MISF Media Launches Human Rights-War on Terror News Update

Biweekly news roundup reviews the war on terror's impact on human rights. - August 30, 2006 - May I Speak Freely Media

Divorce Support Program Set to Begin at Doylestown United Methodist Church

Doylestown United Methodist Church announces the starting date of the fall session of its DivorceCare program. - August 30, 2006 - Doylestown United Methodist Church

Water Missions International Restructures Management Team as Part of Growth Plan

Water Missions International, the Charleston-based nonprofit organization dedicated to providing sustainable access to safe water in developing countries and disaster areas, has experienced a ten fold increase in water projects over the last two years, spurring the need to restructure and broaden... - August 30, 2006 - Water Missions International

Arkansas Morgan Nick Amber Alert Issued for Dumas Girl (Casey Crowder - 17)

Arkansas Morgan Nick Amber Alert Issued for Dumas Girl (Casey Crowder - 17)

The Arkansas State Police has been requested by the Desha County Sheriff's Department at Dumas to issue a Level II, Morgan Nick Amber Alert in connection with the disappearance of Casey Crowder.  Casey was last seen at 5:30 AM, Sunday August 27th, 2006 near 105 Wilbrun Brake in the... - August 29, 2006 - Project Safekids

NC Association Of Nurse Anesthetists Announces 2006-2007 Board Of Directors

North Carolina Nursing Organization Forms Executive Panel. - August 29, 2006 - NC Association of Nurse Anesthetists

Amber Alert Issued for Lake County Toddler - Trenton Duckett (2)

Amber Alert Issued for Lake County Toddler - Trenton Duckett (2)

Trenton Duckett was last seen at around 7:00 P.M. on Sunday 08/27/06. An Amber Alert has been issued for Trenton Duckett by the FDLE.  He was last seen wearing a blue and green stripped shirt, or no shirt. He was wearing denim shorts and diaper.  The toddler was last seen in the... - August 28, 2006 - Project Safekids

Legion of Mary Handbook Online

The Legion of Mary Handbook, which outlines the basic information about the Legion of Mary, is now avalible online. - August 27, 2006 - Legion of Mary - Tidewater, VA Curia

Speaking Of Women’s Health Seeks Community Investment Award Recipients And Honoree Nominations

National Conference Accepting Applications . - August 25, 2006 - Speaking of Women's Health

Communities In Schools of NC Launches Gang Awareness Poster Campaign as Students Head Back to School

Campaign Offers a Positive Alternative to Gang Involvement. - August 25, 2006 - Communities in Schools of NC

Griefshare at Bel Air United Methodist Church in Maryland

Bel Air United Methodist Church will start their fall Griefshare session. - August 25, 2006 - Bel Air United Methodist Church

Cola or Tobacco: What Must be Banned? BBS Questions the Government

Audited balance sheet of one of the biggest tobacco manufacturer, most of the parliamentarians were receiving money from the tobacco industry in the name of political donation and this seemed to be a reason for their double standards on public health. Because of such financial interests, the politicians have a very soft corner for the number one public health enemy tobacco but have a hard stand on the not so contributing soft drink industry. - August 24, 2006 - Burning Brain Society

David Ulrich, HR Expert, Keynote Speaker at CAI’s January 2007 Conference on HR Best Practices

David Ulrich, Professor of Business Administration with the University of Michigan and renowned Human Resources (HR) expert is the keynote speaker for CAI’s HR Management Conference scheduled for January 29-30, 2007 at the NCSU McKimmon Center in Raleigh, NC. With a focus on human resource... - August 24, 2006 - CAI

Legion of Mary Provides Witness

It is not just Mormons and Jehovah witnesses, who are going door-to-door to share their faith — Catholics are too! A little known part of the Code of Canon Law requires that the pastor of every parish proclaim the word of God to those living in his parish. Notice the requirement —... - August 24, 2006 - Legion of Mary - Tidewater, VA Curia

