Recent Headlines
Within Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, Professional, & Similar Organizations
Amber Alert Issued for Miami - Dade Girl (Diana Diaz -14)
The Miami Dade Police Department and The Florida Department of Law Enforcement have issued an Amber Alert for Diana Diaz. Diana was last seen wearing a brown t-shirt, blue pants and gray tennis shoes. She was last seen at the 1900 block of SW 19th Street. She may be in the company of two... - January 24, 2007 - Project Safekids
Amber Alert Notifications on MySpace Offered by Project Safekids
Project Safekids once again is reminding MySpace users that they can receive Amber Alerts notifications instantly through downloading their Social Networking Amber Alert for your MySpace profile. You can make a difference in the life of a child. You can instantly forward the Amber Alert... - January 23, 2007 - Project Safekids
Queens is Treated to Rendition of the Wizard of Oz
Adults with developmental disabilities perform The Wizard of Oz. - January 23, 2007 - HeartShare Human Services of NY
Amber Alert Issued for Indiana Family (Jaylan, Justin, Kyara, Kayla Walker)
The suspect is considered Armed and Dangerous - January 20, 2007 - Project Safekids
CCOF Introduces Expedited Organic Certification Program
CCOF unveiled today an expedited organic certification program in response to the booming demand for organic certification. Clients seeking organic certification can now go through the same rigorous inspection and review criteria as the regular certification process in a fraction of the time. - January 20, 2007 - CCOF
Amber Alert Issued for Oklahoma Girl (Marissa Marie Graham -10)
An Amber Alert has been issued for Marissa Marie Graham. She has been abducted in Texhoma, Oklahoma. An Eyewitness that seen the girl at approximately 6:30 PM advised that a white male possible driving a white chevrolet cavalier abducted the girl. Witness advised that he saw the male... - January 19, 2007 - Project Safekids
SEM Agency Association SEMPO Kick-Starts First State of Search Marketing in Europe Survey
European marketing and advertising professionals encouraged to participate in the search marketing survey to document UK and European key trends. - January 18, 2007 - The Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization (SEMPO)
Carolina Hurricanes Named Charter Member of Local Business Club
Penn Shore, president of the Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Breakfast Club of the Triangle, has announced that charter member, the Carolina Hurricanes hockey club, will host a series of events in January for club members. The January events will include a cocktail reception co-sponsored by... - January 17, 2007 - The Northwestern Mutual Breakfast Club of the Triangle
United Planet to Participate in Bloomingdales's Multi-Charity Event
United Planet will participating in Bloomingdale's multi-charity event, "The Shopping Benefit", on Wednesday, February 28, 2007, at Bloomingdale's Chestnut Hill Fashion & Home/Men's stores. The event will be held from 10am-10pm with over 35 local charities participating. "The... - January 17, 2007 - United Planet
JobCentral to Sponsor Leading Industry Blogger
Job Site agrees to 2-year, six-figure sponsorship of - January 17, 2007 - DirectEmployers
Supercharge Your New Year's Resolution with NAPO
Struggling to keep your New Year’s resolution? Get Organized Month, sponsored by the National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO), is in full swing. NAPO’s dozens of chapters and thousands of members are holding public events throughout the country. Look for Get Organized... - January 17, 2007 - National Association of Professioanl Organizers
Amber Alert Issued for San Antonio Infant (Isaiah Nathaniel Ramirez)
The F.B.I. (Houston) office has issued an Amber Alert for Isaiah Nathaniel Ramirez. The child was given to (2) unknown females by the biological mother at a truck stop around San Antonio. Isaiah Ramirez was last seen at approximately 6:00 p.m. on January 13, 2007 near their home in San Antonio,... - January 16, 2007 - Project Safekids Hosts Mark Merenda of SmartMarketing for Jan 18 Tele-Seminar on Marketing and Branding
