauvallon building in the Golden Triangle. - September 19, 2013 - Metro Denver Dental Society

Basketball Stars including Chris Corchiani, Shavlik Randolph and Julius Hodge and Will Roach Finalizing Plans for October Charity Event in Raleigh

The Healing Place of Wake County Hoopsfest Committee Adds New Members to Slam Dunk Homelessness - September 19, 2013 - The Healing Place of Wake County

DLJ Give to Live Foundation Hosts Jersey City Fashion Week

The DLJ Give to Live Community Foundation, a charitable project sponsored by United Charitable Programs, raises funds and promotes awareness for various charitable causes through fashion, entertainment and sports-related events. - September 19, 2013 - United Charitable Programs

National Social Worker Conference Welcomes Presenter Debra Meehl on October 5 in Atlanta, Georgia

Co-Author of “Friends and Family Bipolar Survival Guide” to share wisdom from 20 years of treating Bipolar, Borderline and substance abuse. - September 19, 2013 - The Meehl Foundation

Grammy Nominated Lauren Agnelli Leads Songwriting for Social Change Artreach Members, Professional Songwriters, and Community Collaborate

Artreach, Inc.’s Songwriting for Social Change Project is a yearlong series of events dedicated to giving a voice to the voiceless through music. Music has traditionally been used to create social change. In this project, people who have psychiatric disorders are working alongside CT... - September 19, 2013 - Artreach

Laugh in the Face of Breast Cancer: A Fundraiser Event Benefiting South Asian Breast Cancer Awareness (SABCA) Foundation and Think Pink 365 Campaign

Fundraising event at Gotham Comedy Club in New York City, headlined by Akaash Singh - featuring Saurin Choksi, Subhah Agarwal, and Tushar Singh. - September 19, 2013 - SABCA Foundation

Park Hyatt Saigon Embarks on a Renovation Project to Redefine Luxury

A luxury upgrade to restore elegance with French indulgence at Park Hyatt Saigon. - September 19, 2013 - Park Hyatt Saigon

Larsen Digital Now Processes 8mm & Super8 Movie Film with Sound

Larsen Digital, a digital conversion service provider now offers 8mm & Super8 Movie Film transfers with sound. - September 19, 2013 - Larsen Digital

1 out of 2 Urban Indian is Obese, Reveals a Survey by Fitho Wellness

Fitho conducted a study on 4000 people that signed up for the healthy diet program which reveals that 73% adults in urban India are overweight, and 46% are obese. - September 19, 2013 - Fitho Wellness Services

IJIS Institute Executive Director Emeritus Appointed as a Lecturer at the George Washington University

Paul Wormeli appointed as lecturer in new IT Graduate Certificate program. - September 19, 2013 - IJIS Institute

King County Parks Approves New Trails Plan for Big Finn Hill Park in Kirkland, Washington

Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance to kick off a series volunteer work parties to improve trails at Big Finn Hill with a free trail building and maintenance class September 21st. - September 19, 2013 - Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance

Using Old Photos to Treat Alzheimer's Disease

Larsen Digital, a digital conversion service provider in Utah is helping Alzheimer's Awareness by raising awareness of Reminiscence Therapy. - September 19, 2013 - Larsen Digital

Steps to Independence Holds Fourth Annual 5K

Sunday September 15, 2013, marked Steps to Independence’s fourth annual 5k run/walk fundraiser. Steps to Independence is a Pittsburgh-based nonprofit that provides conductive education for children with motor disabilities. Their mission is to help their students achieve physical, social, and... - September 19, 2013 - Side Project Inc.

Charles Reinhart Company Realtors Names Julie Dropsey Director of Commercial Accounting

The Charles Reinhart Company Realtors is proud to announce that Julie Dropsey has been named Director of Commercial Accounting. - September 19, 2013 - Charles Reinhart Company, Realtors

INTUITION Brand Marketing Service Releases Social Media Monitoring Platform

Introduced as part of a soft launch in February 2013 at the GNEX 2013 Conference in Beverly Hills, CA. by Perspective Group, the leading, global PR and Multimedia company for the timeshare and vacation ownership industry, INTUITION, a brand marketing service, has now unveiled its core feature. At... - September 19, 2013 - Perspective Magazine

Child Safety Fingerprinting Station Opening in Anchorage, AK

Operation Kidsafe is opening a fingerprinting and child safety center in Anchorage. The center is totally free and totally private for all area families. - September 19, 2013 - Operation Kidsafe

Over 30 Companies Look to Fill 100+ Positions at Marlborough Works! Job Fair‏

Marlborough Job Fair to Showcase Local Employment Options. - September 19, 2013 - Marlborough Economic Development Corporation

Alan Ram & The Janeen R. Barber Foundation Supporters Help Families in Need

Alan Ram, President & Founder of The Janeen R. Barber Foundation, and the foundation's supporters reach out to families in need. - September 19, 2013 - The Janeen R. Barber Foundation

FiXiT Launches Campaign on to Allow Travelers to Donate Flyer Miles to Help Spay and Neuter Animals

Program Benefits Final Fix Program Designed to Help St. Croix Become a No-Kill Community. - September 19, 2013 - FiXiT Foundation

Dick Hannah Dealerships Named One of the Oregonian's Top Work Places for 2013

Dick Hannah Dealerships is pleased to announce that it has been recognized by its employees as one of The Oregonian's Top Workplaces for 2013. The Top Workplaces 2013 were determined solely by employee feedback submitted via surveys conducted by WorkplaceDynamics, LLP, a leading research firm on... - September 19, 2013 - Dick Hannah Dealerships

Dick Hannah Subaru Donates School Supplies and $4,600 to Crestline Elementary in Vancouver, Washington

Dick Hannah Subaru donated $4,600 and boxes of new school supplies to Crestline Elementary in support of the school and its students who are still struggling after the building burned to the ground in February 2013. In an effort spearheaded by its employees, Dick Hannah Subaru launched... - September 19, 2013 - Dick Hannah Dealerships

Disneyland’s ESPN Zone Gets Extreme with a Climbing Wall

Disneyland’s ESPN Zone Gets Extreme with a Climbing Wall

Extreme Engineering outfits Disneyland’s ESPN Zone with a climbing wall. - September 18, 2013 - Extreme Engineering

Denver Realtor® to Share Her Niche Marketing Knowledge and Experience Instructing New Continuing Education Class

Joan Rogliano, a real estate divorce niche expert will be offering a new continuing education course for Realtors on divorce niche marketing. - September 18, 2013 - Rogliano Real Estate Group

Invitation to the Purple Power Movement; Blogger Soiree Domestic Violence Month Awareness

Blissful Elegance Events and Jericho Road would like to invite you to the Purple Power Movement Blogger Soiree to kick off Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October from 6:30pm-9:30pm on September 27th at Cibar, 56 Irving Place, NYC. - September 18, 2013 - Blissful Elegance Events

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