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Within Religious Organizations
49th Annual SF Ratha Yatra - Festival of the Chariots and Parade
Sunday, August 23rd, 2015, 11am at Golden Gate Park. Free Event, All are invited. - August 02, 2015 - ISKCON Berkeley
The Future Leaders of Our Country Will Either Grow Up Broken or Become Extraordinary
Jeff Pennypacker, founder of Underdog Ministries will appear on NITE LINE: WGGS TV 16 in Greenville SC, Monday July 27th to discuss his new book, Broken Boys-Extraordinary Men, Mentoring Moms Through the 7 Obstacles Stealing Manhood from Their Boys. A large portion of our future leaders are coming... - July 27, 2015 - Underdog Ministries
Vacation Bible School 2015 Sponsored by Chinese Community Church of South Bay
The Chinese Community Church of South Bay, located in the Torrance area of Los Angeles County, is offering a Vacation Bible School for children from July 31, 2015 to August 1, 2015 at the church premises. - July 22, 2015 - Chinese Community Church of South Bay
Nashville Religion Communicators Council Supports Friendship Day
The Nashville Chapter of the Religion Communicators Council is participating in International Friendship Day by breaking down stereotypes. - July 17, 2015 - Religion Communicators Council
Lutheran Services in America Represented the LSA Network at the 2015 White House Conference on Aging
On July 13, Lutheran Services in America (LSA) President and CEO Charlotte Haberaecker represented the LSA network at the 2015 White House Conference on Aging (WHCOA). This invitation only, once-a-decade forum took place at the White House, and brought together nearly 200 aging policy experts,... - July 17, 2015 - Lutheran Services in America
Retreat Offered for Those with Serious Illness and Their Caregivers
A day retreat is being presented at Mercy By the Sea in Madison for individuals with serious illness and the people who love them. Saturday, September 19, 2015. All- inclusive, choice of workshops, all are welcome. - July 17, 2015 - Niantic Community Church
Community Invited to Tampa Church's Homecoming
Mount Olive Missionary Baptist Church Invites the Community to an Ice Cream Extravaganza on July 18, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. as part of its Annual Homecoming Weekend 2015. - July 08, 2015 - Mount Olive Missionary Baptist Church
Lutheran Services in America Elects New Board Members & Officers
Leading Midwestern Nonprofits Join the Board of One of Country’s Largest Human Services Networks. - July 01, 2015 - Lutheran Services in America
The Lord's Children Publish "Rupture of Rapture" to Expose End-Times Apostasy
The Blessed Hope for Humanity is Christ and Resurrection, Not Rapture. - June 27, 2015 - The Lord's Children
Religious Communicators Discuss Care for the Environment
The Religion Communicators Council exists to spread the good news to the world. Its members come from all religious groups and work in various public relations arenas. - June 27, 2015 - Religion Communicators Council Soon Launching to Fan the Flames of Revival, a digital broadcasting network that delivers modern and historic messages of revival and awakening, is set launch this fall. Ryan LeStrange and Jennifer LeClaire have partnered to bring the body of Christ programming that is inspiring, informative, revelatory and stirs its viewers... - June 27, 2015 - Awakening Television
The Hope of Charleston for This Nation
Rev. Bill Keller, the world's leading Internet Evangelist and the founder of with over 2.5 million subscribers worldwide reading the daily devotional, has written every morning for 16 years on the issues of the day from a biblical worldview, he says that the response to the massacre of 9 innocent people in a Charleston church this past Wednesday evening is the true hope for this nation. - June 22, 2015 - LivePrayer Church
NCC Summer Supper Tradition Continues for 49th Year
A 49 year tradition returns to Niantic Community Church this summer when roast beef and turkey dinners complete with all the festive trimmings are offered on Tuesday, July 7 and August 4, and a good old New England Lobster Stew Dinner is offered on Tuesday, July 21. The roast beef and turkey... - June 20, 2015 - Niantic Community Church