Divorce Support and Grief Support Programs Set to Begin at James River Assembly

James River Assembly of God announces the starting date of the Fall session of DivorceCare and GriefShare programs. - August 23, 2006 - James River Assembly of God

District of Columbia Mayoral Candidate Dennis Moore Outlines Major "Out-of-the-Box" Educational Excellence Initiative - Critics Say He's Way Outside DC's Usual Candidates

Dennis Moore, the Republican D.C. mayoral candidate released his "Comprehensive Plan for Educational Excellence" to overhaul Washington's deteriorating school system. Critics say his plan strikingly distinguishes him from the Democratic mayoral front-runners, especially his GOP competitor David Kranich. Moore says his "out-of-the-box" Excellent Schools Plan (ESP) is what D.C. parents are demanding to bring "genuine educational empowerment" to all District students. The plan is as follows: - August 22, 2006 - Moore For People Mayoral Committee

New Dieting Test

A leading problem-eating organization has developed a dieting behavior self-test, underpinned by a radical new understanding of what the dieting lifestyle actually comprises, to help dieters identify their relationship with food and eating. - August 22, 2006 - The Weight Foundation

Containers Filled with Educational Aid is In-route to Samoa

CERF has sent two containers filled with student and teacher kits, books, and clothing to Samoa. The containers are scheduled to arrive in Samoa on August 23rd. The much needed kits will be distributed to the students and teachers of Lalomanu, and Fasito’o primary schools. - August 20, 2006 - Children's Educational Relief Foundation

Scholarship Applications Now Available to Samoan Students

CERF scholarship applications are now available to Samoan students needing financial assistance for the 2007 academic year. Scholarships are designed to allow students to attend school that otherwise are unable to due to financial strains. - August 20, 2006 - Children's Educational Relief Foundation

OurEnergy.us Empowers Consumer to Stop Global Warming

American energy consumers are taking personal action to reduce America’s dependence on fossil fuels and slow global warming due the lack of a national energy policy. One way consumers are limiting the amount of global warming pollutants is by supporting the generation of clean domestic energy. - August 18, 2006 - OurEnergy

Local Business Leaders Named To Committee for Speaking of Women’s Health Conference

Triangle Businesswomen Spearhead Raleigh Women’s Health Event. - August 18, 2006 - Speaking of Women's Health

Amber Alert Issued for Teen in Manhattan (Unknown Female)

Amber Alert Issued for Teen in Manhattan (Unknown Female)

The New York City Police Department has activated the New York State Amber Alert and is investigating a confirmed child abduction that occurred at 345 west 42 Street, in New York, New York. The child is a Black female approximately 13-15 years of age. The suspect is Percy Williams is a... - August 17, 2006 - Project Safekids

Amber Alert Issued for Houston Teen (Marlena Esquivel - 13)

Amber Alert Issued for Houston Teen (Marlena Esquivel - 13)

The suspect is a know Sex Offender. - August 17, 2006 - Project Safekids

Amber Alert Issued for Delaware County, Pennsylvania Girl

Amber Alert Issued for Delaware County, Pennsylvania Girl

The Pennsylvania State Police has issued an Amber Child Abduction Alert for the Ridley Township Police Department, Delaware County. Ridley Township Police are searching for a white female 15-16 years old, 5'8" tall, thin build, dark straight collar-length hair, with a bloodied face, wearing a... - August 17, 2006 - Project Safekids

With Midterms Looming, Leaders of the $300 Billion Electronic Retail Industry to Get a Bit of Beltway Buzz

Frank Luntz to Address Electronic Retailing Association Leaders at Third Annual Leadership Dinner, Give Predictions of Political Winners & Losers. - August 17, 2006 - Electronic Retailing Association

Hurricane Katrina Anniversary to be Marked in Two Dozen Cities by Bike Ride Against Global Warming

Thousands of cyclists will be marking Hurricane Katrina's anniversary in two dozen cities across the US and Canada. Participants aim to raise awareness about the hurricane’s survivors and the effects of climate change on catastrophic weather. Locations as diverse as Asheville, North... - August 16, 2006 - Rising Tide North America

16th Annual Convention and EXPO to Highlight All Aspects of $300 Billion E-tailing Industry

More Than 3,000 Electronic Retailers Convene at ERA Annual Convention - August 16, 2006 - Electronic Retailing Association

STAR ECO Station Announces Its 3rd Annual Creepy Crawly Creature Feature

Come join the STAR ECO Station for the third annual Creepy Crawly Creature Feature. A fun filled weekend for the whole family. - August 15, 2006 - STAR Inc.