Virtual Assistants and other professional service providers to learn about the power of marketing and branding. - January 15, 2007 - Virtual Assistant Chamber of Commerce
Amber Alert Issued for Two Year Old Skokie Girl (Elizabeth Ortiz)
The Skokie Police Department and The Illinois State Police have issued an Amber Alert for Elizabeth Ortiz. The victim is a two year old female and was taken from 5200 block Oakton, Skokie, Illinois. The child was taken by common law father after injuring her mother in a domestic... - January 14, 2007 - Project Safekids
Amber Alert Issued for Texas Sisters (Mercedes & Monica Pineda)
The Texas Department of Public Safety and The Ferris Police Department have issued an Amber Alert for Mercedes Pineda, 10, and Monica Pineda, 15, after their mother used deceptive means to remove the younger child from school. Debra Pineda, 31, is ordered by the court to have no visitation with... - January 12, 2007 - Project Safekids
Ninety Organizations Call on Congress to Save $1 Billion in Proposed Global AIDS Funding
Funding increase is critical to turning the tide against deadly pandemic, groups warn. - January 12, 2007 - World Vision US
CVS/ Pharmacy Charitable Trust and KIT Open Doors to Children with Disabilities
Kids Included Together (KIT) Receives $30,825 Grant from CVS/pharmacy Charitable Trust. The new partnership will increase access to out-of-school time programs for children with disabilities in North County San Diego. - January 11, 2007 - Kids Included Together Names Best General Job Site of 2006 Recognized as Best of the Best for 2006. - January 11, 2007 - DirectEmployers
Prepare Now for the New Adverse Event Reporting Law — AHPA's Educational Tele-seminar Offers Practical Implementation Info
The American Herbal Products Association offers a tele-seminar on February 22 to teach the dietary supplements industry how to take any reports of serious adverse events associated with their products. A new law requires that serious AERs be sent to the FDA so that any public safety concerns can be identified and dealt with quickly. AHPA presenters will take the mystery out of the required FDA forms and will help companies establish standard operating procedures to comply with the new law. - January 11, 2007 - American Herbal Products Association
Interfaith Wedding Rabbi Marries Couples on Saturdays
Rabbi Stuart E. Davis, Overland Park, KS, marries interfaith couples on Saturdays and travels throughout the United States. - January 11, 2007 - Uniting Two Faiths
Divorce Support Program Set to Begin at Doylestown United Methodist Church
Doylestown United Methodist Church announces the starting date of the spring session of its DivorceCare program. - January 10, 2007 - Doylestown United Methodist Church
Global Online Retailers from Google, eBay, Discovery Channel, LinkedIn Gather to Discuss Importance of Virtual Marketing
Annual Electronic Retailing Association Leadership Conference Reveals Latest Strategies to Reach Over 195 Million American Mobile Consumers, 57 Million Bloggers - January 10, 2007 - Electronic Retailing Association
Amber Alert Issued for 13 Year Old Boy (William "Ben" Ownby)
The Franklin County Sheriff's Department and The Missouri State Police have issued an Amber Alert for William "Ben" Ownby (13). The child was last seen shortly after getting off the school bus at approximately 3:30 PM. He was walking home when a person saw him being forced into a... - January 09, 2007 - Project Safekids
Independent Writers of Chicago: “On the Political Beat”
Political journalist, editor and author James L. Merriner, gives the low-down on low down Illinois politics, sharing successful “how-to” secrets of his own on political reporting. Tuesday, January 9th, Chicago Athletic Club’s 7th Floor Lakeshore Room, 12 S. Michigan Ave. Program 6 p.m. Networking 5 p.m. Nonmembers, $15; IWOC members free. For more information, call 847-855-6670 or visit . - January 09, 2007 - Independent Writers of Chicago
Meals And Memories: First Local Chabad Cookbook Published -- Can Matzah Balls and Kung Pao Chicken Coexist?