Youth Group Summer Camp 2015 Sponsored by Chinese Community Church of South Bay
The Chinese Community Church of South Bay, located in the Torrance area of Los Angeles County, will be having its annual Youth Group Summer Camp from August 21, 2015 to August 23, 2015 at the Cabrillo Beach Youth Sports Center in San Pedro, California. - June 19, 2015 - Chinese Community Church of South Bay
Global Mission for Children Expands Christian Child Sponsorship Program in Kenya, India and Bangladesh
21,000 Children die daily from poverty and GMFC is combating these injustices to give the forgotten hope and to help eradicate these man-made atrocities. - June 18, 2015 - Global Mission for Children
Members of National Basketball Retired Players Association Las Vegas Chapter Going to Belarus for Goodwill Trip, May 26-June 2nd
The President of National Basketball Retired Players Association Las Vegas Chapter (NBRPA LV) & JYD Project Inc. will attend with SportsPower International for its second goodwill trip to Belarus in ten years, May 26-June 2nd. - June 01, 2015 - SportsPower International
How to Deal with Irrational People: Host of iTunes Top-Rated Self-Help Show Shares Subtle, Powerful Techniques to Calm the "Crazy" Behavior of Others and Regain Control
Paul Colaianni, host of The Overwhelmed Brain personal growth and development show, shares powerful and unorthodox strategies for handling irrational people. His new ebook titled, "How to Deal with Irrational People: What to do When Common Sense Fails and 'Crazy' Behavior Prevails" lays out the steps to take when friends, family or even strangers become impossible to deal with. - May 29, 2015 - The Overwhelmed Brain
Son Organizes Big Event at Klyde Warren Park as Tribute to Late Father
In the 1980’s, a man named David Allbritton started a movement where thousands of people marched through a city at a time, starting with Dallas. David could get people excited about an acorn falling off a tree, so when he unleashed the cause of this brand new march, no wonder people flocked... - May 27, 2015 - Allbritton International Ministries
Lutheran Services in America Selected by The Annie E. Casey Foundation to Participate in Provider Exchange
Program Aims to Improve Lives of At-Risk Children and Families Throughout the U.S. - May 26, 2015 - Lutheran Services in America
Homeschoolers Hit the Big Screen
Apologia is excited to have partnered with Burns Family Studios on the successful April release of Beyond the Mask, created by homeschool alumni Aaron and Chad Burns. More than 70,000 moviegoers turned out to see the film in its Gathr opening, smashing the record for a theatrical on-demand... - May 22, 2015 - Apologia Educational Ministries
Lutheran Services in America Launches LSA Disaster Network to Increase Capacity to Help Local Communities When Disasters Strike
Lutheran Services in America (LSA) has announced the establishment of the LSA Disaster Network to build partnerships and obtain additional resources for Lutheran social ministry organizations active in disaster services. The LSA Disaster Network will leverage the experience, expertise, and national... - May 14, 2015 - Lutheran Services in America
Wounded Warrior Golf Outing
Net Work Ministries and Marietta Country Club will host 25 Wounded Warriors for a day of golf and prizes on Friday June 12, 2015. - May 13, 2015 - NetWork Ministries, Inc.
CSL Redding Presents "Wake Up Laughing"
An Evening of Cosmic Comedy with Swami Beyondananda - May 10, 2015 - CSL Media Team
Religion Communicators Council Organizes June Meeting with Environment Focus
The Nashville Religion Communicators Council to focus on the environment at its June meeting. - May 09, 2015 - Religion Communicators Council
Go Purple for Lupus/World Lupus Day 2015
Skip To My Lupus, Inc. is partnering with several local businesses to celebrate World Lupus Day on Saturday, May 9th, at the Five Points fountain. Friends and family of the Five Points community, as well as staff and friends of Skip To My Lupus, Inc., The Five Points Association, Starbucks, Little Miss Kupcakes, and the City of Columbia will come together to dye the Five Points fountain purple. - May 08, 2015 - Skip To My Lupus, Inc.