Amber Alert Issued for Arizona Child (Zachary Baca - Age 3)

Amber Alert Issued for Arizona Child (Zachary Baca - Age 3)

The suspect stabbed the child's mother and fled. - August 12, 2006 - Project Safekids

National Bdpa Launches the IT Institute at Auburn University

The National BDPA, Black Data Processing Associates (http://www.bdpa.org) will launch the Information Technology Institute Certification Program in September 2006. The BDPA IT Institute supports the computer professional by increasing technical competence, maximizing leadership potential and... - August 12, 2006 - National BDPA

Virtual Assistance Chamber of Commerce Hosts Judy Murdoch of Highly Contagious Marketing for Free Virtual Assistant Business-Building Webinar August 17

Marketing expert to talk to Virtual Assistants on How to Get More Referrals…Now. - August 12, 2006 - Virtual Assistant Chamber of Commerce

Amber Alert Issued for Colorado Children (Jessica Marbella Garcia & Jose Lewis Cerrato)

Amber Alert Issued for Colorado Children (Jessica Marbella Garcia & Jose Lewis Cerrato)

They have been abducted by a known "Sex Offender." - August 11, 2006 - Project Safekids

Amber Alert / Levi's Call for Georgia Infant (Ashley Maoctezuma - 1 Month)

Amber Alert / Levi's Call for Georgia Infant (Ashley Maoctezuma - 1 Month)

A Levi's Call has been activated for a 1-month-old girl who was abducted from a home on Plantation Road about 10:30 a.m. Friday. Ashley Maoctezuma, was last seen wearing a pink shirt and red pants. The suspect is Eciseo Zunigo, Mid 30s, who has black shaved hair. He was wearing black pants and... - August 11, 2006 - Project Safekids

Amber Alert Issued for Washington Girl (Dacia Bell - Age 3)

Amber Alert Issued for Washington Girl (Dacia Bell - Age 3)

The Suspect is considered Armed & Dangerous. - August 11, 2006 - Project Safekids

High Tech Leadership Certification Program Starts Sep. 7 in RTP, NC

CAI Announces the High Tech Certification Program for Aspiring and Experienced Technical and Scientific Leaders on Management and Strategy Starting September 7 in RTP, NC - August 11, 2006 - CAI

Amber Alert Issued for Connecticut Infant (Raheem Morris - 10 Months)

Amber Alert Issued for Connecticut Infant (Raheem Morris - 10 Months)

The Connecticut State Police has issued a statewide Amber Alert Monday afternoon after a 10-month-old boy and his mother were reported missing from Montville. The authorities are looking for 10-month-old Raheem Morris and his mother, Amanda Judd. Raheem is has dark skin and his mother is a... - August 07, 2006 - Project Safekids

Amber Alert Issued for Denver Child (Deion Sanstivensan - 5)

Amber Alert Issued for Denver Child (Deion Sanstivensan - 5)

The father assaulted the mother then abducted the child. - August 07, 2006 - Project Safekids

Amber Alert Philadelphia Infant Abducted (Dowayne Reid - 14 Months)

Amber Alert Philadelphia Infant Abducted (Dowayne Reid - 14 Months)

Child Abducted during Home Invasion Robbery. - August 06, 2006 - Project Safekids

Amber Alert Issued for Brooklyn Center Boy (Andrew Moua - 5)

Amber Alert Issued for Brooklyn Center Boy (Andrew Moua - 5)

The victim is feared to be in extreme danger. The father has threatened to kill himself and the child. - August 05, 2006 - Project Safekids