The Chabad of Upper Montgomery County, MD has collected the best recipes from synagogue members, family, and friends and compiled them into an attractive professionally published keepsake 3-ring cookbook. With 350 recipes, Meals and Memories: A Collection of Recipes Old and New is a fantastic collection containing a wide variety of cuisine, from traditional Jewish recipes to Italian, Mexican, Indian, Asian, and American sources. - January 09, 2007 - Chabad of Upper Montgomery County Maryland
Insight on The Word Debuts, Finishes Strong Among Listeners
Podcast outreach with Wisdom The Principal Thing - January 08, 2007 - Insight on The Word
CalTrans Reserves Over $20 Billion Dollars in Infrastructure Building Bonds Exclusively to Small Businesses; the SBDC is Here to Assist Small Business in the RFP Process
Strategically placed California Construction Contracting Programs, all located within existing Small Business Development Centers, offers the free training and counseling you need to enhance your ability to bid for and win state highway construction contracts. - January 07, 2007 - Small Business Development Center North San Diego County
New Board for Raleigh-Wake Human Resource Management Association Takes Oath
At a regular monthly meeting in December, the Raleigh-Wake Human Resource Management Association (RWHRMA) installed the following people as Board members to lead the association in its service to human resource professionals in the Raleigh area in 2007. President Amy Jelovsek, PHR Human... - January 05, 2007 - Raleigh-Wake Human Resource Management Association
Franklin Covey Presents Effective Planning Tools and Tips at the Raleigh-Wake Human Resource Management Association Meeting
Raleigh-Wake Human Resource Management Association provides membership with effective planning tips at monthly meeting. - January 05, 2007 - Raleigh-Wake Human Resource Management Association
Children Emerging as Unexpected International Ministry Priority
Over 83% of All New Christians Worldwide Are Under 15 Years of Age. - January 05, 2007 - Gospel Light Worldwide
Arizona Media Discovers Treasures from Asia at New Retailer, Imports of Bali
Strong media coverage of Imports of Bali store has attracted hundreds of shoppers to this specialty retailer offering home furnishings and jewelry at wholesale prices. This, in turn, has directly helped improve the lives of the poor in developing countries. Imports of Bali... - January 05, 2007 - Kearny Alliance
ATSPI Positioning --Action Program
Knowing the pressures exerted on the prospects/seller relationship in today's economic, geopolitical (i.e. Do-Not-Call laws), and industry environment, ATSPI's focus is to identify, improve and maintain the level of industry trust between prospects and timeshare sales professionals (developers). - January 04, 2007 - Association of Timeshare Sales Professionals - International
Wachovia Executive Joins Communities In Schools of NC
Communities In Schools of North Carolina (CISNC) has announced the addition of John William (Bill) Holt III, head of Community Banking and Business Banking for Wachovia Corporation, to its Board of Directors. The Board of Directors for CISNC provides direction in planning and policy decisions,... - January 04, 2007 - Communities in Schools of NC
The Ophelia Project® National Movement Empowers Local Leaders
The Ophelia Project® is hosting Wo/Men With Vision in Chautauqua, New York, February 9-11, 2007. The semi-annual event is the first step to establishing a The Ophelia Project® in your area. Men and women who currently serve youth or are concerned about social climates in their... - January 03, 2007 - The Ophelia Project
Amber Alert Issued for Three Maryland Children (Elijah, Antinnoe, and Jachi Emeruwa)
The Silver Springs Police Department and The Maryland State Police have issued and Amber Alert for Elijah, Antinnoe, and Jachi Emeruwa. The children were last seen in the company of Kelechi Charles Emeruwa a 41 year old African American Male. The suspect and children were last seen 4000 Block of... - January 01, 2007 - Project Safekids
Amber Alert Issued for Three Ohio Siblings
An Ohio Amber Alert has been issued for Hannah, Emily and Charisty Wallace. The suspect is Lisa Wallace the mother. The suspect is mentally unstable and has threatened suicide in the past. Child 1: Emily Wallace (4), 3'0" Tall, Caucasian, Strawberry Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes, Approximate... - December 30, 2006 - Project Safekids
Amber Alert Issued for Kissimmee Children
An Amber Alert was issued on Friday for two missing juveniles from Kissimmee. The Kissimmee Police Department and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement are looking 21-month-old Hector Villeda, a white/Hispanic male with black hair and brown eyes. Villeda is 2 feet tall and weighs about... - December 29, 2006 - Project Safekids
$100,000 Raised for HeartShare's Children's Programs
Trees and ornaments and bears, oh my! For the 18th year, HeartShare Human Services of New York hosted its annual Tree Festival to raise funds for children in its foster care and adoption programs and those with developmental disabilities, including the soon-to-open school-age program for children... - December 29, 2006 - HeartShare Human Services of NY
Speaking of Women’s Health Foundation Awards Community Investment Grant to Interact
Grant From Foundation to Help Health and Well-Being of Women in the Triangle - December 27, 2006 - Speaking of Women's Health
Need Assistance Paying Your Heating Bill?