Justa Center Executive Director Receives New Appointment
Reverend Scott Ritchey has received a new appointment within the Desert Southwest Conference of The United Methodist Church, effective July 1, 2015. Reverend Ritchey began serving as the Executive Director of Justa Center when the organization opened its doors in 2006. In that time, Justa Center... - May 08, 2015 - Justa Center
LSA Members Participate in White House Conference on Aging Regional Forum
Earlier this year, the White House Conference on Aging (WHCOA) launched a series of regional forums to provide input and ideas for the 2015 White House Conference on Aging, which will take place this summer in Washington, DC. The forums are designed to engage with leaders in the field of aging,... - May 07, 2015 - Lutheran Services in America
Author Rolls Out Website for Publishing Spiritual Thought for the Day
Lynn Parker rolls out, a website where she will publish spiritual thought for the day and other inspirational pieces and her poetry. Parker aims to provide a unique spiritual experience to readers through the website. She actually never thought she would delve in this kind of... - May 06, 2015 - Fairway Ministries
New Bible Version Fixes Dysfunctional Bible Words
As the English language changes, more Bible words become dysfunctional and the Bible, harder to understand. The "New Testament - Breakthrough Version" fixes this growing problem by using a new set of words and a literal translation in today's words. - May 05, 2015 - Breakthrough Version Publishing
St. Francis Home Skilled Nursing & Rehab Facility Receives Highest Rating, 2nd Year in a Row
St. Francis Home Skilled Nursing & Rehab facility in Saginaw, MI. has received, for the second year in a row, the highest possible overall rating of five stars in U.S. News & World Report’s annual Best Nursing Homes. “St. Francis Home of Saginaw is extremely proud of its... - May 03, 2015 - St Francis Home
Religion Communicators Council Visits American Center for Outreach
The Religion Communicators Council exists to spread the good news to the world. Its members come from all religious groups and work in various public relations arenas. - April 25, 2015 - Religion Communicators Council
Tampa Church Breaks Ground on Community Garden
Mount Olive Missionary Baptist Church in East Tampa will host a Community Garden Gathering to plant seeds for those in need on Saturday, May 16, from 9 a.m. to noon. Special garden plots for sponsors and donators to harvest individually, group activities, celebration dinners, as well as fresh-food drives for the needy are planned for the future fruits of labor. - April 23, 2015 - Mount Olive Missionary Baptist Church
Multi-Grammy Award Nominated Band, Hiroshima Performing in Japantown San Jose an Afternoon with the Band - The Back to the "Beginning" Show
The San Jose Buddhist Church Betsuin is hosting a benefit concert featuring Hiroshima on Sunday, May 3rd at 2pm at the San Jose Buddhist Church Annex located at 640 North 5th Street in San Jose. The multi-GRAMMY nominated Hiroshima creates a musical world all its own. The intoxicating mix of traditional Japanese folk music & instruments interwoven with Jazz, R&B, Salsa & more has been a pioneering voice in contemporary music since the 1970’s. - April 23, 2015 - San Jose Buddhist Church Betsuin
Raising Incredible Kids Coming to Riverview
This ministry is focused on today’s parents and transforming families by creating dynamic family unity and a legacy that spans generations. RIK provides parents with biblical principles along with practical instruction that allows you to create a family that is characterized by love, unity,... - April 21, 2015 - South Bay Church
Lutheran Services in America Brings Together Over 300 Health and Human Services Providers in Their 2015 Annual Conference in San Antonio, Texas
Lutheran Services in America (LSA), one of the largest health and human services networks in the country, is hosting its 2015 Annual Conference, "Farther Together: Stronger Tomorrow," in San Antonio, Texas. The conference is held at the Hyatt Regency San Antonio Riverwalk from Monday,... - April 21, 2015 - Lutheran Services in America
Religion Communicators Council Learns About the American Center for Outreach
The Religion Communicators Council exists to spread the good news to the world. Its members come from all religious groups and work in various public relations arenas. - April 17, 2015 - Religion Communicators Council
CT State Troubadour Kristen Graves Performs at NCC
The current Connecticut state troubadour, Kristen Graves will charm audiences with her classic folk song sing-a-longs, stories behind her music and extraordinary talent, during a performance on Saturday, May 2nd at 7 p.m. at Niantic Community Church. Kristen is a singer/songwriter and humanitarian... - April 16, 2015 - Niantic Community Church
Free Seminary-Level Messianic Hebrew Roots Discipleship Training Program
Arthur Bailey Ministries International presents the first, free 2-Year Seminary-Level Messianic Hebrew Roots Discipleship Training Program to equip serious students of Scripture for service in the Kingdom of God/YeHoVaH. - April 06, 2015 - Arthur Bailey Ministries International
Christian Singles Program Offered at Shoreline Church
Carol Vara feels called to helping singles find a date or even a soul mate through her monthly program offered at Niantic Community Church. The free program, Christian Singles & Dating, is held the third Wednesday of each month and all are welcome. - April 04, 2015 - Niantic Community Church
Rays of the Absolute - Nisargadatta Maharaj's Only Legacy? Direct Disciple of Nisargadatta Maharaj, Ramakant Maharaj, is a Living Self-Realized Master.