Amber Alert Issued for Detroit Girl (Raven Jeffries -7)

Amber Alert Issued for Detroit Girl (Raven Jeffries -7)

An Amber Alert has been issued for a seven year old girl last seen about 8:00 p.m. Friday at her home on Detroit's west side. Victim: Raven Jeffries was last seen going outside her home at 6595 McDonald near Wyoming and Warren by her 19-year-old brother. Investigators have talked with the... - August 05, 2006 - Project Safekids

The New York Royal Club Has Redefined the Way Business Networking is Done

With its monthly events, an innovative invitation system and collaboration from some of New York City’s most sought after upscale and trendy venues around the city, The New York Royal Club has created an unprecedented opportunity for professionals involved in the real estate, investment and financial fields to come together and create business connections on a more social, stylish and relaxed settings. - August 05, 2006 - Royal Executive Club

Quadrant HealthCom Inc. and the American Academy of Urgent Care Medicine Announce Launch of New Journal

Quadrant HealthCom Inc. announces the launch of Urgent Care, a multi-disciplinary journal reaching an exciting new market. Urgent Care is the official journal of the American Academy of Urgent Care Medicine (AAUCM) and is the first journal devoted to this dynamic, rapidly growing marketplace. - August 05, 2006 - American Academy of Urgent Care Medicine

NC Association of Nurse Anesthetists Board Members to Attend National Organization’s 75th Anniversary

Nurse Anesthetists Return to Founding City to Celebrate Professional Associations Anniversary. - August 05, 2006 - NC Association of Nurse Anesthetists

Bruce Clarke, President and CEO of CAI, Named Chair-Elect of the National Employer Association Group (EAG) through April 2007, Chair through 2008

Bruce Clarke, President and CEO of CAI, was named chair-elect of the national Employer Association Group (EAG), an affiliate of the National Manufacturers Association (NAM), through April 2007 and will hold a seat on the Board of NAM. In April 2007, he becomes Chair through 2008. Nationwide,... - August 04, 2006 - CAI

Amber Alert Issued For Naperville Siblings (Stefani & Cristin Galindo)

Amber Alert Issued For Naperville Siblings (Stefani & Cristin Galindo)

The children were abducted at knifepoint from there home. - August 03, 2006 - Project Safekids

Amber Alert Issued for Texas Boy (Timothy Simmons - 5)

Amber Alert Issued for Texas Boy (Timothy Simmons - 5)

The suspect is a known "Drug User." - August 02, 2006 - Project Safekids

Amber Alert Issued for Three Michigan Children (Haley, Kyle & Abigail Rayburn)

Amber Alert Issued for Three Michigan Children (Haley, Kyle & Abigail Rayburn)

They may be en route to Florida. - August 01, 2006 - Project Safekids

Amber Alert Issued for Houston Child, Mother Slain (Danielle Jimenez - 3)

Amber Alert Issued for Houston Child, Mother Slain (Danielle Jimenez - 3)

The suspect is considered "Armed & Dangerous." - August 01, 2006 - Project Safekids

Amber Alert Issued for Virginia Infant (Gabrielle Simone Epps - 7 Months)

Amber Alert Issued for Virginia Infant (Gabrielle Simone Epps - 7 Months)

The York Poquoson Sheriff Office has issued an Amber Alert for Gabrielle Simone Epps. The Sheriff's Office reports Donald Nathaniel Epps Junior has abducted an infant child, Gabrielle Simone Epps. Gabrielle is an African American girl born in January of this year. She is only 27 inches tall and... - August 01, 2006 - Project Safekids

Amber Alert Issued for Lancaster Child (Damian Rios - 4)

Amber Alert Issued for Lancaster Child (Damian Rios - 4)

The suspect is considered "Dangerous" - August 01, 2006 - Project Safekids

Speaking of Women’s Health Seeks Community Investment Award Recipients and Honoree Nominations

National Conference Accepting Applications. - August 01, 2006 - Speaking of Women's Health

Press Releases 18,501 - 18,550 of 18,804