It may have been a mild winter but that does not mean that people have not been using their heat at night. For some, they are in danger of having their heat turned off just as the cold days of winter are approaching. However, help is available. As it has in previous years, HeartShare Human... - December 22, 2006 - HeartShare Human Services of NY
Speaking of Women’s Health Posthumously Honors Dr. Annie Louise Wilkerson
Foundation Recognizes Her Work as a Doctor, Volunteer and Philanthropist - December 21, 2006 - Speaking of Women's Health
New Program for Adults with Autism Offered by HeartShare
HeartShare Human Services of New York opened a new program for adults with autism in Brooklyn, NY. - December 19, 2006 - HeartShare Human Services of NY
Speaking of Women’s Health Foundation Awards Community Investment Grant to Triangle Family Services
Grant from Foundation to Help Health and Well-Being of Women in the Triangle - December 18, 2006 - Speaking of Women's Health
New Study Results - Lead Sheet: Champion of Recycling
Pressures on building material manufacturers are increasing: environmental soundness and recyclability of materials are becoming central product demands. Many materials are considered to have green credentials. However, the real environmental performance of a product depends on its recovery rate... - December 16, 2006 - European Lead Sheet Industry Association
Popular Spanish-Language TV Personality Rashel Diaz to Co-Host 3rd Annual Latino Awards of Excellence
Annual Conference Honors Latin American Achievements in Direct Response Market. Rashel Diaz, a popular top model and entertainment reporter from Hispanic television, will co-host the Electronic Retailing Association’s 3rd annual Latino Awards of Excellence on Tuesday, January 30 at the Loews Miami Beach Hotel in Miami Beach, FL. The Latino Awards of Excellence honor the top achievements in the Latin American direct response market, including retailing production, Internet, suppliers, and media. - December 15, 2006 - Electronic Retailing Association
Executives from Google, eBay, Discovery Channel, LinkedIn Gather to Discuss Importance of Multi-Channel Marketing
The Electronic Retailing Association will be holding their 15th annual Mid-Winter Leadership Conference & EXPO on January 28-30, 2007 at the Loews Miami Beach Hotel in Miami Beach, FL. This convention brings together the most profitable companies in the industry for three full days to celebrate the power of networking, to discuss changing consumer behavior, and to highlight the latest trends in social media and mobile devices. - December 15, 2006 - Electronic Retailing Association
NC Association of Nurse Anesthetists Announces All-time Highs in Membership
Membership Growth Mirrors Growth in CRNA Supply in NC - December 13, 2006 - NC Association of Nurse Anesthetists
Speaking of Women’s Health Honors Dr. Etta Pisano
Foundation Recognizes Doctor for Breast Cancer Research - December 12, 2006 - Speaking of Women's Health
19-year-old Edina, Minnesota Resident Uplifts Small Health Clinic in Ghana
A 19-year-old member of the Edina, Minnesota community, Rebecca Holloway-Nahum, is currently volunteering with United Planet to provide invaluable support to a community in Ghana, while immersing deeply in Ghanaian life and culture. - December 12, 2006 - United Planet
X Marks the Spot
RFID Industry Association Maps the RFID Ecosystem - December 11, 2006 - RFID Tribe