Nisargadatta Maharaj's legacy continues through Ramakant Maharaj. - April 04, 2015 - Ramakant Maharaj
Chinese Community Church of South Bay Easter Celebration Program 2015
The Chinese Community Church of South Bay, located in the Torrance area of Los Angeles County, will be having a special Easter Celebration Program this year from March 29, 2015 to April 5, 2015. For more information about the Chinese Community Church of South Bay Gospel Camp 2015, visit: - April 02, 2015 - Chinese Community Church of South Bay
"Selfless Self: Talks with Shri Ramakant Maharaj" – New, Must-Have Book of Hard-Hitting Talks Will Awaken the Reader from His Long Dream
“Who am I?” Why am I here?” 'Selfless Self' not only answers these ultimate questions, but offers a pragmatic approach to Oneness in simple, down-to-earth language. “You are already realized, you have just forgotten your identity,” says Ramakant Maharaj, Self-Realized Master and direct disciple of Nisargadatta Maharaj. - March 23, 2015 - Ramakant Maharaj
National Conference Puts Amish and Plain Community Members Center Stage
Community Members, Researchers, and Healthcare Practitioners Convene to Discuss Best Practices in Communications, Access, Delivery and Design - March 20, 2015 - Center for Appalachia Research in Cancer Education
Build the Bridge: A Day of Prayer and Appreciation for First Responders, Law Enforcement and Public Safety Officials
The Holyland Peace Fellowship Foundation (HLPFF) is hosting a regional day of prayer and appreciation for law enforcement, first responder, and public servants within the Washington, DC Metropolitan area. The keynote speaker will be Lt. Col. Consuello A. Hodges, US Army. A Unity Processional leading up to the venue will precede the event. - March 13, 2015 - Holyland Peace Fellowship Foundation
Holocaust Memorial Center to Host Live Presentation of the Music and Story of Viennese Composer Richard Stöhr, Mar. 15
Highlights from “Vienna with a Twist: Songs, Sweets and Stories of Survival from the Pre-War Capital of Culture” include Lansing Symphony Orchestra Cellist Stefan Koch and Wayne State University Associate Professor of Piano and frequent Detroit Symphony Orchestra performer Robert Conway performing Stöhr’s works. - March 04, 2015 - Holocaust Memorial Center Zekelman Family Campus
Ibis Communications Speaks to Religion Communicators Council
The Religion Communicators Council exists to spread the good news to the world. Its members come from all religious groups and work in various public relations arenas. - February 28, 2015 - Religion Communicators Council
Holocaust Memorial Center to Host Author Talk and Presentation on "The Long Journey to Cleveland," Feb. 15
Ruder’s story tells of the hidden connections between his parents’ families, the improbable events that led to his parents meeting and overcoming enormous religious and cultural chasms. - February 14, 2015 - Holocaust Memorial Center Zekelman Family Campus
Pastor Jay Cordova Joined Chinese Community Church of South Bay as Its English Pastor Effective Feb 1st 2015
The Chinese Community Church of South Bay, located in the Torrance area of Los Angeles County, will have Pastor Jay Cordova as its English Pastor effective Feb 1st 2015. For more information about the Chinese Community Church of South Bay and Pastor Jay Cordova, visit: - February 03, 2015 - Chinese Community Church of South Bay
NBA All-Star Challenges USA to Three-Point Contest
Growing ministry group Paradisus Dei partners with NBA Champion Rashard Lewis in Put Up A Prayer, a national three-point contest in support of marriage and family. - January 31, 2015 - Paradisus Dei
Legacy of Love Retreat for Single Mothers is February 20-21
First Baptist Canton is hosting the 8th annual Legacy of Love retreat for single moms. Workshops and speakers offer something for single moms of all ages. Meals and childcare are provided throughout retreat at no charge. - January 21, 2015 - First Baptist Canton